Wednesday, 2011-11-16

d3tul3could be an easy check for all this00:00
d3tul3i think most of the acoustic business is disabled if the libs can't find /dev/htc_acoustic_wince00:00
d3tul3and we are currently chmoding that one in the rootfs00:00
d3tul3comment out the chmod make it inaccessible, i think the libs then default to old_style routing00:01
bzothat's a good tip, I'll give it a try00:01
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bzobingo, camera works00:12
d3tul3without acoustic?00:12
bzoI have a feeling that if you use the phone for a while so that acoustic starts using a different pmem region00:13
bzothe camera works sometimes00:13
bzobut from a fresh boot, seems to clash00:13
bzoI'm just glad I got lucky and caught it working with the first fix00:14
d3tul3uh this pmem business with acoustic could be the source of a lot of grief00:14
bzothat at least got us working at single factors00:14
bzoyeah, acoustic does not seem to be playing nice00:15
d3tul3good job on tracking that down - good night00:20
bzothanks to your tip :)00:21
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SytheZNwhat are the most likely causes of a corrupted data.img?09:02
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emwemgross029: need to get some stuff sorted before i get back to you...10:12
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detulehey emwe it occurred to me that any lingering SODs you may have in .35 may be microp-keypad related10:14
emwedetule: i am listening ... haven't caught up with any patches. just read your last nights convo10:14
detuleAlex mentioned this yesterday in #htc-linux and this was my experience as well -> i would get green light sods as soon as the phone would go into suspend after bringing microp-keypad from your tree10:14
emwehave you seen sth like gpio_get_value() issues in some traces?10:15
emwei think i had something strange quite recently.10:15
detuleanyways this is probably a consequence of the fact of slight differences in implementation perhaps....but at any rate, there's no reason to have those suspend calls in microp_keypad10:16
emwemicrop-keypad is a 1:1 of alex'10:16
emwethe wq syncs?10:16
detulethere's a cancel_sync as well as a led_trigger making sure the kbd bcklight is off10:16
detulethe led trigger can safely go into the suspend hook of your board file10:16
emwequestion is do we need both, led trigger and userland doing it?10:17
detulealso instead of cancel sync, do a flush workqueue10:17
emweperhaps that's where stuff acts up?10:17
detulethat's a question for another day10:17
emweyou got stuff pushed out so i can look later?10:17
emwereadying up for kexec...10:17
emwestill need .35 kernel modded regarding clock_late_init10:18
emweand regarding location... dunno if we'll have a shitload of mods to the files. i am gogin to push to system image.10:18
detulejust keep in mind that with hyc's patch shutdown really does a reboot10:19
detulebtw, is the LS/auto_bl in .35 working as it should?10:20
detulewith ACL's driver i could not get auto_bl to turn off10:20
emweit's all fine here. otherwise i wouldn't have moved on. actually auto-bl was kinda of the first things working10:20
detuleyou're going to make me boot .3510:21
emwethere's all kinds of crazyness... i finally added ksc button lights support and mgross said they were working all the time for him on .3510:21
emwenot for me...10:21
emweso on RHOD500 setting button lights like for TOPA was working for him10:21
emwenot for me.10:21
detulelike i kept seeing ioctl enables being sent from userland to the LS even after i unchecked auto-brightness in settings10:22
detuleas in perhaps being an issue with libsensors rather than the kernel10:22
emweyou can enable debugging in the sensor classes.10:22
emwebtw, where's the microp-keypad stuff you mentioned earlier?10:23
emweam i mixing things up?10:23
detulecouple of other things in there as well10:24
detulebut moving the suspend stuff out of microp-keypad into board-*-led is also there10:24
emweehm, where? sorry i am sick and apparently my brain isn't up to par, but where? there's no microp-keypad.c mods10:25
detulehm perhaps i am not seeing well when i click on that link the last file that is modded on that page is microp-keypad10:27
emwedetule: bzo: regarding pmem memory, you guys got this from jb?
emwei opened up the last commit on gito page and thought it was it. sorry.10:29
emwedetule: shouldn't userland take care of all that? i mean it does except for caps/fn in some situations...10:34
detuleideally i guess, there are other spots in microp-keypad where we are triggering on the backlight ? every key-press?10:35
detuleyou are saying take all of it out?10:35
detuleor no10:35
detulewait this is for keypad10:35
detulei guess buttons10:35
emweuserland is controlling all here imho.10:36
detuleok emwe i have auto_bl come auto_bl is working fine over here without acl's driver10:37
detulejust with the auto_bl enable disable in the board file10:37
emwethe ls driver has no cool use at all... might take a bit to write down.... one sec.10:37
detulethis is the LCD auto-backlight i guess -> should i expect other backlights to be broken since userland i assume is not reading values from the light sensor10:37
emwewhen auto_bl=1 the lcd itself manages the lcd brightness by directly reading the sensor. reporting "correct" lumen to userland via ls-driver just makes userland set button and keyboard (and lcd brightness) based on the autorbightness arrays in the overlay config.xml (we are ignoring userland setting a lcd backlight value in liblights when auto-mode is in place. we could also pass it on to userland)10:39
emwewe are "misusing" auto-bl in the terms userland thinks it should work10:40
emweideally we'd be never enabling hw-controlled auto-bl in kernel10:40
emwebut always rely on the lumen->overlay-table->liblights cycle.10:40
detulei see thanks for that, i suspected this hw-controlled auto-bl10:40
emwethis is more or less we've been doing so for always.10:41
emwejust that we now report "good" values to userland.10:41
detuleand these values are only used for kbd and buttons10:41
emweyes, liblights ignores lcd-bl when automode=110:42
detuleok perhaps i shouldn't touch those led triggers in microp-keypad without figuring out how to incorporate acl's driver10:42
emwewell, evaluate first if the led trigger really triggers10:42
emwebecause always on boot - when android chimed in here - the led trigger for keyboard-backlight was reset to none10:42
detulei swear i got frustrated at one point and copy pasted from your tree, and i got the same outcome, could not shut the damn auto backlight OFF10:42
emweyou can cat the led_trigger atrribute ( i think that was the name) and see if it is set10:43
emweit has always reset for me on boot10:43
emweso might be the trigger isn't acting... btw... it won't. you haven't set the trigger in rhod-led.c iirc. i skipepd it also10:44
detulethis in htc_ls_microp?10:44
emwenah, the led_trigger i mean... it's set for the keyboard-backlight led device10:44
emweand i was wrong, you kept it in rhod-led file..10:44
emwe.default_trigger = "microp-keypad",10:45
detuleoh yeah yeah sorry10:45
emwemichael@think:~> adb shell cat /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/trigger10:45
emwe[none] rfkill0 microp-keypad mmc0 mmc1 timer heartbeat sleep battery-charging-or-full battery-charging battery-full usb-online ac-online rfkill110:45
emwe^^ initially it's on and short after android starts up it's reset.10:46
detulethat's strange i guess could be causing all sorts of issues10:46
emweso the led trigger might not actually do something.10:46
emweperhaps the search for a matching led takes so much time :)10:47
emwebtw, which io scheduler are you guys using on .39?10:47
detuleback to noop10:47
detulethough the deadline test was skewed since lmk wasn't working back there10:48
emwei added ~2GB of mp3 and i had three freezes/SODs until it finished scanning though.10:48
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emwei think i wen't cfq->deadline because of IO .. but this was before lmk patches.10:48
emwei had wake SODs often just when RHOD was on...10:49
emweso much stuff to figure... pita.10:49
detulemy trigger is set to none as well10:49
emwewhen you are quick and you cat immedeatly when adb chimes in, you can still see it set to microp-keypad10:50
emweadb wait-for-device shell cat ....10:50
detulethat's so strange :)10:50
detuleperhaps userland claims it somehow10:50
emwemight be kernel led framework resets the trigger whenever something external calls the sysfs brightness hook?10:51
emweas otherwise one would use led fx methods to trigger10:51
emweaka led_trigger_event()10:51
detulesounds to me like all those led_trigger calls then are ripe for the taking-out10:52
emwein case of android-userland likely, yes :)10:52
emwei think alex had something in mind when doing it like that.10:52
emweSHR or whatnot.10:53
emwebut really, then it's the distros issue, not kernels...10:53
detulebtw the qdsp5 patches are in the 39 tree10:53
detulethis pmem business with acoustic could be the reason behind some of the acoustic bugs10:54
emweperhaps it's worth diffing to alex' android-2.6.35 tree and look for diffs?10:55
detuleand in .39 there are these built-in debugging messages in pmem that spew all over dmesg about mapping protected regions10:55
emwebzo's patches had some more changes then alex has/did10:55
emwei think i'll let you guys figure cam :)10:55
emwesomebody burried me with userland work... who was it again?10:55
emwebtw, is bma150 working on .39 in terms of userland integration?10:56
emwemight be some missing piece, or rather something i broke in libsensors.10:56
detulewell it was working in 06+ before i deconstructed microp-klt last night10:56
emwei am out a bit. coffee time.10:56
detulebzo pointed out last night there's some interaction re: the spi bus between -klt and bma?10:56
detulei'll talk to you about it some other time later10:56
emwespi should only be topa iirc10:56
emweyeah ;)10:56
emwespi=off had been wake issue on topa for some time...10:57
emweanyway, laters :)10:57
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mgross029emwe, not a problem. when you have time10:58
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emwemgross029: yeah, busy as usual...11:56
emwestinebd: got a minute?11:58
NeoMatrixJRanyone know if something broke bluetooth?  I had it working at one point... I know I did.   I'M NOT CRAZY!12:22
rpierce99something = you12:31
rpierce99bluetooth still works, assuming you boot winmo with bluetooth disabled and you don't have the pandora app installed12:31
rpierce99i believe those are the 2 current caveats12:31
NeoMatrixJRWell, I pulled out an old backup and it works... so something I've done along the way must have killed it in my current loadout...12:40
NeoMatrixJRbluetooth has to be disabled when winmo boots up or when you boot xdandroid?12:40
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rpierce99you don't want winmo to initialize the hw at all12:59
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mgross029emwe, did we go back to fast instead of jit?13:18
emwelooks like, yeah. according to bzo and detule they found it better. at least not worse.13:19
emwei think you where ok with fast, too. arrrghhh also.13:19
|Jeroen|my experience is that jit makes it a lot faster13:20
mgross029I was good either way.  jit or fast13:21
mgross029I'm still running jit at the moment13:21
emwe|Jeroen|: can't notice a real difference. except for synthetic benchmarks.13:21
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|Jeroen|i sure noticed it13:21
|Jeroen|whitout benchmarks13:22
emwei've been running with JIT on GB for some months now and since yesterday without. can't spot really any obvious difference in daily use.13:24
mgross029As long as it works it doesn't really matter I guess. :p13:24
emwewe are talking GB, though. on froyo it might be quite different.13:24
|Jeroen|i was talking froyo, it was damm slow whitout it13:25
|Jeroen|didn't try ginger without jit jet13:25
emwewhich ginger? GBX0A?13:25
|Jeroen|i build my own GB a few weeks ago13:26
|Jeroen|works great except for the new market and gps13:26
mgross029Hmmm  Maybe that can go as an option in arrrghhh's speed improvment section on xda for froyo13:26
emwegps? worksforme13:26
|Jeroen|mine reboots on gps fix13:26
emwewhich device?13:27
emweraph100 is fine here iirc.13:27
emwehad been using it for fixing gps on gb the whole time.13:28
|Jeroen|mhhz with app u use ?13:28
|Jeroen|i only tied andnav and navigon13:28
|Jeroen|both rebooted13:28
emwe"GPS Test" by chartcross ltd13:29
emwebut these all rely on the gps library13:29
emweit shouldn't matter which app13:29
emwei am navigating fine with the RHOD here...13:29
mgross029waze is a good one too13:29
mgross029nav app that is.13:30
emweanyway, think we need to pursue this later. already burried with a shitload of stuff...13:30
emwe|Jeroen|: don't forget to mention the issue once in a while...13:30
|Jeroen|yeah its not a priority13:30
|Jeroen|k will do13:30
NeoMatrixJRdoes anyone know if we're still using brcm_patchram_plus to initialize bluetooth?  I'm trying to port some of the work to get this chipset working over to another project.  I just pulled apart our stuff and I can't find references to it anymore (other than the file exists)13:30
emwesystem/bluetooth repository. and yes, still used.13:31
emwelaters. supper time.13:31
mgross029emwe, later13:31
NeoMatrixJRtried checking the bt repo...I keep getting a "too many redirects" error13:42
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mgross029NeoMatrixJR, Link right to brcm_patchram_plus
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emwestinebd: i have some prebuilt binaries. will git preserve the permission bits so they are good/same when image is built?14:20
SytheZNI've installed java5, but I'm getting the incorrect version error... any thoughts?14:33
emwedetule: you had to add the clock-wince.c patch from hyc on .39?14:33
emweapparently not, just whondering...14:34
detulefor kexec?14:35
detulekernel was kexec enabled dating back to june14:35
detuleit was all jonpry's doing way back when14:35
emweyeah, clocks look like .35... so ..14:36
emweguess it's save.14:36
emwetrying on .27 with raph first, though ;)14:36
detuleclocks should be identical14:37
emweok, that didn't work...14:37
emweraph resets.14:37
emwejust executing the script should also do i take it?14:38
emweyou been running loop mounted or partitioned?14:38
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emwe[  320.778472] init: failed, errno 2: No such file or directory14:39
detulei am currently looped14:39
emwe^^ does this say something to you?14:40
emwei mean the error.14:40
emwewtf.. where is the binaries.14:40
emweok, not copied to the image... err...14:41
detuleyou sound like you need some sleep friend14:41
emwewell, what shall i say if the android build system sucks?14:42
emweit's in out.. msm/system/xbin/ but not in the generated image. just mounted and checked.14:42
detulepush the damn things in14:43
emwenevertheless the whole image must be complete. that's what i am doing besides...14:43
detuleperhaps something similar to what we are doing with the gapps binaries needs to be done to the kexec binary14:43
detulearen't we copying them over from vendor/14:43
emweai, kexec'ing now :)14:44
emwejust pushed by hand...14:44
emweworki worki14:44
detuledoesn't that put a smile on your face14:44
emweyes. now .35 :P14:45
emweok, and to repeat android build system sucks14:45
emwedeleted system.img and ./system/xbin/ from "out" and make'd again. now it's in.14:45
emwethis is what i mean.14:45
emweyou said something about a shutdown is actually a reboot now?14:46
emwethere's that additional return; statement in the reboot section of ShutdownThread, though it looks entirely legit.14:46
emweallthough it wasn't before..14:46
SytheZNcan I ignore the java version check in the makefile or is there somethin else i need to do?14:48
detulewasn't some patch applied to frx to fix the shutdown=reboot issue14:49
rpierce99shutdown still = reboot to windows for me14:49
detuleor maybe it's just GB that has that fixed and we are now in the process of breaking again14:50
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AndersGFor me shutdown sometimes just reboots android (FRX7.1), a second shutdown usually really shuts down the phone, though.14:50
emwesometimes it seems on clean data it's shutdown'ing fine.14:51
emweafter some time it won#t do so anymore. but i am seldomly shutting down ;)14:51
detulei don't really care about shutting down much either14:51
emwedetule: raph shut down good just now.14:52
detulebut hyc's patches they are pretty elaborate -> shutdown now goes through init right?14:52
emweyes. this what i grasp from the system/core patches.14:54
emwei think i should have pursued kexec earlier. it's like 5 minutes saved per new kernel build testing.15:03
mgross029Is that something in your build system?15:04
emwenah, ability to load an alternate kernel into ram and restart it.15:04
emweso you don't have to go through wince again15:05
emwesaves a shitload of time.15:05
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mgross029Ahhh...  That's a nice feature...15:07
mgross029Sure would save me a lot.15:07
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NeoMatrixJRmgross029: thanks for pointing out the patchram, but I was looking to where it was being called.  I found it though.  The init.froyo.rc called an hciattach in the rootfs that called it (for rhod only).15:19
mgross029NeoMatrixJR, Yep.  Didn't see you asking that question.  Glad you found it15:20
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emwedetule: i am frightened. worked on .35 RHOD after enabling KEXEC kernel option.15:32
emweof course it just died on me... WSOD with panel on...15:33
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detulecool so very little work done to enable it on the kernel side15:40
emweyeah. whondering why the clock_late_init() is ok to be performed. but cool thing.15:47
emwethanks for being so insistent getting it in and thanks hyc for work!15:47
detuleyeah hyc was well ahead of the curve on that one15:48
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detuleemwe, i hate to be the bearer of bad news15:50
emwei hate when i read this.15:50
detulebut i just booted .35 and looks like, here as well hw auto_bl can not be turned off15:50
emweso it always auto-changes when you change the light conditions?15:51
emweeven when set to manual mode?15:51
emweyou got the sysfs entry for auto-backlight i take it?15:52
emweis it getting called?15:52
detulei am pretty sure it is i dont have adb going on right now15:52
emweyou can echo to the lcd-backlight/autobacklight attribute by hand?15:52
detuleauto_backlight is set to 015:53
detulei don't think it's the board-*-led auto_bl enable disable function that's the problem, i think it's some weird interaction with the ls_microp that's causing this15:54
detulei need to check back in .39 but i think without the ls driver i can disable the hw backlight fine15:54
emwei assume you don't have htc_ls_microp.c pushed yet to your tree?15:57
emwei don't see it.15:57
detuleno, i have it locally15:57
emweperhaps it's worth comparing to .3515:57
detulewhat is?15:57
detulei am saying this is happening on your .3515:58
detuleand was also happening with .39 with the identical setup (ls_microp included)15:58
emweouch, sorry. perhaps i really need some rest.15:58
emwesickness is a pita.15:58
detuleyou see it on your rhod?16:03
emwe<7>[ 1697.575561] microp_led_set_auto_backlight: off (0)16:04
detulesure i just cat-ed the auto_backlight param and it's set to 0 the logic is working fine16:05
detulehowever the hw auto-bl still functions16:05
mgross029Does this have to also do with the buttons staying on when the phone is awake?16:08
emwethis is userland behaviour mgross029.16:09
emwemgross029: it's still totally puzzling the buttons where always on for you before i added support for them...16:09
detuledid he boot with them on?16:09
emwei am off'ing them on boot16:09
emwewell hmm.16:10
emwemgross029: good question by detule... you haven't had them lit when haret'ing, no?16:10
mgross029Actually the buttons would come on and go out normally before.  Now they are enabled all the time.16:10
emweabsolutely strange.16:10
mgross029I've hit that bug before too and know to wait until they go out.16:10
emwei need to test on the topa how userland behaves16:10
mgross029If I put the phone to sleep with the top button they go out.16:11
emwemgross029: you can now safely boot with all lit what is possible. it's all unlit on boot now ;)16:11
detuleyeah i see the enable all the time here as well, are the lux xml tables in GB perhaps off for buttons?16:12
detule"here" = .35, fine in .39 without the light sensor16:12
emweah hm!... i whonder what we are reporting to userland...16:13
emweperhaps you can debug libsensors?16:14
mgross029emwe I think it was a part of this commit that changed the way they were working.
emwehm, the code just got moved. nothing fancy16:15
emweall is the same here for me.16:16
mgross029Sorry gotta run.  bbl guys16:17
detuleemwe, where's that config.xml file that contains the lux tables for autoBrightness for kbd lcd and buttons?16:19
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emwedetule: one sec... but we are using the same images...16:21
emweyou'd might wan't to check what get's reported to userland.16:21
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emweactually we need to inverse them like abel dir16:22
emwemore light, less brightness16:22
emweor let's say, we could inverse them for buttons and keyboard.16:22
emweyou could also look if logcat spits out an error that it couldn't enable sensor 1 or 216:23
emwethey are listed once in the order they are registered.16:23
detulei'll perhaps look into it but i have very little motivation if hw auto_bl can not be turned off with the lightsensor driver16:26
emwejust see what logcat spits out and what it reports. LOG_NDEBUG 0 in LightSensro and be doen with it16:29
emwedetule: kexec stuff pushed to gito. have fun.16:38
detulelater good night16:39
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stinebdxdandroid: later tell emwe git will preserve permissions yes18:05
xdandroidstinebd: The operation succeeded.18:05
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arrrghhhdo you have a question?23:38
Duplicant117Yes I do23:40
Duplicant117Alright I have a Lenovo Thinkpad tablet and I'm trying to root it23:41
Duplicant117I've figured out how to to put it into apx mode23:41
arrrghhhwhat does that have to do with XDAndroid23:41
Duplicant117and it shows up under device manager23:41
Duplicant117Oh sorry guess I'm in the wrong channel23:42
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