Friday, 2011-11-11

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helicopter88How can i edit initrd.gz? i've tried with cpio -id and I've successifully edited,but when i try to boot from it,it gets stuck at haret,after doing double vibe07:26
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ryannathanshelicopter88: why you editin it?08:09
helicopter88can't i do it?08:09
ryannathansnever seen anyone playing with it08:09
helicopter88i would like to check out ext3 rootfs..08:09
ryannathansi see08:10
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detulehelicAWAY, isn't the initramfs source up on git?08:59
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helicopter88detule: yes it is09:00
helicopter88tried by cpio'ing it from the source too,but nothing changed09:00
helicopter88here's the extremely small changelog
detulesilly question does your kernel have ext3 support?09:24
helicopter88but,even if it doesn't have the support,wouldn't i see the console and then an error?09:25
detuleer, i have no idea fbcon kicks in09:25
detule*no idea when09:26
helicopter88neither do i..09:26
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mgross029emwe: Hey.  The Wake Lock seems to do the trick for SOD on USB10:44
emweyou are kidding, aren't you?10:44
mgross029Ummm No.10:44
mgross029Changed back to SUSPEND and recompiled.  Device is attached to USB with screen off.10:45
emweIDLE > SUSPEND in terms of power states, means IDLE prevents deeper lowpower modes then SUSPEND...10:45
emweso, now tell me what was broken ages ago to fix it for me when I had the SODs?10:45
emweit sounds like upside-down now.10:45
emwei had the very same symptoms as you describe and the IDLE wakelock fixed it for me as it prevents low power states allowed by SUSPEND...10:46
emweand now it has gone upside-down again.10:47
mgross029Well the comments in htc_battery_smem.c even state that SUSPEND is used to PREVENT SUSPENSION, which to me is backwards / upside down10:47
emweok, lemme try. this is just nuts. don't get me wrong :)10:47
emweyes, it does. and IDLE prevents idle...10:47
emwethe naming is a bit silly... it should be something like WAKE_LOCK_PREVENT_IDLE10:48
emweor _SUSPEND that is.10:48
stinebdtry turning nohz off10:48
mgross029This is what I see in dmesg now, which did not remember seeing before.  <6>[  509.247894] active wake lock vbus_present10:48
emwehi stinebd.10:48
stinebdi'm ircing from work again10:49
stinebdsetting a terrible example for my peons10:49
emwestinebd: nah, seems reverting back the "SOD fix for me" from months ago does it...10:49
emwestinebd: heh :)10:49
stinebdso unfixing the SOD fixed the SOD?10:49
emweyeah. perhaps some of the 1177 longterm patches fixed sth up? dunno.10:50
mgross029I hate that darn Haret bottom LED bug...  Bleh..10:50
emwei really scrolled over them and read over a bit and read deeper for those sounding interessting. but really, impossible to read all...10:50
stinebdi like when it's simple, nonsensical things like that10:50
emwehm, perhaps something in the pm-subsystem stopped checking for IDLE wakelocks and only regards SUSPEND wakelocks?10:52
emwewho knows...10:52
emwethe even stranger thing is, i had no SOD over night. cosmical fluctuation.10:53
stinebdhave you had any issues with a disappearing lock screen on gingerbread?10:55
emwethink not, no. panel stays unblank but nothing visible?10:56
stinebdno, i powered on the device and the lock screen was visible for about half a second, then disappeared and went to the home screen10:57
stinebdand then after that, when resuming the device from sleep, the lock screen would never come up, it would go straight home10:57
stinebdand pressing the home button would flash the screen black very quickly and not do anything else (as in, if in an app, it wouldn't take you back home)10:58
stinebdi'm thinking my framework needs to be rebuilt if nobody else is noticing this10:58
stinebdit's like the keyguard crashed or something, but there's no logcat output10:59
mgross029stinebd: I've see something similar to that before.  It happens every now an then to me10:59
stinebdmgross029: do you have any security controls enabled? like the pin or pattern locks?10:59
mgross029After I get to the home screen and everything appears stable the screen goes black and then redraws everything10:59
mgross029stinebd: no11:00
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emwere. short coffee break.11:22
emwehm, i think i haven't seen such stuff on my side. i only know a suspend followed by quick subsequent resume skips lockscreen.11:23
mgross029stinebd: which kernel are you running?11:25
emwemgross029: unbelievable. it's still usb connected and sleeps and wakes fine. bummer. great you figured.11:43
mgross029Well more like you figured.  I just followed your lead. :p11:43
emweit still puzzles me. patch(es) pushed. autobuid should catch up shortly.11:45
mgross029I think that the way the use it is a little backwards as you said earlier, and that is what caused some confusion11:46
emwehm, would say no to that statement. their naming is just a bit irritating. but anyway, it's in the state it was before and good11:47
emweperhaps it was a .35.7 regression which got fixed up when i pulled in the shitload of longterm patches leading up to .35.1411:47
mgross029Yeah that could be.11:48
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emwedetule: btw, if i had known about that i2c_new_dummy(), i'd have had ksc support way earlier in the led. that is damn "easy". didn't know such thing even existed. i am going to steal :P thx for working that out.11:49
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mgross029emwe, you seen any performance improvement since the smem change?12:20
emwewhat are you referring to?12:20
mgross029That last kernel mod to htc_battery_smem12:21
emweah, that... because smem itself is another beast.12:21
emwedunno, it's just idling here with usb-connected :)12:21
mgross029Ah sorry. :p12:21
mgross029Screen switch and app response seem to be a bit snappier than before.12:22
emweif you got positive reports, shout, otherwise hold it for yourself :P12:22
mgross029SHOUT ^^^ :p12:23
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stinebdYOU GUYS13:56
stinebdi just found out nintendo is doing some kinda of event tomorrow in manhattan13:56
stinebdand i'm gonna be in manhattan tomorrow!13:57
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rpierce99apparently no one cares stinebd. kind of a "what have you done for me lately" crowd I guess14:16
stinebdthe best part is i continually do for you14:16
stinebdi haven't packed up my server and left, so you all still have to put up with me14:17
rpierce99don't take your ball and go home14:17
stinebdi still have two14:17
stinebdi thinjk14:17
stinebdbut yeah other than infra, i'm pretty much done with xdandroid14:19
stinebdand everything else android really14:19
detuleyo emwe14:19
detulemake sure you are looking at linux-msm-rhod, there are couple of changes to caps/fn leds that are not in my repo14:20
emwedetule: already figured i'd need to disable the i2c client reg of 0x67 in board file... just wanted to start piece by piece. damnit.14:21
detuleyeah once you register it to the dummy driver you can't register it at another place14:21
detulewhich means need to export microp_ng_read wrapper so you can read off the client in microp-keypad14:21
emwealternative is to register another microp_ng client for 0x67 and have it probe in the *-led.c file as well.14:25
emwe(which just inits the ksc_client global)14:25
emwesounds overhead'y somehow.14:25
emweyou can have as many clients as you wish, just not many i2c devices on the same i2c address.14:25
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detuleit's kind of silly really, microp_ng does i2c_transfer14:26
detulewhich doesn't care about the client at all14:26
detuleonly about the address the client is registered at14:26
detuleshould just be microp_ng_read(address, blah blah) rather than microp_ng_read(client)14:26
emweheh ;)14:28
stinebdbtw i forgot about rpierce99's app, we should have that ready for the next gingerbread release14:28
emweyap. assume you build with acoustic then, too?14:29
stinebdrpierce99: just to double check, you don't mind us distributing it in the system image do you?14:29
stinebdwhere's your git?14:29
rpierce99just don't come crying to me when it uploads some dudes IMEI to pastebin14:30
stinebdi really should've left myself notes for this crap14:30
rpierce99let me make sure i've commited my change that makes it not break on gb14:30
stinebdoh god it's svn14:30
emwesounds like prebuilt14:30
emweor AndroidApps14:31
rpierce99i can upload it wherever14:31
stinebdi'll make a git fork14:31
stinebdi guess git can handle the history conversion14:32
stinebdi might add a first-run disclaimer about the imei thing14:34
stinebdor any personal data14:35
stinebdalso it may insert ascii cocks in random parts of the logs14:35
rpierce99my thread has a warning in it if you want a starting point for the text14:35
stinebdor perhaps unicode snowman ☃14:36
stinebdyour thread?14:36
stinebdcheck my profile on xda, i haven't been there in months14:36
stinebdi don't intend to break the streak14:36
stinebdoh god compulsive clicker14:37
stinebdoh so with root it will obfuscate your phone stuff anyway?14:38
rpierce99it doesn't work without root permissions14:38
rpierce99but yes, it uses android apis to get your sensetive info and masks it before output14:38
stinebddoesn't work without root? insane14:38
rpierce99yeah i didn't care to figure out how to make it work without running su14:39
rpierce99i wrote it in all of about an hour14:39
stinebdprobably some kinda platform key stuff14:39
stinebdi don't do apps14:39
stinebdexcept that one i stole from someone else and changed two lines of a script14:39
emwestinebd: i'd push the lmk-parameter "adjustments" and caps/fn permission patches to rootfs-autobuild later on i'd say. d'accord?14:41
stinebdemwe: my french is rusty, but yes14:42
stinebdor as they say, "wee"14:42
emwei also got one for an updated bcm4325 firmware, but i haven't tested if this still works with .27-bcrm driver.14:42
emweit's at least required for .39... likely .35 as well14:42
stinebdwhere'd you get it?14:43
stinebdrandom system dump?14:43
emwedetule pointed me to one from an nvidia repo14:44
stinebdoh really14:44
stinebdso that works for us?14:44
emwe.39 at least14:44
emweif you wan't to give .27 a try...14:44
stinebdi should've mentioned that to you14:44
detule.39 won't work without it14:44
stinebdi was poking around there while working with atrix14:45
emwestinebd: ai... the rootfs-unsecure.img i referenced already contains that renewed firmware btw14:45
emwestinebd: you been testing the rootfs with any .27 kernel?14:46
emweif somebody feels like testing:
stinebdi'll be testing that this weekend14:46
emwe^^ latest .27-acoustic14:46
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xdandroidNew rootfs available (20111111-5cd0d5f) at: -- Changes at:
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stinebdholy crap the bot still works15:04
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emwearrrghhh: don't stalk me in the forums :P16:58
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detuleemwe, copy pasted microp-keypad from your tree17:45
emwei pushed a commit which circumvents the i2c_dummy_new() and multiple 0x67 clients. a bit hacky, i admit.17:46
detulewish i took a look before i pushed this out17:47
emweabout to steal your caps/fn and pull keyboard backlight over there, too.17:47
detulei got no multiple 0x67 clients though17:47
emweone i2c devices but microp-keypad is 0x67, no?17:48
detuleyeah....sorry....all i mean is i only have one 0x67 client defined in one spot (-led)17:49
detuleand one klt 0x66 client defined in same spot17:50
emwei2c device for 0x67 is more correct. thing i named it wrong before17:50
emwehave you experimented with button brightness or fade on/off?17:50
emwejust curious if there's some magic like keyboard backlight as well17:51
detulefade? no....i have no clue17:51
detuleit's ok, it's beyond functional at this point, it's a sweet setup...kernel hack free17:51
emwedetule: oh, caps/fn is set via klt client? (not ksc?)17:58
detulei am out, thanks for sending the email....i finally upgraded my machine to a 64bit os17:59
detuleyeah klt17:59
detuleand by the weekend end i'll be able to build my immages17:59
emweoff as well. won't make it tonight anyway17:59
detulebut at this point it's not going to be of much help :)17:59
emwehave fun. out over the weekend pretty much all the time.17:59
detulegood night17:59
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arrrghhhseems like some good progress19:38
Tandyman100I have seen an oddity19:47
Tandyman100a Rhod210 with a start button instead of a home button.19:48
Tandyman100Identical in every what to my 210, but with a start button.19:48
Tandyman100And it does behave like a start button. The default ROM looks a little different as well.19:48
Tandyman100It looks like the weird love-child of a Verizon TP2 and a T-Mobile TP219:55
Tandyman100It has the Verizon-style buttons in the place they are on the T-Mobile version, with the T-Mobile keyboard, and it says Rhod210 in the battery compartment.19:56
arrrghhhsounds like a bastard child20:18
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Tandyman100arrrghhh, yeah. And it's mine, free, next week or so.20:32
Tandyman100To replace my TP2 which is falling to pieces.20:32
Tandyman100to start with, there's a big chunk missing out of the top (bought it like that) all sorts of scratches (bought it like that) no stylus (bought it like that). As of late, the screen has actually been falling apart. The layers that make up the resisitive layers are seperating and you can feel them "click" now. Plus it's lifting out of the case slightly20:45
Tandyman100It's a bit of a mess, but functions.20:45
Tandyman100so I'm going to use it for NAND testing whenever you guys start pushing builds out.20:45
arrrghhhwell acl just got his RHOD30020:46
arrrghhhseems like this weekend there might be something20:47
Tandyman100Ooh, cool.20:47
Tandyman100(the 300 is the at&t one, right?)20:47
arrrghhhhe said it boots, but the button mapping was haywire in LK or smth.20:47
arrrghhhthe official tilt220:47
arrrghhhi think he only has it for a month20:47
arrrghhhhe was like20:47
arrrghhh"more than enough time"20:47
arrrghhhi think most of the hard work is done, he just needs to sort out the layout20:48
arrrghhhalthough i wonder if he has service on it lol20:48
arrrghhh"Adobe product manager fingers Apple for death of Flash Player for mobile"20:48
arrrghhhhe should've fingered Adobe20:48
Tandyman100that sounds like a lot of progress for a short time20:53
Tandyman100well, he has a guinnea pig now :)20:53
arrrghhhwell i think the detection was sorted out before he got the device20:54
arrrghhhbut i don't think it actually meant anything when flashing, AFAIK he still needed to setup the layout in NAND20:54
arrrghhhi guess the partition layout is different?  i don't really understand it.20:54
Tandyman100Neither do I, don't worry :P20:57
Tandyman100If you ever need someone to not understand something, I'm your man20:57
arrrghhhyea that's what this project needs21:03
arrrghhhmore people who don't know wtf is going on21:03
arrrghhhwait, we're NOT
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Tandyman100lol arrrghhh.21:21
Tandyman100I'm just here to be a testing drone.21:21
Tandyman100Wow. I forgot how long it took to flash Winmo ROMs.21:21
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arrrghhhwell hopefully there will be something you can test soon21:24
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arrrghhhyou monkey21:24
Tandyman100yay :)21:25
arrrghhhit will be nice to include all RHOD's in the NAND party21:26
Tandyman100After seeing how well Froyo runs on an HTC G1, I can't see it being too horrible on a Rhodium with twice the RAM.21:27
Tandyman100Then again, the rhodium has 3x the screen resolution... hmm.21:27
arrrghhhthe screen res kills us21:27
arrrghhhOMGB runs quite well tho21:27
arrrghhhCM7 was a bag of ass, but he just released it21:27
arrrghhhi don't think he's done much to fix it up.21:27
phhnoone did a scaling hack yet ?21:28
arrrghhhthis sounds like a job for phh :P21:28
phhcan't say no :(21:29
Tandyman100Bag of ass. Lol. OMGB runs better than CM7? Wow.21:29
arrrghhhwell, he's had some time to refine OMGB21:29
arrrghhhand it's much leaner21:29
arrrghhhCM is full of... well, a lot.21:29
arrrghhhphh, i'm not sure what you mean tho.  scaling hack?21:29
ryannathansrender at a lower res i guess21:30
phharrrghhh: render to 400x240 (not really that, just an exemple)21:30
phhand then scale that to 800x48021:30
arrrghhhi'd guess no21:30
arrrghhhat least i've never messed with anything like that to my knowledge...21:30
phhdzo has that the other way around21:30
ryannathansis repo fixed? *checks it*21:30
arrrghhhdzo worked on the vogue tho21:31
arrrghhhthat screen res is tiny, no?21:31
Tandyman100You guys should try to get MIUI working on it21:31
* Tandyman100 runs like hell21:31
ryannathansWell I successfully themed everything I could find. Incl. Fonts21:32
* arrrghhh vomits21:32
Tandyman100it's not horrible looking... but god it's bloated21:36
arrrghhhi didn't know you were a girl.21:36
arrrghhhJake must just be ironic21:36
phharrrghhh: omgb is available as non nand ?21:37
phh(google isn't really helpful on finding omgb resources)21:37
arrrghhhphh, i think tiad8 "ported" it :P21:37
arrrghhhbut no, ACL's been in nandland21:37
arrrghhhhe hasn't been using HaRET for months21:38
arrrghhhi haven't been using it for... probably a month i think now?21:38
arrrghhhit's f-ing amazing.21:38
stinebdbtw i'm working for tiadroid now, so long suckers21:38
ryannathansarrrghhh: there is a dev nand already?21:38
arrrghhhryannathans, for CDMA RHOD400/500 only right now21:39
arrrghhhACL got a RHOD300 for a month21:39
arrrghhhhe said he'll release something soon.  it didn't sound like there was a lot of stuff to be done.21:39
ryannathansdoes it feel much faster than sd?21:40
arrrghhhnot really21:40
arrrghhhdid you expect it to?21:40
arrrghhhit's using the same tech...21:40
phhi'd expect it to be slower actually21:40
arrrghhhit's a little better under certain situations21:40
arrrghhhwell in situations like titanium backup, it seems to be better since the SD isn't the source AND destination, lol.21:41
ryannathansI mean, say you are installing something, does it have the same crappy I/O that freezes the whole phone21:41
ryannathansext4 doesn't have that ;)21:41
arrrghhhi dunno21:41
stinebdprobably worse crappy i/o21:41
phharrrghhh: well usually speed is somehow proportional to size21:41
arrrghhhext4 on an SD card is dumb.21:41
phhyeah on sdcard use nilfs2 !21:41
arrrghhhphh, it's not the size that matters.  it's how you use it.21:42
ryannathansarrrghhh: what's wrong with ext4 on sd?21:42
arrrghhhryannathans, journaled FS on an SD card?  are you dumb?21:42
arrrghhhmebbe if you disabled journaling21:42
stinebdjffs is journaled pal21:42
Tandyman100<arrrghhh> i didn't know you were a girl.21:42
Tandyman100<arrrghhh> Jake must just be ironic21:42
arrrghhhwe use yaffs21:42
stinebdi know21:42
arrrghhhTandyman100, miui...?21:42
stinebdbut i'm saying, jffs is journaled21:42
arrrghhhlol ok21:42
Tandyman100I'm stupid. I don't get it :P21:42
arrrghhhi like bacon.21:42
arrrghhhTandyman100, it's... girly?21:43
phharrrghhh: on sdcard you'd better use a journaled FS21:43
phhbut a true one21:43
arrrghhhdidn't think i'd have to spell it out21:43
Tandyman100I see21:43
phhlike nilfs2 or logfs21:43
arrrghhhphh, well, yea21:43
arrrghhhi get your point21:43
ryannathanssome other android project uses ext4 for sd21:43
phhbut yeah definitely not ext3/ext421:43
ryannathansit's orgasmaic21:43
Tandyman100I actually don't know what the default theme looks like. I've just seen other themes for it and the look fantastic.21:43
arrrghhhthank you21:43
Tandyman100 <-I am not a girl21:43
arrrghhhryannathans, you're a moron.21:43
ryannathansit needed tweaks though21:44
arrrghhhTandyman100, you do look like  agirl21:44
phharrrghhh: she looks like a girl indeed21:44
stinebdwho is that nasty chick21:44
arrrghhhsome dude named Jake21:45
ryannathansI don't even what that is21:45
arrrghhhyea, not really sure what to make out of that gigantic and fuzzy picture21:45
arrrghhhbut ryannathans you are a tool.21:45
stinebdit's clearly a screen capture of romanian bootleg porn21:45
arrrghhhstarfox was the first to enable ext4 IIRC21:45
arrrghhhneopeek users are just good at kanging.21:46
Tandyman100dammit, guys21:46
arrrghhhafter all, they took ACL's CWM idea and made it work on SD cards.... for... i guess retards to use partitions?21:46
arrrghhhstinebd, lol21:47
ryannathansdickhead me deleted his repo because it broke. Now i can't even init because SOMEONE hacked the fucking kernel site21:47
arrrghhhdon't look at me21:47
* Tandyman100 looks at arrrghhh21:47
Tandyman100Damn, sexy.21:47
arrrghhhi only use microwaves and toasters for hacking21:47
stinebdno wonder all your crap overheats21:47
phharrrghhh: so, what's the 'best' distrib available for rhod300 atm ? :D21:47
arrrghhheh, probably FRX07.121:48
arrrghhhi can throw you emwe's gb testing build21:48
arrrghhhneed lots of poop tho21:48
arrrghhhit has the new acoustic stuff21:48
phhstinebd: :)21:48
Tandyman100arrrghhh: emwe's GB testing build? Does that work on the 210?21:48
arrrghhhand his .35 kernel is broke in some ways still21:48
arrrghhhTandyman100, stfu21:48
ryannathansneeds more dragons21:48
phhsec, on it's only FRX0721:48
Tandyman100needs more go-go juice21:48
stinebdyeah because someone never updated it21:48
arrrghhhthere's a beta build of gb21:49
arrrghhher alpha21:49
Tandyman100GBX0A is unstable as all hell.21:49
arrrghhhwe're hoping to release a beta soon methinks.21:49
ryannathansi'd build my own but for some reason IT DOESN'T WORK.21:49
stinebdthis weekend21:49
arrrghhhryannathans, CUZ YOU'RE YELLING AND DUMB21:49
* ryannathans wallows in own self pitty21:49
* Tandyman100 wallows in mud21:49
arrrghhhevidently emwe wants to release this weekend?  w00t21:53
arrrghhhis he going to release with acoustic?21:53
stinebdnot he21:54
stinebdit's on you and me21:54
stinebdhe's gone for the weekend21:54
arrrghhhwell, i'll do mah part21:54
arrrghhhthrowing stuff into a zip file and writing vague instructions isn't too hard...21:56
Tandyman100Good point.21:58
Tandyman100But it's still important.21:59
stinebdnot really, any monkey could do it21:59
* arrrghhh proves that21:59
phhi wouldn't bet on that.21:59
phhin my schools i'm quite sure most monkey's wouldn't be able to do that21:59
arrrghhhguess i should test emwe's image with that .27 acoustic kernel22:04
arrrghhho.O does that mean pushing the acoustic code to the kernel?  muhahahahahaha22:04
Tandyman100ME ME ME ME ME ME MEEEEE22:11
Tandyman100this room has great acoustics22:11
Tandyman100<Tandyman100> <-I am not a girl22:18
Tandyman100oh what the shit22:18
Tandyman100I posted the wrong picture22:18
Tandyman100THAT is me.22:18
arrrghhha troll?  lol22:21
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