Tuesday, 2011-11-01

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AndersGDoes anyone around know if a HTC Touch Pro (RAPH100 ish) can (at all) act as a wifi access point?  The builtin Android option (FRX07.1) fails with an error on mine. Apart from that FRX07.1 works quite well on the device, including "normal" wifi client use - I have run it since early September.09:30
AndersGI guess "E/SoftapController( 1312): Softap driver stop - function not supported" is not a good sign but it'd be good to know if it is the hardware or software that falls short.09:35
ryannathansit should work afaik09:40
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AndersGThis time it actually seems trying to enable the Wi-Fi access point option made the regular Wifi option unservicable too - at least until I unloaded the wlan module with modprobe -r.09:47
AndersGI'm currently using a newer kernel (htc-msm-linux-20111017_080427) but I've tried with the stock FRX07.1 kernel first.09:52
ryannathansdoes normal wifi work10:01
ryannathanssee that one the one below it http://xdandroid.com/wiki/FAQ#WiFi_doesn.27t_work_at_all.3F10:01
AndersGNormal wifi works well.10:05
ryannathanswell afaik it's supposed to work10:07
ryannathansand according to the faq it should be10:07
AndersGI did see that and searching on what the device could do in WM also made it seem like it ought to work, though there were some cautions about old ROMs - but the kernel is probably not using those anyway (I think).10:09
AndersGI did see something about the wlan device firmware the other day that could be an issue.10:09
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AndersGIf the RAPH100 wlan driver is (one of) the wl12xx drivers here https://gitorious.org/linux-on-qualcomm-s-msm/compat-wireless-msm  I do seem to be out of luck :-/12:02
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mgross029emwe, How's it going?12:12
emwefine. going to test out the NetworkStateTracker patches from cyanogenmod. that's the ones you figured regarding data reconnect issues?12:14
mgross029Haven't been able to test the patch yet.  Still struggling through the MAKE.12:16
mgross029But those items seem to be missing from NetworkStateTracker.java in our build and not sure it will work or not12:16
emwemissing in the sense cyanogenmod devs have apparently fixed the issue and google not.12:17
emwei am really getting tired with this.12:17
mgross029I can understand that.12:19
mgross029Did you notice any problem with bt on your latest .35 autobuild?12:20
mgross029I can pair but not connect.12:22
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emwei am using the bt headset fine. but i had initial "issue" connecting it, then it wen't fine.12:24
emwebut i can't transfer files from my laptop which looks strange. tells it can't find a service record. dunno what we miss yet.12:24
emwehaven't tested .27 and how that works with the latest gb build.12:25
mgross029Ok well pulled a dmesg so you could have a look.  http://pastebin.com/q635Ggip12:27
mgross029I haven't had an issue until this very latest kernel I believe.  Not a big deal just and fyi if you have time.12:28
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mgross029Ooops I ment logcat on that one above...  This is what I was seeing in dmesg.  Sorry http://pastebin.com/ufikN2C912:32
emweyeah, sounds familiar.12:34
emweehm, looks.12:34
mgross029What I could find it was something to do possibly with the hci_sysfs.c12:35
mgross029Haven't been able to do much further research though.12:35
emwemgross029: does data drop reproduceably on any call you make or get?12:38
mgross029emwe, Correct, every time12:39
emwejust called my VM and data stayed up.12:39
mgross029gsm though right?12:39
emweiirc i had data disconnect most of the times during calls.12:40
mgross029cdma releases data then restores it after the call12:40
mgross029It just seems like the gateway isn't being rebuilt after the call with cdma12:41
mgross029I think the root of the problem is why is cdma getting the FC message with ro.telephony.default_network set to 0 right?12:44
emwedon't think so. the data-reconn-issue has been there before you have seen the FCs12:53
mgross029Well hard to say because with an FC nothing wants to reconnect if you click the OK button on the dialog box, but if you leave it along and the other end hangs up the entire connection is tore down and recreated including data.12:57
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mgross029But if we can get the data to reconnect by using the update ro.telephony I would be happy with that as well.  Which ever works best for the project. :)12:59
emwethere has been no FCs before and it was a long lasting issue arrrghhh said. so the FCs are something else i'd say. might be wrong.13:01
emwei am getting tired somehow though.13:02
mgross029Time for the couch right? :p13:02
emwewell, later today :)13:02
emwei meant it rather metaphoric.13:02
mgross029Ahh...  Understood...  Well if I can ever get this damn MAKE to finish without error I can hopefully stop nagging you with these things and just test them out on my own first.  :p13:06
emweyou started over again or trying to fix up the tree?13:10
emwenot to demotivate you, but an updated build is on the way up ... just takes eons here.13:10
detulehey emwe how goes it, i catch up pretty late but congratulations from here as well :)13:13
emwethanks detule :)13:14
mgross029emwe, yes started from scratch.  make has been running for about hour now.  I had to correct an -fpermissive problem and add another piece to /frameworks/base/libs/utils/Android.mk that caused an error13:16
emwethere should be no build issues... but who knows what works here differntly with my setup.13:18
mgross029Apparently you haven't had those errors before.13:18
emwenot that i recall13:18
emwemy tree is clean13:18
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detuleemwe, you have time for a kernel question?13:23
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emwedetule: shoot.13:31
detulei am looking at https://gitorious.org/linux-on-qualcomm-s-msm/linux-msm/blobs/htc-msm-2.6.35/arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/msm_iomap-7x00.h this as I understand it is a mapping between physical vs virtual memory for the various devices13:32
detulewhat would be the consequence of taking GPT_CLOCK, and shifting the _BASE to a different address while leaving PHYS unchanged13:32
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detuledoes this mean i've just mapped it to a different virtual address and would this be benign?13:33
detulei am only asking beacuse GPT_CLOCK (which seems to be the source of all trouble when it slows down) is mapped to a different address in .3913:33
detulein the sense that PHYS is the same but BASE is different than .27 and .3513:34
detulethere's some other mappings that are different as well (most notably IMEM)13:35
detulebut i noticed there are differences between .35 and .27 as well13:35
emweyou think the BASE+size is overlapped by something?13:36
emweand yes, from my understanding it's the way you describe. map physmem into virtual memory regions. my knowledge is limited on that, though.13:37
emwedidn't you say fixed the slowdown issue on pmem.c?13:37
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detulewhat's 4K in hex?13:39
emwethx to SpeedCrunch, best calculator ever :)13:40
detuleno, i can't see an overlap13:41
detulei think that gp_timer issue hit me again...sigh13:42
emwei have the feeling so many things hit me currently :O13:42
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mgross029wow what a pita...14:13
mgross029Does anyone else have these problems in MAKE?  Error#2 and Error#3 http://e-xiao.blogspot.com/2011/10/resolve-build-errors-for-android-234.html14:15
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RareDevilI have now tried to look at the forum to see if there was a solution to my problem but there are only other posts with the same problem. My problem is i'm running RAPH100 but the keyboard and the buttons on the front of the phone aint working, how can i get them to work ?15:15
AndersGReboot? They usually work on my RAPH100, though the frontside keys have ceased to do so 2-3 times since I started to run FRX07.1 in early September. The hardware keyboard has not misbehavead at all. Did you use the right startup.txt file?15:17
RareDevilyes i did, but i had to make a recalibration on it becuase i messed up the first one. I have used the startup.txt file from STARTUP/RAPH/RAPH100/15:19
RareDeviland rebooting i have done 3 times time and it didnt work15:20
AndersGOk. No, then that isn't the problem. Do the frontside keys light up?15:21
arrrghhhRareDevil, the keys on RAPH are kinda finnicky15:22
arrrghhhthat stupid capacitive panel is... stupid.15:22
RareDevilthe the Dpad works and lights up but not the call / back / home buttons doesnt work and dont light up15:22
arrrghhhwhen i had my RAPH, i would make sure the ends light up15:23
arrrghhhRareDevil, so when you touch from the inside and slide your finger to the outer section they don't light up?15:23
arrrghhhdon't actually press down on the button15:23
arrrghhhthen you have a hardware problem15:23
arrrghhhdo they work/light up in winmo?15:23
RareDevilyes, its only in Xandroid they dont work15:24
arrrghhhi dunno then15:24
arrrghhhif they don't light up, they won't work.15:24
arrrghhhyou said the keyboard doesn't work either?15:24
arrrghhhyou're positive this is a RAPH100?15:25
RareDevilyes, i'm 100% sure on that15:25
arrrghhhkb always worked for me15:26
arrrghhhnever had problems with that15:26
arrrghhhcapacitive panel buttons on the front... that was always hit-or-miss15:26
arrrghhhbut it "usually" would work.15:26
arrrghhhthis is the first time using Android?15:26
valyki have a lil problem15:26
valykwhen i try to run haret.exe15:27
RareDevilyes its my first time15:27
valykit shows loading15:27
valykand then15:27
valykit hangs15:27
valykany fix15:27
arrrghhhvalyk, don't use enter as punctuation15:27
arrrghhhand what device15:27
valyk:) nah.. allright man..15:28
valyki have a raph10015:28
arrrghhhRareDevil, i'm actually not sure.  never heard of the kb not working.15:28
arrrghhhvalyk, what have you tried?15:28
arrrghhhare you overclocking winmo?15:28
arrrghhhdifferent kernels?15:28
arrrghhhwhat build?15:28
RareDevilwell then i just have to try my way forward15:29
valykno overclock.. kernel from 15.07, and i try to run npk boot15:29
arrrghhhvalyk, i can't help you.15:29
arrrghhhthat's not XDAndroid.15:29
AndersGRareDevil: Since you have a Touch Pro: Have you ever used/tried to use it as a wifi hotspot (to connect a laptop or other device via the data link)?  I have never had reason to try until now but now I can't get it to work.15:30
arrrghhhAndersG, try a third party app15:30
arrrghhhXDAndroid even has a wifi tethering app15:30
arrrghhhi know it says eclair, that's just when it was built.15:30
AndersGI've tried that one and the barnacle one. No luck at all both report errors.15:30
arrrghhhnormal wifi works i assume?>15:31
valykook ma.. i will move on neopeek chat .. thanks anyway.. have a goood night15:31
arrrghhhthat app was built on RAPH IIRC15:31
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Nux|NC10|hi ;)15:32
AndersGOk. For the wifi tether app, I'm not sure the install went well - it fails to open the log so possibly it also fails to even instal its scripts.15:32
arrrghhhAndersG, not following you15:32
arrrghhhNux|NC10|, hi.  do you have a question?15:32
Nux|NC10|yes, I have15:32
Nux|NC10|Diamond + XDAndroid FRX715:33
arrrghhhoy.  what about it?15:33
AndersGI'm starting to suspect that some RAPHs are more equal than others. (but, no, I don't know that :)15:33
arrrghhhAndersG, lol15:33
arrrghhhthat applies to all devices.15:33
arrrghhhit's ridiculous how different Rhodiums have been.  even the exact same model...15:33
arrrghhhwithout logs, i can't really do much for you tho AndersG15:34
Nux|NC10|after one moment, they stop with : cannot find '/system/bin/installd', disabling 'installd'15:34
Nux|NC10|at start15:34
arrrghhhNux|NC10|, did you pick the correct startup.txt and did you grab a calibration file?15:34
arrrghhhdid you put everything at the ROOT of the SD?  (NO folders)15:35
arrrghhhis your SD card partitioned?15:35
arrrghhhthen you have to put no_partitions in your startup.txt.15:35
arrrghhhXDAndroid's rootfs will try to use the partitions15:35
Nux|NC10|no sure15:35
arrrghhhwe don't support partitioning15:35
Nux|NC10|If you say15:35
arrrghhhbut the rootfs will work with it, as some users have preferred this to looped mounts.15:35
AndersGNo, indeed. I'll see if I can figure out what the wifi tether app is doing. It'll take a bit of time since my TP spontaneously rebooted.. (I'll go back to the stock FRX07.1 kernel from the more recent one, it hasn't rebooted so easily with the older one)15:36
arrrghhhreboot to winmo?15:36
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Nux|NC10|I put no_partitions in set cmdline ?15:39
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AndersGAh, the Eclair tether site is not the same as where I found that app. Possibly I tried with the wrong version15:42
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Nux|NC10|what happen where he's at 0 ?15:46
Nux|NC10|thx arrrghhh ;) that good ;)15:46
arrrghhhi think he dies.15:47
arrrghhhand good15:47
arrrghhhAndersG, np let me know how it works15:47
arrrghhhi haven't really tested on my RAPH... it's service-less.15:47
AndersGUnfortunately it behaves as before. "Unable to start tethering" and when opening the log "Unable to open the log file". Do I need to explicitly assign root priviledges to it somehow?15:51
AndersGAnd is the standard FRX07.1 kernel the right thing to be running?15:52
arrrghhhwhat do you mean when opening the log...?15:52
arrrghhhperhaps you're not understanding what i mean when i ask for logs lol15:53
arrrghhh"any" recent kernel from the autobuild should work.15:53
arrrghhhcertainly the kernel included should work.  it does on my RHOD.15:53
AndersGAh, you want to dmesg log?15:53
arrrghhhi haven't tried on my RAPH.  again, service-less.15:53
arrrghhhlogcat would probably be more useful, but dmesg is good too.15:53
arrrghhhso what log were you trying to open?15:53
AndersGThe app has an option for opening a log.15:54
arrrghhhi did not know that.15:54
AndersGWhatever log that is :)15:54
arrrghhhshows how often i use that app :P15:54
arrrghhhi'd guess logcat, but i honestly don't know.15:54
AndersGIndeed it looks like there is a su problem: W/su      ( 1768): request rejected (0->0 /data/data/android.tether/bin/tether)15:54
arrrghhhhave you rebooted?15:55
arrrghhhsometimes SU doesn't pop up in time.15:55
arrrghhhtrying it multiple times can also kick its butt into working.15:55
arrrghhhi haven't really had this problem, except on first boot and i'm trying to do 5 things while the phone is doing 15,00015:55
AndersGOk. I can su in adb shell15:55
arrrghhhnever works out well, so i just wait patiently15:55
arrrghhhkeep trying the app i guess...15:55
arrrghhhi would say try the built-in tethering, but on wifi its a bag of ass.15:56
arrrghhhusb is fine15:56
AndersGThe built in also doesn't work, and looking at what I guessed (I only spent a short time looking for it) to be the driver source there is no support for acting as an access point. That enum whent into default: cases.15:58
AndersGIf git://gitorious.org/linux-on-qualcomm-s-msm/compat-wireless-msm.git is relevant for this kernel.15:59
Nux|NC10|Ok, it's good for me ... bye all ;)15:59
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helicopter88arrrghhh,how do i enable swap through shell?16:29
helicopter88wrong channel,answer me on #neopeek16:29
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AndersGarrrghhh: Thanks for helping. I'll continue poking at the wifi settings another day. USB tether is not an option at the moment since I don't have the USB host adapter for my galaxy tab 8.9, and I'd be (pleasantly) surprised if it indeed can be tethered over USB. (It doesn't support ad hoc wifi out of the box either.)16:56
arrrghhhAndersG, Android doesn't support adhoc natively16:56
arrrghhhi know on our devices you can change out to a different wpa_supplicant and adhoc works perfeclty16:57
arrrghhhbut if adhoc doesn't work on your device, there's no point in even trying to wifi tether.16:57
AndersGI saw something about that, yes.16:57
AndersGIndeed, I'd like to have the RAPH looking lively before I tinker with the tab :)16:57
Tandyman100Woah, someone with a Raphael. I thought I was the last.16:58
arrrghhhwell, my point being all of the wifi tethering apps use adhoc.16:58
arrrghhhTandyman100, there's still a few DIAM users.16:58
AndersGBah, my previous phone lasted 10 years. Not that I think this one will..16:58
Tandyman100I went Raph-Diam-Rhod16:59
arrrghhhyou went backwards, then forwards...17:00
Tandyman100The Raphael broke and I couldn't afford another Raphael or something better.17:04
Tandyman100And this brings me to my question: Rhodium users, what batteries do you use, and how long do they last in Android?17:04
arrrghhhi'd just get a dumbphone.17:04
arrrghhhthe battery the phone has17:04
arrrghhhand it obviously depends drastically on usage17:04
Tandyman100I'm thinking of buying a pair of 1700mah aftermarket batteries because they're on sale on Amazon for $20 for two, and got good reviews.17:04
Tandyman100arrrghhh: How old is that battery?17:05
arrrghhhas old as the phone i assume17:05
arrrghhha year17:05
arrrghhhso buy 'em17:05
arrrghhhmine was RMA replacement17:05
arrrghhhso it didn't come with a battery17:05
arrrghhhsprint dude just grabbed an evo battery and ploped it in thar.17:05
Tandyman100Just wondering if it'd be worth it, and if I'd be able to go a day on Android comfortably17:05
arrrghhhso i haz an evo batt.17:06
arrrghhhas i said...17:06
Tandyman100I do a lot of music listening, some texting, and that's about it.17:06
arrrghhhit depends greatly on usage.17:06
arrrghhha lot of music listening, you won't make it thru the day on a native android device.17:06
arrrghhhespecially if you're streaming17:06
Tandyman100hmmyeah. Right now with android on this current 2.5-year-old-battery I don't even get 12 hours standby17:06
arrrghhhthat's not right17:07
arrrghhhbzo got 65+ hours17:07
arrrghhhno radios, no sync, just standby.17:07
Tandyman100...I might have had the cell radio and wifi on...17:07
Tandyman100Not sure, though.17:07
arrrghhhwifi's not much of a drain idle17:07
arrrghhhbut at full tilt..17:07
Tandyman100Hmm. Even in winmo I can barely make it through a day, and that's without any music listening.17:10
Tandyman100This battery is just shot, so I'll get those batteries from amazon and maybe do come benchmarks with them or something.17:11
Tandyman100Make myself useful for once.17:11
arrrghhhyea if winmo you can't make it thru the day, something is very wrong.17:12
arrrghhhcuz people say their phones will go weeks on winmo lol17:13
Tandyman100Luckily my mom says she'll buy me the batteries for wasting my whole day fixing her multiple computer issues.17:16
Tandyman100Her Shuttle suddenly has bad RAM and something up with the PSU, and I need to put XP on her (my) laptop as well as copy a bunch of files off of an IDE harddrive onto it.17:16
Tandyman100She has this proprietary software that seems to only work on XP, but the laptop has win8 on it, so I have to wipe it and install that software on it because she *really* needs it, then I have to take the HDD out of her Shuttle and attach it to the laptop so I can get her documents off it. Then she can use the laptop until I can get the Shuttle fixed by putting in MY shuttle PSU after fixing17:18
Tandyman100the fan on IT (broken bearings, really noisy). I then need to run memtest86+ and other diagnostics on her Shuttle to make sure teh RAM is an issue, and replace that.17:18
Tandyman100I'm pretty sure a $20 set of batteries isn't asking too much for all that.17:18
arrrghhhbut i'm just givin you shit.17:19
arrrghhhi miss mommy paying for everything17:19
arrrghhhwhen in reality it was daddy17:19
arrrghhhbut still17:19
arrrghhhi miss them paying fo mah shite.17:19
Tandyman100Win8 = Windows Developer Preview. It works rather well for being such old hardware.17:23
Tandyman100My parents don't pay for anything but the necessities for me. My mom pays me to do chores and stuff, but noone really *buys* me stuff outright for nothing.17:23
stinebdfind: cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable /srv/www/xdandroid.com/irclogs.sh: fork: retry: No child processes17:23
stinebdthats not good17:24
arrrghhhdon't patronize me, i know what win8 is17:24
arrrghhhbut why put it on a production machine is beyond me.17:24
arrrghhhstinebd, what have you done17:24
Tandyman100Not to mention I'm extremely easy on the wallet. I made one pair of shoes last 3 years. For a teenager, that's really good.17:24
stinebdarrrghhh: i don't know but it looks like it's been that way for a while17:24
Tandyman100arrrghhh: because it ran faster than any other OS and looked good doing it.17:24
arrrghhhstinebd, i can get to the logs17:24
arrrghhhi guess i'm confused as to what that error means...17:24
stinebdare they up-to-date?17:25
stinebdgonna give it the ol' >/dev/null 2>&1 treatment then17:25
arrrghhhlast thing it logged was me saying "when in reality it was daddy"17:25
arrrghhhit's emwe17:25
emwearrrghhh: is incall-vol broken for any device or just rhod?17:25
arrrghhhemwe, i want to say any device17:26
emwesure i asked before, just forgot...17:26
arrrghhhbut i can't really test17:26
arrrghhhi can kinda test on RAPH i guess17:26
arrrghhhadjust volume with the angry sprint guy yelling at me17:26
arrrghhhi'll try when i'm home17:26
arrrghhhworks fine on your RAPH?17:26
emweplz give the new build a try in case you are not nanded again17:27
emwenot tested. need to switch sim then17:27
emwejust started giving it a look.17:27
arrrghhhNANDed on the RHOD17:27
emweeven when changing media volume it always sets volume 5 which looks strange.17:27
emwein case you need to go back for a bit :)17:28
arrrghhhif you need me to test something, i can hop back17:29
arrrghhhi don't think there's anything pressing on the NAND side of things17:29
arrrghhhit just does work really quite well.  been very happy with it.17:29
emwenah, it's ok. just winter depression.17:30
arrrghhhreminds me of the project pitchfork song "december sadness"17:30
* arrrghhh listens17:31
emweoh, that was in the modern times /methinks17:32
arrrghhhemwe, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOJBF0BUrbc17:32
Tandyman100Hurry up and get GSM NAND working :P17:33
* Tandyman100 kid17:33
emwearrrghhh: i had mr spilles and scheuber sign my leather jacket. i think i repainted the autogramm for quite some years :)17:34
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emwethat was in ~1995 or so...17:34
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emweor '96 ... dunno.17:34
arrrghhhTandyman100, donate a GSM RHOD to ACL17:35
arrrghhhdude's working blind...17:35
arrrghhhemwe, nice17:35
Tandyman100I need my RHOD :P17:35
arrrghhhyou make me feel young :P17:35
emwebus and train was our friend back then as well :)17:35
emwedidn't think of a drivers license back then either.17:35
arrrghhhheh.  i lived in the boonies17:36
arrrghhhi got my license & car the day i turned 16.17:36
emwe16 is only small motorcycle. 18 is cars.17:37
emweor i think from 17 with full-aged codriver.17:37
arrrghhhprobably for the better17:37
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emwepeeps, for clarification, it is going to be a boy, but it's not there yet. sorry for the confusion.17:45
emwethanks for the congrats anyway :)17:46
arrrghhhsorry dude :P17:47
emwewe are looking forward to it like you do :O17:47
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mgross029arrrghhh, see my spam19:06
mgross029er email. :p19:06
arrrghhhi did19:06
mgross029Yeah it was pretty awesome19:06
mgross029Glad that code fix worked.19:07
arrrghhhyea, one bug down19:07
arrrghhh1,000,000 to go :19:07
mgross029It was pretty wild that my Account Sync didn't kill the proc this time.19:08
arrrghhhyea, emwe was surprised by that too i think lol19:08
mgross029I deleted my data.img to see if it was just a placibo effect19:08
mgross029Still had to modify the ro.telephony in build.poop though19:10
mgross029to get rid of the FC that is19:11
mgross029Well account sync causes a little lag but not near as bad as before.19:16
mgross029It's gotta be a cdma weirdness thing19:17
mgross029Yeah the cool thing is seening the 3G and bars go green after you end a call. :p  It's the little things sometimes. heh19:21
mgross029arrrghhh, where did you pull your signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota-14721.zip?  I couldn't find it on the HTCdev site and pulled off some Mediafire link that came up in google19:24
mgross029http://xdandroid.com/wiki/Building_and_Packaging from the wiki19:25
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mgross029arrrghhh, put xchat on ubuntu vm at work and the next thing I know one of the security guys in my group sent me an email "You running an IRC server" heh19:40
arrrghhhput ZNC on there19:40
arrrghhhthen they'll freak :D19:40
mgross029So I had to revert to the web IRC which sucks19:41
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