Tuesday, 2011-10-25

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Guest25058hello, is there anybody who can tell me, if someone is still working on the panel on/off issue (raphael/diam) ?05:23
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ryannathansI doxxed the indian scammers claiming to be microsoft, posted dox here:  http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/36027563806:18
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f00bar80Any updates on when a GB stable release is expected?10:25
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f00bar80ryannathans, ??10:32
ryannathansi have no idea and i'm waiting to10:32
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arrrghhhf00bar80, when it's ready11:08
arrrghhhyou're more than welcome to build your own image, the code is constantly being updated.11:08
detule39 with JB's clocks that come stock11:14
detule15.5 fps neocore11:14
detule39 with alex's clocks 20.1 neocore11:14
mgross029detule, hey no confusion what you posted the other day.  I looked into it and noticed the ioctl portion was missing also.  I tried emwe's latest .35 autobuild but I am still getting SOD when connectied via USB.11:15
mgross029To me it is not a huge problem, because I've figured out a work around by telling the phone to stay awake on charger under application -> developement11:16
mgross029I have tried compiling kernels but so far I've gotten errors and still figuring that out, but I felt it best to keep using the autobuild that emwe is putting out so not to confuse things11:18
detuleok mgross029, he put out a kernel yesterday afternoon around 6ish in the afternoon with the framebuffer patch11:45
mgross029That is what I am currently running11:46
arrrghhhhow's it work?11:48
mgross029^^ read the log :p11:49
mgross029Still the same11:50
arrrghhhi read that11:53
arrrghhhi meant on the issue it's supposed to fix11:53
arrrghhhhow does it wake?11:53
detulegoing back to .39 has made me realize how much i've missed the lack of failed screen wakes11:54
arrrghhhso did you ever trace the weird slowness?11:56
arrrghhhwas it clocks?11:56
detuleno, at least I don't think the clocks are the issue11:57
mgross029arrrghhh, so you are referring to a screen wake if you would receive a call and your device is sleeping correct?11:58
arrrghhhmgross029, any wakes11:58
arrrghhhjust general wakes11:58
arrrghhhdoesn't even have to be on an incoming call11:58
arrrghhhalthough that one is killing me11:58
mgross029Well that was the one that was killing me was incoming calls at times.  I could not answer because the screen would not wake.11:59
mgross029I just tested that part and it came on much quicker, so that is good.  Sorry didn't catch that part before12:00
arrrghhhthat's what i want to know about12:00
arrrghhhi realize the SoD is still there12:00
mgross029Yeah but the SOD is a minor problem if you use the Stay Awake option. imho12:01
arrrghhhso you don't get it when you set the phone to stay awake...?12:02
incubus72hello mgross029 & arrrghhh: are you talking about switching the screen off - real power off - or dimming as usual ?12:02
detulestaying awake is just a workaround12:02
mgross029arrrghhh, correct but it only stays awake when on charger12:02
mgross029detule, agreed12:02
arrrghhhinteresting workaround12:03
arrrghhhincubus72, if you're referring to the issue RAPH/DIAM has with panel collapse no12:03
arrrghhhwe're not talking about that...12:03
detulei mean to say it's not any kind of permanent solution12:03
incubus72ok - to bad.  by the way: is this only a raph/diam issue ?12:03
arrrghhhall the other devices collapse fine AFAIK12:04
arrrghhhdetule, yea, but it might point to the issue12:04
arrrghhhthe phone shouldn't be sleeping on the charger anyways, right...?12:04
detulei am not sure never actually ran .35, but i don't think this is a sleep problem (or is it)12:04
detulemore of a screen not coming back on problem12:05
detulethen again i am probably talking out of my behind, since i am just going by what i read in the logs12:06
incubus72arrrghhh: you most likely know this page: http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Raphael_Linux   ...  please have a look at  "progress" - "2009-09-17" ...12:06
incubus72it says:   "2009-09-17 04:37  * Panel power on/off working now, this should save even more battery. "12:06
incubus72i don't get it ? does this mean - it works on other linux - like angstom  - or what is this wiki talking about ? you know ?12:07
arrrghhhi'm guessing it's just wrong12:07
arrrghhhand they only thought it was collapsing correctly?12:07
incubus72ok, maybe it'S wrong - i'm just wondering, that somebody writes this - even with a "date fixing" - when it's not true ...   i'd like to know who has written this - i'd like to ask him about it ...12:08
mgross029I don't get the VTRELDISP error anymore in dmesg with the new kernel, so that is good.  This is what I do see if connected now even with the Stay Awake option enabled.  http://pastebin.com/jty061rU12:09
mgross029adb connectivity is also lost if the Stay Awake option is not turned on12:09
arrrghhhincubus72, i don't know12:11
arrrghhhother than what i've been told12:11
incubus72ok, thanks12:12
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mgross029Hey emwe, wie gates12:14
emwewie geht's or wie geht es :P12:17
emwejust on for a short while.12:17
emwegirls are out for a walk.12:17
emwemgross029: you were able to try non-USB-charging?12:18
mgross029Sorry.  German is pretty rusty. :p12:18
emwealso, did you ever notice that the panel sometimes doesn't react the first 5 seconds after unblank/resume?12:19
mgross029emwe, yes and no.  It is all USB connected but via Wall Charger yes.  Did not get a kernel panic this time12:20
mgross029I did before yes but not sice the latest .35 autobuild you just posted yesterday12:20
emweok. if wall-charging is ok - so no USB stuff going on code-wise, but wall charging, this points towards USB-code, eh?12:21
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mgross029I just tested as arrrghhh and I were discussing ^^ receiving a phone call was problematic because the screen would not wake.  Not it seems to wake after the first or second ring12:22
emweyeah, pretty known :)12:22
emweif we wan't to keep framebuffer console, we need to figure why it brakes down everything on resume regarding panel12:23
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f00bar80trying to build , getting this error build/core/product_config.mk:203: *** No matches for product "full_msm".  Stop.13:10
arrrghhhf00bar80, sorry, i'm no build expert13:16
arrrghhhsounds like the make file is missing something13:16
arrrghhhor something is missing for the makefile rather13:16
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