Monday, 2011-09-26

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arrrghhhanyone ever tried screenbl?09:36
arrrghhhseems like a good concept, but it doesn't F3@%@# work in portrait mode09:37
arrrghhhit seems the sensor doesn't pick it up when the phone is facing me.  works great when i flip the phone away from me instead of towards me...09:37
arrrghhhnot sure why it works in that direction but not when facing me...09:37
arrrghhhi downloaded a few bubble calibration apps... the accelerometer seems to be working as it should...09:38
mgross029arrrghhh, haven't heard of it...  What is it used for?10:01
arrrghhhmgross029, it was the free app of the day... yesterday on amazon.10:03
arrrghhhpretty nifty, if it worked right10:03
arrrghhhbasically you set areas where the phone will "stay awake"10:03
mgross029Ahh...  :)  Free is always good...10:03
arrrghhhit senses how the phone is angled10:03
arrrghhhso when you're using the phone (at a certain angle) the screen will stay on10:04
arrrghhhwhen you're not using the phone, you can have it shut off the screen very quickly10:04
arrrghhhand landscape mode seems to work really well10:04
mgross029Hmmm...  Sounds like a good test app for prox and gyro...10:04
arrrghhhbut portrait mode... is pretty much completely wrong.10:04
arrrghhhwell i don't think it uses the prox sensor TBH10:04
arrrghhheven if it worked on our stuff10:04
arrrghhhthe app doesn't utilize it...10:04
arrrghhhit just senses how many degrees the device is tilted.  look up a vid online, the demo explains all.10:05
mgross029Interesting...  Well maybe I'll take a look at it when I get a chance...10:05
arrrghhhit seems cool10:05
arrrghhhbut with portrait mode being so... off10:06
arrrghhhmakes it impossible to use *properly*.10:06
arrrghhhit's weird... if i tilt the phone completely away from me, it seems to work as expected.10:06
arrrghhhso it's like the g-sensor is just flipped or something.  but other g-sensor apps work fine.10:06
arrrghhhi'm thinking it's the app.  just don't know why10:07
mgross029Well that was why I was thinking it was using prox...10:07
arrrghhhmaybe i'll harass the dev :P  i'm sure he'll be happy about that, a non-paying customer with a problem.10:07
mgross029:p  Since you're so good at that too...  :p10:08
mgross029arrrghhh, Do you have any other .27 test kernels to test gb?  Or were you just using the ones currently available?10:09
arrrghhhi was using .3510:11
mgross029That was a little extreme...10:11
mgross029Same here...  But was trying a .27 too...10:12
arrrghhhthere's not many .27 kernels with the new acoustic in10:12
arrrghhhjust stuff floating around10:12
arrrghhhmichael's or alex's seem to work well.  but i've only used them with froyo.10:12
mgross029Tried Alex's on gb but of course making a call drops me off the planet...  :p10:13
mgross029In either .37 or .27...10:13
arrrghhhthat doesn't make sense10:14
mgross029Oh...  heh...  You thought I had a new kernel for a second there right...  lol10:14
mgross029Yes...  .3510:15
mgross029Right finger wrong hand...  :p10:15
mgross029Strange how my data is super fast but making a call just drops everything...  Then you were seeing the almost oposite right?10:31
mgross029arrrghhh, just ran a logcat from terminal directly on the phone...  I think I was able to capture the possible issues...  I'll send it over to emwe to examine closer though...10:46
mgross02909-26 10:40:07.547 E/AndroidRuntime(  289): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-2910:49
detuleprobably placebo, but I think my phone is spending a lot more time in 3G with the verizon radio upgrade11:40
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mgross029detule, which radio do you have 2.37?11:51
arrrghhhyea that's the vz radio11:53
arrrghhhthe newest vz radio for rhod *11:53
mgross029K...  I was just checking to see if there was an update out I did not see yet...11:54
arrrghhhwhew.  this new acoustic testing is going really well... now that i instructed people how to use it correctly lol11:57
arrrghhhseems just a few bugs to iron out.  hopefully they're not too troublesome.11:57
mgross029Where did you post it at?  Didn't notice it on XDA...11:59
mgross029arrrghhh, something I noticed in gb too...  The SOD I was getting...  If I press and hold the top button it seems to come back out...  At least so far...  Just thought I would let you know so you can try...12:01
arrrghhhmgross029, blackstone user testing12:01
arrrghhhi think we've got rhod/raph/diam/topa covered12:02
arrrghhhsorry forgot kovs12:02
arrrghhhwe've got all those covered12:02
arrrghhhbut no blackstone users really...12:02
mgross029Ahh...  Gotcha...12:02
arrrghhhyou said if you hit the power button12:02
arrrghhhit comes back?12:02
arrrghhhthat's not a SOD lol12:02
mgross029I would agree...  But so far today that has been working to recover it...12:03
mgross029So maybe we did not have SOD all along...12:03
mgross029Just appeared that way...  Normally I don't have to long press that button to get the screen back...12:04
arrrghhhwell you need to make sure, damnit.12:12
arrrghhhi don't confirm SOD until i wrestle with it for like 30 minutes12:12
arrrghhhno joke.12:12
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fishingmedicarrrghhh, don't know exactly what you're testing, but had insane SOD's this weekend while camping, shitty service area though, sut SOD's that wouldn't wake for anything. On Detules new RIL and just "stock" 7.1 RIL.  Even had one earlier here at home, but with airave on although I haven't had one here in a long time12:17
arrrghhhi haven't had an SOD in AGES12:17
arrrghhhand i've been camping with the phone too, in areas with no service.12:17
arrrghhhusually where i go camping there's no service, so i just shut the phone off or put it in airplane mode.12:18
arrrghhhotherwise the phone'll die in a few hours...12:18
fishingmedicI was just trying out Detules new RIL where I knew there was no service, but it was happening on both RIL's.12:19
fishingmedicMeh, no biggee, was just looking through the logs and saw you and mgross mentioning SOD's.12:19
arrrghhhwell his issue doesn't seem to be an actual SOD12:22
arrrghhhand he's testing .35/acoustic/gingerbread...12:23
arrrghhhmany new variables in other words.12:23
arrrghhhfishingmedic, so i guess i'm curious - how do you KNOW it was an SOD?12:23
fishingmedicarrrghhh, LED was blinking showing something had been received, and nothing I did would wake the phone.  Nothing, nada zilch, long press on power key, playing with any/all buttons, open close kb, nothing worked, and not just 1x.  I would screw with it for about 15-20 minutes and nothing would wake it. I've had slow wakes before where it took 30-60 seconds to wake, but it would wake.12:26
fishingmedicNow it wouldn't.  I almost even through it at the wife to get her to shut up and see if that would wake it, but didn't want to break the phone...12:26
fishingmedicand like I said, I have no clue the diff stuff you're testing, just mentioning it.12:27
arrrghhhwell i don't really use my phone when camping12:27
arrrghhhand if it was blinking...12:27
fishingmedicCould just be that there was no service and it just shit itself lol12:27
fishingmedicI don't use it either, it's there in the truck or camper12:27
fishingmedicand with the new RIL from detule I wanted to check it out.12:28
arrrghhhwell... that sucks.12:31
arrrghhhwithout logs or even a test with adb.. not a whole lot can be done.12:31
arrrghhhi guess next time i go to my parents house i can bring my laptop and see if my phone blows up12:31
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mgross029arrrghhh,  Sorry for pulling the SOD alarm...  :p  It did appear to be one last week...  Much different that this week...  I do remember my charge light stayed on even after I disconnected...12:47
arrrghhhit does that sometimes, but usually goes out in a few seconds for me.12:47
mgross029I agree...  Mine stayed on for like 5 min and then I popped the battery...12:48
mgross029Really wish I would only need data in this build...  :)  It works like a charm until I make a call...  heh12:49
mgross029Voice Search worked right away too...12:49
arrrghhhwho needs to make a call12:49
arrrghhhvoice search works fine on froyo too12:50
mgross029Well I'd be fine with the call until I hit the OK on the FC message... lol12:50
arrrghhhOK on FC message...?12:51
arrrghhhi dunno what you're talking about to be honest.  voice search has been working great for me for a while.12:51
arrrghhhthere was some issue at the beginning of acoustic testings, but i haven't had a problem with it now.12:51
mgross029Force Close dialog pops up..  Call stays connected until I click OK...  Then everything drops (radio)12:52
mgross029This is gb and .35 prox kernel...12:52
mgross029That was the latest I had...  Not talking about froyo...  That works fine...12:53
arrrghhhthis is when you use voice search!?!?12:53
mgross029LOL...  See I told you I speak confusion at times...12:53
arrrghhhor when you make a phone call12:53
mgross029Make a call...12:54
arrrghhhuser error12:54
arrrghhhy u no make call correctly12:54
mgross029I d no12:54
arrrghhhwell, as always, nothing gets fixed without logs.12:55
arrrghhhi'm certainly not having this problem tho12:55
arrrghhhi went back to FroYo, but still.12:55
mgross029Yep...  Pulled them and sent to emwe...12:55
arrrghhhi would do my best to rule out user-error...12:56
arrrghhhi don't know what you've tried12:56
mgross029Yes...  More like abuser error...12:57
arrrghhhseriously tho12:57
arrrghhhdon't bug the devs with crap that is self-inflicted.12:57
arrrghhhwe all make mistakes :P12:57
arrrghhhlord knows i make them daily12:57
mgross029Yes...  I totally agree...  They have enough on their plates...12:58
mgross029This was the build from what you sent me to test prox...  All is fine until I make a call and the radio goes in limbo...  Can only get it back from a reboot it seems...12:59
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mgross029meeting...  bbl...13:00
arrrghhhvery odd.13:30
fishingmedicarrrghhh, just got another, notification LED blinking, but can't wake the beotch up.  can't even adb into it13:30
fishingmedicbut still on 7.1, detules latest RIL, .27 kernel13:31
arrrghhhwhich .27 kernel?13:31
arrrghhhanything funky you're doing in user.conf other than bind mounting the RIL?13:31
fishingmedicstarfoxs latest13:31
arrrghhhany crazy OC numbers, etc?13:31
fishingmedicone ext2 not ext413:31
fishingmedicon ext213:32
fishingmedicnope, not squat in conf other than the bind mount13:32
arrrghhhwell i'm not on the starfox kernel anymore.13:32
arrrghhhcould you remove that variable?13:32
fishingmedicoc 710400, same as I've been using for months if not longer13:32
arrrghhhi can't say i got any SOD's on his kernel13:32
arrrghhhbut just to be sure...13:33
fishingmedicabsolutely.  any kernel you recommend?13:33
arrrghhhlatest .27 is good13:33
arrrghhhTBH of late i've been absorbed in acoustic testing13:33
arrrghhhso i've been on acoustic builds for a few weeks now ;)13:33
fishingmedicI hadn't gotten SODs until the past weekend.  I wonder if Sprint's just screwing with the towers here lately.13:33
arrrghhhit still shouldn't cause an SOD condition.13:33
fishingmedichmmm, lemme leave this as is for now, knock out the airave and see if that helps, although the airaves been fine for months, since I started using 06+13:34
arrrghhhwell if you can start small13:35
fishingmedicI'll try the new RIL minus airave today, tomorrow I'll boot up the latest autobuild .27 with new RIL and see what happens.13:35
arrrghhhisolate one thing at a time.13:35
arrrghhhso if you want to start with airave, that's fine.13:35
fishingmedicany recommendations?13:35
arrrghhhbut focus on that.  if it still occurs, then move to kernel.13:35
arrrghhhyea, what you said sounds good13:35
arrrghhhi would start with kernel personally13:35
arrrghhhand leave the airave13:35
arrrghhhbut if you want to flip-flop that, so be it.13:35
fishingmedicOk, then that is what I shall do, other peeps in the house will be happy if the airave stays on lol13:36
arrrghhhi figured as much :P13:36
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mgross029arrrghhh, saw your CM7 thread on XDA...  Also, saw someone towards the end stating they are getting FC on with a phone call...  Found some other threads out there for other Android phones having similar issues with the Stock Phone.apk14:28
arrrghhhthat CM7 thread is beyond dead/ancient.14:28
mgross029So they had another version there...  Pushed it to system/app...  I will try it out and let you know...14:28
mgross029Wow...  You're right it is...  heh14:29
arrrghhhsounds dangerous.14:29
mgross029Could be but you know me...  :p14:29
arrrghhhhook it up to your veins :P14:29
mgross029I'll have to change my nick to Just Johnny...14:30
mgross029Get that Farmacon data outta my head...14:30
detulefishingmedic, haven't had an sod in a long time, stock ril or not...running with the stock kernel, and I also spend a bit of time in low coverage....since you've tried the ril i posted - have you experienced any missed calls since then?14:39
arrrghhh^^ good question14:40
arrrghhhi was too afraid to ask :P14:40
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detulewell, on the stock ril i can reproduce the missed call issue ten times out of ten...and i am on day 3 with what i patched for myself without a missed call (i think)14:41
detulehard to know whether you've missed a call or not though, unless you are testing/calling yourself14:42
arrrghhhgoogle voice helps me :P14:44
detule2.37 is golden though14:45
arrrghhhyea, i've been running well on it14:47
arrrghhhnever thought about running a vz radio on a sprint device/service, but what the hell.14:47
arrrghhhsame tech really14:47
mgross029I'm not sure why Sprint didn't release as many updates for their TP2...14:54
arrrghhhit doesn't make them any money14:55
arrrghhhif anything it encourages people to stay with the device longer..14:55
mgross029lol  Tru...14:55
arrrghhhgotta think like a ruthless, faceless business :P14:55
arrrghhhcrap.  i was supposed to eat lunch.14:56
mgross029heh...  Hate when I forget to do that...14:58
arrrghhhoh well.  just have to eat it later.15:00
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fisdhingmedicdetule, sorry about that, must have gotten booted, checked the logs and it looked like I just bailed out16:05
detuleno i had a feeling it was my highlight that pinged you out16:06
fisdhingmedicdetule, other than the SODs I was having, when the phone was running I don't believe I've missed calls, although a better test will be the next couple of days in decent/poor service areas. Where I was to say there was bad service is an understatement16:06
fisdhingmedicI grabbed your latest and I'm gonna run that and see, but I got a SOD here today where I haven't had one in months, but that was even on stock RIL16:07
arrrghhhthat's why i'm wondering if the kernel is suspect16:08
arrrghhhi haven't seen starfox around here in a while16:08
arrrghhhand while i did run his kernel for a little bit without problems... that's not to say it's flawless.16:08
fisdhingmedicmaybe, that's why I grabbed the latest, but been busy as shit this afternoon so haven't finished updating16:08
arrrghhhtrust me, i know how that goes...16:09
fisdhingmedicWTF... how do I change my name in here...16:09
arrrghhhwhich reminds me - detule - i've brought the RAPH800 to work with me today.16:09
arrrghhhfisdhingmedic, /nick16:09
detuleoh sweet!16:09
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fishingmedicthanks arrrghhh16:09
arrrghhhnp mate16:10
arrrghhhdetule, you waste no time :D16:10
detulefishhead2567, alright, let me know if you notice any missed calls since that was the only thing i was targeting16:11
arrrghhhfishingmedic, my truck is slowly getting beastlier.16:11
arrrghhhlemme see if i can pull this pic...16:11
detulewrong highlight damnit16:11
fishhead2567haha np16:11
arrrghhhwho is that fishhead256716:11
arrrghhhhe never says anything16:11
detulefishingmedic,  alright, let me know if you notice any missed calls since that was the only thing i was targeting16:11
arrrghhhwtf there he is :P16:11
fishhead2567im always here16:11
fishhead2567i dont say anything but i keep the  channel open16:11
arrrghhhfair enough16:12
fishhead2567i run xdandroid on a wimo phone, so i try to keep up with whats changing16:12
detulearrrghhh, that kernel/library is not likely to change much from the status quo (brething when it's not suppsed to) but it has more debugging statements on there16:13
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fishingmedicdetule, absolutely.16:21
arrrghhhdetule, np16:21
fishingmedicgotta run, see ya16:21
arrrghhhfishhead2567, np.  you just wreak havoc when fishingmedic signs on :P16:21
arrrghhhcya fishingmedic ;)16:21
fishingmedicarrrghhh, post up the pic when you can, I'll post one up of a monster striped bass I caught last week later.16:22
detuleoh i'd like to see that as well16:22
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detuleno wifi there either, not sure where to scoop tiwlan from now that android.git.kernel is down16:23
arrrghhhi can't WAIT until it's done.16:26
detulebeastly indeed....i can't quite put photos of my (rescued) bike to match up against that16:27
arrrghhhdid you see the damage?16:29
arrrghhhthe stock bumper was... well, plastic BS.16:30
detulearrrghhh, you got a link to that ledeffects apk for raph16:30
arrrghhhtis the dev's page16:31
arrrghhhlest i pull out the apk myself and rehost...16:31
detulenono that's good16:31
arrrghhhi figured.  it has source and the apk ;)16:32
detuleright looking at it, it does exectly what my changes do damnit16:37
detulenot sure why what he does works16:38
arrrghhhi tried to mention that his app did what you're trying to do... :P16:38
arrrghhhi was on vaca or some crap when you started barking up this tree16:38
detuleright, it would be nice to incorporate this in liblights proper, he does it also via the dbgfs a bit of a hack16:38
arrrghhhyea, having all the code "proper" will be nice going forwards.16:39
arrrghhhespecially if we're going to start throwing other builds into the mix.16:39
arrrghhhsorry detule.  haven't been able to give this a whirl yet.  i g2g make mahself some food, i shall test as i stuff mah face :D16:55
detulevalid excuse indeed16:57
arrrghhhbeen a busy day today17:00
arrrghhhas any monday at a technical job is it seems..17:00
detuletime to test 39 with 2011q317:01
detulei pretty much expect this thing to take off17:01
arrrghhhi need to clone myself.  perhaps a few times.17:03
detuleok the only difference i am seeing between the existing debug hooks that ledeffects is using, and the kenel code i wrote is that I am using workqueues whereas the debug hooks are writing to the i2c client directly....if this latest kerne/module fails i'll re-write the kernel patch to write to the client directly (uglier)17:14
detulei gotta go too arrrghhh , test that package plug it in/out a few times, let it sleep wake particular i am interested in that breathing behavior when it's off the charger17:15
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detuleand then shoot me that getlogs17:15
detulethanks later17:15
arrrghhhnp, cya.17:15
drhugobrhello guys17:15
arrrghhhnada, just living the dream.17:16
drhugobranyone here with a little more inteligence than me could give me a hand?17:17
drhugobrwhich is not hard by the way17:18
arrrghhhit says right in the topic "Don't ask to ask"17:18
drhugobrsee.... its prooven!17:18
drhugobri have a TP2 and i installed FRX07 (but before installing i downloaded the latest kernel, rootsfs, and initrd)  everything when fine. but ive been breaking my head around the forums to find a solution but to no avail. my damn wifi its not working. it crashes after 30 secs searching17:20
arrrghhhdoes it 'see' any AP's?17:20
arrrghhhhow does it crash?17:20
drhugobri mean. when i turn it on. it searches. and then says unable to find any AP. (im like a metter from my AP ando also it freezes some times.17:21
drhugobrit even asks me to force shutdown the app17:21
arrrghhhfirst time using Android?17:22
drhugobryeah. started playing with it this morning17:22
arrrghhhdid you read the FAQ?17:22
arrrghhhdid you try the wifi trick...?17:22
drhugobri did downloaded the latest kernel. module and stuff17:23
arrrghhhthat's not what i'm talking about17:23
drhugobrrenamed the Zimage.17:23
arrrghhhthere's a section that says "if wifi has never worked"17:23
arrrghhhor something to that effect17:23
arrrghhhnot everyone has to do it, but some do17:23
arrrghhhfor whatever reason Android doesn't detect the MAC address correctly for some phones.17:23
drhugobrwhich trick is that?17:24
drhugobris it on the FAQ?17:25
drhugobroh ok! i see it here17:25
drhugobrhadnt seen this "trick"17:26
drhugobrwill give it a try17:26
drhugobrthanks for the light btw!17:26
arrrghhhnp, good luck17:26
drhugobrhmmmm something new just happend17:27
drhugobrwent to take the phone... it is lockedup with android logo. it has just finished charging17:28
arrrghhhandroid logo?17:28
arrrghhhis it the boot animation?17:28
drhugobras soon as i took it off the USB charger. led is stuck on green and logo looping... gmmmmm17:28
arrrghhhwere you installing 15 apps or something?17:28
drhugobrno.... it was booted already17:28
drhugobrnothing works... no button17:28
drhugobrnothing.... just charging17:29
drhugobrbeen on the whole day with android17:29
arrrghhhodd.  never had that happen.17:29
drhugobrso i decided to charge...17:29
arrrghhhwhich RHOD?17:29
drhugobryeah... i hadnt read anywhere about this17:29
arrrghhhah crap.17:29
arrrghhhi hate that RHOD... it's so finnicky.17:29
arrrghhhseems it is different from all the others.  in many ways...17:29
drhugobrhmmmm just because it was made in singapore!17:30
drhugobr[alright.. booting again. lets try that trick.17:32
drhugobri guess that loopofdeath was just a hickup17:33
arrrghhhthere will be many, many more.17:33
arrrghhhwhile we have figured out how to run Android on our phones17:34
arrrghhhi can't say that it's flawless.  far from it.17:34
drhugobrfor now it is working faster and more reliable than the default windows17:34
arrrghhhwe just have a few pieces of hardware left to iron out17:34
arrrghhhprox sensor seems close17:35
arrrghhhBT... will probably need some more work17:35
arrrghhhGPS is functional, but not 100%.  there's a lot of nice things that decrease lock times, and we don't use any of them unfortunately.17:35
drhugobrAGPS for example?17:35
arrrghhhso GPS works, but will take ages to get a lock.  using quickGPS in winmo helps.17:35
arrrghhhyea, no aGPS17:35
arrrghhhno warm injection17:35
arrrghhhnetloc works tho.  network location based on cell-towers.17:36
drhugobrok quick question. but thats because im not familiar with android. where is this DEV tools terminal?17:36
arrrghhhi need to redo those directions...17:36
arrrghhhi would just use connectbot17:37
arrrghhhit can connect to a local shell17:37
arrrghhhsome terminal app17:37
arrrghhhunfortunately dev tools no longer has terminal emulator included.17:37
drhugobrim trying the froyo hint.17:41
arrrghhhi guess i should work with someone to see if froyo.user.conf can be used17:43
arrrghhhthen there would be no need for the terminal17:43
arrrghhhand you could do it all within WinMo, since you have to get your MAC there anyways...17:43
drhugobrthats what im trying now17:43
drhugobrit takes ages to boot this crappy phone17:44
arrrghhhpatience is definitely a virtue when using this port/device ;)17:44
drhugobri waste like 5 minutes every fix i try just to boot!17:44
arrrghhhwelcome to my world17:44
arrrghhhthink about trying to test all this stuff...17:44
drhugobrhah.... ill show you my world then!17:45
drhugobri used to be an 3D animator.... just to PREVIEW my animatios it would take an hour.......17:45
drhugobr(and that on a BOXX PC inside a pro studio)17:45
arrrghhhthat would drive me nutso.17:45
arrrghhhjust like compiling tho17:45
arrrghhhhurry up and wait17:45
drhugobroh! ok! i see that theres asingle frame of my animation wrong... (fix it like a boss in 2 secunds.... "hit preview" (1 hour later...)  crap... it still looks bad17:46
drhugobrthen i left it all to the past and became a helicopter pilot haha much cooler17:46
drhugobrbut in my free time i fall in to depression and go back to my PC to try new stuff hahaha17:47
arrrghhhslight change of jobs...17:47
drhugobrso here am i trying android...17:47
drhugobrcheck it out on my youtube channel.
drhugobrdemoreel 2009 (when i left doing 3D stuff) then you can see all my heli videos...17:48
drhugobralright... booting with command line on froyo.conf17:50
arrrghhhyou knew where to put it in user.conf?17:52
drhugobri created a new entry17:52
drhugobrinside swap files17:53
drhugobrill copy and paste17:53
arrrghhhthat's wrong17:54
arrrghhhand please pastebin17:54
arrrghhhdon't paste it in here...17:54
arrrghhhbut it needs to go in the custom commands section17:54
arrrghhhbetween the braces17:54
arrrghhhon its own line17:54
drhugobrcustom shell?17:55
arrrghhhi thought the section was labeled custom commands17:55
arrrghhhi could be wrong17:56
arrrghhhall the way at the bottom17:56
drhugobryeah its custom shell17:56
arrrghhhpastebin if you're curious17:56
arrrghhhi can show you17:56
drhugobrhmm im not familiar with IRC what is pastebin?17:57
arrrghhhjust a place to paste lots of lines17:58
arrrghhhso you don't fill IRC chat with 1,000 lines :P17:58
stinebdinternet relay chat chat17:58
arrrghhhstinebd, lol17:59
arrrghhhit is custom_commands17:59
arrrghhhdrhugobr, not quite right.  let me repaste.17:59
arrrghhhstinebd, i guess while you're here i can ask you - would that work?18:00
arrrghhhinstead of cp'ing the wifi-nvram.txt file, symlink it in user.conf?18:01
stinebdtoo lazy to read18:02
stinebdshould work18:02
drhugobrstupid boot! takes forever18:04
drhugobrhah nice... sdcard got corrupted18:05
arrrghhhwell assuming this works18:06
arrrghhhi'll do a little rewrite on the wifi trick how-to.18:06
drhugobrok booting again from a clean SD card. with the wifi trick.18:07
arrrghhhthat's a word18:08
drhugobrthat would be nice! because theres alot of people who has no idea what to do..18:08
arrrghhhwhy can't triaged be a word18:08
arrrghhhfu, i make it a word.  add to dictionary :D18:08
drhugobrhaha i see a MEME coming out of thids18:08
drhugobrdamn. was waiting all this time to find out it was asking my to calibrate the TS18:10
arrrghhhyou didn't already do that..>?18:10
drhugobri dont know how you guys do this... seriouslly.18:10
drhugobri did18:11
drhugobrbut the SD got corrupted so i formated18:11
drhugobrno big deal18:11
drhugobri have an image on my PC18:11
arrrghhhi see18:11
drhugobrits loading droid already18:11
arrrghhhyea, i don't know how we did this either.18:11
drhugobryou should try flying a helicopter :D18:11
arrrghhhi can't even imagine starting the whole process18:11
arrrghhhi have18:11
arrrghhhi've flown a little cessna too18:12
arrrghhhi think it was a 17218:12
arrrghhhsingle engine, 4-seater.18:12
drhugobrmy boss just brougth a ROBINSON R66. im going to USA next month to get it... itll be a 48 hours flight to bring it to brazil!18:13
arrrghhhi guess i flew a bonanza too18:13
arrrghhh48 hour flight!?!?18:13
arrrghhhthat sounds awful lol18:13
arrrghhhyou're flying the helicopter all the way to brazil?  crazy.18:13
drhugobrits like coding! at first youre like! awesome! i have an 1337 idea! (Starts coding)     (4 hours later)   shit..... 4 hours just to work on the UI................................18:14
arrrghhhi don't do UI's18:14
arrrghhhi do ugly-as-sin, but it works.18:15
drhugobrevery yeah i take our R44 from sao paulo to SALVADOR city... about 3K kilometers.... it takes 11 hours.18:15
drhugobrits called hop flight... you land every 2:30 to 3 hours.... take a pee and fly again18:16
arrrghhhsounds like an alright gig18:16
drhugobrturning on WIFI! (dramatic music on the background)18:16
drhugobrshit... i freezed again18:17
drhugobrfrocess is not respnding18:17
arrrghhhmaybe that's not your problem18:17
arrrghhhthe nvram trick18:17
arrrghhhyou put your MAC address in that file, right?18:17
arrrghhhwell i guess pull some logs18:18
drhugobrthe file is in the ROOT of SD18:18
arrrghhhi'm not sure what could be the issue18:18
drhugobrthe wifi-nvram18:18
arrrghhhso use the getlogs app18:19
arrrghhhand pull system and kernel logs18:19
arrrghhhi don't know what else would prevent wifi from working18:19
drhugobrwill do... as soon as this thing boots again18:20
drhugobrjust to be sure.  the MAC adress is suposed to be writen like thisk : macaddr=00:23:76:58:30:05  ?18:22
drhugobrthats what i got from my AP18:22
arrrghhhfrom your AP?18:22
arrrghhhor from your phone...18:22
arrrghhhand yes, that's how it should be written.18:23
drhugobrohhh i see where youre going18:23
drhugobrlet me see from the phone if something its different18:23
arrrghhhthe problem is the phone's mac address isn't available to Android18:23
arrrghhh(i'm guessing that's your problem at least)18:23
drhugobronly difference i see is that on the phone it uses a - instead of :18:24
arrrghhhthat's fine18:24
arrrghhhyou should use :18:24
arrrghhhi just wanted to make sure you're using the MAC of the phone18:24
drhugobrk thats wthat it is18:24
arrrghhhi don't know what else it could be.  will need logs.18:24
arrrghhhgetlogs makes it easy, it's in AndroidApps\Other18:24
drhugobrwill do18:25
drhugobrbtw im booting android with winMO in airplane mode18:25
arrrghhhthat's fine18:25
arrrghhhi usually do too18:25
arrrghhhperhaps rhod100 is different18:26
arrrghhhfor fun, if you have time... boot Android with wifi enabled/connected in WinMo.18:26
drhugobralready did that18:26
drhugobrnothing happens18:26
arrrghhhyou're ahead of me :P18:26
arrrghhhwell, back to logs then.18:26
drhugobroh wait i see something different now18:30
drhugobrheres something i noticed.18:30
drhugobrusually the program would lockup when i turn the WIFI for the second time18:30
drhugobrnow it is freezing as soon as WIFI finishes turning on18:30
arrrghhhwait a second time?18:31
drhugobrno matter if its the first or second try18:31
arrrghhhwhat would happen the first time?18:31
arrrghhhthis is confusing.18:31
drhugobrthe first time i would boot. when i turned on wifi. it would say "turning on" then would turn off after 30 seconds saying that it coudnt fint any AP18:31
arrrghhhbefore you go any farther18:32
drhugobrthen i tryed again turning it ON.. then the APP would freeze18:32
arrrghhhdid it say wifi "error"18:32
arrrghhhor would it actually say it can't find any AP?18:32
drhugobron the second time yes18:32
arrrghhhthis sounds like your MAC is not available to Android.18:32
arrrghhhand perhaps the user.conf trick did not work18:32
arrrghhhdo you have adb or some sort of terminal?18:32
arrrghhhi want to cat /data/wifi-nvram.txt to see what's in it.18:33
drhugobrnot that i know of... im on win718:33
arrrghhhwell either get some terminal on the phone18:33
arrrghhhor get adb working on win7 (droid explorer makes this pretty easy)18:34
arrrghhhbecause troubleshooting problems is pretty much impossible otherwise.18:34
drhugobrdownloading droid explorer18:35
drhugobrstupid question... how do i start this getlogs?18:38
arrrghhhit will help18:38
arrrghhhit's in AndroidApps\Other18:38
arrrghhhso either install it by copying it to AndroidApps before booting18:38
arrrghhhor install the APK thru Astro or some file manager.18:38
arrrghhhfile explorer18:39
drhugobris it in FRX07 already or i have to get it?18:39
arrrghhhyou'd have to get it18:40
arrrghhhi don't think it's in AndroidApps\Other18:40
arrrghhhor any of those folders for that matter18:40
drhugobryeah just checked18:40
arrrghhhone of the ones i was considering adding tho.18:40
drhugobrots not there.18:40
drhugobri placed the getlogs in there. i also see some games but none show in the app selection18:41
arrrghhhin the FAQ it details what you have to do18:42
arrrghhhany apps you want installed, move (or copy) them to the AndroidApps folder18:42
arrrghhhthey will be copied to /data/app on boot.18:43
drhugobrjust noticed that18:43
drhugobrstupid me18:43
drhugobrcrap... i have to download SDK to use this droid explorer18:45
drhugobr34MB... should take 34 minutes on my internet... yeah... brazil sucks18:46
arrrghhhsdk isn't small.18:48
drhugobrok im booting with an "ANDEXPLORER.APK"  it says it is just like windows explorer. with this i might be able to see thatnvram thingy18:54
drhugobralso installed getlogs18:55
drhugobrstill downloading droid explorer btw18:55
drhugobrOMFG............. this will take me forever...........................18:59
drhugobrstupid boot18:59
drhugobrwird thing i noticed. every time i boot... my clock goes 1 hour forward19:05
arrrghhhFAQ :P19:10
arrrghhhthere's information on clock drift..19:10
drhugobralright.. booting again19:11
drhugobreverything installled..... working..... explorer and getlog plus droid explorer wohow!19:11
drhugobr(that is only to find out why my wifi its not working haha)19:11
arrrghhhyea, we've gotta see why19:11
arrrghhhi hope wifi-nvram just needs to be cp'd.19:12
drhugobri wonder why it takes so much to boot.19:12
arrrghhhold phone19:12
drhugobri think it was not copyed right19:12
drhugobror not copyed at all19:12
drhugobreverything else works....... but wifi19:13
arrrghhheh who needs it19:13
drhugobrbut..... google without internet... = nothing19:13
arrrghhhthat's what mobile data is for :P19:13
drhugobrbut i live in the midle of a forrest..... thank god i have a helicopter to fly around..........19:14
drhugobrotherwhise my only way to move around its like tarzan19:14
drhugobrwhere is that nvram thingy19:15
drhugobrinside data19:15
arrrghhhso with adb19:15
arrrghhhcat /data/wifi-nvram.txt19:15
arrrghhhi'd like to see if it is there19:15
arrrghhhand has your MAC19:15
drhugobrhmmm theres nothing inside data19:17
drhugobrcrap.. i think this "ANDEXPLORER" does not show it19:17
drhugobri see:19:17
drhugobrinside data theres nothing19:18
arrrghhhi asked you to cat it19:21
arrrghhhwith adb19:21
arrrghhhyou won't be able to use any "explorer" apps to view this file19:21
arrrghhhi don't think19:21
arrrghhhwhatever app you use, it must be able to browse as ROOT19:21
drhugobrandroid debug bridge?19:22
arrrghhhit's part of droid explore19:24
arrrghhhdroid explorer19:24
arrrghhhif you have droid explorer installed/working19:24
arrrghhhthen you have adb19:24
drhugobrstarting it19:25
drhugobrdownloading something hmmmmmmm19:26
arrrghhhnavigate to sdk from droid explorer19:27
drhugobrdroid explorer started downloading something...........19:27
arrrghhhusually c:\program files\droid explorer\sdk19:27
drhugobrk there19:27
drhugobroh wait... thats what it is downloading19:28
drhugobrfiles are showing up there19:28
arrrghhhi see19:29
drhugobrno CMD yet.19:29
drhugobrwith my luck... its gonna be the last file to be downloaded19:30
drhugobrlistening to "trololo" guy while downloading.....19:31
drhugobrits working19:32
drhugobrwhat i do now?19:33
arrrghhhwifi is working or droid explorer?19:36
arrrghhhi was going to say...19:36
arrrghhhso fire up a command prompt19:36
arrrghhhor in droid explorer i think there's some adb button19:36
arrrghhhnot sure19:36
drhugobrk im on it19:37
arrrghhhcat /data/wifi-nvram.txt19:38
arrrghhhsee if your MAC is at the bottom where you put it in19:38
drhugobrson of a! it freezed19:40
drhugobrit gotta be kidding me19:40
arrrghhhyour PC?19:40
drhugobrcellphone rebooted19:40
drhugobroh crap it is starting windows again19:41
arrrghhhi think you either have a bad SD card19:41
drhugobrson of a b....................19:41
arrrghhhor you've done something wrong...19:41
arrrghhhi do not know what else would cause this19:41
arrrghhhother than really poor service, and repeated SMD bugs.19:41
drhugobras soon as i run that command it booted19:41
arrrghhhyou didn't su first...?19:41
arrrghhhi don't think that would cause the phone to reboot19:41
arrrghhhbut i did forget that step19:41
arrrghhhit probably wouldn't have worked if you were not the super user.19:41
arrrghhhyou type "su" then enter19:42
arrrghhhand the prompt changes from $ to #19:42
arrrghhhmeaning you have ROOT access19:42
drhugobrbooting android19:42
drhugobrthe whole freaking computer freezed. only chrome its working hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm19:43
arrrghhhyou've got bigger problems.19:43
drhugobrill restart while it boots android19:43
drhugobrbb in 30 seconds!19:43
drhugobroh wait19:43
drhugobrits back19:44
drhugobrrestarting anyway19:44
arrrghhhall for wifi...19:44
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arrrghhhi forgot to boot the raph in activesync mode...19:47
arrrghhhso many bugs.19:47
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drhugobr2hmm it woudnt let me connect19:50
arrrghhhi leave soon, so let's wrap this up19:50
drhugobr2ok. i did the SU in console. it said permission failed19:50
arrrghhhdid you see any prompt on the phone?19:50
arrrghhhit will ask you to allow it19:50
arrrghhhand remember should be checked19:50
arrrghhhso you only have to allow it once19:50
arrrghhhso su <enter> again, and look at the phone.19:51
arrrghhhnow, cat /data/wifi-nvram.txt19:51
drhugobr2mac is there19:51
arrrghhhwell then...19:51
arrrghhhlogs it is19:51
arrrghhhso try to use wifi19:51
arrrghhhjust once is fine19:51
arrrghhhlet it fail19:51
arrrghhhthen pull logs19:51
arrrghhhand i shall look at them... unless it's painfully obvious, i'll probably need someone else to look at 'em too.19:52
drhugobr2where do i pull the logs?19:53
arrrghhheither adb19:53
arrrghhhwhich is harder19:53
arrrghhhor getlogs19:53
arrrghhhwhich i prefer19:53
arrrghhhbecause it formats everything nicely19:53
arrrghhhand pulls them all for you19:53
arrrghhhyou just need to pull the logs off your phone, since you don't have any way to upload them directly from the phone...19:53
drhugobr2where does it go19:54
arrrghhhwhere does what go?19:55
arrrghhhif you installed getlogs19:55
arrrghhhopen that app19:55
arrrghhhuncheck 'radio'19:55
arrrghhhthen press "just a file"19:55
arrrghhhit will put a logfile in /sdcard/Android/data/com.GetLogs/file19:55
arrrghhhcalled data.txt19:55
arrrghhhpastebin that file19:55
drhugobr2ok opening19:56
drhugobr2slow to open fonders.........19:58
arrrghhhdhd_preinit_ioctls: can't get MAC address , error=-11020:00
arrrghhhwell, perhaps you should follow the directions20:01
drhugobr2i see20:01
arrrghhhuser.conf be damned20:01
arrrghhhcp that wifi-nvram.txt file directly to /data20:01
drhugobr2but my mac was there20:01
drhugobr2when i checked the console20:02
arrrghhhi know20:02
arrrghhhi'm... not sure why that didn't work20:02
arrrghhhperhaps user.conf happens too late in the process20:02
arrrghhhand that file needs to be there earlier in the boot process...?20:02
arrrghhhthat's my best guess.20:02
drhugobr2k will try that now20:02
arrrghhhgood luck20:04
arrrghhhi am leaving work20:04
drhugobr2alright! but thanks for your time!20:04
arrrghhhnp, i'll probably be back later.  let me know if it doesn't work... based on your log tho, that is the problem.  Android doesn't know your MAC address, so you have to manually tell it...20:04
drhugobr2IT WORKED!20:07
drhugobr2cp /sdcard/wifi-nvram.txt /data/wifi-nvram.txt  worked! aha! wifi! omg!!! wifi!! ahahah20:07
drhugobr2(loads trololo guy in to androids youtube)20:08
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arrrghhhdrhugobr2, glad to hear it20:37
arrrghhhi guess that means i won't be rewriting that guide...20:38
arrrghhhoh well.  would've made it easier on the end-user.20:38
drhugobr2yeah! but now im stuck downloading terabits from the net haha lots of updates mails and stuffs20:38
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arrrghhhok, screebl makes me want to stab people21:10
arrrghhhmainly the dev21:11
arrrghhhbecause every other accelerometer app is appearing to be valid/working correctly.21:11
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d3tul3yo arrrghhh21:28
arrrghhhd3tul3, wassup21:55
d3tul3what are you using for a launcher, i am going to start shamelessly advertising go launcher ex21:57
d3tul3go launcher ex is nice21:58
arrrghhhso mr salesman21:58
d3tul3nice widgets to boot21:58
arrrghhhwhy/how is it better than ADW?21:58
arrrghhheh, i've found the less widgets i use the less i want to throw my phone out the window.21:59
d3tul3i don't actually as the last time i tried adw was .... forever ago....launcher ex seems like it's undergoing some pretty active development21:59
arrrghhhis it open?21:59
d3tul3i am pretty dependent on having a calendar on my scren21:59
d3tul3oh no not that i know of, active development = upgrades/improvements/new_widgets22:00
arrrghhhADW is open...22:01
d3tul3i was supposed to be the salesman22:02
arrrghhhi used it a while ago22:02
arrrghhhhaven't tried it in ages.22:02
arrrghhhprobably since you last used adw :P22:02
arrrghhheh i don't expect much from the launcher22:04
arrrghhhsomething that's speedy22:05
arrrghhhand has the ability to backup/restore22:05
arrrghhhbeing able to resize widgets is nice22:05
arrrghhhand all the customization options on adw are outrageous.  haven't seen what options go launcher ex has... used that about a year ago or so.22:05
d3tul3silly me thinking you haven't tried this or that22:07
arrrghhhdid you get my paste from earlier?22:08
arrrghhhi pm'd it to your other account...22:08
arrrghhhi forgot you used separate accts22:08
d3tul3oh sorry that guy is work22:08
arrrghhhyea, i forgot22:08
d3tul3he's boring22:08
arrrghhhi can probably find it 1 sec22:08
d3tul3same as before22:09
arrrghhhwell this was interesting22:09
arrrghhhand perhaps i didn't let it sit long enough last time22:09
arrrghhhbut i forgot to boot with activesync on at first22:09
arrrghhhand it starting "breathing" on its own22:09
arrrghhhafter sleeping for a while22:09
arrrghhhcrap... brb22:10
arrrghhhironically i had to remote into my work to find it22:14
d3tul3so still the same type of behavior?22:14
d3tul3i got a new one for you when you get a chance
arrrghhhyea, pretty much the same22:15
arrrghhhit would start 'breathing' when sleeping22:15
d3tul3this new one.....hopefully it boots22:17
arrrghhhwhat have you done... :P22:18
arrrghhhi'm about to boot it22:18
arrrghhhwhew, glad my buddy let me borrow his raph800 indefinitely lol22:18
d3tul3here here22:19
arrrghhheh he got an evo3d22:20
arrrghhhno real use for the raph...22:20
arrrghhhwell flying text.  that's a good sign.22:20
d3tul3200$ i can get a tablet or two for that much money22:20
arrrghhhwell he had a rhod22:20
arrrghhhand it pretty much imploded on him22:21
arrrghhhso he used his raph for a little while, but it wasn't working so well either - battery-wise.22:21
arrrghhhso he kept the raph just in case he needed a backup phone, which he did.  now he's got the beastphone.22:21
arrrghhhthat thing is retardedly huge22:21
d3tul3i am not so fast and loose with my phones..._this_ rhod is the only smartphone i've _ever_ owned22:21
arrrghhhnice for watching vids, not so much for in your pocket.22:21
arrrghhhthe RHOD is pretty much in line with other HTC smartphones i've had22:22
arrrghhhstarted with apache/ppc-6700.22:22
arrrghhhthen mogul/ppc-680022:22
arrrghhhthen raph8022:22
arrrghhhand now rhod40022:22
arrrghhhironically i only paid for the apache and mogul.  raph and rhod were free upgrades...22:22
arrrghhhit's not breathing when charging now22:23
arrrghhhbut it was plugged in when booting (otherwise adb doesn't work...22:23
d3tul3when it's almost full it should be doing something else22:23
d3tul3a slow blink maybe22:23
arrrghhhlemme unplug and see what happens on sleep.22:24
arrrghhhmaybe that was it22:24
arrrghhhi saw it bliping randomly22:24
arrrghhhstill breathing in sleep tho...22:24
d3tul31903840193n 4243yq08932744198v 64346079``1123794t4v 122:24
arrrghhhwant moar logs?22:24
arrrghhhnow it's not breathing22:24
arrrghhhwtf else could that represent?22:24
arrrghhhshit now it is again.22:25
arrrghhhi haven't woken it up at all22:25
arrrghhhi guess it's going in and out of sleep... logs comin.22:25
arrrghhhyea it's almost fully charged22:25
arrrghhhand the whole jogdial blinks intermittently22:25
arrrghhhlike every 10s or so22:25
d3tul3yeah that's the slow blink22:26
d3tul3when almost full ( i think)22:26
arrrghhhsounds official22:26
d3tul3i think the damn thing is working except for the stupid breathe appearing when unplugged no notification22:26
d3tul3and i can see in the logs android is sending "turn jogdial off"22:27
arrrghhhyea seems to be22:27
d3tul3i can see in the kernel responding "turning it off"22:27
d3tul3and apparently it's not22:27
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d3tul3thanks nothing jumps out, i have another idea, but i've had too much wine to be able to write it'll have to wait til tomorrow night22:31
arrrghhhnot a problem... not like there's a huge rush for this :P22:32
d3tul3i have a feeling the only raphs in circulation are testers like yours and emwe's anyways....this is all fun and games22:34
arrrghhhoh there's still a few users believe it or not22:35
arrrghhhbut very few that actually use the phone daily/as their main phone.22:35
arrrghhhmost have other phones, indeed.22:35
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d3tul3i am out good night'22:41
arrrghhhtake it easy22:41
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