Friday, 2011-09-16

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emwearrrghhh: yesterdays fixed up acoustic libs are doing fine for rhod?04:01
emwearrrghhh: (meant alex' ones)04:36
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mgross029emwe, How's it going?07:55
emweat work ;)07:59
mgross029Yep...  Same here...08:21
mgross029emwe, going to pull Alex's latest acoustic libs in to see what happens...08:22
emweah thx.08:53
emwewon't come around merging his fork of alex' tree with amss5225 fixes this evening08:53
emwedunno if i will make it tomorrow...08:53
mgross029NP...  I may not be on tomorrow either...  I will probably be under a car fixing exhaust...08:55
mgross029Just did a speaker phone call and the mic is broke again...  I will retest to make sure...  However, the speaker to earcup switching is working...08:56
mgross029Just ran two more tests...  Seems like this version of the libs has went back to Alex's first revision...  I am seeing similar results...  Speakphone cuts out...  Mic doesn't work for SP...09:00
arrrghhhemwe, need to put them thru the ringer09:08
arrrghhhso far no audio dying09:08
Detuleemwe how goes it09:09
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arrrghhhi haven't tested speakerphone mic functionality09:17
arrrghhhbut i had several issues with voice command... it was like the mic wasn't even on.  it wouldn't hear a damned word i said.  usually voice search/command works great...09:18
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mgross029arrrghhh, that's funny with the new libs my voice search seems to work now...  It was broke on the last set of libs...09:29
arrrghhheh i'm comparing to "normal" XDAndroid09:29
arrrghhhnormally voice search works amazingly well.09:30
arrrghhhnow... it just seems to ignore my screamings.09:30
mgross029LOL...  :p  Yeah...  I've done that screaming a few times myself...09:31
arrrghhhjust maddening when you don't see that mic flicker09:32
arrrghhhyou know it's just ignoring you09:32
mgross029LOL...  Exactly...  I even have tried the integrated one with the SWYPE keyboard and it ignores me too...  I think it's talked to my wife before...  :D09:34
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emwevoice search didn't work for me yet with acoustic-dev branch09:46
emwebut i am always a bit holing back from trusting it should work as that is always .35 with gb09:46
emwe ;)09:46
emweDetule: fine, thouhg burried with RL :)09:46
emweand work still09:46
emwewanted to leave already ...09:46
emwedamn outer joins and fscking project i had to take over when a colleage left.09:47
emwewith broken data... and i hate sql... i rather do programming.09:47
mgross029emwe, tried the latest .35 kernel on my Rhod500 and only get the first screen of console then it does a reboot after 5 sec...09:48
emwedid voice search work for anyone with any acoustic incarnation?09:48
emwemgross029: have you set initrd size?09:48
emweor whatever it was... forgotten. look on the glemsom page and read what is written there.09:48
mgross029emwe, yes...  Voice search worked for me one a couple of the acoustic revisions Alex made and with the original FRX7 and 7.1 libs...09:49
emwemgross029: if you haven't set that, do so and try. you can keep that setting. and also fetch that updated haret referenced there. also works for old kernel.09:49
mgross029emwe, the offset?  Yes did that...  Using the new Haret too...09:49
emwewill have to pull in alex fork and see what works and works not for me.09:49
emweok, hmpfs09:49
emwecan you get a ramconsole dump?09:50
emweyou know how?09:50
mgross029Haven't done one yet...09:51
mgross029Would be happy to though...09:51
emwemgross029: don't mind the "topa"-ish relation. steps 2-9 .. topa_ramconsole.txt is what i am interessted in.09:54
emwemgross029: so boot, have it reset and as soon as possible execute Haretscripting09:54
emwemgross029: HaretScripting is just a convenience for not having to do this with haretconsole...09:54
emweapropos monodie detection on .35... not getting it to work....09:56
arrrghhhharetconsole is fun tho09:56
arrrghhhbut emwe - voice search seems hit or miss on the new acoustic.  it works, then doesn't.09:56
arrrghhhon "normal" (non-new-acoustic) it seems to work almost 100% of the time.09:57
arrrghhhthere's been a few hiccups in the past, but it almost always hears mah voice.09:57
emwenow lets assume alex and hyc have been using the acoustic non-dev branch. i think hyc also had it, yes...09:57
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emwei always used the -dev and never tried voice search until in holidays and it didn't work.09:58
emwewe'll see.09:58
emwejust need to find some time...09:58
emweand then the big rebase on alex' tree... and doing google and korg-longterm merges again...09:59
emweand get topa-rhod stuff in there...09:59
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emweand whatever fixes i had to make for actually getting that thing usable.10:00
emwearrrghhh: btw, that lowmemorykill adj and minfree from supercharger (which likely everyone else uses in other optimimizations) are great! feels supi dupi10:01
emweapps launching way faster because no room has to be made by serializing the old apps states back to "disk"10:01
arrrghhhisn't it awesome?  :D10:05
arrrghhhi wanted to make a thread of non-snake-oil fixes.10:05
arrrghhhwas tired of all the placebo "fixes" for speed.10:05
emwewanted to figure still why these don't apply well with custom_shells in *.user.conf and understand what the setprops in init have an effect if effectively the the params are echoed to lowmemorykiller10:07
emweand when i "understood" what is now being killed how... we/i should push that out.10:08
emwejust don't wanna blindly take it over.10:08
arrrghhhyea, i guess so..10:10
arrrghhhwhat about directly in init.rc?10:10
arrrghhhis that bad practice.10:10
emwenah, yeah, that's where i wanted to change the current stuff10:10
emwesorry, don't have files in front of me10:10
emwejust whondering why user conf doesn't take effect10:10
arrrghhhi'm guessing the init.rc takes precedence10:11
arrrghhhor overwrites the values from user.conf10:12
arrrghhhprobably the latter :P10:12
emwebut user.conf should come last.. not looked close enough.10:14
emwestill at work and won't come around looking later.10:15
arrrghhhcertainly not critical10:15
arrrghhhbut would be nice to integrate...10:15
arrrghhhone thing - you must be careful about values10:16
arrrghhhi have some very aggressive ones set10:16
arrrghhhand some have said certain apps flat out fail with those settings10:16
arrrghhhi haven't had an issue...10:16
emwegot these from SC script10:17
arrrghhhwhich "choice" was that tho?10:18
arrrghhhhe had many options :P10:18
arrrghhhand i think there's a newer version10:18
arrrghhhi need to go thru his thread again10:18
emwe20+4k pages looks like the 80mb one10:18
mgross029emwe, thx...  I'll work on that now...10:18
emweman... 20k*4k... but you got it already i guess10:18
emwemgross029: take your time. doing so too ;)10:19
mgross029emwe, check your xda mail...  Sent the ramconsole.txt to you...10:35
emwechecking later. going home now. laters.10:37
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mgross029arrrghhh, doesn't the rootfs replace the init.rc each time you boot from the init.froyo.rc?  So to make the change stick it would have to be done in that file...  Just remember reading that somewhere...10:45
mgross029I think it was in one of StarFox's threads...10:45
arrrghhhthat doesn't explain why the settings in *.user.conf don't stick.10:46
arrrghhhobviously if you're making changes to init.rc, you should make them in init.froyo.rc10:46
arrrghhhor init.<build>.rc10:46
arrrghhhbut that's not what emwe was talking about...10:46
mgross029True...  The user.conf should push on each boot...10:46
arrrghhhand is much more user-friendly as far as customization goes10:46
mgross029Hmmm.....  Interesting...10:46
arrrghhhso if some values are chosen that aren't "ideal", users could easily change 'em.10:47
mgross029postmaster kicked that email back to emwe...  Had to zip the small txt file...  :-\10:54
Detulei wonder if i can talk rpierce99 into invluding "cat /proc/meminfo" in GetLogs (if it's not already there)11:22
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mgross029arrrghh, got a pm from mazak asking for help on BT...  lol12:17
mgross029That's the guy over on ppc that wasn't reading your posts...12:19
arrrghhhi pointed him to your thread... sorry :P12:20
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mgross029Not a problem..  I'll throw him a bone on the thread and maybe give him something to chew on...12:21
arrrghhhgood luck.12:21
arrrghhhit's funny, some people are so stubborn about BT.12:21
arrrghhhi could care less about it, but i also don't talk & drive.12:21
arrrghhhi just ignore calls when i'm driving lol12:22
mgross029For me it is just getting the total package to work...  I knew it was close and with the latest acoustics the sound quality is much better...12:23
arrrghhhi agree, total package working better is nice12:23
arrrghhhhence the 7.1 release :P12:23
arrrghhhthis new acoustic code would be great too12:23
arrrghhhit just still seems buggy..12:23
mgross029That's because Alex is weeding through all of JB's junk in the code...  :p12:24
arrrghhhi don't get why JB just up and left12:24
arrrghhhi haven't heard from him in months...12:24
arrrghhhhe hasn't pushed anything since June either12:24
mgross029Got the new 4G :D12:25
mgross029No...  I was saying JB got the new 4G...  :p12:25
mgross029I'm sure you've seen the 4G Evo vs IPhone on youtube right?12:26
arrrghhhdude there's a ton of 4g phones lol12:26
mgross029I know...  Just that video cracks me up...12:26
mgross029Oh well sorry...  I crack MYSELF up sometimes...  :p12:27
arrrghhhyea, that video was pretty funny12:28
arrrghhhsparked a lot of pissed off iPhans to make videos to refute the original12:28
mgross029I'm sure...  I'll have to search for those...  Haven't seen them yet...  Don't youtube much...  :p12:29
mgross029arrrghhh,  There I gave him a few more things to try that should keep him busy for a bit...  :p12:41
mgross029Pulled an updated Go Weather down...  Some more bug fixes...12:43
stinebdchrome is total fail sometimes...13:02
arrrghhhi'm still addicted to FF.  can't switch to chrome full time.13:03
rpierce99chrome for browsing, ff for dev, always13:03
stinebdi'm using it in kde on this bullshit hotspot that proxies outbound web traffic for some insane reason13:04
stinebdand apparently in kde you can't use a proxy with chrome13:04
stinebdit simply does nothing13:04
stinebdcool it totally works13:06
stinebdyou just have to log out of kde every time you change the setting13:07
mgross029heh...  Believe it or not I use IE (Company Standard) for IRC because the refresh blows up on FF...  FF for XDA and PPC because of the Ad blocker arrrghhh clued me to and Chrome for my map editing on WAZE...13:12
arrrghhhfor some things i have to use IE for13:12
arrrghhhmost things i use FF for tho.13:12
arrrghhhIE is a company "standard"... so long as i don't ask for them to support FF, they don't really care.13:13
mgross029WAZE has a new Cartouche for editing the GPS maps and it only works in Chrome...  It's pretty cool though...13:14
rpierce99when chrome first came out my company tried to use a GPO to block chrome.exe by file hash13:15
rpierce99they dumped that attempt pretty quickly when they realized chrome updates like every 3 days13:15
mgross029Actually our company standard is IE 7 (vomit) upped to IE 8 much better...13:15
rpierce99we're still on IE6 installed by default, you can upgrade to 8 if you want13:16
stinebdoh jesus13:16
stinebdcommit 17a0e2cb68d63e89e9f906304bfcc76cb373f768 Author: Amit Kohli <> Date:   Tue Mar 24 10:09:20 2009 -0700    commit to pull13:16
stinebdsomeone needs to learn git stash13:17
stinebdhaha later on in the log, the same guy has 4 commits in a row all with the same message13:17
stinebdmust be a cvs guy13:18
mgross029There's one on every corner... ;)13:18
stinebdhere's a gem
mgross029That's a mess...  Is that really code or an html email dump?13:21
stinebdthat's an actual commit message13:21
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brinka123Hi guys, I made a changes to the camera driver to let the camera work on a Rhodium100. I tested it and it works.17:05
brinka123I submitted the changes but I get an e-mail that I am not allowed to do this...17:06
brinka123How do I get the change into an XDA kernel...17:06
brinka123PLEASE HELP...17:06
NiteSnowPLEASE WAIT!!17:07
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arrrghhhbrinka123, did you have your change tested...?17:08
arrrghhhdo you know it works?  does it blow anything up?17:08
brinka123yes I tested it on a rhodium100.17:09
arrrghhhyou tested it17:09
arrrghhhwho else?17:09
arrrghhhi posted to the cam testing thread17:09
brinka123How do I distribute it for test??17:09
arrrghhhhoping you would respond17:09
arrrghhhstill haven't seen your response17:09
arrrghhhwell, that thread would be a good place to start...17:09
arrrghhhalso, what did you change if you don't mind?17:10
rpierce99brinka123: continue discussing with arrrghhh because a patch will not be accepted without multiple users testing it, but to send a patch to the Mailing List you have to register to receive the list also.17:11
brinka1231 I changed the fps to 15 and 30 fps17:12
arrrghhhyou changed the fps...?17:12
brinka123I changed the write_exp  function according sourced from a dream.17:12
arrrghhhhrm.  alrighty17:13
arrrghhhso brinka123 - two things.17:13
arrrghhhcompile the kernel please.  post it to this thread -
arrrghhhthat will allow people to test & critique.17:13
arrrghhhin addition, sign up for the ML17:14
stinebdwe have a mailing list?!17:14
arrrghhhand post the patch to the ML.  no need to attach the compiled kernel here, just the patch.17:14
arrrghhhhowdy stinebd17:14
stinebdsorry i don't speak hick17:14
arrrghhhsure ya do17:14
arrrghhhyou live in hickville after all17:14
stinebdnot really17:14
stinebdi live in new york spillover ville17:15
arrrghhhi thought your state was the place where all the amish folk settle17:15
stinebdbut it's not where i live17:15
arrrghhhnew york spillover ville covers like 5 states lol17:15
arrrghhhbut it's your state...17:15
stinebdi'm like an hour and a half from there17:15
arrrghhheh, close enough17:15
stinebdcloser to new york actually17:16
stinebdyou know, our turnpike is really expensive17:16
stinebdthat drive to western pa for the wedding last week was 9.28 each way17:16
stinebdand only half of it was on the turnpike17:16
stinebdi was gonna calculate how much it costs to go to philly but their toll calculator conveniently omits both the entrance and the exit i would use17:17
arrrghhhi pay enough in taxes on my vehicle, i'm glad they don't also hit us up with toll roads.17:17
arrrghhhthat means it's free right?17:17
stinebdthat means it's probably about twice as much per mile than the drive to western pa17:18
stinebdmy car was a champ with that drive, only took a half gallon to get there17:19
stinebdand somehow a bit less to get back17:19
arrrghhhwell, the colbalt is made of fiberglass and chinese newspapers.17:19
stinebdnot chinese17:19
arrrghhhwas going to go with apple cores at first, but felt that was a little too cheeky17:19
arrrghhhlol i see17:19
arrrghhhyea, i should probably buy another vehicle at some point.  using a truck as my DD isn't so economical.17:20
arrrghhhmy boss is letting me go early... who am i to argue.  cya guys.17:21
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brinka123Hi arrrghh17:28
brinka123Can not upload the kernel max limit 8 MB...17:28
stinebd[17:14:18] <arrrghhh> and post the patch to the ML.  no need to attach the compiled kernel here, just the patch.17:29
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brinka123Ok added a reply to the camera thread, to let test the kernel17:41
brinka123What ML is meant here ? How do I sign up for this list??17:42
brinka123Is there anybody out there.....17:56
brinka123Or is everybody making pictures with rhodium 100's :-)17:57
brinka123I sent the patch, hope its ok...18:07
brinka123Did this for the first time...18:08
arrrghhhbrinka123, cool18:10
brinka123Hope it works on other rhodium types too..18:11
arrrghhhi guess i could give it a whirl on my 40018:11
arrrghhhis it just based on the latest .27?18:11
brinka123yes the 146 version.18:12
brinka123Check the startup text... But you will know...18:13
brinka123Wifi doesn't work with my generation, so I realy want the change incorporated in an "official" kernel.18:14
arrrghhhdidn't build modules eh?18:14
arrrghhhfor wifi...?18:14
arrrghhhwell, and other things.18:15
brinka123Phone works fine further, let the wifi stuff.  Just use it for testing the camera changes.18:16
arrrghhhor don't answer the question18:16
arrrghhhok, that's fine...18:16
arrrghhhyou did include modules18:17
brinka123You are checking the stuff right now ??18:18
arrrghhhi downloaded your zip, yes.18:18
brinka123Do you have time to test it?18:19
arrrghhhi can try in a few, yes18:20
brinka123Where do you live arrrghhh? US??18:21
brinka123I'm from netherlands Europe.18:23
brinka123No near hightech city Eindhoven.18:24
brinka123Do you see mister android already??18:24
brinka123On your phone...18:24
arrrghhhsorry testing something else18:25
arrrghhhtrying to get the new acoustic code integrated18:25
arrrghhhand... it's being flaky18:25
brinka123Is it possible to get an exact build environment same as the kernels are generated with ??18:26
brinka123I expect when I clone a kernel and generate it I get the same kernel as distributed.18:27
arrrghhhthere's some tricks in the build script18:32
arrrghhhthat pumps 'em out18:32
arrrghhhfunctionally they should be the same18:32
arrrghhhthey may not end up being the same size18:32
arrrghhhrequiring the haret and init_offset tricks18:32
brinka123why doesn't work wifi then???18:34
arrrghhhi'm not sure tbh18:34
arrrghhhi can try on mine18:34
arrrghhhhaven't gotten there yet :P18:35
NiteSnowwhich device?18:35
arrrghhhRHOD for me18:35
arrrghhhthe fix is for 100's tho that had f-ed cameras18:35
NiteSnowI have a nexus s right now and I need to attempt to get into the dev side of things so I can get wifi working properly along with wimax18:37
brinka123I go to bed, please report any test results on XDA camera thread.18:40
brinka123I hope the fix will be incorporated in a new version of the kernel..18:41
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arrrghhhfreezes on boot19:13
arrrghhhmust've just been a fluke.19:16
arrrghhhhow do i list loaded modules again?  lsmod returns nada...19:35
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mgross029Yo Yo..19:50
arrrghhhalex threw me another lib19:50
arrrghhhjust has some more verbose debugging poop19:50
mgross029Just working the logs now...  Is it there?19:51
mgross029*walking not working...19:51
mgross029I work too much...  heh19:51
arrrghhhhe wasn't on irc19:51
arrrghhhi pinged him on gtalk...19:51
arrrghhhi had problems on my ride home19:51
arrrghhhso i pinged him before he went to bed :P19:52
mgross029My voice command is the only thing not working...  BT was working fine...19:52
arrrghhhwell that failed on me as well19:53
arrrghhhit worked at first19:53
mgross029Yeah he is just a few hours ahead of us...  :p19:53
arrrghhhnow not19:53
arrrghhhlol a few...19:53
mgross029I used to work with TATA Infotec...  Guess where?19:53
mgross029We used to call it speaking TATA when we had to talk to them...  :p19:54
arrrghhhyea i work with cisco.  all their tier 1 techs are from india... even if they live in the states.  i don't know how they manage that.19:54
mgross029I was so used to it I understood them pretty well when everyone else was like wut?19:55
arrrghhhyea... you do get used to it19:55
mgross029I've gotten some techs from England when I've called into TAC19:55
arrrghhhi've gotten some from australia19:56
arrrghhhif i open the case late at night usually lol19:56
arrrghhhthose guys are awesome.  i've been doing that more and more lately.  i never get to work directly with the engineer, but they get shit done.19:56
mgross029Shift rotation...  :)19:56
arrrghhhoh yea19:57
arrrghhhgoes around the globe man, just follow the sun...19:57
mgross029Yeah...  I've had to get things escalated on TAC cases...  Used to be heavy into networking...19:57
mgross029heh exactly...19:58
mgross029damn server keeps crashing on me...  I put 16GBs in it and everyone once in a while I'll get a BSOD...  Probably a bad stick...20:00
arrrghhhoh well.  i'm out, peace20:02
mgross029Ok...  Just pushed it to my phone...  Rebooting...20:03
mgross029Thanks for the update...20:03
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mgross029D3tul3, How goes it?  Kind of quiet around here...  arrrghhh just left a little bit ago...20:19
stinebdthat coors light home draft thing20:21
stinebdwould be awesome if it were dr pepper instead20:21
mgross029Interesting...  Never saw that before...  Don't drink much anymore... :)20:23
mgross029@stinebd even a youtube video on how to use it...  LOL...20:24
stinebdi don't like beer at all but it's an interesting concept20:25
mgross029I agree...  Could be used for other things...20:27
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NiteSnowhey are any devs here that know tho ip address for
stinebdit's down20:31
NiteSnow:S20:31 was compromised20:31
NiteSnowI was trying to hack something up to use github but it's a pain in the ass and half of the repos are missing20:32
stinebdat this point the fbi is collecting evidence from the machines and then they will be scanned and scrubbed by the maintainers to ensure all the code is safe20:32
stinebdneedless to say it'll be a while20:32
NiteSnowyou'd think google would have servers setup as a backup20:33
NiteSnowthey probably do which is what bothers me the most :\20:33
stinebdthey have in-house stuff, which is all they care about20:33
NiteSnowyeah but they should make it public20:33
NiteSnowthey're just stalling other peoples dev work20:34
stinebdonly the public's20:34
stinebdvendors still have access to the code20:34
NiteSnowyeah but it's still dev work20:34 42176 INA72.14.224.5720:35
NiteSnowthat's the only thing I've found that resolves but I get no response from git20:36
D3tul3mgross029, yeah slow weekends, hard to believe that people have a real life....20:38
D3tul3xdandroid, later tell [acl] i'll be on/off this weekend and should be able to patch my own library20:40
xdandroidD3tul3: The operation succeeded.20:40
arrrghhhwhat is this "real life" that you speak of D3tul3 ?20:41
NiteSnowarrrghhh, yeah what is this "real life"20:42
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mgross029D3tul3, well you have to break way from the keyboard sometime...  :p20:51
mgross029arrrghhh, yo...  Still not Voice Search Mic...20:52
mgross029With the SWYPE keyboard...  That is how I text...  lol20:52
arrrghhhuse the google mic...20:53
mgross029Yep...  Tried that too...  Still no joy...20:53
mgross029Everything else seems to work...20:53
mgross029Some of the panels were slow on the phone.apk, but that was probably because the system hadn't settled yet...20:54
mgross029Audio is nice an clear though...20:55
arrrghhhfor the most part, the new libs are great20:55
arrrghhhjust some odd regressions and explosions at times.20:55
mgross029I agree...  Audio is loud too...20:56
arrrghhhno static20:56
arrrghhhi've actually had it overdrive the speaker sometimes20:57
arrrghhhi can't consistently recreate it20:57
arrrghhhhave you noticed any issues adjusting the volume while in a call?20:57
mgross029Alex's kernel is pretty stable too...  No TI yet but I knew that...20:57
mgross029Just speaker...  Even all the way down it is still pretty loud...20:58
arrrghhhit doesn't seem to adjust the volume at all for me in speakerphone mode when in a call20:58
arrrghhhturn it all the way up or all the way down... sounds the same.20:58
arrrghhhat least last time i tried20:58
arrrghhhi guess i should test agian20:58
mgross029I agree...20:58
mgross029I think I saw something in my lolcat when I was pulling a speaker phone call...20:59
mgross029see made you laugh...  HA20:59
arrrghhhlolcat <321:00
mgross029It's the funniest loging program...  :p21:01
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mgross029Hmmm...  Can't seem to find it now...  Oh well...21:06
mgross029I'm out for now...  C'ya...21:11
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