Friday, 2011-09-09

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Detulejonpry: well i have levmar.a09:10
Detulethough i am sure you are well past that part09:16
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Detulei mean liblevmar.a09:35
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stinebdi feel so bad for gumby13:29
arrrghhhwhat did gumby do?13:30
arrrghhhIn 2011, a man in a Gumby suit attempted to rob a 7-Eleven in San Diego13:31
arrrghhhlol is that what you're referring to?  cuz that's awesome.13:31
stinebdhe's so desperate to get high that he's robbing convenience stores13:31
arrrghhhgumby had an accomplice.13:31
stinebdthat guy wasn't with him13:32
stinebdyou can tell who goes with gumby because they're single-color masses of clay13:32
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jonpryDetule, i'm actually not that far. its against bionic?14:21
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Detulejonpry: yeah it's against xdandroid not sure if that makes a difference14:32
Detulejonpry: it runs on my phone, i was about to write a piece of code to do the gaussian fit14:33
jonpryxdandroid is fine for getting the code working. in the future we will need to make sure it is building for fpu14:34
jonpryprobably a little bit slow on msm7k14:35
Detulei ran some simple optimizing code it was fine14:35
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jonpryneed real data?14:35
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Detuleyeah a 3x3 would be nice14:36
Detulei'll send you the library and the demo binary14:37
jonprythanks. gf took the touchpad so no android device atm14:39
rpierce99jonpry: did you ever end up unbricking?14:42
jonprygot another one14:42
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jonpryDetule, the infamous pastebin will read the raw matrix. i have some binaries that can work under webos with some coaxing14:46
jonpryother people are grabbing dumps now though14:47
Detuleoh it's ok i just want 9 data points to see if this will spit out a reasonable answer14:53
Detulei guess i can do it myself14:53
jonpryi just ran it on the prypad14:54
jonpry212 iterations. some kind of result14:54
Detuleright, it does some sample optimizing problem14:58
Detuleyou can see the code in lmdemo.c14:58
Detuleit has a collection of problems and it's currently calculating one of them, Meyer's reformulated blah blah whatever that is14:59
jonpryinteresting. are they doing numerical derivatives?15:00
Detulethey have the option for both15:00
Detulei think in that particular problem they are doing numerical15:00
jonprymasses of data in your email15:02
jonpryhere is a 3x3: 0A 18 05\n 0C 1A 04\n 04 06 0015:04
jonprypretty sure that for most of these the center should end up being within .5 units of the center of the matrix15:18
Detulei can assume this matrix is centered around zero then15:18
jonprymatrices from the edge or center will have more extreme values though15:18
jonpryer edge or corner15:19
Detulejonpry: what do you think are good initial values for amplitude, and standard deviation15:33
Detuleoh i guess i'll try amplitude 30 std deviation 515:33
jonpryamplitude should be the peak value15:34
jonprystd deviation is ~115:35
Detuleright putting those hex values in decimal i think peak value of 30 is not unreasonable starting point15:35
mgross029arrrghhh, Just started out with a fresh 4K block size data.img...  ran SC script from terminal...  Enable SD-Booster with 8192 cache...  pm disable...  Rebooted and this thing is flying...15:36
jonpryi think it would be ok to preprocess the stuff. so use the actual mean as the guess for the center, and real peak value, etc15:37
jonpryfor now probably overkill15:38
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mgross029arrrghhh, Had to do the app installs manually since the tb versions weren't working...  I did a data only restore though which brought back most of my settings for the apps... So not too bad15:48
arrrghhhoy why does everything happen on Friday's15:49
arrrghhhIRC is hoppin, and i am just freakin slammed today at work.15:49
mgross029Yeah...  I have a ton of work to do, but been messing with this phone all day...  :D15:50
mgross029I've showed this thing to a guy with a moto droid 1 and he couldn't believe how fast it was compared to his...  He is trying to get it rooted now...  lol15:51
mgross029stinebd, how is the flooding?  My oldest daughter said she was flooded out too...  She's in Lancaster area...15:59
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mgross029I'm out...  Cya...16:31
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Detulelet me send you a binary you have that touchpad handy17:14
jonpryi got the tp back yes17:14
Detulei haven't tested this so i have no idea what it'll do17:15
jonprywhat is it?17:16
Detulebut ideally it'll spew out a bunch of "Parameters are:" followed by 4 doubles, the 2nd and 3rd being the (x,y)-coordinates of the mean associated with those 9 measurements17:16
Detuleeach line is an itteration17:17
Detuleideally those numbers should converge17:17
jonpryso its not using the uart or anything that would require actual touchpad?17:18
Detuleno the 9 values are hard coded -> it's pretty stupid17:18
jonprydoes not seem to be converging very well17:19
Detuleuh, i should perhaps use the analytic jacobian instead of the numerics17:21
jonprythat is usually better. but this seems strange. i wonder why it has so much trouble17:24
jonpryi'm not sure that we actually need to solve for the SD17:24
Detulek i am out, jonpry it's probably not converging well because chances are my algorithm is wrong, phone is dead so i can't debug anything...i'll write it with an analytic jacobian probably tomorrow17:44
jonpryk, thanks. cya17:46

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