Friday, 2011-09-02

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HuckWeed1happy birthday BulitPruf01:02
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arrrghhhstinebd, can i reupload the same file and it'll replace it?01:55
arrrghhhlet's hope so.01:55
arrrghhhsleepy tiem01:58
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ryannathansany python coders online?07:52
edcbaask the question09:12
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arrrghhhask the question?09:16
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ryannathansI ended up coding around it09:50
arrrghhhyour question09:51
ryannathansresuming the for after
arrrghhhpastebin fail?09:52
ryannathansoh ya, one sec09:52
ryannathansand i ended up using09:53
ryannathansbasically a continue and an else09:54
arrrghhhgot raped eh09:54
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ryannathansit does dns lookups up urls09:54
ryannathanspart of a back end script for importing ips into a database for something09:55
ryannathanswhat python does android ship with?09:55
ryannathansanything special I should know about?09:55
arrrghhhno clue09:59
ryannathansawesome, lets see if it breaks.09:59
ryannathansffs, this guy stole my idea
arrrghhhlol that's from 200810:09
arrrghhhsounds like you stole his idea.10:09
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arrrghhhi want my garage door opener to have a webserver10:10
ryannathansI wonder if i can make something boil my kettle when i'm on my way home10:11
ryannathanstoo bad it's a gas kettle.10:11
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CptAJryannathans: you can get some sort of solenoid valve for it10:16
ryannathansif it manfunctions i might end up with no kitchen10:20
ryannathansI don't want to risk that for a quick android app ;d10:21
arrrghhhif i ever do get a motorcycle10:21
arrrghhhthat garage door hack seems awesome.10:21
CptAJryannathans: build safety measures! what are you an engineer for?10:23
arrrghhhdid you just call ryannathans an engineer?10:24
ryannathansSoftware Engineer ;D10:24
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CptAJwhich is not very reassuring when it comes to implementing safety measures =P10:26
ryannathansI could engineer some kind of CO2 system10:26
ryannathansnot worth it for a kettle10:26
CptAJsee? software engineer thinking right there10:26
CptAJyknow, you could use redundant solenoids that default to closed position upon any kind of failure10:27
ryannathansI would have to wire them up to detect the gas iginition10:27
ryannathansand if that's faulty and says it's on and fine?10:28
CptAJdirt cheap solutions10:28
ryannathansDepends how good the coffee would turn out10:28
CptAJofcourse, taking engineering man-hours into account... its absurdly expensive compared to a 20$ electric kettle with a timer =P10:29
ryannathansyay, 1700 lines of python code all written and functional10:29
ryannathansCptAJ: hooked up to a "smart" power point, forget the timer ;) Even if the coffee isn't Java, something else can be10:30
Detuleoh man this smd bug is really annoying10:50
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ryannathansI won't ask. ;D10:51
ryannathansI just finished debugging 1700 lines of code for a small one line problem10:52 should have no problem fixing this
arrrghhhi love that muziling guy10:54
arrrghhhseems smart, yet posts are so very dumb.10:54
Detulehe's a trooper10:54
arrrghhhmight just be a language barrier thing, i dunno10:54
Detuleat least he posts logs10:54
ryannathanswhat's the issue?10:54
arrrghhhDetule, true10:54
arrrghhhagain, he seems so smart...10:54
arrrghhhBuild: google/passion/passion/mahimahi:2.2.2/FRG83G/91102:user/release-keys10:55
arrrghhhwhat freakin build is he using?10:55
ryannathansunsupported build10:55
ryannathans /thread10:55
arrrghhhit's the same SMD crap10:55
arrrghhhkernel BUG at arch/arm/mach-msm/smd.c:317!10:55
arrrghhhryannathans, not build related unfortunately.10:55
arrrghhhjust thought that was odd10:55
ryannathansI don't have kernel source downloaded and I'm capped10:56
ryannathansis everyone getting this?10:57
ryannathansor just this guy10:57
arrrghhhit's rare10:57
arrrghhhbut it seems to happen to "everyone" at one point or another10:57
ryannathansthis is like an hour after the phone has started, if I am not wrong10:57
Detuleyour arithmetic is strong10:58
rpierce99arrrghhh: for some reason 7.1 feels faster than even my tweaked 7 build, i'm liking it very much11:00
ryannathansthe force is strong with this one11:00
ryannathansreally? GIMMEH11:00
* ryannathans is capped11:00
fishingmedicarrrghhh: What do you think about a sd card causing the missed calls?  Possibility or just pissing in the wind?11:03
DetuleI have an idae for the smd business, but not sure how we would test it out, issue seems so intermittent11:03
ryannathansfishingmedic: if OS was running from sd and it was very slow it could be a possibility11:04
ryannathansDetule: since when has this error been occuring11:04
Detulesince mid june when some smd_tty patches went in the autobuild....they fixed one thing but seem to have exacerbated another11:05
ryannathansdiff the code and how many lines are affected?11:06
Detulelook it up it's on the git tree11:07
ryannathansweb browser times out on everything11:08
ryannathansit's like my isp says 'NO DNS FOR YOU'11:08
ryannathans200 gb gone because noobs don't know how to compress their sauce11:08
fishingmedicryannathans: it seems to be running fine, both frx07 and Starfox's test kernels but I miss calls randomly.11:10
ryannathansfishingmedic: maybe something strange like an app11:10
ryannathansDetule: thanks, no promises ;)11:11
fishingmedicryannathans: I'm reformatting a few cards, not gonna laod anything on them and try them each.  I'm about ready to go back to a freaking flip phone right about now lol11:12
ryannathanshehe, go to my introduction to android thread and use the kernel/rootfs i use11:13
ryannathansI know that works11:13
fishingmedicI'm running an identical set up as arrrghhh and I'm missing calls, I'm just trying to see if it's hardware or something else.  New RIL, old RIL, test kernels, etc, all of them are doing it.  And it's a BNIB replacement 2 months old so I'm leaning away from it being hardware, but who knows.  I11:14
fishingmedicI'll take a look in your thread and see if that helps, hell it can't hurt!11:14
Detulefishingmedic: my phone doesn't seem to suffer from missed calls, but my hardware keyboard doesn't work -> wanna trade?11:16
fishingmedicDetule: Deal, I'll throw it in the mail today lol.  I'll even include a spare battery!11:18
fishingmedicI'm testing my stepsons TP2 right now, duplicate build, and if he doesn't miss calls, I'm gonna switch the phones on him when he's sleeping...11:19
Detulexdandroid runs strong in your family11:19
arrrghhhrpierce99, good to hear11:20
fishingmedicyeah, thanks to arrrghhh dealing with my stupid questions constantly and having a plan that I don't want to lose to go to a native android device11:20
arrrghhhfishingmedic, i guess the SD card could cause it...11:20
fishingmedicarrrghhh: I'm hoping... I'll let you know11:20
fishingmedicarrrghhh does your FRX07.1 have the latest rootfs (0902) or the 0901 in it?11:21
arrrghhh0902 :D11:21
arrrghhhit says that in the first post :P11:21
fishingmedicshit...  I was supposed to read that???  No one else does, why should I be different???11:22
fishingmediclmao, I skipped that line, and saw the 0901 date, sorry bud...11:22
fishingmedicno stabbing, I've bled enough this freaking week11:22
arrrghhhrpierce99, which Market do you have in thar?11:23
arrrghhhi think i f-ed up11:23
arrrghhhand my sd card is going so slow, i haven't been able to verify.  3+hrs to transfer a build :/11:23
ryannathansmust be fragmented11:24
ryannathansand i'm prepared for this argument this time.11:25
arrrghhhhrm i didn't even think of that11:25
arrrghhhprobably is11:25
ryannathanslast time i said that on here everyone was saying that fragmentation doesn't affect sd cards11:25
ryannathansI finally found creditable research tha proves otherwise11:25
arrrghhhread perf is great11:25
arrrghhhwrite perf is horrid11:26
arrrghhhi think fragmentation would have an effect on SD cards...11:26
ryannathansyup, it does11:26
arrrghhhi guess i don't understand why it wouldn't11:26
arrrghhhespecially being FAT11:26
ryannathansI still not sure if this applies to SSDs11:27
ryannathansbut it's done on a sd card11:27
ryannathansnote how reading isn't too bad but write is shocking11:27
ryannathansbut still both are affected11:27
Detuleperhaps the conversation was about fragmentation and looped build performance11:28
arrrghhhoh yea11:28
arrrghhhi remember that convo11:28
CptAJguys, mmc is failing hard on the whitestone. I've tried a few things, some suggested by emwe but I'm stuck and he's somewhere in the woods. how should I go about finding out whats wrong? The kernel seems to start building the data.img file but eventually it crashes with a DMA error11:29
arrrghhhryannathans, i think the argument did center around that, and whether or not the looped file can fragment.11:29
arrrghhhCptAJ, logs?11:29
ryannathansooh a new one11:29
CptAJwhat COULD be wrong? I just need to be pointed in the right direction here... or SOME direction at any rate XD11:29
arrrghhh'Machine: HTC Topaz cellphone (Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine)'11:30
arrrghhhthat gets me every time, lol11:30
CptAJheh, yeah11:30
arrrghhhCptAJ, mmc.c11:30
arrrghhhyea, you get that DMA error, a flush... then hangs.11:30
arrrghhhi wish i knew stuff about things so i could say something smart that would help.11:31
arrrghhhlol looks like an air filter11:34
rpierce99arrrghhh: it's the old market11:34
arrrghhhrpierce99, SWEET!11:34
arrrghhhthank you sir11:34
arrrghhhi don't have to redo it then :D11:34
CptAJyeah, I've been tweaking mmc.c to no avail so far11:38
CptAJI'm thinking it may have something to do with the gpio tables but I don't know how to find out the proper settings for the msm760011:38
arrrghhhguessing seems to be popular :P11:39
CptAJwell, I dont know enough about it to make an informed guess and it takes me 45 minutes to compile so brute force is gonna be tough XD11:39
arrrghhhthat's a first11:45
arrrghhhi just downloaded from @ 8MB/s11:45
arrrghhhbah, that might be the riverbed.  nvm./11:45
arrrghhhwell after a format the card seems to write better11:46
arrrghhh7 minutes now instead of 3 hours...11:46
ryannathansgood ole format eh?11:47
arrrghhhfull format w/HP Tool11:48
arrrghhhhaven't done that in a while it seems... :P11:48
ryannathansas much as i hate hp...11:48
ryannathansone half decent program11:48
arrrghhhyea c'mon11:49
arrrghhhyou can fault them for a lot11:49
arrrghhhbut that software is fantastic.  very simple, to the point.  does its job quite well.11:49
ryannathansthey make printers that don't do what they were designed to do.11:49
arrrghhhno comment11:49
arrrghhhtheir printers are quite good11:49
ryannathansschool had hp printers, once the ip was set you couldn't reset it without RMA11:49
ryannathanswork experience that day was fun.11:50
arrrghhhthat's not the case with any of our printers.11:50
arrrghhhand we have HP printers that are 10 years old and brand spanking new.11:50
ryannathansI hope not.11:50
ryannathansours must be 5 years old.11:50
arrrghhhwell my point is we have a LOT of HP printers.11:50
CptAJthe ink costs more than human blood11:51
arrrghhhwell maybe not that many heh11:51
arrrghhhCptAJ, laserjet ftw11:51
ryannathanshehe, I just blood printing11:51
arrrghhhalthough toner's even more expensive...11:51
CptAJI'm sure there's a similar situation there as well11:51
ryannathansjust as well i dont print that often11:51
arrrghhhseems to be the best solution, don't print.11:51
CptAJyeah, at this point11:51
ryannathanswho uses paper these days11:51
CptAJI remember there was an open hardware project working on an open source printer11:52
* arrrghhh runs11:52
ryannathansclouds weren't made with paper11:52
ryannathans3d printers ftw11:52
CptAJreal hard to manufacture the ink injector thingie though11:52
arrrghhhyea i can imagine11:52
CptAJkind of ironic that open source 3d printers have gotten farther so far11:52
arrrghhhgood lord why didn't i format this card earlier :S11:52
* ryannathans giggles liek a 14 yo female11:53
arrrghhhi didn't format this card for the longest time11:54
arrrghhhand now it needs formats more&more11:54
arrrghhhprobably dying11:54
arrrghhhi guess a year of Android will do that to an SD card heh11:55
ryannathanscould be 'luck'11:55
ryannathansa standard camera card can be filled up and emptied every day for 37 years before it dies11:55
ryannathansor was it every week11:55
arrrghhhdid you try?11:55
ryannathansi think it was day.11:55
ryannathansi dont want my virginity that long11:56
arrrghhhhrm that changelog for 07.1 seems short12:00
arrrghhhperhaps i just felt like there was more because of all the things i screwed up testing it :P12:00
ryannathanshehe, it gets a bit like that12:01
ryannathansbut, as long as the end user is happy.12:02
arrrghhhrpierce99 seemed to like it :P12:07
stinebdlol wtf arrrghhh12:14
arrrghhhwha'd i do now12:15
stinebdi get home and i see filepart and shit12:15
arrrghhhaw wtf12:15
arrrghhhi saw some error about that on winscp this morning12:15
arrrghhhi didn't know what it meant... not sure what happened thar.12:15
stinebdthat's why i told you not to upload directly to the mirror dir12:15
stinebdupload to the home directory then move12:16
arrrghhhd'oh i thought i was supposed to upload directly to the mirror dir and it would move12:16
arrrghhhevidently we need to release more frequently, because i seem to forget everything otherwise :P12:16
stinebdFRX07.1_Full_Bundle_20110901.zip01-Sep-2011 23:04 85M12:17
stinebdis that proper?12:17
arrrghhhthat works12:17
ryannathanshehe, im off, night12:21
arrrghhhalrighty, threads all updated.12:22
arrrghhhsorry 'bout the filepart stine.  i always seem to forget the upload process...12:24
arrrghhhlast time it was the username12:24
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CptAJ"[    3.848846] sdslot_switchvdd: Invalid VDD 17 specified"13:27
CptAJOk so that seems like a problem, right?13:27
CptAJ(thats not a rhetoric question. I really want to know)13:28
arrrghhhsounds like a problem13:32
arrrghhhstinebd, did that rootfs change for WAKE_DROPPED have any effect on other devices...?  I thought that would be RHOD-only, and it was in the keymaps, no?13:32
arrrghhhsome blackstone user says that the physical keys don't work at all now...13:33
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fishingmedicarrrghhh: I give... gotta be hardware...  tried reformatted good sd card, FRX07.1, still doesn't ring. One time just rings then VM and another time rings and straight to VM. Both with and without airave.  Gonna go beg Sprint in a bit...13:46
arrrghhhgood luck...14:02
arrrghhhugh.  stupid blackstone.14:04
fishingmedicthanks, you too with the blackstone lol14:06
arrrghhhit's like i need every device we support to properly ensure a good release.  bleh.14:06
fishingmedicI can send you a test TP2 that just doesn't ring all the time lol14:07
arrrghhhdon't think i need one o those :P14:07
fishingmedicnah, not a good testing device14:08
fishingmedicjebus...winmo is bad enough but the stock 6.5 ROM....  freaking ghastly...14:08
arrrghhhi think i need to eat.  this big brother crap is driving me batty.14:12
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arrrghhhi don't see how the RIL or the video libs would have anything to do with blackstone buttons breaking...19:15
fishingmedicarrrghhh: they're ordering me a new phone for Tuesday.19:20
arrrghhhfishingmedic, lol19:20
fishingmedicDidn't you make changes to the lights in the new system?19:20
arrrghhhwere they able to reproduce in WinMo?19:20
arrrghhhyea but that was in the rootfs19:20
fishingmedicnah, they took my word for it, I know the tech well19:20
arrrghhhi was thinking the same thing, that somehow that lights change would've effected it19:21
arrrghhhbut supposedly this guy tested that angle19:21
arrrghhhfrustrating when i don't have the device...19:21
fishingmedicif he's anything like me, don't trust what he says lol19:21
fishingmedicIf he reverts back to the original FRX07 with the updated rootfs and kernel the buttons work?19:21
arrrghhhsupposedly yes.19:23
arrrghhhi had him try that...19:23
arrrghhhi can point you to the thread if you want to read the drivel19:24
arrrghhhhis english isn't 100%.19:24
arrrghhhhe's french.19:24
arrrghhhperhaps not to be trusted19:24
* arrrghhh looks at phh 19:24
fishingmediclink to thread?19:25
arrrghhh@ the end obviously19:26
arrrghhhstarts on pg 15 lol19:26
arrrghhh#148 is the first post of our back and forth.  good lord, 3 pages of it.19:26
fishingmediclol, I need a good laugh right now19:27
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arrrghhhD3tul3, do you know what Alex was talking about when he says /init?20:06
arrrghhhi don't see anything for htc_acoustic_wince or htc-acoustic_wince in init...20:07
D3tul3yeah init.rc20:07
arrrghhhunless he meant initrd20:07
arrrghhhoh, ofc.20:07
arrrghhhpermissions... d'oh20:07
D3tul3grep init.rc for "XDA"20:07
rpierce99yeah there's a ton of chmods in there20:08
arrrghhhfound it20:08
arrrghhhjust need to change htc-acoustic_wince to htc_acoustic_wince...20:08
arrrghhhtime to give this a spin...20:10
D3tul3you guys use Go Launcher EX much20:19
D3tul3what's the word arrrghhh20:20
rpierce99meh, used to use zeam but now that the phone isn't slow i just use the stock launcher20:21
rpierce99might go back to zeam one day when i want to bother installing it20:22
D3tul3i may have to try out zeam, i am just starting to realize that the launcher can make a notable difference20:23
rpierce99the most recent version of zeam changed the launcher to be more like the ios home screen, with pages of apps20:24
rpierce99instead of a smooth scroll20:24
D3tul3yeah i see that with EX as well, though the reason why i like EX is perhaps the calendar widget....haven't shopped around too much but this one is very functional20:27
arrrghhhD3tul3, no audio20:36
arrrghhhi did a bind mount on the libs20:36
arrrghhhwhich I *assume* is OK20:36
arrrghhhah crap20:36
D3tul3ok so when  called myself i could hear my ringtone for like the smallest portion of a second and then nothing20:37
arrrghhhi probably need to ln -s20:37
arrrghhhah you're trying it too?20:37
D3tul3no, my experience from a few days ago when i built JBs libs20:37
D3tul3i bind mount-ed the libraries as well20:37
arrrghhhwell i'll do some md5sum verifications here20:38
D3tul3doing my best here to get an SMD induced kernel panic but there's only so many times i can enable/disable data20:42
D3tul3it's frustrating i think i may know what's causing the crashes but i have no way to test the patch20:47
arrrghhhthat does such20:47
rpierce99do what everyone else does, commit that shit and see what blows up :)20:48
arrrghhhno test like production20:48
arrrghhhi'm still trying to sort out if this one blackstone user is insane or if there is a bug.  i guess i'll wait for more feedback.20:48
arrrghhhmd5's are matching for the three .so's20:53
arrrghhhkernel is definitely alex's20:53
arrrghhhi guess i should verify i chmodded that device properly20:53
arrrghhhcrw-------    1 0        0         10,  56 Sep  3 00:12 ←[1;35m/dev/htc_acoustic_wince←[0m20:54
arrrghhhcrw------- <- is that 666?20:54
arrrghhhmark o the beast20:54
jonpryhi D3tul320:55
D3tul3hey jonpry20:57
D3tul3how goes it!, i got a little disguisted with the touchdroid fanboy crowd so i think i am keeping webos on this thing just to go against the grain20:58
arrrghhhyou rebel20:58
jonpryyeah its pretty out of control20:58
jonprywe are close though20:59
D3tul3nice, i take it making progress on the touchscreen20:59
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D3tul3arrrghhh, that does not look like 66621:03
arrrghhhlooks like 60021:03
arrrghhhi wonder if my init.rc change didn't take...21:05
arrrghhhi edited init.froyo.rc obviously.21:05
arrrghhhthat change did not take21:05
arrrghhhi screwed it up somehows... now to find out what i did wrong.21:06
ryannathansthe fun part21:06
arrrghhhevidently i just flat out did it wrong... w00t.21:11
arrrghhhi must've put the init.froyo.rc back in the wrong place, lol.21:11
arrrghhhyea i did move it to the wrong place... wth.21:12
arrrghhhhooray audio21:19
arrrghhhor at least a ringtone played when i went to preview it :D21:19
D3tul3nice, all we need is acoustic in frx08 so that everyone can jump right into 3921:23
arrrghhhneed to put it thru the ringer21:23
arrrghhhbut yea, so far so good.21:23
arrrghhhseems to be the same state as where JB left it...21:26
arrrghhhspeakerphone broken, probably because of the dual mic funkiness21:26
D3tul3jonpry, so CONFIG_SLAB=n CONFIG_SLUB=y if i want to give slub a whirl?21:27
arrrghhhand i'm betting audio will randomly die on me at one point, only time will tell.21:27
jonpryD3tul3, yep21:30
arrrghhhice cream build stable on hp touchpad...22:10
arrrghhhstable, assuming you don't want to use the touchscreen?22:11
ryannathanseww. hp22:16
* ryannathans runs22:16
arrrghhh#touchdroid doesn't seem to be anything related to hp touchpad or android.22:16
arrrghhhcareer advice it seems heh22:17
ryannathansmust see22:17
arrrghhhthey're talking to some kid that works for Qwest22:17
arrrghhhand he's bitching about getting paid $10.50/hr22:17
ryannathanslol, loko at their website http://team-touchdroid.com22:18
arrrghhhpretty entertaining.22:18
arrrghhhjonpry, what are you doing with these yokels :P22:18
ryannathansi cant even see the pictures22:18
ryannathanslol @ the video. "It works, we just can't get the touch screen working"22:21
arrrghhhjonpry is hacking away at it22:22
arrrghhhseemingly by himself lol22:22
arrrghhhtmzt seems to have joined that cause22:22
arrrghhhi'm out22:27
jonpryarrrghhh, i don't hang out much in #touchdroid its largely useless22:33
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jonprylol, <darkredflame_> Manager noticed I excelled in tier I and II tech support22:37
jonprynext we will hear of the triumphant floor sweeper and honeybucket operator22:37
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jonpry<AlanJayWeiner> I've got a pair of 8" floppy disk drives in the basement, and an early IBM PC, and a few cards, but I had a lot of stuff I just threw out22:53
ryannathansfucking retard, why throw that stuff out23:19

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