Saturday, 2011-08-27

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ryannathansmerging F22's keymaps with latest rootfs and putting d/l link in my thread03:16
ryannathanscredit will be given ofc03:16
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ryannathansokay guys, i have merged the old keymaps for the rhod110 device into the new rootfs, time to test it ;D04:36
ryannathanswho changed the folder layout of /init.etc/keymaps?05:01
ryannathansthet are just symlinks05:10
* ryannathans scratches head05:10
ryannathansrhod100_uk == rhod110 (keymap)05:10
ryannathansrhod100_uk !== rhod11005:11
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D3tul3jonpry, booting with a ramdisk yet?08:28
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arrrghhhryannathans, there was some things f22 did that weren't commit worthy12:41
arrrghhhbut i'd imagine the .kcm or .kcl whatever the heck source files for keyboards are probably acceptable12:42
arrrghhhi guess he used some file on the SD card for something, that wasn't an acceptable part of his muckings12:44
arrrghhhbut it would be nice to integrate support for as many keymaps as people are willing to submit12:44
arrrghhhhrm stinebd you have a raph110 IIRC12:49
arrrghhhemwe i think has the raph10012:49
arrrghhhpeople are saying the keyboard light is reversed lol12:49
arrrghhhoh that's what i was supposed to ask you stinebd12:50
arrrghhhit was that cursed end key that wakes the device - is that a setting in the rootfs?12:50
arrrghhhpeople evidently put the phone in their pockets, the heathens12:50
ryannathansin startup.txt12:50
arrrghhhin startup?12:50
ryannathansyou can add a line i thnk12:51
ryannathansone moment12:51
ryannathansits rootfs12:51
ryannathansi was thinking of the 'hack' he had where a startup.txt command changed end key to home12:51
ryannathansit wakes it too12:52
ryannathansnow, i use a startup.txt without the command and it does it on latest rootfs rhod100_uk keyboard12:52
ryannathansit is home and wake12:52
arrrghhhstine changed that12:52
arrrghhhso end key is default now home12:52
arrrghhhbut i think it always woke the phone too12:53
ryannathansrhod110 keymaps were actually symlinks to rhod100_uk12:53
arrrghhhif you hit end and menu12:53
arrrghhhit wakes & unlocks the phone12:53
ryannathansahh i see12:53
arrrghhhso users are trying to figure out how to disable that functionality12:53
ryannathansdamn camera12:54
ryannathansworked until i turned lights on12:54
arrrghhhyou auo panel bastards12:54
arrrghhhman i haven't heard from jb in ages12:54
ryannathansim not auo.12:54
arrrghhhwell your camera is acting like rhod10012:55
arrrghhhwith auo12:55
ryannathansfrx07 feels more responsive12:55
ryannathansprobably because i haven't installed anything ;D12:55
arrrghhhthat helps12:56
arrrghhhmy speed demon thread i've found helps12:56
ryannathansspeed demon?12:56
arrrghhhalthough certain apps just take forever to load, think that'll always happen12:56
arrrghhhspeed improvements thread y'know12:57
arrrghhhin the forums?12:57
ryannathansi have only just got back to forums12:57
ryannathansgoing to has a lookies now12:57
ryannathansapparently ext4 has massive speed improvements12:58
ryannathansyou can install/update apps without lag12:58
arrrghhhlike dedicated ext4 partitions?13:01
arrrghhhfor sys and data or just data?13:01
arrrghhhi've seen starfox using data.ext4 files instead of data.img13:01
ryannathansi haven't tried myself13:01
arrrghhhme neither13:01
ryannathansi was talking to someone with dedicated partitions for everything, the only difference to me was that he was using a .3x kernel and ext413:02
ryannathanshe said he could install 1 or 2 at once without the normal lag you get wheninstalling13:02
arrrghhh.3x kernel'll make a difference13:02
ryannathansI/O was improved greatly13:02
ryannathansif i move to .3x wifi and bluetooth will probably die13:03
ryannathansi cant have those nice shiney features taken away now13:03
ryannathansI'm still waiting for my C book13:05
ryannathansi cant fix anything yet xD13:05
ryannathansi love the n00b/troll posts13:06
ryannathanswhen i dont have to deal with them13:06
ryannathanswhere can i find .39 kernels?13:07
arrrghhh.39 repo13:10
arrrghhhyou can replace .39 with .35 and get to the .35 repo as well13:11
ryannathans1:11 am here13:11
ryannathans"Ok, would you like a cookie?"13:14
ryannathansim off13:19
ryannathansit's late13:19
ryannathansor is it morning?!13:19
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arrrghhhi would like a cookie14:37
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jonpryhi D3tul315:33
D3tul3hey arrrghhh, jonpry16:09
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jonpryD3tul3, i am trying to create a new partition on the TP16:28
D3tul3don't webOS internals already have a convenient way of doing it for their Christ setup16:29
jonprythats what i though16:29
jonpryturns out they are just making and LV16:30
jonpryer an LV. logical volume16:30
jonpryi modified there doctor thing to make a new partition scheme. which looks like it will work except that since the doctor got the preserve media capability it seems to not want to repartition anything16:31
arrrghhhtheir christ setup lol16:36
arrrghhhD3tul3, i was wondering if you run .39 are you on FRX07?  did you just do the acoustic mods to it?16:37
D3tul3arrrghhh: I use 06+ w 3916:38
arrrghhhdo you just not use speakerphone?  :P16:38
arrrghhhi thought audio would randomly die too.  i'm wondering what bugs remain in that code.  i haven't used it in a while.16:39
D3tul3don't use speakerphone and I make sure to always have the ringer on16:40
D3tul3I mean vibrate on16:40
D3tul3jonpry: there's no way to add a binary or two to bootie I take it16:41
arrrghhhi see16:42
jonpryD3tul3, i don't understand really16:44
jonprysomebody as a working debian ramdisk that might part of this puzzle16:45
jonprypretty sure the doctor would install if i could get the disk partitioned the way it expects16:45
jonpryoO it didn't like that16:52
jonpryD3tul3, i'm pretty sure this partition thing is the way forward16:58
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arrrghhhkernel BUG at arch/arm/mach-msm/smd.c:317!17:11
arrrghhhi thought that was fixed?17:11
arrrghhhkernel BUG at drivers/char/tty_ldisc.c:199!17:11
arrrghhhalong with that one as well17:11
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stinebdit just started raining and we've already got river flood warnings17:15
arrrghhhpanic mode everywhere17:15
stinebdi might not make it to work tomorrow17:15
stinebdevery route i have goes by the river17:15
stinebdthe river is the border between the two counties so...17:16
stinebdi like how after the actual imminent flood warning, they have listed all the rivers affected by the general flood warning17:18
stinebdand it's like every river in the state17:18
stinebdthanks nws, very useful17:18
stinebdevery river in two states17:19
stinebdalso assunpink cannot be the actual name of a river17:19
arrrghhhlol i was going to ask17:21
stinebdjersey has a lot of names like that so it's plausible, but i'm still skeptical17:21
stinebdlooks like my commute will be during the worst of the storm17:24
stinebdgood thing i have that snow shovel in my car, i can use it as an oar17:24
arrrghhhi hope your car floats...17:25
stinebdit should, it's a cobalt17:25
stinebdit's half rubber anyway17:25
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arrrghhhat least better than this floating phone17:25
stinebdif i have to i can pop out the airbags for some extra buoyancy17:26
stinebddick smith17:26
stinebdthat's shopped btw17:26
stinebdthe pixels are telling me17:27
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jonpryD3tul3, can you get me an image of your /dev/store/log ?17:39
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D3tul3jonpry, gmail?18:21
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jonpryD3tul3, sure18:22
D3tul3it's gonna take a bit, probably ul @ 10KB/sec (it's 24MB)18:24
jonpryno problem. i managed to recover something18:26
jonpryat this point i'm pretty sure the problem is just that the installer and fdisk have different ideas about the size of GB18:27
D3tul3you are getting around whatever is in the doctor that prevents from messing with /media18:31
jonprythats one way of putting it18:33
jonpryi trashed my /media so the doctor is pissed18:33
jonprybut i also have a debian boot18:33
jonpryso i'm trying to get it partitioned in debian in such away that the doctor thinks its good to go18:34
jonpryhowever the doctor says no go18:37
jonprydamn it18:37
D3tul3have to go entertain guests bbl18:41
jonpryi think i need an image of all of p1419:02
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D3tul3rpierce99, did that FB patch end up working20:47
rpierce99i had a hell of a time trying to test it20:48
rpierce99ran out of space on my card20:48
rpierce99screwed up my data img20:48
rpierce99couldn't find its entry in packages.xml20:48
rpierce99they system.ext2 wouldn't work with my data.img, tried to create a new one but ran out of space20:49
rpierce99so long story short, no i haven't been able to verify it yet20:49
D3tul3i just saw the thread, today it would be best if whoever posted that apk tells people how he patched it20:50
rpierce99i have the instructions20:50
D3tul3and/or if he just grabbed it from somewhere, i  guess i am surprised he has no trouble mounting it on frx0720:51
rpierce99that's why i assume it's patched20:51
D3tul3i see this in my packages.xml "<package name="" codePath="/system/app/ContactsProvider.apk" flags="1" ts="1313460139000" version="8" sharedUserId="10003">20:55
rpierce99yeah i had already replaced it and rebooted, so it might have pulled it out or something. I adb pulled it and searched the file20:56
rpierce99either way, hotpatching wasn't what we were testing, i just wanted to make sure the patch would work when built from source. at some point i'll clear my card a bit, put together a new build folder for testing and throw the system.ext2 in there and build a new data.img and test it properly20:57
rpierce99i tried to do it all too fast last night and ended up screwing my good data.img20:57
D3tul3a lot of work, hope them facebook users appreciate it20:58
rpierce99now my home button doesn't respond except to wake the screen, the power menu doesn't have airplane mode or mute on it anymore, and the lock screen never comes up, even though my mail servers policy requires it20:58
rpierce99so it's kind of awesome and kind of shitty all at the same time20:58
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nicklebyHello arrrghhh, since I am with FRX07 noticed that every time I install something from the market, the system is "reloaded" I mean, returns to the startup animation as if booting android again...any ideas?21:17
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rpierce99D3tul3: does this system.img include your lights patch or does it need mount bound22:14
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rpierce99D3tul3: no love, patch fail22:27
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D3tul3rpierce99, liblighs is not there22:52
D3tul3FC? or just no sync22:52
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D3tul3that system does not have the fb patch btw, but you should be able to mount onto it22:55
arrrghhhnickleby, yea i've noticed that.  it seems to be a few things at work, the main thing being the sd card and our mmc driver.23:18
arrrghhhi've seen adjusting the cache setting with an app like 'sd booster' helps, and every card seems to have a different sweet spot.23:20
nicklebyyeah, i've set cache to 256kb23:20
nicklebythat helped a lot23:20
arrrghhhthe new market has helped23:20
nicklebyv3.1.3 is the last right?23:21
nicklebyway faster than 3.0.2723:21
arrrghhhthere's a lot of things you can do to mitigate it23:21
arrrghhhbut i don't know if you can eliminate it.23:22
nicklebythat happens too on nand?23:22
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nicklebyrpierce99, why are you messed up with the fb thing? is there something wrong with the app?23:28
rpierce99D3tul3: haha oh man, that's funny, I totally thought that system had the patch23:39
rpierce99nickleby: trying to get FB contact sync to work when built from source23:39
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nicklebyok, don't know how does that work :D I've just edited the apk with apktool...but I guess it's more complicated modify it on the source23:43
rpierce99it's not23:43
rpierce99it's just that with FRX07 being signed you can't build your own apk and mount/replace it23:43
nicklebymmm ok, so in theory the modified app should not have worked?23:45
rpierce99no, it would have been a modified version of the frx07 contactsprovider23:46
rpierce99but building a new contactsprovider didn't work, FC23:46
nicklebyi've modified the contactsprovider from frx0723:46
rpierce99yes, which works23:47
rpierce99but you can't build a fresh one from source or take one from another build, the keys don't match23:47
nicklebyso it is almost impossible to include this change in the source?23:47
rpierce99just need to verify that the fix works, the patch is dead simple23:48
nicklebymm ok23:49
rpierce99it works now that i've got the new patched contactsprovider  that matches the system23:49
rpierce99fix verified23:49
rpierce99submitting patch23:49

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