Thursday, 2011-08-25

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Detulejonpry___: you didn't happen to clone that touchdroid github while it was up09:24
xda-Squirrelsdownloaded the zimage and liblights09:25
xda-Squirrelsbout to bring em on the device09:25
Detuleoh cool, in the event it's not working, logs from GetLogs would be nice so make sure you have that in your data.img09:26
xda-Squirrelswill do09:26
xda-Squirrelsbooting (yes i remembered to mount --bind)09:30
xda-Squirrelsk its booted09:34
xda-Squirrelswhacha want me to do09:34
Detulesend yourself a text somehow09:35
Detuleor a missed call would work as well09:35
Detule(or an email depending if youve set up e-mail notifications)09:35
xda-Squirrels6 is def charging09:35
Detulewait what09:35
xda-Squirrelsnotification received during charging (did not change, assuming thats by design as you wanted charging to take presedence)09:35
Detuleby design09:36
xda-Squirrelsunplugging it, it stayed 6 for a lil bit now its breathing09:36
xda-Squirrelsand not doing pending notification echo 109:36
Detuleok wait let me see 6 should've been charging but almost full09:36
Detulebreathing should've been charging but not full09:39
Detulein the setup you are running btw, brightness=2 should be rotate(pending notification), 3 should be breathe (charging), 4 should be vertical (charging close to full)09:40
xda-Squirrelsit did 6 and i was at 11% in winmo09:41
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xda-Squirrelsit breathed on unplug with txt notification still up09:41
Detulehm, send me them logs09:41
xda-Squirrelsoki dokie pokey09:47
xda-Squirrelsdoesnt help android thinks the battery is nearly full09:47
xda-Squirrelsthats prolly why it went 6 if you expect it to breath when lower batt09:48
xda-Squirrelscause android thinks its doing better on battery ;)09:48
xda-Squirrelslogging either way09:48
xda-Squirrelsrebooting winmo to extract said logs09:48
Detulethanks, i am more interested why the notification didn't engage when you unplugged it from the charger09:50
Detuledid you let the screen turn off/off charger/pending notification?09:50
Detulei should've warned you that android does not update the notification LED while the screen is on09:51
Detulethanks can you walk me through what you did you booted up with the phone plugged in, sent yourself a text, unplugged?09:58
jonpry___detule I have a clone but I am not sure it is anything good10:00
jonpry___atm I am trying to build the webOS internals kernel10:02
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xda-Squirrelswrong side of the net split ;)10:03
Detulexda-Squirrels: this is what i see in the logs - phone booted up in charging mode (almost full), this could be an issue if you say your wino battery was at 11% but maybe not if in android your battery was +90%10:07
Detulewhen you unplugged your phone did go into pending notification (rotate) for about 2 seconds10:07
Detuleand then i am not sure if you turned the screen back on and the notificationmanager sent the "erase led" signal10:08
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Detulejonpry___: uberKernel? i am interested what they did to the clocks10:10
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jonprythere are a bunch of patches in the uberkernel. most importantly it is the only 3rd party built kernel that i know if fully functional10:11
Detulethese folks have it easy -> i guess there is a fully functional froyo system dump already10:12
jonprysomebody pulled it?10:12
jonprysend GPL compliance demands :p10:13
xda-Squirrelsyeah winmo had 11% but as you know, battery state in xdandroid is kinda wonky at best atm10:14
xda-Squirrelsso i dont doubt it thought it was at 90%10:14
jonpryi want to add kexec to the webos internals kernel. i talked to them and they want the patch, need to get it working though p10:14
xda-Squirrelsi did not see pending notification rotate happen, maybe it changed to echo 1 but then switched before the led effect occured10:14
Detulejonpry: i downloaded it10:14
xda-Squirrelsi.e. rotates every like 3 seconds, if it changed before the next cycle, might not have showed?10:15
Detuleit's publicly available here :
Detulexda-Squirrels: i think you are onto something10:15
Detuleif you don't mind booting up with it again when you get a chance, do the pending notification10:16
Detuleturn the screen off10:16
Detuleand let it sit for a while see what happens10:16
Detule(unplugged of course)10:16
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Detulejonpry: you apply those patches to some sort of webos doctored version of 35?10:25
xda-Squirrelskk, gimme a few min10:26
xda-Squirrelsworking on trying to find a specific value in a dbase file10:27
xda-Squirrelsdate is coming over truncated for 8 records out of 215,00010:27
CptAJneed a little help here. my build is getting stuck here "init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'". Whats going on there? help point me in the right direction so I can try to fix it XD Full log:
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jonpryDetule i'm a little confused about that part. there is a script in there buid.git that either downloads the base to patch against or says where to get it10:31
Detulejonpry: uhm i am downloading it from here i assume the uberkernel patches go on top of the hp/palm patches to the original 35 (both available there)10:32
jonprythat sounds correct10:33
xda-Squirrelshmm, the program did actually put the date in the dbf fucked up10:33
jonpryDetule, this is the list of patches to apply for TP
Detulegot it thanks10:45
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jonpryDetule i've got a potentially kexec patched uimage11:31
Detulethat's sweet, i just got around to building uber-kernel11:32
Detuleit's gonna take a while on my machine11:32
jonpryjust gotta figure out if it works :p11:32
Detuletheir makefiles are nice11:33
Detulei am straight up building the uber-kernel-touchpad/Makefile11:34
jonpryis it working? i found that the bfq patch is in a different directory11:34
Detuleit's working so far, it's auto curl-ing still11:35
jonprywould be awesome if that would build an ipk11:36
Detulewouldn't a uImage come out of this?11:37
jonpryyeah but there system eventually makes an ipk that can be automagically installed, along with modules11:39
jonpryso far i have been too lazy to actually flash a kernel on my TP11:40
Detuleugh i have to build their toolchain11:40
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jonpryi think its booting11:51
Detulethat's alwaysa  good sign11:53
jonpryyeah seems to work11:55
jonpryand has my kexec patch11:55
Detulexda-Squirrels: found a mistake in the library code that would give you the false charg/ing/ed notifications, i've updated the lights library on dropbox (same URL as before)11:56
Detuledid it build an ipk for you11:58
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jonpryDetule, i didn't use the scripts12:47
Detulealright, the script is pretty intelligent it went into the patches tree at a comit date when the bfq patch was in the overclocking folder12:55
jonprymy custom kernel seems to work fine, but i can't kexec to it12:58
jonprywhich imho is important as i like to dual boot :p12:58
jonpryi think we need to ditch klog for ram console13:00
jonpryeither that or patch klog to come up faster13:03
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xda-Squirrelson lunch break so i have a little timre13:33
xda-Squirrelswhere are the files you need me to test?13:33
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xda-SquirrelsGlemy, hi13:57
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jonpryDetule i got an early klog working but there is still nothing going on with my kexec14:35
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Detulexda-Squirrels: sorry i was out it's just a new lights library same download location as before :
Detulejonpry: you are about ten million steps ahead of me there, i just came back to find the kernel compiled together with an .ipk14:55
xda-Squirrelsidle, not charging is breathing, bout to send self a txt from google voice website14:58
Detulewhat's going on, off charger no notifications and it's breathing?14:59
xda-Squirrelson notification it echo 1'd for a while14:59
xda-Squirrelsthen reverted to breathing after 2 rotate cycles14:59
xda-Squirrelsonly seems to idle breath when screen is off15:00
xda-Squirrelsscreen on, no led light at all15:00
Detuleright screen on there should be nothing15:00
Detuleso you get a text15:00
xda-Squirrelsscreen off = breathing15:00
Detulescreen off it should be breathing when there's a text15:00
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Detulehow about clear the text and turn screen off15:00
xda-Squirrelsscreen off it breaths, on txt it changed to rotate led for 2 cycles then went back to breathing15:01
Detuleand this is off charger15:01
xda-Squirrelsturned on screen, no led (obv.), cleared notification and turned screen off and its back at breathing15:01
xda-Squirrelsno usb or charger connected15:01
Detulek send them logs my way (thanks by the way)15:01
xda-Squirrelswant logs?15:01
xda-Squirrelsbasically its like it seems to think its charging15:06
xda-Squirrelsso it does the notification echo rotate then it gets rewritten back to breath due to it falsely detecting charge state15:06
xda-Squirrelsseems like the problem lies with it thinking its charging when its not15:07
xda-Squirrelsso far otherwise it seems to be working as intended15:07
xda-Squirrelsdo you have ring in there?15:07
xda-Squirrelsi can call it and make sure thats working15:07
CptAJfuck... my phone is not vibrating anymore. not even during bootup15:07
Detulexda-Squirrels: no ring15:07
Detuleif you are booted up and have time15:08
Detulecan you run a few shell commands15:08
Detulefrom what i can see in your dmesg log (you can grep for "notification") you see trackball_brightness = 2 -> this is in fact what used to be echo "1"....trackball_brightness = 3 is breathing, and i never see this in your dmesg log15:08
xda-Squirrelsyeah lemme reboot android15:09
Detulein android ' # echo "0" > /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness' (to clear the led)15:12
Detuleecho "2" > /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness (this should be what you see with screen off pending notification)15:13
Detuleand off charger, it's called ROTATE15:13
Detuleecho "3" (this should be charging, <90% it's called BREATHE in the internal documentation over here)15:15
Detuleecho "4" (this should be charging, >90% it's called VERTICAL)15:15
xda-Squirrelspretty sure i broke connectbot lol trying to copy the > /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness so i didnt have to keep typing it15:15
xda-Squirrelsand its locked up completely lol15:15
xda-Squirrelsi'll just open my notepad and grab my saved copy of that line15:16
Detulethis would be a lot easier if adb was wworking, you have to figure out whatever voodoo you have going on with your other kernels and apply it here15:17
xda-Squirrelsim just wondering if maybe my work computers htc dream adb composite device or w/e driver is fucked15:17
xda-Squirrelswhich is what the driver shows as15:18
xda-Squirrelsim just wondering if maybe my work computers htc dream adb composite device or w/e driver is fucked15:21
Detulexda-Squirrels: your latest logs seem to indicate the phone was behaving the way it's supposed to, maybe you and I are just confusing what we are calling breathing and rotating15:24
xda-Squirrelsecho 2 is what i see for notifications15:24
Detuleyeah that's what's programmed15:24
xda-Squirrels3 is what i call breathing as well, it happened when the screen was off but wasnt even charging15:25
xda-Squirrelsim definitely not crazy lol15:25
Detuleso you see 2 as well as 3? send yourself another message or a missed call :)15:25
Detule(echo "0" first for good meassure)15:26
xda-Squirrelsbasically i see 2, it 'rotates' about 2 cycles then it seems to revert back to 3 (breath)15:26
xda-Squirrelsand its not plugged in15:26
xda-Squirrelsevho 0'd15:26
Detulewhen you echo "2" it doesn't do this 2 cycle rotation then breathing, it keeps rotating?15:26
xda-Squirrelscalling from work phone15:26
Detuleyou the man15:27
xda-Squirrelsit rotates, rotates, breathing forever then15:27
Detulethis is echo "2" or just android giving you a notification?15:27
xda-Squirrelsnotification received sets echo 2, but it feels like soon after, its rechecking charge state and incorrectly thinking its charging and its setting echo 3 again15:28
xda-Squirrelsi called my phone15:28
xda-Squirrelsno led notification chanbge15:28
xda-Squirrelsima cat the file15:28
xda-Squirrelsits 015:29
Detulesure screen is on15:29
Detuleturn the screen off15:29
xda-Squirrelsk, calling again, screen off now ;)15:29
Detuleyeah miss the call then turn screen off while notification is in your task bar15:30
xda-Squirrelshere is the sequence of events lol15:30
xda-Squirrelscalled phone with screen off (led was breathing)15:30
xda-Squirrelsincoming call woke screen up, led went to 0/off15:30
xda-Squirrelsafter call ended/hung up, missed call notification came up, no led change cause screen was on15:31
xda-Squirrelsscreen went back to sleep15:31
xda-Squirrelsrotate occured once15:31
xda-Squirrelsthen it went back to breathing15:31
Detuleprior to the experiement did you have any notifications?15:31
xda-Squirrelsnotification is still there15:31
Detule(prior to the missed call)15:31
Detuleclear notification15:31
xda-Squirrelsjust connectbot in the notification rthing cause thats what it does15:31
Detuleand turn screen off15:31
xda-Squirrelscleared, off15:32
Detuledamn something is def wrong15:32
xda-Squirrelsi honestly think since breathing is supposed to be charging, its thinking that its charging or the detection is wrong somehow15:32
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Detulethe annoying this is i don't see breathing in your logs, all i see is echo"2" and echo "0" which you confirmed means rotate and off15:36
rpierce99maybe 2 means rotate twice then breathe?15:36
xda-Squirrelsi can echo 215:37
xda-Squirrelsand it'll rotate forever15:37
xda-Squirrelssomething is changing the value15:37
xda-Squirrelsbut without adb working15:37
xda-Squirrelsi cant cat the thing while screen is off to confirm it became 315:38
xda-Squirrelsall i know is when i get home, i'll connect it to my comp15:38
xda-Squirrelswhich i know adb works on recently15:38
xda-Squirrelssee if i can there15:38
rpierce99set up a cron job to cat it to append a file every 2 seconds15:38
xda-Squirrelselse i'll find a god damn sshd15:38
xda-Squirrelsor that15:38
xda-Squirrelslogic lawlz15:38
Detuleand, before you and i started messing with the code, the led never engaged in android right ? (just asking if there's something in the pre-existing code that is overriding my stuff)15:38
xda-Squirrelsnot that i can remember, as part of my testing, i'll grab an old kernel and unbind the liblights15:39
xda-Squirrelsand make sure15:39
rpierce99at one point raph had all kinds of functional notifications, there's an app that makes them dance even15:39
rpierce99sounds right15:40
xda-Squirrelsi remember that ;p15:40
xda-Squirrels*is so cool*15:40
Detule yeah i can see how the existing kernel code manipulates the leds on home/back/end/send/action15:42
Detulewhatever action is15:42
Detuleif action is the trackball then this might be the problem15:43
rpierce99there is no trackball on raph, but it would be in the same basic location as the ring15:43
rpierce99so it would make sense15:43
xda-Squirrelsyouching trackball area makes that led light up15:44
xda-Squirrelswell you know what area i mean15:45
xda-Squirrelseven if its not a trackball15:45
xda-Squirrelshas that touch sensitive 'ridge'15:45
xda-Squirrelstouching that changes the led state15:45
xda-Squirrelsbottom region led was fully lit and solid15:46
xda-Squirrelsas was top15:46
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xda-Squirrelsleft/right has nothing, either thats off or no sensor on those sides15:46
Detulehm so i think i'll have to hunt down where in the existing code it activates those effects15:47
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xda-Squirrelsno effect on screen off (obv. but i figured i'd mention it)15:48
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Detulexda-Squirrels: rotate twice then set to breathe, sounds like the change occurs right when it goes to sleep15:53
Detulea few moments after screen off15:53
xda-Squirrelsscreen been off a while, sent another txt15:54
xda-Squirrelssee if it does that still15:54
xda-Squirrelssame result15:54
xda-Squirrelsrotate, rotate, breath...15:55
Detuleyeah it sounds like just as it falls asleep it writes to the led15:55
jonpryouch didn't like that one15:57
xda-Squirrelsmaybe but if its already asleep, it seems to rewrite it15:58
xda-Squirrelssleeping, notification comes in while its still sleeping, it gets changed back to breathing15:58
Detuleright it wakes up from sleep to receive notification rotates as it should then it falls back asleep and writes something stupid to make it breathe correct?16:00
xda-Squirrelssounds about right16:01
Detuleugh it writes a bunch of shit as it suspend16:03
Detulei love our code16:08
Detulewhen it calls suspend it calls a function set_misc_states that writes to the led16:08
Detulethe documentation for that function is :16:08
Detule"its used for enabling the LCM clock ( pure guess ) on the HTC RAPH"16:08
Detulexda-Squirrels: there's a new zImage at /RaphTestKernel/zImage16:10
Detulewhenever you get a chance16:10
Detulejonpry: what did you break16:11
jonpryi tried a massive patchset for a9 kexec, but it was based against 3.0. must have done it wrong. bootlooped the thing, and then the battery died and there are no signs of life16:13
Detuleno life even when plugged in to charge16:14
CptAJoh boy... broke my build =(16:16
CptAJwas trying to formalize whitestone support. yknow, stop using the topaz files and poof16:16
CptAJit all went to shit XD16:16
CptAJnot even topaz mtype is working now16:16
CptAJnote to self: version control. small changes.16:17
Detulethat's a good note :)16:20
jonpryDetule i am leaving it plugged in for a bit. maybe it won't try to boot unless its above a certain level16:25
Detulethey have some sort of recovery (webosdoctor?) for bricked devices right?16:27
jonprywhile it was boot looping i managed to get it to go to bootie via novaterm16:27
jonprythen i type reboot and it flipped16:27
jonprywhat i wanted was the klog from my kernel. not sure exactly how to do what with bootie16:28
xda-Squirrelsk new kernel on the device16:29
xda-Squirrelsits breathing in sleep still16:29
xda-Squirrelstxting anyways16:30
Detulebreathing with no notification right16:30
Detuleand screen off16:31
xda-Squirrelsyes, breathing with no notifications, screen off16:31
xda-Squirrelsnew txt on screen off = rotate, rotate, breath, ...16:31
xda-Squirrelsso about 2 seconds after notification received, it reverted to breathing16:32
xda-Squirrelswith the new zImage16:32
Detulealright thanks16:33
xda-Squirrelssomething else might be the cause16:33
Detulei am not sure, especially the no-notification breathing business....when there's no  notification my code should not be making any contribution to the led behavior as compared to before userland had a say in thiings16:34
xda-Squirrelsmaybe something else is tinkering with it16:34
xda-Squirrelsfind all files with /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight16:35
Detuleno, i don't think it's userland, this is something about the way the lernel is configured to handle the led on raph, i think i'll shelf this for now until emwe comes back, he'll be in a better position to figure it out as he has a raph i think16:36
xda-Squirrelsi'll search the kernel source see if i can find anything16:37
rpierce99so does stinebd16:37
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xda-Squirrelsgrep --help16:41
xda-Squirrelserm wrong window16:41
xda-Squirrelscause i didnt find anything16:41
xda-Squirrelslinux-msm$ grep -rl "/sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight" *16:43
xda-Squirrelslinux-msm$ find . -type f | xargs grep -l "/sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight"16:43
Detulethat's not in place16:43
Detulein the mainline16:43
rpierce99don't search for the whole path either, someone could be concatenating the path to the file16:44
Detuleyou'll find the userland side in liblights , the kernel code is in arch/arm/board-htcraphael-navi.c16:44
Detulearch/arm/mach-msm/board* that is16:45
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Detulexda-Squirrels: i just ul a new zImage -> at this point i've commented all the writes out of navi_suspend (even some that should perhaps are rightfully there), if this kernel follows the same pattern of behavior then my theory about over-writing at suspend is wrong16:55
xda-Squirrelskk, sec16:56
xda-Squirrelsmaking calendar appointments for work shit16:56
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xda-Squirrelsi'll have to get to it when i get home in about an hour or so17:16
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arrrghhhDetule, doesn't RAPH/DIAM already have LEDEffects...?19:21
arrrghhhthey've always been able to customize how notifications work...19:22
arrrghhhor did the newest break this functionality...?19:22
stinebdhey arrrghhh, haven't seen you in a while19:26
stinebdeverything good?19:26
arrrghhhwth, i see a new post from stinebd in the logs but not in the channel.19:42
stinebdoh god he finally put me on ignore19:43
arrrghhhi've been busy stinebd .... first phase of the new call center is "done" tho.19:43
arrrghhhit's in at least.  not working 100% lol, but it's in...19:43
arrrghhhnow it's working19:44
arrrghhhnot sure what was up with that.  pretty sure i didn't /ignore you tho :P19:44
stinebdwell your loss19:44
arrrghhhyea well19:44
arrrghhhhow have you been?  i saw rpierce99 shedding a tear for your recent tragedy.19:45
stinebdgood to hear everything is going okay, don't overwork yourself with it19:45
stinebdmy tragedy?19:45
arrrghhhy'know, the lawn chair falling over.19:45
stinebdoh that wasn't mine19:45
stinebdpretty sure it was obama's yard19:46
arrrghhhyea, the actual day of the cut (yesterday) was a pretty late night19:46
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arrrghhhand we had some minor issues this morning... and some other oddities unearthed.  but not too shabby.19:47
arrrghhhhopefully the next groups will go smoother.  we've got a couple weeks before the next cut.19:47
stinebdwhat's the number? i want to call and ask for you19:47
arrrghhhi don't work in the call center19:47
arrrghhhi just administer the damned thing.19:47
stinebdwish i had your job19:48
stinebdsounds cool19:48
arrrghhhkeeps me busy19:48
arrrghhhand i'm learning _a lot_19:48
stinebdmine keeps me angry19:48
arrrghhhyou never tell me what you do19:48
arrrghhhjust that it's nothing to do with computers, and you seem to work a lot.19:48
stinebdassistant manager for an apartment building19:49
arrrghhhcome to CO, we need a voice architect :P19:49
stinebdtraining available?19:49
arrrghhhi randomly get sent to training19:50
stinebdCO sounds perfect because i can build a fallout shelter in the mountains or sneak into norad when that comet hits us in october19:50
arrrghhhbut my job has mostly been a trial by fire.19:50
stinebdoh man19:50
arrrghhhboth positions in this company... i started in lan/support, the internal support dept19:50
stinebdme and fire don't get along ever since that conviction19:51
arrrghhhand now i'm in 'data/voice'19:51
arrrghhhbut yea, i haven't had much in the way of training.  random people show me what they think is best, and then i tear into systems and talk to our support vendors whoever they are to figure out what is actually best.19:51
arrrghhhwe have a huge development department, but probably not your kinda development.19:51
stinebdi dislike programming19:52
arrrghhhwe just build a lot of in-house custom proprietary poop.19:52
stinebdespecially the companies that do everything by the "software engineering course handbook"19:52
arrrghhhdunno.  we have a huge mainframe dev dept19:53
arrrghhhsome java devs, some windoze devs...19:53
stinebdmainframe? wtf is this 1953?19:53
arrrghhha few web developers19:53
arrrghhhi work for a bank, remember?  :P19:53
arrrghhhthe old system was in COBOL, no joke.19:53
stinebdjava, windows, mainframes19:53
arrrghhhi can't remember what the new crap is in.  It's z/OS, but i don't know what language.19:53
stinebdmaybe i should stay here19:53
arrrghhhyea, like i said... not your kinda dev.19:54
stinebdprobably that new kid on the block19:54
stinebdms basic 4k edition19:54
stinebdnow with user input!19:54
arrrghhhwe still have delphi apps19:55
arrrghhhif that helps19:55
arrrghhhwindoze team is converting them to c#...19:55
stinebdbtw this is completely unrelated to almost everything, but i would strongly suggest getting a sip+gvoice setup for emergencies, because cell service for calls is completely worthless in a crisis19:55
stinebdmeanwhile data and texting were working great tuesday19:56
arrrghhhthat's awesome.19:56
arrrghhhi didn't think that setup worked for XDAndroid19:56
stinebdsipdroid should work19:56
arrrghhhnot sure if our phones were limited or what, most seem to complain about shitty audio.19:56
arrrghhhso what do you use to get gvoice inbound?19:56
stinebdpoint it to the sip number19:56
arrrghhhi think i tried or something19:56
stinebdi like sipgate, you get free incoming calls19:56
arrrghhhsipgate... can't remember if i tried that one or not.19:57
stinebdi used it in japan19:57
stinebdmore importantly i had to use it tuesday for 2 hours after the earthquake19:57
stinebdverizon, at&t and sprint voice were all knocked out19:57
arrrghhhon your Atrix tho, right?19:57
stinebdtmo was fine though (hah)19:58
arrrghhhso my gf beat me to getting a native android device.19:58
arrrghhhbut she didn't get anything stellar.19:58
stinebddroid 3?19:58
arrrghhhyour favorite19:59
arrrghhhan LG...........19:59
arrrghhhS for spores19:59
stinebdcould be worse19:59
stinebdat least it's not a huawei19:59
arrrghhhdidn't Entropy512 have one o dose?19:59
stinebdif he does he has lead poisoning19:59
arrrghhhonly thing i don't like about it is the screen res20:00
arrrghhhit's pretty snappy, so i guess that proves that the fucking RHOD shouldn't have such a high res screen.20:00
stinebdwell it's not yours20:00
arrrghhheverything i touch is slow?  :(20:00
arrrghhhthis new laptop is schweet :D20:00
stinebdcan't really compare that to the rhod20:01
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stinebdwhat laptop do you have?20:04
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arrrghhhi bought an hp dv620:04
stinebdhp laptop and lg phone20:04
arrrghhhi7-2820QM, 2.320:04
stinebdgo buy a kia car and complete the trifecta of suck20:04
arrrghhh12gb of RAM20:04
arrrghhhi like HP.  it was that or... yea i couldn't find one without the glossy screen.20:05
stinebdoh yeah, you have that creepy matte fetish20:05
arrrghhhdell's business line... but the vid cards were bleh, and it's a dell.20:05
arrrghhhi do have a matte fetish20:05
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D3tul3arrrghhh, thanks for the heads up - if indeed raph has working led notification i'd sure like to know how they get it going, certainly not through liblights20:07
arrrghhhD3tul3, i haven't used a RAPH as a phone in over a year20:07
stinebdLEDEffects uses the dbgfs hooks and intercepts notifications20:08
arrrghhhbut last time i used it, i thought LEDEffects let them tailor the notification jogwheel thingy to their little hearts desire.20:08
D3tul3oh, well damn i could have just copied the dbgfs hooks20:08
arrrghhhironically it appears someone mentioned that today... after the last few days of f-ing with this :P20:08
stinebdyeah LEDEffects is customizable20:09
arrrghhhit was tits20:09
D3tul3screw it i am washing my hands off of it20:09
arrrghhhi was kinda sad when it wasn't avail on the RHOD, but the LED was much less... active20:09
D3tul3blah, i hate reinventing the wheel20:10
stinebdliblights would be a better wheel20:11
stinebdand you could charge more for it and patent it20:11
stinebdand then in six months release wheel 3gs20:11
D3tul3apparently hp/qualcomm mailed out several tablets with fully functional froyo builds on them20:26
arrrghhhthat's epic20:26
arrrghhhlike they knew it WebOS was dead?  heh20:26
arrrghhhi wonder if i can still buy on lol20:27
arrrghhhthey seem sold out20:27
arrrghhhand i can't type today.20:27
D3tul3this porting project had so much hype  - i think it's over before it even began....somebody just needs to get a kernel/system dump off that tablet20:28
arrrghhhhas anyone else booted it...?20:29
D3tul3i don't think so, them devs are in the middle of a pissing contest it seems20:30
Entropy512arrrghhh: yeah, I have a Huawei S7.  Sits collecting dust most of the time20:31
stinebdone of them took money and ran20:31
arrrghhhi heard20:33
arrrghhhEntropy512, what's your main phone?20:33
arrrghhhand why haven't you fixed all the GPS issues.  chop chop!  :P20:34
Entropy512AT&T Infuse20:34
Entropy512I also have a Tab 10.1 now20:34
Entropy512The Infuse can now kang Galaxy S i9000 and Captivate ROMs20:34
stinebdyou don't even need a tablet if you have an infuse20:35
stinebdthing is enormous20:35
Entropy512nah sometimes you want 720p goodness20:35
Entropy512I was worried about the size20:35
Entropy512but while it's wide/tall, it's very thin20:35
Entropy512The main guy working the CM7 port to the Infuse decided to take a break from dealing with our shitty Bluetooth chipset20:36
Entropy512and we wound up with this20:36
arrrghhhEntropy512, answer my last question.  you bastage.20:38
Entropy512because I'm a lazy slacker20:38
Entropy512that's why20:38
Entropy512although now that I know more about the "mm" command20:39
Entropy512might be easier to screw around with the old Tilt220:39
Entropy512and throw that library in20:39
arrrghhhi was hoping with that HD2 breakthru it would help us20:39
arrrghhhno one has seemingly made use of it yet tho...20:39
arrrghhhor have tried & failed.  haven't heard anything.20:39
Entropy512So far all I've had a chance to do is look at the sources20:40
Entropy512it looks like they revert the 0,0 fix though, so I'm surprised the dev hasn't caught that, unless their slightly different init code fixes that without having to sanity-check the flags20:40
arrrghhhi dunno20:44
arrrghhhnever got an HD2 :P20:44
arrrghhhi still love the keyboard on this thing, but it's getting pretty frustrating.20:44
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Entropy512yeah, I eventually gave up on waiting for a hardkeyboard20:52
Entropy512then 2 months later the rumors of a hardkeyboard GS2 start coming out20:52
arrrghhhi saw those rumors20:53
arrrghhhi dunno20:54
arrrghhhi'm a cheap/poor bastard20:54
arrrghhhso i'm in no rush.20:54
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xda-Squirrelsok so computer locked up22:09
xda-Squirrelsand was being a giant assmonkey22:09
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jonpryDetule, ping22:24
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D3tul3jonpry, what's up23:38
jonpryi fixed my TP and in the process found *the* way to test new kernels23:39
D3tul3sounds promising23:41
D3tul3glad you got your device going23:41
jonpryyeah much better now :p23:41
jonpryanywho. if you boot with vol up pressed, so the usb thing comes on. then you just :novacom boot mem:// < /path/to/uImage23:42
D3tul3almost looks like kexec capability23:43
jonprylike ten times easier than flashing it and you don't have to recover when it doesn't work23:43
jonpryi managed to fix my flashy 3.0 smp kernel thing. but kexec doesn't work23:44
D3tul3this might be old news but have you seen the CA QUIC/MSM repo for msm866023:45
D3tul3for the record i haven't gotten novacom installed on my fedora machine, since the only drivers i've seen are debian...i only briefly installed it on my wife's win 7 box to install preware23:46
jonpryi'm not convinced anyone has kexec working on qcom A923:48
jonpryand the patches for realview were only reported to work by there maker23:48
jonpryits just so hard to debug without jtag. in theory there's a few things that could be done about not being able to shut off the second processor, but i can't even tell whats going on with it. just hard locks23:50
JesusFreak316Lol, you ARE talking about the touchpad. Darn touch pro is confusing these days.23:51

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