Thursday, 2011-08-04

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emwehyc: moinsmoins. guess if the rhod survived the night ;) i have no idea what might have fixed it, but it seems to something did. don't wanna call it a day yet, but i have a good feeling. thanks anyway for your great work.01:43
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hycokeydoke. dunno why it would make such a big difference02:30
hyci mean, i know the bug caused problems for me, but only when i let a call go unanswered02:31
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emwehyc: yeah. been running 2011-07-06 before and that's been your only change... who knows.02:57
emwehyc: btw, do you think it's a good current behaviour, that when in auto-bl mode userland never ever disables keyboard and button lights after a idle timeout?02:58
emwein non-auto mode it disables both after some short time of inactivity.02:58
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hycI consider auto mode broken03:45
hycI made some patches for that, but I don't recall if I requested a merge on that03:46
hycgetting it to actually work right requires a working light sensor03:46
hycon my patch I just tweaked it so kbd light follows manual behavior03:46
emweyeah, your patch was pulled to froyo. pulled it to gb as well locally.04:26
emweand right, we need a working light sensor.04:26
emweand we should/must extend all kb and button brightness arrays to not contain zeroes at the last indexes.04:27
emweunless there is working light sensor reporting, we could hack the autobrightnessvalues array to contain 0,0,0,1 and report at least "1" to userland from (fake) light sensor.04:28
hychm, if my patch was pulled in then you should not be seeing kbd light always on with auto-bl04:29
hyckbd light should just fade on and fade off, same as for manual bl04:29
emwehm. then i need to reverify on frx07 then04:29
emweit stays on all the time in automode04:30
emwethat's the one patch i know about:
emwei think there was some "google common, you can't be serious." dunno in what part of the tree that one was for....04:31
emwe(and if it was related at all to backlight stuff)04:31
hychm, that sounds like the right patch04:31
hycbut interestingly enough, it's missing from my repo04:32
emwehycdroid or that personal clone on gito?04:33
hycclone on gito04:33
hychmmmmm where did it go...04:33
hycstrange it's not in my local repo04:35
emweoh, what's this....
hycyeah, that's what I was looking at here04:36
hycbut I think this particular patch is incomplete04:36
hycI was in the middle of looking at the light sensor code when I wrote that04:36
hycand then I stopped because I was sick of writing code for the .27 kernel04:37
hycso I'm not entirely sure that that patch works as-is04:37
emwe[acl] is looking into LS right now.04:37
emwei am making up my mind on how to handle the userland.04:38
emwei dunno even if all our devices can report LS values.04:38
emweif so, i'd have them always report 255 as the max and we change our autobrightness lumen tables to have 255 on the last index, extend the button and keyboard backlight tables with correct steppings from 25->255 (or whatever) and be done with it.04:39
hycsounds fine to me04:39
emwewe can do the <whatever-value-from-kernel>-mapping in libsensors and make sure we only report ranges from 0-255 to userland04:39
hycAh yes I remember now04:39
hycI wanted to setup the variable brightness table for the keyboard, since the kernel supports it now04:40
hycbut I never got to that becuase the light sensor is missing04:40
hycyeah, 0-255 is fine with me04:40
emwewell, there is code in froyo libsensors doing some magic. but i think it always reports 0 now, too like my fake lightsensor in GB does.04:41
emwewe can hack them to report 255 until LS reporting from kernel is working out.04:41
hycI really liked the idea of the kbd backlight staying off when ambient light is high04:41
hycoh well04:41
emweah, so the kbd and button tables should be reverse you say? ;)04:42
emweheh. worth a try i'd say04:43
emwewill keep me busy for a while04:43
emwei am trying to factor out a common led-handling code for .3504:43
emwethat's gonna be hard04:43
hycheh. anyway, the commit you linked to, Friday May 20, is gone from my local repo04:43
emwemicrop-klt+ksc is a mess04:43
hycwhich I think means that I reverted/rebased it out of existence04:43
emwei can look at it nevertheless04:44
hycprobably because I thought I was getting the light sensor working :P04:44
hycstill, it worked as it was. dunno why it's not working in frx07.04:45
hychmmm. then again, my frx06+ build is running my repo as of May 2704:45
hycso it doesn't have that patch any more, and backlights work fine for me04:45
emwethat's quite some time.04:45
emwewe only have the latter patch04:46
emweehm, the one with the long comment :P04:46
hyctry a build with my May27 stuff instead04:46
emwenah, i am just going to debug frx07 then if i figured some stuff for GB.04:47
hycI know stinebd already wrote an equivalent readdir fix, so you don't need that04:47
emwereaddir fix? topic chnage?04:47
hycon May 27 I pushed a set of 3 commits at once04:47
hycone was a readdir fix, you shouldn't need that one because frx07 already has an equivalent one04:48
hyc58a34149 is the one you probably want04:48
hycand revert the 4bc885ba patch04:48
hycanyway I'm off to sleep, good luck04:58
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smiley-the new xperia mini pro is out05:53
emwedon't get distracted :P06:10
emwedid we ever have charging indicator on XDAndroid?06:25
emweimplemented color led setting on .35 kernel via userland hooks and XDAndroid toggles orange/green dependant on charging state.06:26
emwe(on GB that is)06:26
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emweai... /proc/sys/vm/block_dump ....neato.07:10
smiley-emwe: already been to MediaMarkt but not until next week ;)07:17
emwelol, you are german? ;)07:17
smiley-no  they did open up here in sweden 5 years ago07:20
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weihongcsuHello,I am trying to make bcm4329 work on HTC Touch Pro with xdandroid FRX05, but the bcm4329.ko always cannot be insmoded. According to the dmesg of Touch Pro2(with bcm4325), I think the clock rate not right,but I do not know how to set it. Could you do me a favor? Thank you very much! Here are the details: 1. # insmod /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko insmod: can't insert '/system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko': invalid parameter//but08:51
smiley-why FRX05?09:06
smiley-there is FRX07 now09:07
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smiley-I think the battery driver needs to be tuned a bit09:54
smiley-correting max capacity to 1677 mAh09:54
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emwei can't believe it that weihongscu is still trying to get a broadcom driver to work on a texax instruments device10:25
emwedunno if he is the same as the guy on the ltg mailing list stating he has a raph800-similar device just with bcm chipset. can't believe that.10:26
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smiley-its strange    i did leave the on last night   in 7 hours it did conume aboubt half the battery10:40
smiley-and the phone was cold10:40
smiley-now its running hot again..10:42
smiley-with almost 10 used10:42
smiley-also added the power collapse code to the panel..  seemes to work10:43
smiley-its visible that its turning back on with some garbage the first 300 ms or so10:43
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smiley-hmm.. when it's on USB charging the phone is cold11:29
smiley-when it's not charging it runs a bit hot11:29
smiley-anyone that one to take care of my son and wife for a week so I can hack and fix this? ;)11:29
smiley-can't type11:30
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arrrghhhi heard tv takes care of children nicely11:40
arrrghhhas far as wives go... not sure anyone's figured that out11:41
arrrghhhhyc: do you have those libs hosted somewheres for video encoding/decoding?  not sure why they missed FRX07..11:57
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arrrghhhi can't get connectbot to not crash12:06 be damned12:06
rpierce99get logs from the crash, lets see if we can fix it12:07
arrrghhheh i guess that would work :P12:10
arrrghhh1 sec, break time12:10
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arrrghhhshit, phone seems to go into SoD if i let the screen timeout at all...12:13
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rpierce99if it's as slow to respond as you say it is, you may need to hold down buttons to simulate a "press"12:14
arrrghhhyea it goes in fits12:15
arrrghhhit'll work quickly for a few seconds12:15
arrrghhhthen a few minutes of... pretty much nothing12:15
arrrghhhthen a few seconds of functionality.  it's fun.12:15
arrrghhhi think the RIL is just hammering shit into oblivion.12:16
SpecRarrrghhh: got this
SpecRmaybe is of use12:18
arrrghhhdid you not read what i told you yesterday?12:19
SpecRnop, wasnt here12:19
SpecRarrrghhh: what you said_12:19
arrrghhh"arrrghhhand SpecR - that pastebin couldn't be more useless."12:19
arrrghhhyou were here12:19
arrrghhhyou were signed in at least12:19
arrrghhhwhat would be useful12:19
arrrghhhthe output from ls /dev12:20
arrrghhhdo you have ADB on your 800?12:20
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arrrghhhthen do this shite for me :P12:20
SpecRbut not here (office), at home12:20
arrrghhhgimmie the output of... ah shite12:20
arrrghhhoh well12:20
arrrghhhi'll keep trying while i'm in training today12:21
arrrghhhi can't get adb working on this 800 for the life of me.  doesn't show in the notification bar or anything12:21
arrrghhhthis raph is cursed12:21
rpierce99is adbd running?12:22
arrrghhhi can't really tell12:23
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arrrghhhno terminal12:23
rpierce99getlogs has ps in it12:23
arrrghhhif i just need to see if smd7 exists12:23
arrrghhhi can do this with frx0612:23
arrrghhhi don't have to be on ril212:23
arrrghhh1267 2000      3324 S    /sbin/adbd12:30
arrrghhhi'd say it's running :/12:30
rpierce99not running as root, try adb root from your pc12:31
arrrghhhadb root...12:31
rpierce99root is a parameter to the adb command, like shell12:31
arrrghhhhaven't used that one before12:31
arrrghhhi wonder if i can install things on this pc... heh12:35
arrrghhhseeems "yes"12:38
arrrghhhwth, didn't even offer to install anything when the phone was booting...12:41
arrrghhhSpecR: do you have to do anything silly like boot with USB cable plugged in?12:42
arrrghhh(to get adb working)12:42
arrrghhhmeh, not surprised12:49
arrrghhhif the device isn't thar, adb root won't work12:49
arrrghhhrpierce99: if adb devices doesn't work, something's very wrong.12:50
arrrghhhhyc: poop13:14
hycstill no usb huh13:14
arrrghhhon this 800 i have smd0,1,27&713:14
arrrghhhbut i went back to 06 and it works fine, so i'm able to use connectbot now13:14
hycyou have smd7 ? ok that throws that out13:14
arrrghhhhence, poop13:14
hycHahah. my commit f5ab2645: GSM init still applies to RHOD400/500 even if not used13:16
hyc    Need feedback on which commands are rejected by CDMA DIAM/RAPH13:16
hycnobody ever provided feedback. That was April 1513:16
arrrghhhsorry dude :/13:16
arrrghhhhopefully i can help with this service-less device..13:17
arrrghhhwell, data-less13:17
arrrghhhservice works in that it connects to the towers13:18
hyccan you read /sys/class/htc_hw/radio ?13:20
hycdoes it say GSM or CDMA ?13:20
arrrghhhi'm on 06 w/ the ancient RIL tho keep in mind...13:23
hycok. I removed the code that reads that file, but looks like need to add it back13:23
arrrghhhlunchtime, bbl13:23
hycno time right now, need to head out13:23
hycheh. new on my home page13:32
hycshould do correct CDMA detection again13:32
hycI'm outtahere13:32
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arrrghhhhyc: lol thx14:06
arrrghhhgonna try FRX07 with this new RIL bind mounted & hope.14:08
NeoMatrixJRI can maybe finally help with some testing today if you need.  on RHOD 400.  Though I have poor signal where I am so I'm not sure if you'll get good logs from me.14:18
NeoMatrixJRI'm a bit out of date on testing procedures for you guys though.  I'm running basic FRX07 w/ latest kernel & rootfs from autobuilders14:18
arrrghhhwhat do we need tested on that device?14:19
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arrrghhhbootani seems smooth14:20
arrrghhhgood sign...14:20
arrrghhhcrap i forgot to boot with airplane mode on14:21
arrrghhhoh well14:21
XofratsI still haven't figured out what Fn-L was on the rhod100-de layout14:22
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arrrghhh_stupid webchat14:22
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Xofrats0x92 produces something funky with Android14:22
arrrghhhhyc: phone is freakin usuable again14:23
arrrghhhwhich is great14:23
arrrghhhbut i'm in airplane mode, can't seem to get out of it...14:23
arrrghhhlet me see what i can turn up14:23
NeoMatrixJRdoesn't sound that useable....14:24
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: you don't know what it was before14:24
NeoMatrixJRu must be playing with the experimental stuffs then I take it?14:24
rpierce99wasn't it fairly usable in airplane mode before?14:25
arrrghhhrpierce99: no14:25
arrrghhhit was in airplane mode yet still unusable.14:25
arrrghhhbut no airplane mode icon in the status bar14:25
arrrghhhso i'm not sure how real it is14:25
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: no i'm not14:25
arrrghhhunless you consider RAPH800 experimental14:25
Xofratsarrrghhh is an experiment...14:25
Xofratsgone horribly wrong *duck*14:26
XofratsI think they put chemical X14:26
arrrghhhcat /sys/class/htc_hw/radio returns CDMA14:26
Xofratsbtw arrgh, the diam ppl are wondering where /media went14:27
Xofratsin the frx07 package14:27
arrrghhhXofrats: why?  what?  eh?14:27
arrrghhhit's gone14:27
NeoMatrixJRugh...I need to sit down and look at the audio routing stuff.  phone sounds horrible as it is, and first call I made went to speakerphone...for no good reason14:27
arrrghhhin the system image14:27
arrrghhhconnectbot works now14:27
rpierce99ril broke connectbot? nice14:27
XofratsHmm, mine thinks itKs gsm...14:28
arrrghhhbaseband version is unknown...14:28
* Xofrats beats the ril like a redheaded stepchild14:28
arrrghhhwell i'm not sure where to go with this14:28
arrrghhhi guess i'll just wait for hyc to return :P14:28
arrrghhhso no svc, but the phone is actually functional again.  kudo14:29
XofratsBTW, I tweaked lowmemorykiller a bit14:29
rpierce99get logs so he can maybe get you out of airplane mode? haha14:29
arrrghhhXofrats: in init.rc?14:29
arrrghhhdid it help?14:29
NeoMatrixJRodd, my RHOD400 /sys/class/htc_hw/radio returns GSM....14:29
NeoMatrixJRoh, looks like I may need that ril2-test to get proper CDMA detection?14:31
arrrghhhmine does too, i'm guessing because the radio is capable of GSM?14:31
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: no14:31
arrrghhhquit overthinking shit14:31
arrrghhhRHOD400 doesn't really have any outstanding issue14:31
arrrghhhother than the normal crap14:31
Xofratssed -i "s%minfree 1536,2048,4096,5120,5632,6144%minfree 1536,3072,8192,10240,12288,20480%" /init.rc14:31
NeoMatrixJRexcept crappy audio14:31
arrrghhhall devices have bad audio routing14:31
arrrghhhwe know that14:31
arrrghhhwe know why that is14:31
XofratsBasically doubled nonfg, and 3x'ed real background14:32
NeoMatrixJRI don't remember FRX06+ being all fuzzy though14:32
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: i hate you.14:32
arrrghhhXofrats: did it help...?14:32
XofratsShame init.rc completely ignores what's in getprop14:32
NeoMatrixJRI take it the extra audio funness didn't get baked in to FRX0714:32
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: no14:33
NeoMatrixJRAwww... I hate you too arrrghhh14:33
XofratsPerhaps, but it could be placebo14:33
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: seriously dude wtf14:33
arrrghhhXofrats: hum14:33
arrrghhhi want to tweak that crap too14:33
arrrghhhsee if it helps14:33
XofratsYou can tweak at runtime14:33
XofratsSince it's sysfs14:33
arrrghhhbetween iowait on the sd card and running out of RAM are probably the main reasons the phone gets crazy slow.14:33
XofratsWhy isn't the sdcard driver running at 50mhz anyway14:34
XofratsI thought that was well within the sd specs14:34
Xofratsif we can force it to 50 that alone should improve mmcq by quite abit14:34
arrrghhhhave you tried?14:35
XofratsI don't see anything obvious I can tweak from at runtime14:36
XofratsI just go by what msm_sdcc spits out on dmesg14:36
Xofratsbtw I'm alot happeier with the 3.0.27 vending14:37
Xofratsless spinning android of death14:37
XofratsUnlike pretty much every time with the builtin14:38
XofratsMemTotal:       175196 kB14:41
XofratsMemFree:          3460 kB14:41
XofratsBuffers:           576 kB14:41
XofratsCached:          39172 kB14:41
XofratsSwapCached:       8736 kB14:41
XofratsActive:         135540 kB14:41
XofratsThat's how it looks on mine right now with the minfree tweak14:41
rpierce99haven't upgraded my market, is it super simple now?14:42
XofratsGo to my post on xda14:42
XofratsBasically, wipe data, ,ache, remount, overwrite, remount, boom14:42
XofratsOh and I ended up nuking Maps completely, the 5.0 does waaaay too much stuff in the background14:44
Xofrats10002     1560  1.7 15.2 199876 26732 ?        Sl   13:59   0:50 android.process.acore14:45
Xofrats10061     2171  3.8 14.4 181252 25360 ?        Sl   14:08   1:26
Xofrats10066     2295  7.3  7.5 162528 13240 ?        Sl   14:13   2:22 jackpal.androidterm14:45
Xofrats1000      1468  8.5 16.2 248052 28412 ?        Sl   13:58   4:00 system_server14:45
Xofratsroot        54 10.4  0.0      0     0 ?        D    13:57   4:59 [mmcqd]14:45
Xofrats5min spent on mmcqd....14:46
DetuleXofrats: how's that meminfo output supposed to differ from the non_tweaked version14:49
XofratsIt should have alot more cached (by linux) than normal14:50
Detulemy cached stands at 6270014:50
NeoMatrixJRcheck out this post about mmc/sd speeds.  maybe one of you guys can do something with it:
rpierce99i've noticed maps/latitude all over in my top output lately14:51
XofratsBut then again, I am running bash x2 and epic5 on it14:51
XofratsYeah, 5.0 gmm is being evil now14:51
XofratsTime to set the evil bit14:51
Xofratsps in debian is nice, shows alot more info and can sort through stuff14:52
NeoMatrixJRmaybe check this out too:
XofratsBut as I said, since it's sysfs you could tweak it and see if stuff changes, values are in pages (apparently 4kb each)14:57
XofratsI think part of the issue is we're relying on somewhat unstable msm_sdcc to do stuff15:00
XofratsApparently newer msm doesn't even support dma for the sdcc anymore15:02
NeoMatrixJRok, this might be a REALLY dumb question, but does the hardware in the RHOD *support* (not have slots for) 2 sd cards?  dmesg | mmc shows mmc0 (empty) and mmc1 (loaded)\15:13
Xofratswifi is a sdio15:14
Xofratsmmc0 is wifi, mmc1 is the microsdhc slot15:14
XofratsI'd be willing to try a test kernel with msmsdcc_fmax set higher15:19
XofratsIf someone wants to compile one15:19
NeoMatrixJRlooks like you can set msm_sdcc.msmsdcc_fmax=<maxfreq in Hz) in your startup.txt15:20
NeoMatrixJRI don't think it's a freq problem though15:20
NeoMatrixJRseeing a lot of mentions about needing multi-block write support...?15:21
XofratsThey are talking about omap, which this isn't though15:30
XofratsOK, rebooting with that, see if it works15:35
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XofratsOkay, it seems much happier15:44
NeoMatrixJRwhat about downloading market apps?  that always seemed to kill mine15:44
Xofrats[    0.000000] Kernel command line: msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=680000 physkeyboard=custom msmsdcc_fmax=4800000015:44
Xofrats[    3.784515] mmc0: MMC clock 144000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz15:44
Xofrats[    4.124786] mmc1: MMC clock 144000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz15:44
Xofrats[    5.875152] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=21 rate=4800000015:44
Xofrats[   95.636749] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=19 rate=4800000015:44
Xofrats1000      1468  8.9 15.4 242916 27096 ?        Sl   15:39   0:46 system_server15:48
Xofrats10004     1936 12.5 18.2 199940 31960 ?        Sl   15:42   0:48
Xofratsroot        54 14.9  0.0      0     0 ?        D    15:38   1:25 [mmcqd]15:48
XofratsGonna install pandora now15:48
Xofrats10004     1936 11.4 20.1 204800 35340 ?        Sl   15:42   1:05
Xofrats1000      1468  9.9 24.7 284292 43416 ?        Sl   15:39   1:09 system_server15:52
Xofratsroot        54 16.8  0.0      0     0 ?        D    15:38   2:07 [mmcqd]15:52
XofratsStill a bit of slowdown15:52
XofratsAt least mmcqd and system_server isn't peaking together15:53
XofratsAnd nothing in dmesg so far, melikes15:54
XofratsBRB, gonna oc to ~700mhz now15:55
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hycarrrghhh: got new logs?16:15
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arrrghhh hyc yup16:15
arrrghhhi've got a long and a short16:16
arrrghhh1 sec16:16
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arrrghhhstill in training, but i'm so far ahead in these labs it's not even funny.16:16
arrrghhhok, it's a little funny i guess.16:16
arrrghhhhyc: pm16:17
XofratsWhee, overclocked cpu and sdcc16:18
Xofrats(well, at least compared to stock)16:18
rpierce99the new market found 8 apps that needed updated that the previous market didn't tell me about, hmmm16:21
rpierce99btw there's a slave leia fathead on slickdeals right now :P16:22
Xofratsslave leia?16:22
rpierce99i spelled that wrong probably, from star wars16:22
rpierce99btw, 1.6x as fast, or .6x faster, not 1.6x faster16:24
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arrrghhhhyc: how's it lookin16:38
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XofratsI wonder if setting the sdcc clk higher would reduce the class10 barfs16:47
* Xofrats has found that even a class4 usually has no prob writing ~10mb/s16:47
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arrrghhhhyc: did you get the logs...?17:49
stinebdarrrghhh hasn't been watching the wiki17:49
arrrghhhwhat did i do17:51
arrrghhhor not do...?17:52
stinebdnot you17:52
stinebdhad a rare spambot get by17:52
stinebdpossibly not automated17:52
stinebdanother day, another power of two loss in the dji17:55
stinebdhow's life arrrghhh19:00
stinebdi saw that you blocked me on google+19:00
arrrghhhtraining for this new call center is maddening19:00
arrrghhhi blocked you?  lolno19:00
arrrghhhyou're still in mah circles19:01
stinebdso uh19:02
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hycnew uploaded, should not segv now19:31
hyc(for arrrghhh)19:31
hyc(for any other user, it should brick your phone...)19:31
Xofratsthe independent and...19:32
XofratsIs it on the board or do we have to download it from somewhere?19:33
rpierce99it's fixes for raph800, you probably don't want it19:36
XofratsLet arrghh's device go boom19:39
* Xofrats think it's quite idiotic that Android refuses to recognise ^H...19:39
XofratsThey have a keycode_del, but no way to map it19:40
XofratsThey used ^I for tab, but not ^H....19:41
hycdelete should be ASCII 12719:47
XofratsHmm, what would FORWARD_DEL be then?19:48
XofratsIt didn't like ^D either19:50
XofratsWhich means no way to remap Fn-Backspace19:50
XofratsI'm liking the new sdcc clock, wonder why it's left at 32mhz to begin with19:53
hycdoes wifi still work?20:03
XofratsAnd I don't see those crc errors anymore20:08
Xofrats[    0.000000] Kernel command line: msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=700000 physkeyboard=custom msmsdcc_fmax=4800000020:17
Xofrats[    3.950073] mmc0: MMC clock 144000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz20:17
Xofrats[    4.296936] mmc1: MMC clock 144000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz20:17
Xofrats[    5.772369] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=21 rate=4800000020:17
Xofrats[   89.402618] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=19 rate=4800000020:17
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XofratsI'd try running over spec, but I'd like to back up my files first20:20
arrrghhhhyc, i saw your post.  just got home...20:26
arrrghhhdo you want me to sort out commands from winmo or try this new ril?20:26
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stinebdstupid atrix is stupid20:27
arrrghhhstupid Moto is stupid20:27
stinebdwish these guys had docs20:27
arrrghhhi wish i had boobs20:28
arrrghhhwell, bigger ones at least.20:28
stinebdor an irc channel that wasn't passworded20:28
arrrghhhhaving the phone ring with a blank screen is maddening20:30
arrrghhhi want to punch Phone.apk in the face.20:30
hyctry the ril and see if it still segv's20:30
arrrghhhlol reboot within Android20:30
arrrghhhhyc, tryin it now20:30
hycstinebd: read some reviews of the droid3, they said they hated its display, using that pentile subpixel matrix20:31
hycI thought only Samsung's original AMOLEDs used that layout20:31
hycoh, and they also hated the camera, it was going hyper on blue response20:31
hyctoo bad. from the pix, it looks like Moto has nailed the perfect kbd layout20:32
arrrghhhkb does look nice on that thing20:32
hyctoo bad the rest of it is ... bleah20:32
stinebdi guess i'm gonna have to build a kernel20:33
stinebdstock hangs boot, cm's reboots into recovery20:33
arrrghhhzomg hyc20:33
arrrghhhi haz service20:33
hycyeah, those missing commands aren't crucial20:34
hycjust nice to have20:34
arrrghhhi'll see what i can turn up20:35
hychm, is data working? I guess it doesn't care about NID/SID, dunno20:35
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arrrghhhsorry dude20:36
arrrghhhi can't test data :/20:36
hycwhy? not subscribed?20:37
rpierce99sprint will transfer your service20:37
arrrghhhthis phone doesn't have service20:37
hycheh ok20:37
hycno biggie20:37
arrrghhhrpierce99, that sounds like fun20:37
arrrghhhif it was a SIM, no prob20:37
hycwe can get some other sucker^H^H^H^H^H^H tester to try it20:37
rpierce99if you tell them you want to do an ESN swap it's pretty easy, but if you don't want to actually help out... :P20:38
arrrghhhrpierce99, i know exactly how it works20:38
arrrghhhit's easy, but takes forever.20:38
arrrghhhand do they care how many times i swap?20:38
rpierce99just giving you crap20:38
arrrghhhi don't really feel like pushing my luck on this acct :P20:38
arrrghhhno i'm serious.20:38
rpierce99i've swapped one of my accounts 5 or 6 times20:39
stinebdhe doesn't want to lose his sero discounts20:39
rpierce99it's on the 3rd party emp plan, $15/mo20:39
arrrghhhstinebd, i'm not on SERO20:39
arrrghhhTotal Advantage...20:39
stinebdsame thing20:39
arrrghhhnot really20:39
arrrghhhSERO, you get your own account20:39
arrrghhhand sign a contract20:39
stinebddon't bore me with your facts20:39
hycok, patches pushed and new binary uploaded to xda forum20:41
hycI suppose it really needs to be posted in a raph forum tho huh20:42
arrrghhhi can take care of that dude20:43
arrrghhhdon't sweat it20:43
arrrghhhdo you want to work thru the rest of these commands?20:43
arrrghhhi have some gold here methinks20:43
hycI think we can parse the version info out of the HTC_RSINFO reply20:43
hycnot entirely sure20:43
hycwhat have you found?20:44
arrrghhhRSINFO is one of 'em that appears to have baseband20:45
arrrghhhi have a bunch of HTC_DM's in my winmo log20:45
arrrghhhthere appears to be different addresses tho, not sure...20:46
hycok. do you happen to know your NID/SID ?20:46
hycyeah, plenty of addresses20:46
arrrghhhno clue on NID/SID20:46
arrrghhhhave you seen this winmo radio log?20:46
hycfrom your rhod40020:46
arrrghhhno from the 80020:46
hycno, have you got your NID/SID from your rhod?20:47
arrrghhhoh NID/SID on the 400?  i'm not sure, but i bet you could tell me how to find it :P20:47
hycyou could check your radiolog for that HTC_DM command20:47
hycit will get logged "Hex SID/NID: "20:47
stinebdatrix bricked20:47
hycyour raph is a native Sprint phone?20:47
stinebdthank the gods i haves the fastboot20:48
arrrghhhhyc, it's sprint branded, that's for sure.20:48
hycok, then the SID ought to be close20:48
hycthen you'd need to find a similar value in the raph log20:48
arrrghhhnow i look for a similar SID/NID from the 800's winmo radio log...?20:51
hycand possibly it just isn't there20:52
arrrghhhi'm not finding it...20:55
arrrghhhhere's something that's *close* (i think)20:55
stinebdthe suspense is killing me20:58
hycnaw, I think it's just not there21:00
stinebdwe traced the call and it's coming from INSIDE THE RADIO?!21:03
arrrghhhstinebd, did hyc's radio options get slipped in?21:05
hycjust run the command and see if it works or gives an error21:05
arrrghhhheh, np21:05
* arrrghhh slaps arrrghhh with a wet trout21:06
stinebdarrrghhh: did the who get what?21:21
arrrghhhnot sure21:24
arrrghhhi'll let you know when i know21:24
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hyclooks like it's hung trying to setup the data call21:27
arrrghhhyea, since data doesn't work maybe that's causing a problem?  i haven't disabled it lol21:28
hycbetter disable it21:28
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arrrghhhhyc, thanks again man.  thread posted & caveat list updated :D21:53
arrrghhhgoin for that patch now21:53
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Xofratsarrghh: You know you could most likely have that raph on boost22:24
XofratsVery cheap way of testing data22:24
arrrghhhwhy would i pay anything to test data22:27
arrrghhhi think you underestimate how cheap i really am22:28
arrrghhhi think an ESN swap would be easier.  and free.  but i'm not really keen on going thru that.22:28
arrrghhhusers who want it, can report if there's issues.22:28
Xofratswell, online swap is mostly foolproof22:29
XofratsAs long as you check that it doesn't try to drop soc or change your plan22:29
arrrghhhi can't do that22:29
arrrghhhi don't think...22:29
arrrghhhdid you not read about how it's not really my account?  :P22:29
XofratsSure you can22:29
arrrghhhmy name is on the account, but i don't own the 'master account'22:30
XofratsYou can have the person delegate your linr22:30
XofratsJust for online that is22:30
arrrghhhi'm not sure you're grasping the issue here... but either way, i don't want to do it.  even if i had a regular consumer account.22:31
XofratsI've always found it useful to have a second "unlimited" device over Sprint's network22:32
XofratsBut I kind of screwed up and lost that line22:33
arrrghhhmy device is unlimited22:33
stinebdjust switch the sim out OH WAIT22:33
arrrghhhyea, been there.22:33
stinebdhow's your precious cdma now, smart guy?22:33
arrrghhhso in the years that i've had CDMA22:34
XofratsAt least we aren't ma bell... err, at&t22:34
arrrghhhthis one time, in testing an ancient device, it would be convenient to have a SIM.22:34
Xofrats"let's throttle the top 5%"22:34
XofratsI like my Sero and I liked having a second device that I could google map/whatever so I could do stuff without killing the main's battery22:35
rpierce99i just use a car charger, but to each their own man22:36
XofratsI don't have a car22:36
stinebdi like having phones i can take to other countries and still use22:36
XofratsOh the tp2 is world capable ^^);22:36
arrrghhhstinebd, RHOD400 FTW22:36
stinebdrhod can hardly be defined as usable22:36
stinebdeven in america22:36
stinebdXofrats: go try a recent phone22:37
XofratsLike what?22:37
arrrghhhhe has an epic stinebd22:37
XofratsYeah, epic running gingerbread22:37
arrrghhhGalaxy S w/a kbd22:37
XofratsOthe r22:37
stinebdthen you know why22:37
stinebdstop trolling22:37
XofratsOther than the subpar battery, really nice pbhone22:38
XofratsKB had some issues but fixed that with some .kl/kcm patching22:38
stinebdi've become decidedly anti-keyboard22:39
arrrghhhI <3 the RHOD kbd.22:39
stinebdit's good22:39
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stinebdhowever, they don't make them good anymore22:39
arrrghhhi know22:39
XofratsRhod kb blows everything away22:39
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stinebdand it's not worth the space it takes up22:39
arrrghhhi keep hoping *something* will come out that can rival it.  i haven't used an arrive...22:39
stinebdi'd rather have a thin phone than a thick phone with a mediocre keyboard22:39
XofratsWhich is one reason I keep using the rhbod even without service22:40
arrrghhhstinebd, you're entitled to your own opinion.22:40
stinebdi seem to be in the majority22:40
stinebdso it's not really my own22:40
* Xofrats smacks his b key22:40
arrrghhhyea, i'm not sure why people prefer that22:40
stinebdrealistically people prefer keyboards that aren't junk22:41
stinebdbut companies decided to stop pursuing it22:41
arrrghhhi'd much prefer a real kbd.22:41
XofratsI also have a optimus22:41
XofratsIf I'm typing something, kb >>>>>>> softkey22:41
rpierce99i'd trade my keyboard in for a slim phone, I don't type nearly often enough22:42
stinebdarrrghhh: note i qualified my opinion, i'm anti-keyboard because the keyboards all suck, not because i'd rather use the screen22:42
XofratsAnd thanks to amazone, got my choice of swype/swidtkey/flext922:42
stinebdthis will all be moot when they introduce brainscan input22:42
XofratsI don't want it sending everything I think quite honestly22:43
stinebdi don't think that's how it works22:43
rpierce99after reading about how amazon is screwing over devs with their free app promo I'm hesitating on all the free apps22:43
arrrghhhthey're screwing devs with free appz?!?22:44
stinebdrpierce99: careful, expressing a negative opinion of the amazon app store is against the amazon app store tos22:44
XofratsThat's the devs decision...  I also like that their appstore isn't quite picky about rooted/custom rom22:44
Xofratsunlike el goog22:44
stinebdpicky about custom roms is a dev's decision in android market22:45
stinebdyou're free to not filter them out22:45
arrrghhhi guess i assumed devs wouldn't get paid for the free app day22:49
arrrghhhi didn't know the opposite was portrayed publicly...22:49
arrrghhhman, when the RIL isn't trying to pummel this RAPH into oblivion, it runs pretty well22:59
XofratsWell, I have that app, and I have yet to open it22:59
Xofratsthey throw around that 100k number like it's set in stone23:00
XofratsAnd yeah, it's a contract matter, settle it in tort court not in a blog post23:00
arrrghhhlegal issues have been solved outside of court via blogggering23:01
arrrghhhc'mon now23:01
arrrghhhpower of then pen23:01
arrrghhhor.. keyboard23:01
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rpierce99i don't think they're even mad about that aspect of it, they knew they were getting screwed when they went into it, they did it for the lulz, I just don't feel like giving the amazon app store the business, not that i've ever actually purchased an app23:02
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Xofratsthe only thing I bought was easytether23:03
arrrghhhisn't that POS $10?23:03
Xofrats$5 when I bought it23:03
rpierce99on the amzn store, where they set the price to whatever they damn well please? lol23:04
arrrghhhthat seems f-ed up23:05
Xofratsso does wallymart23:05
XofratsIt's just a lot less publicized23:05
rpierce99but walmart buys them from you at a price you agreed to23:05
Xofratsno they don't23:05
arrrghhhi would assume that devs set the prices of apps23:05
arrrghhhand change it at will...23:05
rpierce99not on amzn23:06
arrrghhhwithout dev permission.23:06
rpierce99wait huh23:06
arrrghhhamazon determines the price outright?!?23:06
Xofratswallyworld tells you you need to cut your price by x% or they will no longer buy from you23:06
XofratsThat's each year every year23:07
arrrghhhwell if that's how the contract crumbles...23:07
XofratsIf they had backend that couldn't handle the load, then they needed to put in sensible limits or hire better programmers23:09
arrrghhhnot a single RAPH800/DIAM500 user has responded yet lol23:31
arrrghhhdefinitely a popular device :P23:31
Xofratswhich post23:31
XofratsI'll post it on my diam how-to23:31
arrrghhhbasically just a rundown on FRX07 blockers on that device23:32
arrrghhhSMD_TTY is still a problem23:33
arrrghhhwithout ADB, i'm fuxxored23:33
rpierce99arrrghhh: last indented paragraph here:
arrrghhhthat last line is especially confusing23:34
arrrghhhstill seems to indicate you'll get 20% of list, even when sold for free.23:34
arrrghhhand there is a 'list price' from the dev.23:35
rpierce99that is a quote from their original article on the subject, which they now know was not true23:35
arrrghhheven if they don't adhere to it... certainly not random..23:35
arrrghhhoh well.  gonna go eat some dinar23:36
arrrghhhgot some good work done on the CDMA RAPH/DIAM's23:36
arrrghhhthanks to hyc ofc :P23:36
arrrghhhi wonder if MMS will now work for 'em23:36
arrrghhhalong with netloc, and obviously data...23:36
arrrghhhoh well.  cya guys23:37
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XofratsI posted onto the diam forum23:43

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