Tuesday, 2011-08-02

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touchprohyc sorry to bug you but if you get a chance can you look at this, http://pastebin.com/S2jzxMV2 (logcat from your first ril test on vogue, cdma mode activated, cannot use newer ril because it reboots phone) i cant get it to connect to a network at all, it just polls until the battery dies03:04
touchprothanks in advance03:05
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emwestinebd: [stinebd] just don't commit anything in su <<< ahem?! dunno really if i like that dirty hack.03:22
emwestinebd: regarding the aosp merges, ok to be pushed later today? i got the build up and running since yesterday.03:22
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smiley-did have more look on that battery  status04:21
smiley-looks like there is a JNI binding in android04:21
smiley-written in cpp04:21
smiley-it scans the powersup directory and picks the first directory it finds that has battery info04:22
smiley-the htc driver always gets selected  no matter of the name04:22
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hycthat pastebin you linked (19:15:47) arrrghhh: http://pastebin.com/qaadUQ8F  is not the ril I uploaded. It still has the bug that the new ril patched.06:26
hyctouchpro: looks like Vogue doesn't support some of the AT commands the new RIL uses06:29
hycWill need a radiolog from winmo to see what commands to use instead.06:29
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hycarrrghhh: try downloading ril2-test again.06:35
hycI've updated the build timestamp on it, so the version string should be perfectly obvious now06:35
emwehyc: haha. i also whondered about the old timestamp.07:00
emwehyc: btw, your changes are purely CDMA related and don't interfere with any GSM code, right?07:00
emwesmiley-: ah.... make sure htc_battery_smem.c driver is not probed for kovsky. if (machien_is_htckovsky()) return -EWHATEVER;07:01
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D3tul3hyc, this on frx06+ with the test ril...the log cycled over the radio timestamp but i read it at 07-31....09:10
D3tul3at least it didn't cycle over INCOMMING_MISSED09:10
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smiley-emwe: yeah I guessed it must be something like that..  strange that it's not done in alex branch..09:59
smiley-emwe: gotta read up on kernel hacking a bit more..10:00
smiley-about 13-14 years of linux server management. so it's about time to look deeper into this ;)10:00
emwesmiley-: his tree - as "mine" is based on googles android-msm-2.6.35 which contains no code about oru devices at all. as alex just supports kovsky in his tree, he didn't add htc_battery_smem.c as he doesn't need it. that's why it "works" there.10:05
smiley-It's from the 2.6.29 branch10:07
smiley-actually I did try the battery driver from 2.6.35 and it works10:08
smiley-not sure I can skip the smem driver completly10:10
smiley-since the battery driver doesnt provide the usb and ac stuff10:11
smiley-it has some htckovsky_battery_id_detection methods10:11
emweas alex goes without taht stuff in his .35 battsmem can likely be skipped for kovs10:12
smiley-I will have a look at it later..   when I'm back at work from vacation and have time ;)10:12
emwebut the board file has some specific battery setup there10:12
emwethen enjoy your vacation. :)10:13
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smiley-emwe: woho.. got 30 mins time in my man cave ;)   looks like it shows the correct battery info in the status bar now11:11
emwesmiley-: congrats!11:12
emweso if you are working against .27, i think it wouldn't hurt to get these patches into the autobuild then if all is fine11:12
emwewhat kernels are the kovskyers running these days?11:12
emweautobuild or some custom ones?11:12
smiley-custom ones..  from March11:13
smiley-tried to contact the guys working on them but with no sucess11:13
emwewell, then how about improving the autobuild one? ;)11:15
smiley-hehe ;)11:16
smiley-still stuff to do it looks like11:16
smiley-adb was interupted when the screen did shutdown11:16
smiley-and now I can't connect again11:16
smiley-probably because it doesn't know it's on ac11:16
smiley-(since ac and usb is missing now)11:16
smiley-status says "Not charging" but it is11:20
smiley-atleast I can see the % left now :)11:20
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smiley-emwe: can the usb and ac part of the smem driver be used while the ds-2746 provides battery?11:38
emweno idea right now how that stuff works. but perhaps you can make up seomthing from the .35 tree?11:39
emwewasn't there an ac detection gpio? or something?11:40
emwethen it's just about updating the state for one of the power devices?11:40
emwei dunno the details. sorry.11:40
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smiley-emwe: no problem :)12:52
smiley-it shows charging now when it's charging12:52
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smiley-also it needs to be plugged into the wall charger while booting otherwise it doesnt charge12:55
smiley-but by looking at the panel code alex wrote for 2.6.35 it seems to be possible to solve12:55
smiley-anyway..  main problem with the kernels for the kovsky is first the smd_tty bug   and then keypad drivers fails after sleep from time to time12:56
smiley-the later one seems to come from the last refactoring he did on the 2.6.27 kernel12:56
emwesmd_tty still for kovsky?12:59
emwethought that was solved.12:59
smiley-it is solved12:59
smiley-but not with the ones that people uses12:59
smiley-since the last update there was in march12:59
emweah ok.13:08
emweyou are in the luxury position to fix autobuild state then ;)13:08
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smiley-and now it did sod13:31
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hycemwe: my change is generic but I've already tested gsm on my rhod21014:49
hycD3tul3: thanks, looks like it worked fine.14:56
arrrghhhhyc: sorry i haven't tested that new RIL :/15:02
emwehyc: i was asking because I am getting some SODs over night and sometimes during day. Not reproduceable on topa which runs the same setup but in airplane mode.15:09
emwehyc: when you dealt with PowerManagerService (regarding auto-backlight changes) what parts did you update to test? just framework/services.jar? or also app/SystemUI.apk?15:13
emweok, services.jar is likely enough. there's something still fishy. at least on gb.15:15
emwei tested .27 with frx07 and it behaves strangely as well.15:16
arrrghhhemwe: have you noticed any additional drain?15:16
arrrghhhi've been charging my phone during the day a lot, but now that i'm in training i've noticed my phone barely makes it through a 6 hour day with no usage...15:17
arrrghhhI used to get through the day with little to no usage and still have 60%+ left..15:17
arrrghhhi noticed the phone feels warmer to the touch than usual... when it's in deep sleep, it's usually cold/cool to the touch.15:18
emwearrrghhh: hm, not on .35 imho. all "fine" here.15:18
arrrghhhi'm on the newest .2715:18
arrrghhhyea, it's 13.20 and i unplugged at 07.00.  battery about dead, no phone calls and i haven't really used the thing at all today.15:19
emwei assume it's been sleeping fine in between?15:19
arrrghhhmostly green LED15:19
arrrghhhhaven't noticed it orange too frequently15:21
arrrghhh(not more than usual, flips orange quickly then goes back to green and stays green 95% of the time i'd say)15:21
emwewhat might cause that... i can only ask if you can resign the frx07 keyb backlight changes and go back to 20110711_082424. if that doesn't help and you can resign 35mm as well, go back to 20110627_223755.15:22
emweif all that doesn't work out, go before that one. (20110622_180615)15:23
emwethe latter has no smd_tty fixes, 35mm and no kb backlight changes.15:23
arrrghhhdoesn't bother me too much15:23
arrrghhhi guess i'll try a different kernel each day :P15:23
emweperhaps go back to the last and see how it goes15:23
arrrghhhi'm on 718, i'll try 716 tomorrow and so on15:24
emweand then switch to younger ones...15:24
rpierce99fwiw i'm using the stock frx07 package with no updates and haven't had any issues with battery life15:25
arrrghhhit's worthless15:25
emweif you go to 622 directly, we could exclude all the latest changes. if that is draining as well, i'd point to some other component.15:25
arrrghhhi guess i'll go back to 'stock' FRX0715:27
arrrghhhi don't remember drain issues with that15:27
arrrghhhbut hard to tell, i can't remember when i started charging at work every day15:27
arrrghhhkinda f-ed up testing :/15:27
emwei started keeping notes what i kept testing and what not.15:29
emwetopa gb+.35 22h@27percent (airplane+99%idle)15:31
arrrghhhnot bad15:31
emwewell, it plays powered on paperweight.15:32
emwefunctions as my morning alarm clock as the rhod is SODing every night.15:33
emwewhonder what started that.15:33
hycleave logcats running in the background?15:33
emweis that getlogs app ok for that?15:34
hycdunno, I think it just takes a snapshot15:34
hycdunno if it has an option to leave them running15:35
emwethe stupid thing is, kernel dmesg registers everything i do. just doesn't wake the panel. seems userland is stuck somewere.15:35
emwei can plug 35mm, usb ... all logged to dmesg.15:35
rpierce99yeah getlogs doesn't have a running logs option, maybe that's the next thing to do15:36
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D3tul3emwe, i see your .35 is configured as tickless, i wonder why .27 is not...perhaps the arm implementation was not up to snuff back then15:37
emweD3tul3: i really dunno why .27 isn't tickless.15:38
emweD3tul3: i just based defconfig on msm_defconfig and NO_HZ was set :)15:39
D3tul3yes i guess it's set on by default on native devices15:39
emweD3tul3: what did you guys figure regarding that slowness on .39/3.0?15:39
emweanything new?15:39
D3tul3i am not sure if people are seeing the same problem across the board - I only see one and it crops up once every few days15:40
emwetoo many issues crop up here. a pita. i figured one of my slownesses was the read_ahead_cache setting changed frmo 256kb to 2048kb. i changed back to 256kb and it's getting way better again.15:41
emwei occasionally get that slow clock thingy.15:42
D3tul3on .39 or .35? how slow does your clock get, my gp_timer (and the clock) slows down by a factor of ~2015:42
D3tul3i haven't had issues with the read_ahead but I am using partitions not sure if that helps any15:43
emwe.35. it's so seldom that i dunno i hit your "bug". just sometimes after reboot and a bit of idle (under an hour) clock is off by some hours iirc15:44
emwewell, it can't be off some hours. i don't recall. jus tsee the clock is way off15:44
emwewasn#t it you who ported some io measurement tools?15:45
D3tul3i haven't ported them :) i am running them in a debian chroot15:45
D3tul3but they are useful for example for the tickless thing i can see about a fifth of the wake-from-idle interrupts when running a tickless kernel15:45
D3tul3i can also run iotop which gives you a run down of i/o usage by process but haven't really needed to use it15:46
D3tul3someone does seem to have ported powertop (interrupt counting) https://gitorious.org/android/powertop15:48
emwecan you share that iotop for me?15:49
D3tul3can't, in chroot....15:49
D3tul3er, i guess iotop is a python script, porting that seems a more complicated task than just cross compiling which is the extent of my ability....15:58
emwere. and i think that chroot thingy is over mine. isn't that arm binaries which i can just run?16:05
D3tul3don't think so....arm they may be, but not compiled against android16:11
D3tul3/usr/sbin/powertop: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, stripped16:11
emweyeah, got that now *bangshead*16:14
D3tul3i followed these instructions to set up the chroot http://bayleshanks.com/wiki.pl?tips-computer-android-g1_debian_cyanogenMod16:14
NeoMatrixJRHey everyone!  I've kinda been away from this for a while. Things got hectic. I'm looking @ FRX 07 (just booted up a fresh build). I'm looking at the list of "issues/fixes" and wanted to know if jonpry's SCBS poop ever made it into the auto-build kernel/rootfs, or if you still have to download his kernel/rootfs.16:14
emweD3tul3: thanks for these hints. i rather get them up against android then ;)16:14
rpierce99NeoMatrixJR: no16:14
rpierce99it's likely his kernel/rootfs won't work with frx07 either16:15
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: read the changelog, wth.16:15
NeoMatrixJRfigured that was the case16:15
NeoMatrixJRwhat the kernel changelog? I didn't see it but that doesn't mean I didn't miss it....16:18
emwehover over the autobuild page' Build ID entries ^^16:18
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: no, the FRX07 thread16:21
arrrghhhhas 2 changelogs...16:21
arrrghhhstine's and mine.16:21
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arrrghhhwow.  phone is completely dead.16:36
arrrghhhsomething definitely wrong...16:36
arrrghhhi'll go back to stock FRX07 tonight methinks and see how it does tomorrow.16:36
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arrrghhhbzo!  it appears you're not a mountain man anymore.17:03
bzoyep, back home now17:03
arrrghhhhave you seen all the hullaballo on RAPH800/DIAM500?17:04
arrrghhhdo you still have your DIAM500?17:04
bzoyeah somewhere, haven't used it in ages17:04
arrrghhh  lol17:04
arrrghhhmight need your help getting them back up to speed17:05
arrrghhhlest they suffer like dogs17:05
bzoI'll put in some brick code so they can just be put out of their misery17:05
arrrghhhi say everyone focus on RHOD, but i am a little biased :P17:06
bzoin a more mean spirited mode now that I'm back here17:06
bzopeople seem to be a lot nicer in Colorado :P17:07
arrrghhhyou back for realsies this time?17:07
bzoI'll be around to chat, but work is still keeping me pretty busy17:07
arrrghhhi know how that goes17:07
arrrghhhi'm in training right now17:08
arrrghhhgoing to cut our first group next monday...17:08
arrrghhhgonna be a loooong ass day.17:08
bzoman, I hate training, boooring17:08
arrrghhhyea why do you think i'm in here :P17:08
bzohow is that different from any different time? :P17:09
stinebdemwe: it's better than having to maintain yet another fork17:22
stinebdfor which we have changed zero code17:22
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emwestinebd: i take just placing it in another location via manifest doesn't work out?17:33
stinebdemwe: we'd have two packages both providing LOCAL_MODULE := su17:33
stinebdbreaks the build17:33
emwecyano renamed the old to su-old17:34
stinebdi don't want to fork the repo17:34
emweehm, it is?17:34
emwe.... it is.17:34
emwei see no changes though...17:35
stinebdwe don't use that right now17:35
stinebdand i'd like to keep it that way17:35
emweon gb we do.17:36
stinebdactually we do i guess17:36
stinebdon froyo we don't though17:36
emweok, topic change. can i holeheartedly go on keeping gb up to date or shall i go on asking day by day?17:36
stinebdi don't even know why we use it on gb17:36
stinebdoh wait i remember now17:36
stinebdto generate ext2 images17:37
stinebdyou can push to it17:37
stinebdbut don't break anything17:37
stinebdand if you break anything, fix it17:37
stinebdand if you don't fix it, that's fine too17:37
emwestinebd: thanks. tomorrow then.17:38
stinebdanyway we can remove the su directory from system/extras on gb17:38
stinebdand then move the new su somewhere else17:38
stinebdthat should solve all your problems right?17:38
stinebdi'll take care of it as soon as i get some time. working 60+ hours this week17:39
arrrghhhgawd, i hope you're hourly.17:39
emwewouldn't call it problems. and that thing i just noticed.17:39
emweand geez 60hours17:39
stinebdbusiness as usual17:39
hycmy tp2 has worked 60+ hours this week17:40
arrrghhhthis week probably 30-35 hrs.  next... 60-70.  not looking forward to it.17:40
emwearrrghhh: regarding that autobl-keyboard-issue on frx07... could it be that backlight actually turns on but so minimal it's barely visible?17:40
arrrghhhemwe: no17:40
arrrghhhit's not on17:40
arrrghhhneither are the 4-button lights17:40
arrrghhhwhich AFAIK don't dim whatsoever17:40
arrrghhhthey're on/off17:40
emweon gb i see it setting it to 25, the lowest lumen mapping value in config.xml in overlay17:41
arrrghhhwhen i lose kb bl, 4-button lights go with it.17:41
emweboth, buttons and keyboard17:41
arrrghhhi guess i'll have to turn autobl back on and see... phone's dead right now tho :P17:41
emwebut, i am reporting a 0 light sensor value and thus it selects the lowest value from config.xml17:41
hycwell... either userland has stopped sending commands to the driver, or the device has borked17:41
emwenah, don't worry17:41
emwei am off to bed soon17:41
arrrghhhlol np17:41
emwehyc: it's setting 25 (from config.xml) to button and keyb here... as the fake light sensor on gb reports 0 light value17:42
emwedunno how that is on froyo with .27 kernel17:42
emweshould go figure it seems ;)17:42
emwehyc: what's the md5sum of your updated ril if i may ask?17:44
hyc1e6f959106442033be21a98c2a5e4544  libhtcgeneric-ril.so17:45
emwead11c4039d176862d58fa915ee5c9575  libhtcgeneric-ril.so17:45
stinebdi win17:46
hycnot any more, ril2-86dc5ec on xda forum thread17:46
emwehyc: redownloaded http://highlandsun.com/hyc/ril2-test.zip and md5sumed again. same.17:46
hycit's probably fine then. ril2-test was compiled against the froyo branch.17:47
hycril2-86dc5ec.zip on the forum is compiled against the gingerbread branch17:47
stinebddd if=/dev/urandom of=libhtcgeneric-ril.so17:47
hycbut both trees are identical17:47
emweRIL Daemon version: HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 031fa01 2011-07-31 19:37:03 -070017:48
emwethat looks update17:48
hycyeah, that's the right revision # for the froyo branch17:48
emwelet's see how that goes over night.17:48
emwegnight peeps!17:48
hycit only changed incoming call behavior17:48
hycnothing else17:48
emweperhaps somebody is calling me over night? ;)17:49
emwenah who knows.17:49
arrrghhhg'nite emwe17:49
emwei am seeing so much crap piling up here. evaluating everything17:49
stinebdnight emwe17:49
emwei used to say all fine and rock stable 3 weeks ago17:49
stinebdtschüß and all that17:49
emwesince then everbody reported issues and i magically attracted them.17:49
emweauf wiedersehen bryan.17:49
hycandroid virus ...17:50
stinebdmy atrix has that virus called android17:50
arrrghhhsomehow my WinMo phone does too :D17:51
stinebdyours is a trojan17:51
arrrghhhthat works17:51
arrrghhhi'd prefer a rootkit17:52
arrrghhhbut i'll take what i can get17:52
stinebdphh: what is that picture on g+? french ocarina of time?17:52
phhstinebd: just a door-sized poster ? :p17:53
stinebdbut the n64 zelda right?17:53
phhit's a poster for the association (called rezel) that takes care of the internet connection in the building17:54
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stinebdi'm a fan of their fandom then17:54
phhthe box is doctor who's pandoricam17:55
stinebdgeeks are cool17:55
phhand inside we've got a hierarchy/history of programming languages printed on like a 2 or 3 meters paper :D17:56
stinebdi hope you didn't forget cobol17:57
arrrghhhwe still use COBOL -_-17:57
stinebdtoo many still do17:57
stinebdhalf of the US is still powered by cobol17:57
arrrghhhhow many programming languages from the 1950's are still in use?17:57
arrrghhhpretty sure COBOL is the only one, heh17:58
stinebdfortran is pretty old17:58
arrrghhhit's still in use?17:58
stinebdso are punch cards17:58
stinebdand i heard they're mapping the human genome on an abacus17:59
stinebd(last two are made up i hope)17:59
arrrghhhi didn't realize fortran was still in use18:00
arrrghhhseems they just recently ratified a new version, lol18:00
arrrghhhSeptember 201018:00
stinebdnobody uses that anyway18:00
stinebdF95 is the only sequel that was worth anything18:00
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touchprohey ive been looking around, how exactly do we go about taking radio logs in windows mobile?18:44
touchprothank you hyc, ill look and see what i can find out, ill probably be asking you more questions lol18:46
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touchprohyc, here is my radio log from wm vogue, if you need more specific things i can get you them, any input you can give (and that you have already given) is greatly appreciated http://pastebin.com/8JAaQEfZ21:55
rpierce99seems short21:55
touchproi just changed the reg keys and booted up, should i do anything more? not 100% sure what im doing here, but i compared the commands from my radio logcat to this wm radio log and they seem mostly the same21:56
rpierce99i don't know what's going on, if he just asked for bootup, sweet, i'm just used to radio logs being much longer21:57
touchpromy vogue goes into cdma mode, (all the menus are there) and searches for service endlessly till the battery dies, lol im at my wits end, i just want to figure out the last feature of vogue android21:58
touchproother than fake gsm mode, it works perfect for me21:58
rpierce99so you're porting the ril back to vogue?21:59
touchprotrying to, if i can get it figured out21:59
touchprohyc's work is gold21:59
rpierce99does he already have a radio log from android on his ril to compare to?22:00
touchproyeah i posted one in here yesterday, but ill post both again http://pastebin.com/WQ1CD6ey (android radio log)       http://pastebin.com/8JAaQEfZ (wm radio boot up log)22:02
touchprosorry for spam, just easier to find together i guess22:02
rpierce99seems like your android log is missing bootup22:02
touchproi did logcat -v time -b radio from boot, had the command waiting before android started to boot22:03
rpierce99hm, maybe it looks different because it's not working then :)22:06
touchprolol probably22:06
touchprothe funny part is fake gsm still works with the test ril, can you explain that?22:13
rpierce99i guess he didn't take out cdma support from the gsm functions, no idea22:14
touchproi dunno, im just starting to look at all this stuff and take it all in, im hoping it will be a matter of switching out commands and presto change-o it works22:15
rpierce99yeah i'm guessing you're either missing a necessary radio command or sending a radio command that breaks stuff22:15
touchprohopefully, that would be presumably easy to fix22:16
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SpecRwell, will try FRX07 from scratch again22:36
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hycthe wm log is too short22:49
hycit doesn't really show much from the registration22:50
hycmebbe you should let it run a bit longer22:50
hycthe new ril uses an AT+HTC_BSINFO command to get info about the radio tower22:50
hycthat command isn't supported on your vogue22:51
hycneed to know what else they're using22:51
hycor maybe your radio just won't return any tower position info22:51
hyci.e., network location wno't work22:51
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arrrghhhhyc, is BSINFO unsupported on RAPH/DIAM's as well...?22:57
hycno idea22:57
arrrghhhder i can get a radio log from WM from a RAPH800 if you think it would help22:58
arrrghhhthere's no service on this device, but it's CDMA so it will connect to the network22:58
hycno idea22:58
arrrghhhbut no data...22:58
arrrghhhdamnit jim22:58
hycI thought it was working fine on raph and blackstone already22:58
arrrghhhblackstone is GSM only22:58
arrrghhhand it's fine on RAPH so long as it's not CDMA22:58
arrrghhhCDMA RAPH's and DIAM's no likey new RIL evidently.22:59
hyca radiolog from both android and wm would probably help22:59
arrrghhhradiolog with old RIL ?22:59
arrrghhhin Android23:00
hycnew ril23:00
hychow far does it get?23:00
arrrghhhwell i'll try FRX06 with the new RIL23:00
arrrghhhi couldn't get FRX07 to boot on this damned thing at all.23:00
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touchprohyc, http://pastebin.com/1sVGktVb i ran all the stuff i could think of, data, phone, etc, there is a soft reset in there with probably the same bootup commands but hopefully this is good this time, your time is much appreciated23:03
touchprooh forgot to mention, this is stock sprint 6.1 rom if that matters at all23:06
arrrghhhalrighty, just spoke with the angry Sprint guy.  stinebd, he said he missed you.23:08
arrrghhhtrying to get a loc, doubt it'll work.23:08
SpecRyup, same "OOPS - smd_tty_buffer_mismatch" endless message23:09
arrrghhhSpecR, uh23:09
SpecRarrrghhh: Im trying FRX07 with the latest kernel and the latest rootfs and I get that message on first boot23:09
arrrghhhlatest kernel won't work23:09
arrrghhhi think 0622 will23:10
arrrghhhknown problem23:10
SpecRkay, will try23:10
arrrghhhdon't tell me you have a RAPH80023:10
arrrghhhi think you do IIRC23:10
SpecRI do23:10
arrrghhhdon't bother with 0723:10
SpecR<-- poor23:10
arrrghhhthere's so many things broken on it for that old device23:10
arrrghhhyou guys didn't mention anything about the RIL not working23:10
touchprothats exactly why im still on vogue, my raph800 wont boot frx0723:11
arrrghhhsomehow the smd_tty issue was known pretty quickly, but no one has submitted logs for a fix23:11
arrrghhhtouchpro, lolwut23:11
arrrghhhwhy not try to get the RAPH up to speed.23:11
arrrghhhVogue... is so very ancient.23:11
arrrghhhbesides, didn't that phone get full NAND support?23:11
touchprolmao if you have any suggestions on how to do that, im all ears, my vogue just "works"23:11
arrrghhhwth do you mean by that23:11
arrrghhhbased on your posts, it doesn't 'just work' lol23:12
SpecRarrrghhh: is there a quick workaround for FRX07 to work on Raph800?23:13
touchproim frustrated by the smd_buffer mismatch, i gave up on the raph a while ago, frx06 works great for what i need to do with the phone (test apps) and no offense meant arrrghhh, i was just saying if you have any suggestions on how to bring raph800 up to speed i would gladly try them23:13
arrrghhhSpecR, yes, use FRX0623:13
arrrghhhtouchpro, i'd like to know what you mean by the Vogue just works but the RAPH doesn't23:13
arrrghhhSpecR, what do you want23:14
arrrghhhyou yokels didn't help test at all :P23:14
touchprovogue works pretty well, if you cut out all the crap that most rom cooks put in, the only problem i have with the vogue is i hate not having cdma support23:14
arrrghhhit doesn't have CDMA support?23:14
SpecRtouchpro: do you have a FRX07 build working on your raph800?23:15
touchproit uses the gsm fakeout thing for cdma, i can connect to data and call just fine, i just like having the menus that say cdma :)23:15
SpecRI dont even use my raph as a cellphone, my country is GSM only23:15
touchproi used the frx07 system image with new rootfs and frx06 bundled kernel and got it to boot, but something is off with the touchscreen calibration23:15
SpecRtouchpro: same here, booted once, but the screen was all unclickeable  || calibration as you say23:16
touchproril didnt seem to take either, but i cant get it to work in frx06 either23:16
arrrghhhSpecR, lol then what does it matter23:17
arrrghhhi actually use my RHOD as a cell phone23:17
arrrghhhif RIL doesn't matter to you, rip it out i guess.23:17
arrrghhhit matters to most, assuming you want to use it as a phone.23:18
SpecRnot me23:18
touchproarrghhh, vogue lasts about 16 hours for me as a cell phone, internet browser, game player etc, battery calibration is off but oh well, with an old market i can use most apps, and the best part of all, no more winmo23:18
arrrghhhthen get rid of the RIL, wtf23:18
arrrghhhtouchpro, ok?23:19
touchproi've been trying to work on tinboot nand for raph800, the jamesallen guy got it working for gsm raph (even though he incorrectly calls it raph800) so im trying man i really am, i love both phones and if the raph could be used as a daily driver i would totally do it, winmo just kills the experience for me23:20
arrrghhhuse HaRET23:20
arrrghhhit works fine for now23:20
arrrghhhi don't know if NAND will ever come to some of these other devices23:20
touchproyeah it does, but battery dies within 45 minutes without panel collapse23:20
arrrghhhi hope it does for all, but there isn't a big (developer) push23:20
arrrghhh45 minutes23:20
arrrghhhmost people in the RAPH forum say 5-8hrs23:21
arrrghhhsomething else is wrong if it's dying in 45 mins lol23:21
arrrghhhhyc, pm comin23:22
touchproi wish i could get 5-8 hours, i can get that in winmo with gmail push on, something may be wrong with my battery though, i bought the phone used on ebay23:22
arrrghhhi know i've had several people complain about battery life23:23
arrrghhhbut they usually complain because it's less than 8 hours23:23
arrrghhhand it's better in winmo23:23
arrrghhhof course it's better in winmo it does nothing and was designed for the phone...23:23
touchpronone of the newer kernels seem to work for me, i would be happy as a clam to get close to 8 hours in android, lol the stuff people complain about23:24
touchprohave you tried .35 or .39 on raph arrrghhh?23:25
arrrghhhi'm borrowing a RAPH800 from a friend that just got an EVO3D23:26
arrrghhhi don't think there's boardfiles for RAPH in .35/.39...?23:26
touchproi was thinking about trying it, how is the evo3d, i heard it was pretty nice23:26
arrrghhheh i have mixed feelings about it23:27
touchprooh ok, ill stay on .2x (whatever we are at)23:27
arrrghhhmy buddy loves it.  the only big complaint he had was the cameras stuck out like crazy23:27
arrrghhhinstead of being recessed23:27
arrrghhhi didn't like it because of sense bloat (although the new lockscreen on 3.0 is cool)23:27
arrrghhhand no kbd.23:27
arrrghhhi don't see how people can use a smartphone without a keyboard.23:28
touchprodoes the 3d work ok? i seem to remember it has a 3d on off physical switch, seems to me like people would break that pretty easily23:28
arrrghhhi couldn't, but i guess i'm old and crotchedy23:28
arrrghhhthe physical switch is solid metal dude23:28
arrrghhhyou'd never break it23:28
arrrghhhand it's for the camera specifically23:28
arrrghhhthe 2d/3d switch is for the camera23:28
touchprooh lol, i havnt seen one close up but im pretty sure my friends mom will have one in no time, shes all up on new tech23:28
arrrghhhthe 3D on the screen itself... is a gimmick.23:28
arrrghhhit's kinda cool23:29
arrrghhhbut there's a very specific angle/position you have to look at it23:29
arrrghhhit's akin to magic eye23:29
arrrghhhin that it'll make your brain explode if you don't look at it just right.23:29
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touchprowheres waldo or the magic eye ebooks would be sweeeeeet23:29
arrrghhhand even if you are looking at it just right, you can't really use it for too long in 3d.23:29
touchprog2g, teen moms just ended gf wants the computer, have fun guys23:31
arrrghhhteen moms...23:31
arrrghhhi don't know what that is, but it sounds like a truly awful show.23:32
touchprotruly awful it is, thats why i spend my time on the computer messing with cell phones lmao23:32
arrrghhhbuy her a computer :P23:32
touchproi built her a desktop but she likes this tiny netbook for some reason23:33
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SpecRarrrghhh: how do i locate the ril component?23:37
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arrrghhhtouchpro, then use the desktop you built her :P23:41
arrrghhhi know he's gone.23:41
arrrghhhSpecR, with a fine toothed comb23:41
arrrghhhhrm, that's right.23:41
SpecRcant it be "blocked" in startup?23:41
arrrghhhi couldn't even get this damned 800 to boot FRX0623:41
arrrghhhSpecR, LOL23:41
arrrghhhwhy would that be an option?  most people like being able to use the phone.23:42
SpecRjust occurred to me "Android initializes the telephony stack and the Vendor RIL at startup as described in the sequence below:23:42
arrrghhhi'm suggesting it to you as a last resort.23:42
arrrghhhyou don't seem interested in helping find the root cause23:42
arrrghhhso i'm just throwing out band-aids that will allow you to use FRX0723:42
arrrghhhif you don't care about the RIL23:44
arrrghhhwhy not just stick with FRX06?  honestly?23:44
arrrghhhthe lionshare of the improvement in 07 was the RIL.23:44
SpecRhow could I help finding the root cause?23:44
arrrghhhlogs might help23:44
arrrghhhbeing a developer would help more :P23:44
arrrghhhbut i'm not a dev either, so i'm just fumbling around with my buddy's 800 trying to help you guys out.23:45
SpecRdamn, to get logs I think I'd have to communicate with the device while in xdandroid via the dev kit?23:46
arrrghhhadb is the easiest way to pull logs... yes23:47
arrrghhhrpierce99 made this great getlogs app23:47
arrrghhhbut you have to be able to use the phone on a basic level23:47
arrrghhhwhich it seems like is impossible...?23:47
SpecRcant be used as a phone here23:48
arrrghhhi mean you said the device itself is unusable23:48
arrrghhhlike you can't click on anything23:48
arrrghhhand it's painfully slow23:48
SpecRslow yes, but with 0622 Im using it right now for the 1st time in FR0723:49
arrrghhhthis is with the new RIL?23:49
arrrghhhwell if you're on 0723:49
arrrghhhwith a new(ish) rootfs23:49
arrrghhhthen you should be on the new RIL23:49
SpecRjust zimage and modules from 062223:50
arrrghhhsince you're in a country without CDMA service23:50
arrrghhhthe RIL is probably a moot point for you23:50
arrrghhhwhich rootfs are you on?23:50
arrrghhhi thought you said the device was unusable on 07?23:50
arrrghhh(even with older kernel)23:50
SpecRit was, i just tried again and worked23:51
SpecRi mean, reinstalled all from scratch23:51
arrrghhhand it's working fine?23:51
SpecRslow, very slow23:52
SpecRbut seems to be ok23:52
arrrghhhnot sure what to say about the slowness23:52
SpecRautomatically on airplane mode, its taking forever to turn it off23:52
arrrghhhyou seem to have a distaste for adb23:53
arrrghhhso... i'm not sure how much you can help.23:53
arrrghhhi'll see what i can do with this 80023:53
SpecRi tried once when in frx03 on my mac and didnt work23:53
arrrghhhon your mac?23:54
arrrghhhpretty sure XDAndroid has never supported any apple product23:54
arrrghhhjust ask rpierce9923:54
SpecRthats why23:54
SpecRnever got it to work as well23:54
arrrghhhyea, i wouldn't install Android on a mac.23:54
SpecRadb i meant23:54
arrrghhhi have no clue if adb works on crapintosh23:55
arrrghhhi would assume it does23:55
SpecRif i dont missremember I read it didnt work on mac23:55
SpecRwell downloading sdk again23:59

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