Monday, 2011-07-18

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emwehyc: thanks for the response. then something is bogus for me on .35. I dropped the smd_ttty hack to open smd7 for specific devices. i always get smd1 opened for data. will lookup why this afternoon then why RIL decides like that.01:45
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xtremistanyone ?03:07
xtremisteverytyme my diamond boots in to android after welcome screen pphone reboots wth frx07 whole bundle03:08
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gonzoMDhello, I wanted to tested the new FRX 07 Build, installed it like I did ever, but after the splash screen my  DIAM200 reboots03:37
gonzoMDcan smbdy help me?03:37
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emwegonzoMD: does it reboot when still showing the splash screen or when you see the home screen?03:39
gonzoMDsplash screen03:39
emwedo you use the bundled kernel?03:39
gonzoMDI took the bundle and changed to most recent rootfs03:40
emweso also the kernel+modules i assume.03:40
emwecan you please try the penultimate kernel build from the autobuild page?03:40
emwehtc-msm-linux @ 20110711_08242403:40
emwethat one^^03:40
gonzoMDok, I will try, thanks03:40
emwei think i had problems booting .27 with gingerbread doing a reboot.03:41
emweand i think i already know what it is.... null ptr derefence in microp-klt.c i think.03:41
emwedunno if you are able to dump ramconsole in WinCE via haret/haretscripting.03:43
emweif so, that would help.03:43
emwextremist: hi. you seem to have the same issue ;)03:50
xtremistyup buh i resolved after changing bundle kernel03:50
emweyou switched to the penultimate one, right?03:51
xtremistemwe my diamond not takin oc to 70000003:51
xtremistin frx07 whenever i oc my diamond it reboots03:51
gonzoMDemwe: now it starts up03:51
ryannathansdamn tethering only workiong in windows03:52
gonzoMDyes I would help you03:52
emwegonzoMD: ah ok, then i think i know where it comes from.03:52
gonzoMDcan you offer me some information about ramconsole dumping?03:52
gonzoMDbut the process android.process.acore hangs03:53
gonzoMDok, now it seems to work03:53
emwegonzoMD: read this post and perform the steps instructed in the linked thread:
emwegonzoMD: you need to boot with the non-working kernel, then dump and put the logfile somewhere.03:57
emweor pm me on xda (mweirauch)03:57
emweah wait... shitte... has the diam another ramconsole location?03:58
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Fudgehey guys04:22
Fudgemy phone was working great last night04:22
Fudgebut this morning i turned it on and there is no sound again04:22
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ryannathansdrop it in water04:29
FudgeloL ryannathans04:32
Fudgei just dropp frx07 over it again and now booting to see if there is sound04:32
Fudgephoning it only vibrates04:33
Fudgeroll back my data image I guess04:34
Fudgeryannathans  what clock speed do you run ur device at04:35
ryannathansrhod 11004:36
ryannathansu want ecact line?04:37
Fudgeif u dont mind04:42
Fudgeis your s stable, last time i o/c'd had probs04:42
Fudgei know the stuffs on the wiki as well04:42
ryannathansone minute04:43
Fudgemien currently is set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 force_cdma=0 pm.sleep_mode=1 physkeyboard=rhod110"04:44
Fudgecant remember what pm.sleep_mode is04:45
Fudgeyeah thats what i have, im going to faq to see what it is04:47
ryannathansit should always be 1 now04:48
ryannathansset cmdline "lcd.density=240 root_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 rel_path=FRX06 physkeyboard=rhod110 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=710000 gpiokeyopts=b4HOME"04:48
ryannathansdelete my root_partition command04:48
Fudgewhats that last one04:48
ryannathanssets button4 to home04:48
Fudgeinstead of lock?04:48
ryannathansbutton 4 is end call04:49
ryannathansit sets end call to home instead of whatever04:49
Fudgeand gsensor_axis=2,1,304:50
ryannathansnot sure if it works on all rootfs though04:50
Fudgei alreday have that but04:50
ryannathanswhats your problem04:51
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Fudgeprob at mo, is no audio04:52
ryannathansnot oc related04:52
ryannathansor startup.txt related04:52
Fudgeim just checking if something in my data.img reverting to an old  one04:52
ryannathanstried a new data.img?04:52
Fudgething is it was fine last night, i jsut turned phone off and woke up this morning and no soun dlol04:52
Fudgei can try a new one but wont have talkback04:52
Fudgei might have to get a windows screen reader so i can launch haret easier04:53
Fudgeor that python and sleep 5 for haret launching04:53
Fudgei did see a usb mass storage thing come up04:54
Fudgewhich might have screwed with access to some settings, but the usb isnt plugged in04:54
Fudgehopefully its not just a silent profile thing, u can chagne from silent by a right/left swipe ryannathans ?04:55
ryannathansshould be able to04:56
ryannathanscheck all the volumes in sound04:56
Fudgeim blind04:56
Fudgedont make things  easy loL04:56
ryannathanstotally blind?04:56
Fudge2% but not enough to read stuff04:56
ryannathanswhere i believe your problem lies in is the sound settings, a volume slider may be down at the lowest. have you tried starting from scratch again?04:59
Fudgenot yet05:01
hyctried a reboot?05:01
Fudgeif i do that ill have to wait for someone to come and install talk back and stuff again05:01
hycaudio is still very flaky05:01
Fudgedone it a few times05:01
Fudgetha ttime a new data file got created05:02
Fudgenot my rollback one, forgot to reanme it05:02
Fudgerename it from data day/time etc05:02
Fudgemight pay for me to enable incrimental backups05:02
Fudgesee if this talks from midnight last night05:02
hyceverything should be working on first boot of a new data.img05:03
ryannathansi have to go and find my family05:03
hycstuff that degrades after that ... hard to tell05:03
Fudgethink its talking05:04
Fudgeyes it is, thanks05:04
Fudgei get noise through my speaker when on a phone call, intefearance05:30
Fudgei want nand05:31
* Fudge stamps feat :p05:31
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Eodunwow gallery 3D working flawlessly06:34
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ryannathansuntil you rotate11:11
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Michael G., who says: Thanks for all of the work everyone does!!!  It is greatly appreciated!!!11:55
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arrrghhhryannathans, that bug is gone12:50
arrrghhhs/b at least, i didn't have any issues with rotating in g3d.12:50
arrrghhhhyc, you thar?12:51
arrrghhhyou seemed to think there's some RIL issues still?  I've been having a lot of weirdness myself, and people on the forums seem to be having similar issues...12:53
arrrghhhbasically radio randomly dropping completely.  i've had it where it recovers quickly and doesn't effect anything - like streaming music12:53
arrrghhhbut other times it's been during phone calls... and let's just say that's bad juju.12:53
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NeoMatrixJRas I'm watching my phone I see the radio go "X"...but I'm in low-signal anyways....13:11
arrrghhhyea, that is expected13:13
arrrghhhbut i've always had good service at my house13:13
arrrghhhand now... not so much.13:13
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arrrghhhemwe, yo14:44
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hycarrrghhh: I've had a call blank out on me15:09
hyctoo bad I didn't grab a log when it happened15:09
hycspontaneous reboots to windows huh, people need to provide their SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG15:16
arrrghhhi've had a lot of flakiness15:16
arrrghhhi can try to grab that15:16
arrrghhhreboots to winmo seem random.  i wanted to blame wifi at first, but now i've woken up to the phone being in winmo 2x.15:17
arrrghhhsaved me this morning, someone from work tried to call at 4:30am lol15:17
arrrghhhwinmo in airplane mode -> no calls :D15:17
hycwell, I still haven't installed it. still on my last system build.15:17
arrrghhhRIL seemed pretty stable before15:17
hycsounds like my video codecs aren't in the frx0715:18
arrrghhhnot sure what would've changed... permissions perhaps?  i don't know what would mess it up so badly.15:18
arrrghhhseems to be... :(15:18
hycyeah, no idea. will have to diff init.rc and poke at a few things15:18
arrrghhhso my tunnel is no more.  i'm usb tethering again.... sad.  i'll pull my logs and see if there's anything juicy.15:18
hycbut have to grab some logs first15:18
arrrghhhso i'll brb to pull logs.15:19
hycadb still works with usb tethering active...15:19
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arrrghhhi wonder if enabling those modules blew this up15:29
arrrghhhlots of logs tho15:34
arrrghhhnot all of them seem to end with a kernel panic.15:37
emwearrrghhh: houston, we got a problem.15:41
arrrghhhi've got more horror logs if you want :P15:41
emwei need one with a microp[klt,ksc] stacktrace ;)15:42
emwei just fired up topa with .27 and frx07 selfbuilt. fails after setting lcd-backlight. likely keyboard-backlight hook chiming in.15:42
hycstrange, "Setting rhod button-baclight brightness to 0" twice in a row15:44
hycsounds to me like a corrupted patch15:44
emwethat's straight cherry picks from your branch15:44
emwebut i think i know what's going on.15:44
hycvery odd15:44
emwemicropklt_kbd_brightness_set calls micropksc_set_kbd_led_state for devices not having microp-ksc probed15:44
emweand there's no check if micropksc_t is null. just an assumption.15:45
emwetesting right now...15:45
arrrghhhi can't seem to create this bug is what is odd...15:45
arrrghhhemwe, do you know of some conditions that would force this to happen?15:45
emweyes, devices without microp-ksc .. so keyboardless devices i'd say.15:46
arrrghhhnot i...15:46
emweso i got topa failing, diam and blac from the autobuild comments.15:48
emweso i very much assume that's it.15:48
arrrghhhRHOD is blowing up too15:49
arrrghhhhad all sorts of reports.  no one gets logs tho :/15:49
arrrghhhdidn't you see my pastebin ^^15:49
emwethat's another issue then. i am talking about devices rebooting on bootanim15:51
emwewhen userland chimes in to enabled keyboard-backlight15:51
hycmakes sense15:54
emwewaiting for reboot...15:54
hycarrrghhh: your pastebin seems to show a crash in mdp. framebuffer stuff?15:54
emwewhat has changed there?15:54
arrrghhhhyc, i saw that... not sure tbh15:55
hycNothing I know of15:55
emweonly thing related could be increased gralloc buffer size... but...15:55
arrrghhhi have more logs, but that's the only one that has a kernel panic in it15:55
emweso more logs of device randomly resetting when it's operational? (means not during bootanim)15:57
emwehyc, there we go:15:58
emwe<6>[  119.710449] microp-ksc: micropksc_set_kbd_led_state (0)15:58
emwe<3>[  119.710510] microp-ksc: microp-ksc not initialized!15:58
hycOK well that makes sense15:58
emwewhat do you think, limit calls to the micropksc hook in micropklt and leave micropksc alone to hinder these useless logs, or rather like it's now, checking if micropksc_t is initilized?15:59
emwewould rather limit to rhod, kovs and raph in micropklt15:59
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emwewhat is that? htcraphael_kMACH_HTCRAPHAEL_KHTCRAPHAEL_K2179?16:12
emwenever seen.16:12
arrrghhhemwe, yes16:15
arrrghhhmore logs of device randomly resetting when operational...16:15
arrrghhhand i will hopefully get more.  one user said every plug into USB caused reboot (not here)16:15
arrrghhhi've been waking up in the morning to WinMo16:16
arrrghhhand i had a few reboots - just sudden, not sure why.16:16
xdandroidNew kernel available (20110718_223029) at
arrrghhhbeautiful is something different?  lol16:37
emwenon-raph,kovs,rhod should boot now.16:40
emweget to homescreen that is.16:41
emwe07-18 20:41:30.750 W/MountService( 1313): Waiting too long for mReady!16:41
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arrrghhhemwe, i must know what this comment means16:50
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emwearrrghhh: Beautiful is something different. <<< this?16:57
hycthe patch is ugly16:58
hycthat's what it means16:58
emwethat huge if(!machine...) is awful.16:58
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hycalso I think the approach is wrong. should only check for positives, not negatives. if (is rhoadium || is kovsky || is raph)16:59
emweas you mention it, that's what i had in mind... ehm. what made me do it the other way around?!16:59
hycdunno :P17:00
hycin this case if (!(is rhodium || kovsky || raph))17:01
emwei think it's too late now. ;)17:02
hycwell, down the road it will be more maintainable17:02
hycis .35 or .39 ready to replace .27 yet?17:03
emwehaven't done .35 stuff in "weeks".17:08
emwewas rather gps centric.17:08
emwenow i only need to figure why ril doesn't like to detect my smd7 correctly.17:09
emwe.35+gb and latest rootfs that is17:09
emwebut i think that might have to wait till tomorrow17:09
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emwedunno if .27 hides a new regression away because it still has that smd_tty reroute smd1>smd717:10
hyccan always comment that out and see ;)17:12
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emwejust about to dump errno in case it selects smd117:13
hycxda forum still has frx06 thread stickied?17:17
arrrghhhtried to get a mod to adjust it17:19
arrrghhhperhaps i need to bug other ones...17:19
arrrghhhoh well, g2g guys.17:20
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DooMMasteRhi there17:26
DooMMasteRanyone got any idea how to update the radio on an S-ON HTC Legend17:27
hycnot in this channel17:27
DooMMasteRhyc: where else to ask?17:27
stinebdhyc: i don't know what's up with our codecs. your merge request is definitely in there though17:27
stinebdi have to check the library and see what's in it17:28
helicopter88DooMMasteR: you could try to ask #xda-devs17:28
hycstinebd: what about the binary-edited blob codecs?17:28
stinebdthe whats?17:29
hycto increase their accepted rez17:29
hycthe stock H264 decoder limits the inpujt to 480x32017:29
emweand what's up with RIL not spitting out my debug output in RIL_Init...17:30
emweevening stinebd.17:30
stinebdwe don't have anything we can take from a retail device's image?17:30
hycI binary-edited the file to allow 640x36017:30
hycMPEG4 had thte same limit, I raised it to 800x48017:30
hycand I don't know of any ARMv6 droids we can get those from17:31
hycer, MSM7 droids17:31
stinebdhow big are they?17:31
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hycthe codecs? well the files are same size as before17:31
stinebda little over 150K17:32
stinebdi'd like to stick them in the device tree prebuilt directory17:32
stinebdi don't think we'll get sued at this point17:33
emwewasn't tehre a modified lib package somewhere?17:34
hycI put a zip up on the forum17:34
stinebdhyc: have you seen the new device tree?17:34
hyccan't find the post at the moment17:34
hycno, haven't refreshed my tree yet17:34
emwehyc: no, i meant a package for building which is to be downloaded for build inclusion.17:35
stinebdif you want credit for it, you can put those libs in there and modify the file to install them and submit a merge request17:35
stinebdif not, i'll find the libs and do it17:35
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hycmay not have time to look into it17:35
hycthis is the thread
stinebdactually i just added you to the group on gitorious so you have commitness17:36
stinebdbut yeah i'll take care of this one quick17:36
hycok, found my post
hycthe hardware is capable of decoding 800x480 H264, but somewhere in this codec is a memory buffer that's too small to handle it17:37
hycand I never found what it was17:38
emwei have the suspicion i am too stupid to get that up and running.17:38
hyc(winmo works)17:39
hycemwe: ? stop ril-daemon, replace file in /system/lib, start ril-daemon17:39
emweoh, that easy? i push and reboot. joys of ignorance.17:40
hycwell... the radio is rather finicky, sometimes stop/start doesn't work and you need to reboot anyway17:40
hycbut most times it works17:40
emwei just wan't to see my LOGI()17:41
emwei am failing17:42
hycyou could also just see the SMD OPEN messages in dmesg17:42
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emwehyc: yes, smd1 wanna knwo why it can't access smd717:44
hycchecked permissions in /dev already?17:44
stinebdyou get that bigass monitor yet?17:44
hycheh not yet17:45
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stinebdhey i have an idea17:47
emwehyc: crwxrwxrwx    1 0        0        254,   7 Jul 18 21:39 /dev/smd717:47
stinebdlet's binary diff this crap and avoid redistribution issues17:48
emweman, i used to push the ril for ages on gb... never had this. it's not using my built
hycyeah, the binary edits are only a couple bytes here and there17:49
hycshould be easy17:49
stinebdi'm super smart17:49
hycemwe: is init script still bind mounting over it?17:50
hycI thought we deleted all the bindmounts...17:50
emwehyc: did never for gb iirc.17:50
hycmm true17:50
stinebdi think we still bind mount one thing17:50
stinebdbut not related at all17:50
emwecmdline and asec17:51
emweand froyo17:52
hycah yes. asec is just the normal thing vold wants17:52
hyccmdline is only there to add serialno param17:52
eodunsomeone knows why system can't access modules if they're installed?18:08
stinebdeodun: did you see the update package?18:09
eodunthe new kernel? or the frx07 update?18:09
eodunI made a full repackage of frx0718:09
stinebdyou were asking about an for cwm18:09
eoduni got it18:09
eodunbut couldn't make it to work18:10
eodunprobably because of rootfs, we're testing rootfs for CWM18:10
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eodunthe problem is I can't get wifi to work18:14
eodunand helicopter is starting to become prety upset lol18:14
stinebdtried the new rootfs?18:14
eodunthe thing is that we must change rootfs to work with CWM18:15
eodunor that's what I've been told18:15
eodunBTW, latest kernel boots blac18:15
emwegood to know. ;)18:19
emweso i am throwing that shit out of the window soon.18:19
emwehyc: has /system/bin/pppd seen some froyo fixes?18:20
hycor, I haven't touched it at all18:21
rpierce99the config changed though right18:21
hycconfig is all done by command line, no more separate config file18:21
hyccommand line comes from init.rc and additional args passed from ril18:22
emwepassing /dev/smd1 to /system/bin/pppd is fine?18:22
hycbecause the ril will pass additional /dev/smd7 arg if it needs to. later arg overrides earlier.18:22
emwei think i have to give this up. i dunno what's up here...18:23
eodunha, found it18:27
eodun /data doesn't get mounted???18:28
eodunhow's that possible?18:28
Tandyman100There's little gremlins, see, little guys who run around in your phone making everything work. Batteries, you see, are actually full of food and gin for them little gremlins.18:33
eodunI always leave my phone inside a bottle of vodka18:33
Tandyman100When they've been drinking too much, them little gremlins tend to forget things, such as mounting yer data.img18:33
eodunperhaps I should change liquour18:33
Tandyman100It's all very logical, ya see18:33
Tandyman100My word:you see ratio was incredibly high.18:34
Tandyman100eodun: I hear they like strawberry martinis.18:34
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eodunsuperuser isn't correctly called18:47
eodunES file explorer can't get root access18:48
eodunthat's why I can't see /data18:48
eodunremember I'm using partitions, so dunno what is failing18:49
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eodunwell, enough for today19:02
eodunlet's see if we can get a working rootfs tomorrow19:03
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touchprowoohoo tried frx07 with the new kernel, rootfs, etc etc and it exploded with the smd_buffer mismatch, the newest kernel i can get to work is 6/18, anyone with any more success than me on raph800?19:10
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hycwhat's the actual error message? post up the dmesg19:43
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hycand what happens immediately after?19:52
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stinebdstupid piece of crap default android command line programs20:05
stinebdchown uses notation20:05
stinebddidn't realize we were using 1970s mainframes20:05
hycnot a huge difference between vogue_smd.c and ours20:08
hycbut there are a few things20:08
hyclike it seems to only want to read in chunks of 244 bytes20:08
hycI wonder if that's part of the problem20:08
hycmebbe there's a speed mismatch and we need to memcpy to a private buffer so that the smd buffer can be freed up sooner20:11
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hycI guess someone should test jonpry's original patch instead20:33
stinebdlet users test20:35
stinebdsince arrrghhh has mysteriously disappeared20:35
hycwell we need a persnickety raph to test, I think. ?20:36
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slickdaddy96So hypothetical question here.  Is it possible to get a rootfs that doesn't map end call to home and leaves it as end call with spare parts allowing a short press to go to home?  The reason I ask is my wife is about to go bat-shit crazy on me if I don't fix her end call button.  I can live with it, but it has been a habit thing I have to get into since I always pressed the hardware end call20:49
slickdaddy96button, but she is going to go crazy if I don't fix it for her.  I would do it myself if I thought I had the programing knowledge enough to try it, but sadly I think I am a better tester than programmer!  :-)20:49
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stinebdi have discovered has:attachment in gmail21:16
stinebdnever gonna lose patches on the list again21:16
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Fudgehi whats a good app management program21:27
Fudgehow goes 2.3 development21:33
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