Sunday, 2011-07-10

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ryannathansstinebd, ahh thanks01:11
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Fudgehi guys, how is touch pro 2 support now?08:41
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ICH1994hi i have this problem: my Raph100 has a good battery but with xdandroid its like 20 Hours stand-by and the battery is empty also recharging is like 5 times slowlier then with WinMo. Is there a Problem with the AndroidSystem? Cause the System consumes more Energy then everything else. AndoirdBooster also is saying, even i had played games, that the System is consuming 99% of the Energy. I mean.. is that normal?09:41
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HumanAndroidHi people!10:24
smiley-20 hours?   I'm glad with my 10 hours ;)10:24
HumanAndroid...I installed XDAndroid on my HTC touch pro 2 (Rhodium 100)10:25
HumanAndroidand I try to use instead of Win Mobile 6.510:27
HumanAndroidThe problem is that when I press the button pleced on the top of phone, or when smatphone enter in sleep mode, there is no way to wake up it!!!10:28
smiley-install latest kernel from
smiley-and latest rootfs from
* smiley- > away.. pizza10:29
HumanAndroidThanks smiley! :)10:30
HumanAndroid...installing kernel and rootfs is a simle operation like put file on the flash card?10:31
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HumanAndroidOk, installed all as Smiley suggested...  (I think rootfs was the same I just had...)11:03
HumanAndroid:) now seems not to freeze when waking-up (tried only top-side button)...11:04
ICH1994Why the System is consuming so much energy?!?? =/11:06
HumanAndroid...There is a way to not let Skype starting automatically when XDAndroind boots?11:07
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HumanAndroidThanks, bye11:40
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Dave Knight, who says: Cheers  guys, keep  up  the  good  work16:06
stinebdhey arrrghhh is back. i was starting to think he quit16:53
arrrghhhtryin to get acl's ts-calib magic to work... running into a roadblock, perhaps you can advise?16:54
arrrghhhtrying to shoehorn that into init16:54
arrrghhhbut i get a failure, dd cannot find /dev/mtd/mtd0ro... so perhaps modprobe in init is bad idea?16:55
stinebddo it with wifi calibration instead16:55
stinebdit's in there somewhere up above16:55
arrrghhhokie, i saw that section16:55
arrrghhhi was basically doing it where the existing ts-calib is today16:55
arrrghhhwanted to have if/elif/else so old ts-calib would still work...16:56
stinebdshouldn't be a problem doing it with the wifi thing (which is a one-off) because neither of those values should ever change i think16:56
arrrghhhalthough right now i just want it to work period, then i'll get the rest working.16:56
stinebdyou can do [ -f $sdcard/ts-calib ] || dd etc etc16:56
stinebdthat way it won't overwrite an existing one16:56
stinebdwhere ts-calib and dd etc etc are what they should really be16:57
stinebdbut i'm too lazy to type it out16:57
stinebddo you know bourne shell?16:57
arrrghhhlittle bit17:00
arrrghhhi think i've got this figured out, i'll see if i can get it to work..17:01
stinebdprobably not17:03
arrrghhhwhat if i do get it to work, what then stine17:03
stinebdthen i guess you should call donald trump because i'm fard17:04
arrrghhhnah, just means i'd actually contribute some code17:04
arrrghhhnot really tho, acl did the hard part lol17:04
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arrrghhhhum, doesn't seem to be running at all now.17:13
arrrghhhi placed it in the "if [ "$WIFI_BCM" = "1" ] ;then" statement.17:13
stinebdyou'll need it a little deeper than that17:15
stinebdin the part where it checks if /data/wifi-nvram.txt exists17:15
stinebdright before 407 is a good spot17:16
arrrghhhthat's actually exactly where i put it, sorry.17:16
arrrghhhi just meant within that IF statement17:16
arrrghhhit went right before rm/dev/mtd0ro17:16
stinebdnote the dev node name17:16
arrrghhher, yea.17:16
arrrghhhinstead of /dev/mtd/mtd0ro?17:16
stinebdyou'll want to change the if= in the dd17:16
arrrghhhi did that...17:16
arrrghhhi put a ton of echo's after it too, never saw 'em.17:17
arrrghhhoh i see my problem with that.  the "if [ ! -e /data/wifi-nvram.txt ]; then" makes that not run...17:17
stinebdnuke that file in your data.img and try again17:18
arrrghhhwouldn't we want this to run everytime?17:18
arrrghhhi guess it only needs to run once per new data.img...17:18
stinebd[16:56:13] <stinebd> shouldn't be a problem doing it with the wifi thing (which is a one-off) because neither of those values should ever change i think17:18
stinebdbtw when we merge we'll need a conditional for gsm vs cdma17:19
stinebdluckily we can use the $SKIP value in that same section17:21
stinebd[ "$SKIP" == "5744" ] && TSSKIP=22850 || TSSKIP=1881817:22
stinebdand then use skip=$TSSKIP in dd17:22
arrrghhhi was going to use $SKIP, but not like that17:22
arrrghhhalso, there should be no need for the actual ts-calibration file, rigth?17:23
arrrghhhi can just output to $touchscreendir/calibration_points?17:23
stinebdwe want the user to be able to overwrite if necessary17:26
arrrghhhi had another wacky thought for you to shoot down17:26
arrrghhhwhy don't we have a startup.txt cmdline option for data.img size creation?17:26
stinebdbecause you touch yourself at night17:26
arrrghhhthat is a pretty good reason, but i do during the day as well for the record.17:27
stinebdwho doesn't?17:27
stinebdyeah right17:27
stinebdso they say17:27
arrrghhhdo amish have these kinda rules too?17:28
arrrghhhdon't really know much 'bout the amish.  figure you'd be an expert.17:28
stinebdnot as long as there's no electricity involved17:28
arrrghhhwell it appears to have worked in the simple form it is now...17:30
arrrghhhw00t!  i haz values in ts-calibration.17:31
arrrghhhi also wrote it directly to the $touchscreendir/calibration_points since i broke the hell out of ts-calibration stuff lower down lol17:32
arrrghhhhrm.  perhaps i need to unbreak that...17:37
arrrghhhhow the... x&y seem to be reversed.17:42
arrrghhhstinebd, what's the point of this line : echo 128,128,1903,128,128,1907,1903,1907,1024,1024 > $touchscreendir/calibration_screen17:50
arrrghhhseems to import some 'default' calib points, then next line it cat's $card/ts-calibration?17:50
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stinebdnote that it writes to two different sysfs nodes17:51
stinebdcalibration_screen vs calibration_points17:51
stinebdi didn't write it so i don't know17:52
arrrghhhi didn't pick up on that.... interesting.17:52
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arrrghhhstinebd, w00t, i think it's guten.18:02
arrrghhhdo you want me to send you this init or...?18:03
arrrghhhhrm.  old ts-calib stuff is still there, but the manual calibration routine will never run.18:07
arrrghhhassuming the dd= statement works, it will always create a ts-calibration file.  hrm18:08
arrrghhhoh wait if you delete the ts-calib file, that routine only runs on a new data.img creation18:08
arrrghhhnvm, i'm insane.18:08
arrrghhhanyhoo, how do you want this?  :P18:08
jonprynever mind removing code when you can get it to just never run :p18:18
arrrghhhi wasn't thinking it thru18:21
arrrghhhwhere i placed it, it'll only run if /data/wifi-nvram.txt does not exist...18:21
arrrghhhnot the best solution, but this does allow for manual override easily from a user standpoint...18:22
arrrghhhstinebd, ?  so what's left on 07?  end as home, and superuser?18:35
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arrrghhhwell, here's the init stinebd
arrrghhhheh, all i did was add two lines in the end...18:41
arrrghhhoh and moved a couple of if statements up.  hard work i tells ya!18:41
hycif this, if that. be more decisive. :P18:53
arrrghhhhyc, you prefer a elif?18:54
arrrghhhwb btw :P18:54
hycbeen on vacation for a week up in washington state18:54
arrrghhhnice, have a nice holiday?18:54
hycit was a fiddle camp, so we pretty much played music nonstop all week18:54
arrrghhhfiddle camp :P18:55
hycyeah, well if you're into folk music it's pretty sweet18:55
arrrghhhthat's cool tho.  i need to take me one of those vaca things.18:55
arrrghhhi like listening to folk music.  as for creating/playing it, i'm not so good.18:55
arrrghhhkinda like XDAndroid.  i test/use it, but creating/improving?  forget it :P18:56
hycheh. well, the locals come out at night to listen and dance18:56
arrrghhhthat's awesome18:56
hycyeah. which is now why I'm staying an extra couple days after the camp. (met a local at a dance ..... )18:56
arrrghhhnice dude!19:02
arrrghhhso did you look at my init changes?19:03
arrrghhhdo you think there's something i should change...?  i don't know why they weren't if/elif19:04
arrrghhhor if/else even... i just took it and modified it...19:04
hycjust looking now, which line numbers are you talking about?19:05
arrrghhhthe only thing i changed was 407-41419:05
arrrghhhi added the dd if= lines to those if statements19:05
arrrghhhand moved the statements above the rm /dev/mtd0ro line.19:06
arrrghhhworked great for me on a new data.img19:06
arrrghhhjust need a gsm device to test, then other devices at some point should be added...19:06
hycok. seems like you still want to nest both of those under a check to see if the ts-calibration file exists or not19:08
jonprywe don't really have mtd0ro on 3919:08
hycno mtd?19:08
arrrghhhhyc, they would only get run on the first time, that statement will never run if /data/wifi-nvram.txt exists...19:09
jonpryno readonly19:09
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hycwe could just use mtd19:09
hycthere's no particular reason we need to use mtdro19:10
arrrghhhhyc, have you tried any of the new audio routing stuffs?  i still don't have mic in speakerphone, wondering if i f-ed up somewheres.19:17
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stinebdarrrghhh: what do you expect me to do with that?19:54
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arrrghhhstinebd, lolwut21:02
arrrghhhit works21:02
arrrghhhwhat do you want?21:02
stinebdi only accept git formatted patches21:02
stinebdanyway we need to rework it anyway21:02
arrrghhhyea sounds like it.21:02
stinebdacl should've just lied and said they never change21:03
arrrghhhi'd like to learn how to git format patches, but i think i'm a little far away from getting that ability21:03
arrrghhhit's written to SPL tho?21:03
stinebdhonestly does anybody even know about the wiki? :P21:03
arrrghhhha, didn't know about that page21:04
stinebdit's even linked to on the front page21:04
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arrrghhhbut then i'd need to actually like pull the repo21:04
arrrghhhand work with git21:04
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Detulejonpry: no mtd0ro?22:12
SpecRhey mates, how stable is the rootfs from 16May?22:48
arrrghhhSpecR, s/b fine22:55
SpecRlink's not working though22:56
SpecRI have a server that can host xdandroid files if needed22:57
arrrghhhworks fine for me dude23:02
SpecROops! Google Chrome could not connect to htcandroid.xland.cz23:02
arrrghhhthat's some overseas mirror stine uses23:03
arrrghhhreally should only be used if you have issues/slowness with the main files.xdandroid.com23:03
SpecRhave any mirror for that one file?23:03
SpecRI clicked on file.xda...23:03
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SpecRyep, even wget sends me there23:05
SpecRbtw, with server I meant a VM with ubuntu within my ISP datacenter with an stm-1 bw23:11
SpecRis there any limitation to oc my raph800?23:21
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SpecRarrrghhh: this acpuclock.force_turbo=1 does works for raph800 as well?23:34
arrrghhh"turbo mode" is RHOD only.23:35
SpecRoh ok23:36
arrrghhhyou can OC to maybe 70023:36
SpecRarrrghhh: how can I oc raph800? is there a link you have at hand?23:36
arrrghhhevery phone seems different23:36
arrrghhhit's in the FAQ23:36
arrrghhhread it.23:36
SpecRi can always try23:36
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SpecRaight, lets see23:57

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