Wednesday, 2011-05-18

arrrghhhimpressive nonetheless.  i'm sure you've got your fill of logs hyc.  if not, ping me tomorrow.  bedtime folks, take it easy.00:00
hycre: that kernel log, i've seen a lot of crashes in tty_ldisc.c due to smd, but I haven't seen this particular stack trace before00:00
arrrghhhi haven't been able to reproduce the bug00:00
hycis this with new ril or stock?00:00
arrrghhhheh that's a good point00:00
ilkinansr92U talkin about my bug00:00
arrrghhhilkinansr92, yes00:00
ilkinansr92Yeh its all from autobuild server00:01
hycyes. it will occur less frequently with my ril00:01
hycbut it's still a bug in the SMD driver00:01
arrrghhhless frequently.  heh00:01
ilkinansr92Well it works with older kernel00:01
ilkinansr92I dont get that reboot after call00:01
hycwhat's the last version that works?00:02
ilkinansr92Sec its my comp and its off atm00:02
hycarrrghhh: what do you get when you press the play button?00:02
arrrghhhit's in the logs00:02
ilkinansr92Ill look it up in sec00:03
arrrghhhhyc, same flicker00:03
arrrghhhessentially nothing00:03
hycso same problem as before00:03
hyccan you hang out another minute?00:03
hycgo into the shell00:03
arrrghhhoh i guess so00:03
hycrun sqlite3 on the DB00:03
hycsqlite3 /data/data/com*phony/databases/mmssms.db00:03
hycselect * from part;00:04
hycpaste up the last 5-6 lines00:04
hycI'm assuming the last msg you received is the MMS in question00:04
hycheck, paste the last 10 lines :P00:04
hycit ought to look similar to mine
hycbut I guess you're going to get more like rpierce99's instead
hycyeah, it's missing the duration parameter too00:08
hyc'k thanks00:08
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ilkinansr92_modules- worked fine00:09
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ilkinansr92So do u know whats the diffrence between that one and newest kernel?00:12
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hycrpierce99: still around?00:21
hycwill have a new Mms.apk in a sec00:21
hycwith minimum durations set, I think00:21
hycok, uploaded00:21
hycit ought to work with your existing msgs00:22
rpierce99hm, no still just flashes00:26
hycsomething must be overriding it00:26
rpierce99this doesn't require the new framework.jar does it?00:30
hycthat framework only affects download00:30
rpierce99that's what i thought00:30
rpierce99wanted to make sure, i reverted system earlier00:30
hyctrying again in a different spot of the code00:33
hycoops ;)00:34
hycok uploaded00:34
rpierce99hm, just realized i downloaded that in the browser, hope it didn't pull from cache, i'm going to curl this one to be safe00:35
rpierce99flicker :(00:37
hycdunno what it is then00:38
hycI'm beginning to suspect it's setting correct default durations00:38
hycbut the playback timer is wrong00:38
hycdunno why it works for me tho00:38
hycif you edit your DB, change the SMIL part to include durations .....00:39
rpierce99if you strip the dur= from your db it still shows fine?00:39
hycI'll try that in a sec00:39
rpierce99k i'll try the opposite00:39
hyctrickier to do such a large value in sqlite3 isn't it? jsut copy/paste?00:40
rpierce99i think if you start the value with ' instead of " it'll be fine00:41
hycalso it's a good idea to kill the mms process first00:41
hycI think it caches the DB00:41
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hycOK, I removed thedur= and justget flashes now00:45
hycbut I'm running the previous Mms.apk.00:45
hycwill try the new one00:46
hycstill flashes00:47
hycI guess I'll revert those other patches and try looking somewhere else00:47
rpierce99yeah updating the db made the window stay up00:54
hycso all the places I tried to set the default are just being ignored :P00:54
rpierce99i've had bad luck with the debugger but i'll see if i can break into it this time00:55
rpierce99another set of eyes cant hurt00:55
hycnow I'm wondering though, why are those fields present in the original blob?00:55
hycand missing now?00:55
rpierce99yeah, they're being parsed out for some reason00:55
rpierce99i think android sets local properties and then writes out its own version of the SMIL based on them00:56
hycwe should verify that with wireshark00:56
hycsee if durations are in the original download00:56
rpierce99didn't we already00:56
hycbut now, with modified apk00:57
hycis it a change in behavior because the uaprof changed00:57
rpierce99aren't we back to the original uaprof00:57
hycstill on the evo4g one00:57
hycthe "sniff" file you sent me has no durations00:58
rpierce99that was winmo00:58
hycbut it has the correct 800x480 pixel layout00:58
hycand the dump we got after switching Mms.apk to use the winmo Uaprof also has no durations00:59
hycand the dump with the original google uaprof01:00
hycso. the server never set them? wheretf did they come from...01:01
rpierce99the whole idea of either the sender or the carrier determining how long i want to look at a picture is pretty stupid01:01
hycthe original dump from Evo4G has durations01:02
rpierce99my original pdu from before we did any work (the android uaprof) has durations01:02
hycso freakin weird01:02
hycok well, I think it's obvious that we shouldn't rely on meaningful durations being set01:03
hycand we just need to supply good defaults01:03
hycI just can't find where in the source to set them01:03
hycyou probably won't have much luck debugging my Mms.apk since you don't have the current patches01:04
hycok. finding a lot of zeros being ignored01:08
hycit's like it's supposed to treat duration=0 specially but then forgets to on playback01:08
hyclike ideally, duration=0 should mean "manual advance"01:09
rpierce99that would make sense, if there's no duration defined, just show it and let the user treat it as a picture01:09
rpierce99so i assume you were patching somewhere in the smilplayer01:19
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hycnot yet01:22
hycI was patching setDuration in MediaModel and SlideModel01:22
hycbut was just about to look at smilplayer01:23
rpierce99smilplayer creates a timeline before the playback starts01:23
rpierce99which i'm not sure how that works with the whole 0=manual thing01:24
rpierce99can't create a timeline from manual01:24
rpierce99looks like maybe getDur() in the ElementParallelTimeContainerImpl01:33
hycthe TimeineEntry's don't seem to store duration01:36
hycthey just store an beginning offset time?01:36
hycI don't see where they store and ending time01:36
hycan entry is either a begin or end entry01:38
hycok, my plan is to see if the End action's offsetTime is thte same as the Begin's time, to automatically pause01:42
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hycit sorta works02:14
hycthe timeline is actually several more elements than I expected02:14
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hycnot all of them actually have media02:15
rpierce99yeah that looked pretty involved02:15
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hycso for these two slides, there are 10 entries02:15
hycI guess it's based on the smil nesting02:15
rpierce99yeah in the getImplicitDuration it has to get the duration for all the children and add em up02:19
hycI don't see the connection between the timeline and the nodes02:22
hyci.e., once I reach a particular timeline entry, what node is it associated to02:22
rpierce99timeLineEntry.getElement() instanceof SmilParElementImpl02:25
hycthat's better ;)02:32
hycjust uploaded it02:32
hycit's not totally obvious because the seek bar isn't displayed by default02:33
hycrpierce99: try the new Mms.apk ...02:36
rpierce99works as advertised, both for entries with no dur and those with dur02:38
rpierce99i still don't get why it puts the text on screen like that02:38
hycyeah kinda weird02:38
rpierce99i know it's a part02:38
rpierce99but really, you're displaying it, take it out of the slideshow02:39
hycI guess you can actually compose some fancy layouts02:39
rpierce99i'm sure you can, looks a lot like html02:39
hycbut really, somebody is doing weird reformatting02:39
hyc'cause when I send to my T-mobile phone, text+image is one part02:40
hychey, send me a text+image MMS02:40
hyclet's see if Sprint does it on all outgoing ones too02:40
hycI had autodownload turned off, and the download button is doing nothing02:42
rpierce99are you running the hacked framework?02:43
hyci think so02:43
hyclemme check logcat02:43
hycok, droidwall again. it deletees the access rule whenever you replace the apk02:44
rpierce99makes sense02:45
rpierce99it doesn't prompt though?02:45
hycprompt for what? nope02:45
hycok, downloaded. no slideshow, just text+image02:45
rpierce99so SMIL is set by the receiving partys mmsc02:46
hycand this one is nicely formatted02:47
rpierce99but this patch doesn't hurt anything, just accounts for sprint being dumb02:47
rpierce99ah, yours only gets 1 part with 2 regions02:48
rpierce99mine gets 2 pars02:48
hycso no slideshow here02:48
rpierce99does the text show up over the image then02:48
rpierce99i'd assume so02:48
hycno the text looks like a regular SMS and the image is above it02:48
rpierce99yeah in conversation view i'd expect that, the par is laid out for a full screen view02:49
rpierce99not sure if that's even possible to do02:50
hycdoesn't seem like it02:50
rpierce99i'd assume a tap on the picture just opens the picture02:50
hycgoes to gallery02:50
rpierce99wish sprint had a smarter mmsc02:50
hycyeah would save us a lot of trouble02:50
hycok, gonna clean up this patch and upload it02:51
rpierce99they were the last ones to get mms too02:51
rpierce99they had picture mail for a long time02:51
rpierce99which was just an sms with a link02:51
hycwhat should we do with uaprofurl?02:51
rpierce99i say revert it02:51
rpierce99i haven't seen it do anything02:51
hycnothing useful anyway. it affects the smil, but for us the smil is mostly irrelevant02:52
hyci.e., we never get a full-screen layout02:52
rpierce99if we decide we care later for some other carrier, probably best for it to be propertyized02:52
rpierce99hard-coding an alternate value seems less than ideal02:52
hycok I'll work up the prop code for that as a separate patch02:52
hycwill revert everything else for now02:52
rpierce99so 2 patches for mms, framework.jar to allow the pduparser to interpret the sprint pdu properly, and whatever you changed for the smil duration02:53
rpierce99sweet. Once again sprint and/or cdma causing way more work for you than should be necessary02:54
hycoh and also a patch to display the 2nd thumbnail if the first one has no img02:54
hycsince in your smil, the text is always the first slide02:55
hycthis avoids the empty play button...02:55
rpierce99yes, good02:55
hychmm. xdandroid has no clone of Mms.apk02:56
hycgonna have to create my own02:56
rpierce99hm, the sources are downloaded as part of the "get the source" steps i followed02:56
rpierce99oh, clone02:56
hycthey've been using vanilla google02:56
rpierce99alright well i'm off, nite02:58
hycok, 'night02:58
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hycMMS used to have GV integration05:07
hycit was removed...05:07
hycmebbe it got added some other way in GB05:07
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valykheya all07:37
valykcan someone tell me froim where can i get a cyanogenmod v6 rom to work on a raph100?07:38
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calonhi everyone09:30
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calonI got a question09:30
calonI tried and compile android kernel from git for my blackstone09:31
caloneverything went fine except touchscreen09:31
calonit works but respond in a crazy way09:32
calonany ideas?09:32
helicopter88tried calibrating again'09:33
ryannathanslove it how there are 99999999999 new discussions on irc since i last came on. *moves to CBF folder*09:34
ryannathansis/has anyone looked at button repeating bug on froyo yet? :D09:35
helicopter88i read about that on xda..09:35
ryannathansI mean, physically looked at code and/or narrowed it down?09:42
helicopter88afaik,no one..09:43
helicopter88but i think that someone is investigating09:43
arrrghhhryannathans, you fire off the hip quite often don't you...09:45
ryannathanscryptic much ;)09:45
arrrghhhyour post09:46
arrrghhhon the forums09:46
ryannathansmms profile09:46
arrrghhhobviously shows you didn't bother to read anything.09:46
arrrghhhhe even says what the bugs were in the post, even if you didn't click any of the links...09:46
ryannathans*starts reading it again*09:46
arrrghhhhowever, if you DID click on the link, you'd know a heckuva lot more.09:46
ryannathanslol, I have had a few late nights, turns out I started reading from page 2. *facepalm*09:47
ryannathansOnce upon a time I found a page with all the kernel commits in one page. Any idea where I was looking?09:50
ryannathansspent laste 2 nights looking09:50
arrrghhhso not the autobuild?09:50
arrrghhhare you just talking about the gitorious page...?09:50
ryannathansone moment09:50
ryannathanspretty sure was autobuild09:51
arrrghhh^^ autobuild09:51
arrrghhhlinked in ALL my threads.09:51
ryannathansyeah those kernels. Wasn't there one huge list of all commits? Was plain text I think09:52
arrrghhhdo i have to ask again?09:52
arrrghhhare you talking about the gitorious page?09:52
ryannathanslike whne you put the cursor on the name of each kernel on that page09:52
arrrghhhuh move your mouse over the build ID09:52
arrrghhhany of the kernels09:53
ryannathansthere was a page with all that one one page in plain text09:53
arrrghhhare you talking about the gitorious page!??!09:53
arrrghhhwhere the commits actually go?09:53
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arrrghhhlike pulling teeth with you child.09:54
ryannathanson the autobuild page, when you put the cursor on each build ID it comes up with changes, there was one large page where you could trace all changes back09:54
arrrghhhyes you've said that several times now.09:54
ryannathansI love you so much right now.09:54
arrrghhhi'm asking you, do you mean the gitorious page.09:54
arrrghhhgood god you were talking about gitorious.09:55
ryannathansIt was very similar to the page linked, was all plain text though. That will do though ^^09:55
arrrghhhi'm not aware of any others09:56
arrrghhhthere's a google code site.. but i thought that was just a big list of the kernels themselves... perhaps off that page there's a list of commits.  not sure.09:56
ryannathansany idea who commited the backlight changes?09:57
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arrrghhhit's only temporary...09:59
arrrghhhi hope you know that09:59
arrrghhhyou probably don't tho.09:59
ryannathans0.o was commited to autobuild though?10:00
arrrghhhwhat are you trying to do exactly?10:00
ryannathansFind where/when the keyboard backlight was fixed/added10:01
arrrghhhdrive me insane?  because you're not helping the project with this nonesense.10:01
ryannathanson a thread 'we' talked about keyboard backlight causing key repeating bug10:02
ryannathansfound it!10:03
arrrghhhi believe it is10:04
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arrrghhhdid you see my comments that it's only temporary?10:04
arrrghhhkernel shouldn't control the kbd backlight, userland should.  so there's probably some hackedy code that is temp.10:04
arrrghhhsame with caps/fn lights10:04
arrrghhhshouldn't be controlled by the kernel10:04
arrrghhhwell, kernel should turn them on/off, but userland should determine when they should be on or off.10:05
ryannathansthought the whole thing was going to get moved to userland10:05
arrrghhhkernel still controls the hardware dude10:05
ryannathansso kbd backlight will completely be rewritten at some stage?10:07
arrrghhhwell not completely10:07
arrrghhhjust need hooks between userland & the kernel10:07
ryannathansare we 100% sure it is kbd backlight causing the bug?10:08
arrrghhhbut it's definitively our #1 suspect10:08
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arrrghhhother than just some transient issue10:08
ryannathansTime to see if it is or not. :D10:08
arrrghhhwhich, i'm pretty sure the bug didn't occur before kbd backlight10:08
arrrghhhwhich was a looooooooooong time ago10:08
ryannathans4 months ago ;)10:09
arrrghhhsounds about right10:09
ryannathansSo I need to get myself a copy of kernel source, remove code for backlight, compile and observer10:09
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ryannathansas long as it is not quantum mechanics and obsertation doesn't change the experiment the bug should disapear10:10
arrrghhhyea you can do that10:10
arrrghhhjust pull the commit for kbd bl10:10
arrrghhhobsertation, sounds technical.10:10
ryannathanshaha :P10:10
ryannathanslolwut? Kernel is 63MB for source10:11
arrrghhhlots o text10:12
ryannathansshould compress easy10:12
ryannathansmust be heapsh10:12
arrrghhhthere's a couple of lines of code in the kernel10:12
ryannathanshow is autobuild so small?10:13
arrrghhhmachine code?10:13
arrrghhhi thought you knew at least a little about development...10:13
ryannathansyeah but such a reduction o.o10:13
arrrghhhyou haven't built the system image have you10:13
arrrghhhit's gigabytes10:13
arrrghhhand compresses down to ~120mb10:13
arrrghhhwhen build10:13
ryannathansnow you mention that..10:14
ryannathansfeel idiotic xD10:14
arrrghhhmight just want to sit back and let the professionals do their thing...10:14
ryannathansnever had to compile my PHP/python code :P10:14
arrrghhhemwe, hiho.  i saw you slip in thar.10:14
arrrghhhryannathans, o right.  you don't know about development...10:14
arrrghhhi forgot, web developer != developer.10:14
arrrghhhweb monkey10:14
arrrghhhcall yourself a dev.10:15
emwearrrghhh: good eyes you have.10:15
arrrghhh:D  how goes it sir10:15
emwejust tested that SOD stuff out again10:15
emwewell, cable plug notification that is.10:15
emweseems my topa dislikes that.10:15
emwestood up earlier today and batt was rahter empty and i just managed to get it charged again. something must be freaking out on low batt10:16
ryannathansalways thought compiling made it bigger. *pulls out notepad*10:16
arrrghhhyour TOPA doesn't seem to like much.10:16
emweotherwise still incall issue tracking dunno if i should just throw it away.10:16
emweon the other side... that raph doing nothing just runs idle since 17hours and has 50% batt left10:17
arrrghhhi didn't think raph would run that long w/o the panel collapse magic.10:17
emweraph on .27 though. but i think topa isn't that better on .2710:17
emwemine does here. don't ask me why.10:17
emwejust idle  no sim10:17
emweso doing nothing i guess10:17
arrrghhhi thought 6-7hrs even with no usage.10:18
emweperhaps i got another panel type10:18
emwegot id 0x1 here10:18
arrrghhhthese phones are wacky.10:18
arrrghhhseems the more we learn about 'em, the less we know...10:18
arrrghhhhow deep does the rabbit hole go HTC10:18
ryannathansquantum mechanics related? I KNEW IT!10:18
emwebtw i think we can just merge in jb's audio work into xdandroid tree10:20
emweit's a build time flag which libs to build/use10:20
arrrghhhsounds good dude10:20
emweso nobody has to run their own trees with too many mods except that flag10:20
arrrghhhthere's only a few kernels in the wild that work with the new audio routing hotness, and they're all in hyc's thread :P10:20
arrrghhhthat would be niiiiice10:20
emwewe have enough time to screw the tree in stinebds absence.10:21
ryannathanssigh, is there a guide to compiling this damn kernel10:21
helicopter88there's one on ppcgeeks10:21
emweryannathans: i can link you to my little build script...10:21
ryannathanswould be much appreciated ;)10:21
emweryannathans: plz have in mind though, i skip cleaning the wifi modules build on every iteration. so if you update kernel make sure you clean10:23
emweryannathans: and the scrip expects your tree to be "linux-msm" ... so "./ build msm"10:23
emweit's a bit ugly. no shell expert here ;)10:24
ryannathansneither. I downloaded .tar.gz source, not tree, does it matter?10:24
emweyou can have other dir name. just needs to be "linux-"10:24
emweno, but a git pull keeps you updated10:24
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emweyou won't be able to update the tar.gz extracted dir then10:25
arrrghhhemwe, i think a lot of this is over his head...10:25
emwealso, the script creates a generated-msm dir where all the output of compilation and module collection goes10:25
arrrghhhand he probably needs to learn about git before he attempts to do this madness...10:25
emweso the kernel tree isn't clobbered.10:25
emwegit clone and git checkout htc-msm-2.6.27 and done. all on the repo page.10:26
ryannathansapparently you have a syntax error10:26
* emwe looks down his body.... no.10:26
ryannathans./ 156: Syntax error: "(" unexpected10:26
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emwehm, worksforme (c) on bash.10:27
ryannathanshmm, maybe because i am missing config file.10:27
emweas i said, no h4x0r here.10:27
arrrghhhas i said, this is over your head ryannathans.  one step at a time, don't put the cart before the horse, etc etc10:28
emweah, i should mention you also need to setup some stuff in the beginning of the script.10:28
emweall between #custom settings10:28
ryannathanswoot its compiling10:30
ryannathansall I had to do was 'make menuconfig' look around cluelessly, hit exit, save config, make -j5 :D10:32
emwemake config first10:32
calonhi guys10:33
emweehm.... ./util config htc_msm_android_defconfig10:33
emwethen ./util build10:33
emwebut hey, you'll figure.10:33
ryannathans-.o *twitches*10:33
calonI got some issue compiling the default kernel10:33
calonwith touchscreen10:33
arrrghhhcalon, compiling?10:33
arrrghhhryannathans, see what you've done.10:33
arrrghhhcalon, did you read my thread?  it walks you thru how to calibrate10:34
arrrghhharen't you just trying to calibrate the screen!?!10:34
calonI use an old ts-calibration10:34
calonI'm tryng to get working a kernel build on my machine10:35
calonehm sorry10:35
arrrghhhcalon, what is your problem?10:35
calonto get to work10:35
arrrghhhwhat are you trying to do10:35
calonI managed to compile the kernel, my android (I'm on a blackstone) boots10:36
calonbut I get bad response from touchscreen, it's not working fine but it's working10:36
ryannathansso it's poorly calibrated?10:36
arrrghhhwhy are you compiling your own kernel?10:37
arrrghhhi can't say that's a supported configuration lol10:37
calonI use and old ts-calibration file, I also tried to recalibrate but nothing10:37
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calonI would like to learn10:37
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calonI tried both with somo other module both with standard10:38
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ryannathans*rage quits*10:39
helicopter88sorry for logging in/out10:39
ryannathansim off. getting some good sleep and going at this again10:41
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emwearrrghhh: "new audiorouting for froyo" is hycs all-in-one mod post, yeah?10:47
arrrghhhpretty much10:48
arrrghhhhis second post goes thru BT10:48
emwei wan't to reverify topa incall again10:49
emwenot taht i screwed up .35 sooo much...10:49
emwehm, handwork. though of all in one download for the lazy :)10:49
arrrghhhoh noes10:50
arrrghhhhyc does not pander to the lazy.10:50
emwesometimes i need to be...10:50
emweso stock everything + libs + kernel should be fine?10:50
arrrghhhwell the init.rc needs modded10:51
arrrghhhbut i assume you read that part10:51
arrrghhhother than that, yea.10:51
emwethat is in autobuild rootfs10:52
arrrghhhthe chmod command is IIRC10:52
arrrghhhbut the hciattach stuff isn't10:52
emweah i am not into bluetooth10:53
arrrghhhwell i guess that's just for BT, so if you just want the audio routing stuff10:53
arrrghhhdamnit.  :P10:53
emwethanks nevertheless. how is it getting such lazy noob questions?10:53
emweam i doing well in that?10:53
arrrghhhfrom you, it's a little weird.  gotta admit.10:54
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arrrghhhalrighty.  real work time, ping me if you need smth.  not you tho heli_afk10:55
emwei am trying - sorry for that - being a little time effective. and as you know xda forums and posts and whatsup like your pocket...10:55
emwei am only reading irclogs the last weeks10:55
emwethx! have fun!10:56
arrrghhhoh yea10:56
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arrrghhhi'm on to you hurny7/Horace10:58
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emwecrash in micropksc_set_rhod_kpd_led_state should not happen for topa....11:20
hycwhich kernel are you on now?11:29
hycarrrghhh: not urgent but - it was suggested that I remove TESTING from the ril thread. any other keyword to use, or just delete testing?11:30
arrrghhhi guess since you keep saying it's not in testing anymoar11:31
arrrghhhthe testing moniker needs to go11:31
arrrghhhi still think it's in testing, if people want to manually use it...11:32
arrrghhhit's not in testing when it's integrated into the build :P11:32
arrrghhhput [FEATURE COMPLETE] instead of [TESTING] lol11:33
arrrghhhi dunno.11:33
hycI guess. see. if we were all on that glorious cwm, it would just be an update.zip11:33
* hyc ducks...11:33
arrrghhhwe've never really polished anything to this point.11:33
arrrghhhyea, glorious.  i really want to reboot to winmo after installing the system, just to boot back to Android.11:34
hyci was going to fix that but never found neo's source.11:34
arrrghhhi wish neopeek would see cwm to more of an end... i have a feeling he's just going to leave it hanging like everything else tho.11:34
arrrghhhdoesn't exist11:35
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emwehyc: your 1324 kernel.11:36
emwehm. wasn't that gps fix in the atlantic ocean fixed some time ago?11:36
hycemwe: you probably should use 131911:36
emwei am just not hitting the power button. :)11:37
hyci probably idn't make the buttonlights patch rhod-specific11:37
emwejus tdo incall testing.11:37
emwemight fail though as the IDLE SND device isn't fixed yet to 0x1111:37
arrrghhhemwe, the gps fix IS fixed, but it's not integrated yet.11:38
emweis FRX06 that old already?11:38
hycthe gps 0,0 bug fix is in frx0611:38
arrrghhhgotta run the binary manually...  AFAIK it made it into frx06, but the rootfs trumped it.11:38
hycbut rotfs overrides it11:38
emweah bah11:38
arrrghhhwhat we said11:38
emwei see11:38
emweso now cross fingers that incall is still broken plz.11:38
arrrghhhyou want it to be broken?  lol11:39
arrrghhhhyc, do you have a binary for the new MMS hotness?11:39
arrrghhhmy gf sent me another message :P11:39
arrrghhhgood lord verizon, i can't do this crap if your site is always down.11:39
arrrghhhhahaha yay?11:39
emweso i haven't screwed .3511:40
hycarrrghhh: yes, Mms.apk on my FRX06+ directory11:42
arrrghhhcool.  is that all i need?11:42
hycyou already have the framework.jar?11:42
arrrghhhfrom the testing the other day11:42
hycthen yeah11:42
arrrghhhwanted to make sure there weren't any changes to that either ;)11:43
arrrghhhman this tunnel cxn is nice.  can't believe i was usb tethering for so long hahaha11:43
rpierce99now you can play with your phone while you talk about playing with your phone!11:43
arrrghhhi win 5 internets11:44
hyci watched 2 movies in 720x400 on my phone last night :D11:45
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rpierce99i still haven't had any luck with those video libs11:45
arrrghhhthat's awesome.11:45
arrrghhhwell, not your issues but that it was smooth :11:46
hycdunno, lots of other folks have had good results11:46
arrrghhhi haven't tried the newest gfx stuff TBH11:47
rpierce99yeah it's probably not the libs, just me11:47
hycsigh. championc ...11:48
rpierce99hm, it worked there11:49
rpierce99i think playing that downloaded video in random video players caused problems the last time i tried11:49
hycarrrghhh: you're not supposed to point out the frx06+ download link.11:50
arrrghhhit's in your sig...11:50
hycif people can't see it's a link by themselves...11:50
arrrghhhthere fixed11:51
arrrghhhnot like i linked him directly to it...11:52
arrrghhhi think someone did at one point11:52
hycrpierce99: most likely. i already told you, once it messes up in any player, you need to reboot before it can work again11:53
rpierce99yeah i know, does that .mp4 you sent me cause you issues in some players?11:53
rpierce99ok, didn't know that was one of the too big ones11:53
hycit seems that most of the players struggle with it11:54
rpierce99so i tested a local file first to eliminate bandwaidth as a possibility11:54
hycand spec-wise, it seems to be at the limit.11:54
hycthe qualcomm docs i read said 500kbps max for the video track11:54
hycthat test is 640kbps11:55
hycbuut mvideoplayer works pretty consistently11:56
hycit still trips once ina while tho11:56
hycthen i go see what background shit was happening, read logcat, etc.11:57
hycstupid things like geniewidget ...11:57
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arrrghhhhyc, that slideshow solution worked12:00
arrrghhhit's odd tho12:00
arrrghhhi guess you already knew that it worked...12:00
rpierce99yeah the "fix" for the stupid white on black text is for sprint to not be dumb12:01
arrrghhhglad it works at all12:01
arrrghhhbut pics w/o text look WAY better than pics with text.12:01
hycyeah, ultimately sprint's servers are broken12:01
arrrghhhpics with text... odd.  pics w/o text, flawless.12:01
arrrghhhwell i think i might pass this onto my buddy12:02
arrrghhhhe won't be able to do anything directly12:02
arrrghhhbut hey, maybe he can get it to the right person.12:02
hycthat would probably be good12:02
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rpierce99i wouldn't be surprised if they were locked into it because of some dumb app/phone/os that requires it to be that way though12:02
arrrghhhthat's a pretty big oversight12:03
hycthe fact that they completely mangle the smil that the sender composed really really bugs me12:03
rpierce99they should at least have a standards compliant querystring, headervalue, alternate server, something12:03
rpierce99and for all we know, they do have that12:03
arrrghhhi'll shoot him an email now12:03
arrrghhhhe might be able to place me in contact with someone who can actually do something about it..12:03
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hychmmmmm. when i was googling sprint mms issues i ran across a post from someone12:04
hycsaying that your mms delivery mech was a setting in your account.12:05
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hycolder accounts got picture mail12:05
rpierce99i saw that too12:05
rpierce99i read another one that said they don't do picture mail anymore12:05
hycso yeah, maybe they have a compliant server somewhere12:05
rpierce99but we don't pick the download server12:06
rpierce99so it would have to be an account setting12:06
hycbut since they think you have a winmo phone, they send you this crap12:06
arrrghhhi'm still emailing my buddy lol12:06
rpierce99arrrghhh: if it's an account setting there's a chance that even lower-down folks like CC reps can fix it12:06
arrrghhhi just want to see what the issue actually is12:07
hycideally of course, they should decide based on the x-wap-profile12:07
arrrghhhi'm hoping he can help me get to the heart of the problem.12:07
arrrghhhwhich he may or may not be able to do...12:07
hycwell, i'm curious to see what he says12:07
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hycit's also interesting that google is aware of the problem and patched gb.12:12
hycyou would think they would tell Sprint something....12:12
arrrghhhemail sent.  this should be good.12:13
arrrghhhhe's not technical... at all.  lol12:13
hycoh fun12:13
rpierce99hyc: does GB handle the 2 pars properly?12:13
arrrghhhyea.  he's a salesman.  but he works on gigantic public sector accts, and has worked for sprint (nextel back in the day) for over a decade.12:13
arrrghhhso he knows people within the company.12:14
hyci didn't look12:14
hycdunno hw else you would fix it, besides setting a default duration whenever it comes up zero12:15
rpierce99ignore text pars12:15
rpierce99well yeah, duration12:15
hycbut other ones might be "real", composed by the sender12:16
hycignorin pars seems dicy12:16
rpierce99i've never seen an mms device that lets you compose rich text mmses12:16
hycthere's code for it in froyo12:16
hycdunno how you get to it ;)12:17
hycbut look at and junk like that12:17
rpierce99is slideshoweditor part of the mms apk?12:18
rpierce99i don't have my dev env open12:18
rpierce99i guess i can kind of see like <text></image><text><image> being a valid slideshow12:20
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rpierce99so yeah, sprint needs to not screw with the pars12:21
arrrghhhi'm curious to see what my buddy says.12:22
rpierce99i'm curious how you explained this problem to someone who isn't technical :)12:22
arrrghhhjust asked him to put me in contact with someone who would be able to help12:22
arrrghhhand explained briefly the issue...12:23
arrrghhhi linked him to the post, but he'll get lost in it surely.  but he know's people in the company, i'm hoping he shows them the page.12:23
arrrghhhor puts me in direct contact with them, that would be cool :D12:24
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Tim Stonick, who says: Amazing! Kudos! All power to the people.  Try Bad Religion's "The Dissent of Man"12:39
rpierce99 /random12:40
emwehorray for not knowing the build system entirely...12:49
emwehyc: you know quickly where all build targets are copied together for the sytem image?12:50
emwetrying to find the place where it fetches the gps lib12:50
emwe(gb that is)12:50
emwebtw, i just merged+pushed bionic which fixes the gb build. if i had known this was that easy...12:51
arrrghhhemwe, thank you.12:51
emwearrrghhh: think that's the price one has to pay for not knowing everything about the build system and what components tie into what.12:52
emwealways thought it was that externel/kernel-headers/ project needed to be attracted.12:52
arrrghhhyou can't know it all12:52
arrrghhhi try, but fail.12:52
arrrghhhhyc, on the other hand...12:52
emweknows it all cause his age. :P12:53
hycemwe sorry, havent done anything with gb12:53
emwei wan't to get rid of that library in the system image. always causes reboot12:54
emweand when i build again, always forget to remove it via adb on boot12:54
emwehyc: if i may ask, what was your age?12:54
hyci guess you can ask.....12:55
emwe.. but get no answer ;)12:55
toadlifenm. That's not old12:55
emweoh there's some 14 years experience ahead... but from your tellings you were way beyond me with 30 already ;)12:55
emwebeyond? ahead i mean.12:56
emweoh english...12:56
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emwei think you grasped what i meant :)12:59
hyci wrote my first game in basic when i was 1112:59
hycso ive been at this computing thing for a while...12:59
arrrghhhyea my grandpa showed me apple basic when i was 613:00
emwei think i got my C64 with 11 or something. 2 years after the wall wen't down.13:00
rpierce99well, guess I better start my son on this stuff13:00
emwemy uncle was one of the lucky GDR person being a programmer with pascal. he showed me a bit but then i was like no-coding until studies13:00
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hyci got into this from my own interest. i think if someone had told me to look at it i would have gone a different direction13:03
GPFerror_hyc which computer at 11?13:03
arrrghhhhyc, i'm all self-taught (probably why i know next to nothing :P) but he got me interested in it.13:03
hycdata general eclipse timeshare, decwriter ii, 300 baud acoustic coupler...13:04
hyci couldn't afford a computer of my own, use the school system's. got into programming HP calculators.13:05
GPFerror_i started on the vic 20 when it came out i think around 8113:05
hycwrote a bunch of games for my HP 25c, 15c, and eventually 41c when I culd afford one13:05
GPFerror_compuserv 300 baud modem13:06
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hyci used them all. at friends' houses. vic20, c64, sinclair zx80, zx81...13:07
hycmade friends with computer store owners, used their systems...13:07
hycfinally got to college and had all the access i could ever use. 24 hour keycard access to engineering labs...13:08
arrrghhho yea13:09
hychad to take freshman computing first term, i was TA'ing it 2nd term. :p13:09
arrrghhhheh, i was a TA in my first CSCI class13:09
arrrghhhkinda wish i had continued down that path... oh well.13:10
hycGot hired at the computing center and never looked back.13:10
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hycgot my degree in computer engin but it was a waste of time. i already knew more about software design than most of those profs.13:11
arrrghhhhow did you learn?13:11
hycjust a formality getting the degree.13:11
hyci was very bored most summers jr high thru high school. read every computer book in the library.13:12
hycobsolete languages like pl/1 and apl, whatever they had.13:12
hycfortran, pascal, system architecture, os designs.13:13
arrrghhhi can't read those books cover to cover13:13
hycalmost all of it was from the 60s. outdated stuff.13:14
arrrghhhi don't absorb the info ha13:14
hycbut principles of system design don't change much13:14
arrrghhhjust get more bloated :P13:14
* hyc groans13:15
arrrghhhwith old systems like the c64, you had to be creative to get stuff to fit in that tiny space, so efficient design was key.13:15
arrrghhhnowadays... just add another gig of ram, who cares if the software abuses it.13:15
hycin college i bought my first actual cmputer - atari 800xl13:16
hycalways trying to shave bytes...13:16
hycbut that was also true from my days programming calculators13:16
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hycthe 25c only had a 49-instruction memory13:17
arrrghhhlittle different now13:17
arrrghhhassembly is a forgotten art.13:17
hyccomputers are smarter, programmers are dumber13:17
arrrghhhhow the hell did that happen?13:18
hycimo it's a dangerous trend13:18
arrrghhhi guess anyone can be a programmer nowadays.13:18
hycanyone can *claim* to be. :p13:18
arrrghhhpeople keep calling me a dev in the forums.  i have to correct them, i'm a layman :P13:19
hycheh. does that make you a deacon?13:20
Detulei seemed to have tuned in at the right moment - hyc's life story :)13:20
arrrghhhsomethin like that13:20
hyci learned 6502 asm on the apple ii in high school13:21
Detulecarry on....didn't mean to interupt, i'll just continue busting my head against the wall trying to cross compile nilfs2-utils13:21
hycwas amazed that assembly language was a 3rd year course in college13:21
hycand most of my classmates couldn't understand bits, bytes, or binary math13:22
hychad fun in one system arch class. homework was to write a multiplier for mips300013:24
hycme and a buddy were spinning out version after ersion, trying to see who could write the smallest/fastest13:25
hycthe rest of the class was still struggling to assemble any code at all13:25
arrrghhhbeginning programming classes were like that for me too.  always making newer versions, when others couldn't even get the basic concept..13:25
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hyci won, of course. and my multiplier was even faster than the one written by the mips engineers ;)13:27
arrrghhhyou are a madman :P13:27
hycmy TA graded it and said "you shouldn't use tricks like this"13:28
toadlifearrrghhh, I'm disappointed in you.13:28
arrrghhhwha'd i do now13:28
arrrghhhyou've got to be kidding me13:29
arrrghhhthat's his problem?13:29
toadlifeUnless I read it wrong, yeah13:29
arrrghhhcan't fix stupid.13:29
toadlifeNow, now13:30
rpierce99since when does a bad rel_path cause a kernel panic instead of couldn't find rootfs13:30
toadlifeI dunno13:30
arrrghhhthat's what i thought would've happened13:30
arrrghhhno rel_path, or invalid rel_path = can't find rootfs...13:30
toadlifeyeah, maybe that's not his problem13:31
toadlifeBut he never said he modified the startup.txt13:31
arrrghhhi'm disappointed in your disappointment.13:31
toadlifehe said he 'copied it over'13:31
arrrghhhyea, he didn't really provide good info13:31
arrrghhhhard to troubleshoot ...13:31
toadlifeSpeaking of stupid, I stayed up until 3AM this morning trying to get my partitioned build to work. I got it it to work on the second try and then when I tried to do it on my main sdcard it kept failing. After going through all kinds of extreme steps, including modifying the init script in the initrd.gz, I realized that I was not putting the full path to the root_partion in my startup.txt....13:36
toadlife...e.g. I was putting root_partition=mmcblk0p2  instead of root_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p213:36
toadlifeSo please have a laugh at my expense13:37
nautisits always the simple things13:37
toadlifeI deserve it13:37
rpierce99i didn't change startup.txt at all, FWIW13:37
rpierce99oh you moved your rootfs over too13:38
toadlifeYep. The full monty!13:38
arrrghhhwhy does java never work.13:38
toadlifeOracle hasn't had enough time to make it unbreakable.13:40
arrrghhhi don't know if it's my company policies or what13:41
arrrghhhbut it seems every time i need to use java, it's broken again.13:41
hycas if it's ever not broken...?13:41
toadlifeTrust me. java doesn't need your company policies to break.13:42
arrrghhhusually this is the fix - uninstall everything java related, and install the newest version13:42
arrrghhhusually works *for that session*13:42
arrrghhhnext time i need it, busted again.13:42
arrrghhhwe're supposed to be tracking a lot of our time.  well i need a 'fucking fix java' project to track time against.13:42
hycprobably someone else doing the exact same thing13:42
toadlifeOne of the peices of software we push out to all desktops is the JRE. Every few releases the installer will fail to uninstall and I have to write a script to manually rip it out13:43
hycjust with a different version than you13:43
arrrghhhi remember some weird file13:44
arrrghhhthat the support dept would muck with.13:44 is the most visited site in chrome13:46
arrrghhhthat's sad.13:46
arrrghhhyup, just confirmed with the support dept.  they push the thru policy.13:47
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touchprohello, was wondering if hyc's ril could eventually be used on vogue, ours doesnt seem that great and it looks like hyc is doing big things with what hes working on16:32
rpierce99hyc's ril used the vogue community ril as a base, I'm sure it could be adapter, I'd be surprised if it worked right out of the box though16:34
touchproyeah probably some bugs here and there, it works for what i use it for (data) but the signal seems excessively jumpy16:34
rpierce99like the bars?16:35
touchproand if your in 3g and you drop to 1x only a soft reset will put you back into 3g16:35
rpierce99yeah i know he tweaked that (the bars), probably pretty easy to tweak it back if it's not right for your phone16:35
rpierce99i'm not sure how all that stuff works though16:35
touchproyeah im not either, i figure ill wait until hes done doing what hes doing then see if i can figure something out on my vogue16:36
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jonpryhi emwe16:55
jonprydo you by chance have a logcat from a .35 boot? i am trying to see what is making 39 hang system_server16:56
emweone sec.16:58
jonpryever see this same problem on topaz?16:59
emweno, nothing. but i am on gb.17:00
emwei can only get you a gb logcat btw17:00
emwejonpry: on it's way via mail.17:02
jonpryok thanks. no froyo for you?17:02
emwenot since "ages"17:03
emwehm, well, i could reboot the raph... been running since 24h idling17:04
jonpryisn't gb all messed up?17:04
emwemessed up? working just fine except gps17:04
emwethat messes it up :)17:04
jonpryi suppose thats good enough17:04
emweand those freaking incall freezes on topa :P17:04
jonpryi'd have to download/patch/rebuild for 39 though17:04
emwethose tls fixes?17:05
jonpryyou have sound on 35 now?17:05
emweyeah sound is there.17:05
emwesomething screws when incoming call with ringtone is happening.17:05
emweaudioflinger waiting on configuration change which never happens and then audpp seems to get stuck17:06
jonpryhmm. the qdsp i have is from oldish 35 of yours and it doesn't work :p17:06
emwesounds been initially working for about a month at least. longer i think17:07
jonpryuserland acoustic?17:07
emwei just recently switched to userland acoustic17:07
emwelike a week ago or so it got pushed17:07
jonprydoes it work right?17:07
emwesound just works. calling too. (except that incall bug)17:08
emwehave to make outcall first or disable ringtones... then fine17:08
emweofc no h2w routing or anything17:08
emwethat depends on kernel work.17:08
emwetopa misses that on .27 as well17:08
jonpryi'm dying for usb17:09
emwethat was tough but i took parts from alex and the rest from devices_htc.c17:09
emwefor not reinventing the weel17:09
emweso the board setup is rather small again17:09
emweit's a little different then .27 though regarding notify_usb_connected which actually the on battsmem on .35 not htc_usb.c'17:10
jonpryin 39 there is an integrated gadget framework17:11
emwethat's likely out of my knowledge ;) happy usb and adb works :)17:11
jonpryi don't know how to make it work either17:12
emweah, so you can't take the "old way" at all?17:12
emwemsm_hsusb devices and such?17:12
jonpry72k_udc at least won't compile with the new gadget headers17:14
jonprybut the old usb function thingy might work17:14
jonprythere is also all this new code which looks really cool. but i can't figure out how to setup the pdata. no examples. and it doesn't have stuff for PHY init17:15
emwemsm-2.6.38 from ca any help?17:15
jonpryi'll probably need to go through the CA stuff to see whats going on17:18
emwehightest "msm-version" i see is theirs17:18
emwei will head to bed now. good luck on your trials!17:18
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toadlifeWeird.  My wifi would connect but was not able to get a dhcp address.  logcat showed dhcpd failing to access /data/misc/dhcp/dhcp*.pid. Had to rm the files.  Unix ugliness always manages to shine through the facade.18:53
toadlifeWonder how Apple manages it. ;P18:53
arrrghhhit's bsd18:56
toadlifeBastardized BSD, but yeah.18:58
arrrghhhbut of course18:58
toadlifeI've allways though BSD to be more elegant than Linux.18:58
arrrghhhin many ways, it is...18:58
arrrghhhin some ways it's a PITA18:58
arrrghhhbut it's rock-solid.18:58
toadlifeI've been a BSD fan for years18:58
toadlifeI learned Unix of FreeBSD18:59
arrrghhhthat's cool19:00
arrrghhha lot of the core routers i helped setup @ this small isp were runnin freebsd.19:00
arrrghhhwell, in fact... all of the boxes we built that were used as routers etc ran freebsd...19:01
arrrghhhfor a while that company provided a box with every freakin internet cxn lol19:01
arrrghhhthat predated me tho.19:01
toadlifeYeah I ran a BSD router (DSL + pppoe) at home on an old desktop for four years. I replaced it with WRAP box + M0n0wall. That's been humming along for three years now.19:03
toadlifeONly thing I've bene able to do at work with Unix was a few years back. I got an old Pentium II 300 box, set it up with spassasin and postifx and stuck in front of our student email server. It ran for two fucking years straight19:05
arrrghhhthat's what they are designed to do19:05
toadlifeThen someone higher up than me decided that we needed something that was 'supported', so he spent thousands of dollars on a barracuda19:05
toadlifeThat Barracuda has NOT been reliable19:06
toadlifeBut hney, we get 'support'19:06
toadlifeStill bitter about that19:06
arrrghhhyea, i'm having that same argument with our network monitoring setup19:07
arrrghhhit's outdated, but *always* worked.19:07
arrrghhhi looked at updating it myself, and my boss wants something "supported"19:07
toadlifeGet used to it. That's how corporate world works19:07
arrrghhhthey want to be able to call someone if i get run over by a bus19:08
arrrghhhand if i implemented something like zenoss, apparently no one would be able to pickup where i left off19:08
toadlifeThat's EXACTLY what they said about me and the BSD spam server19:08
arrrghhhoh well19:09
arrrghhhthey expect me to know how to fix everything19:09
arrrghhhbut they also want to be able to pickup the phone and have someone else fix things just as easily.19:09
toadlifeI just dodged a $2000 a month pay cut.  State budget cuts have been drastic. They held a lottery between me and my friend (we both got hired on the same date) and I won. ;(  He's getting the cut.19:10
toadlifeAnd our junior tech, who is really smart (at least as smart as me) is getting the axe.19:11
toadlifeState of CA budget is in shambles.  Gov Brown wanted to put up a tax increase to a vote, which would have saved us, but legslators blocked it.19:12
arrrghhhoh yea, didn't realize you were in CA19:12
toadlifeAnyhow I only get a 5% cut. Woohoo I guess. :\19:12
arrrghhhwe're in the hole too19:12
arrrghhhmy dad had a 30% pay cut in like 200519:13
arrrghhh& lost his pension19:13
arrrghhhall at the same time...19:13
toadlifeouch.   double ouch19:13
arrrghhhairline pilot19:13
arrrghhhthey experienced the recession well before anyone else...19:13
toadlifeOh yeah. Pilots area treated like burger flippers nowadays19:13
arrrghhhi heard they start @ 16k/yr19:14
toadlifeyeah. That's a joke19:14
toadlifeYou could literally almost make that *flipping burgers*.19:14
arrrghhhuh... yea.19:15
arrrghhhprobably more, cuz they make hourly lol19:15
arrrghhhwell i guess pilots do too, nvm.19:15
toadlifeMy Dad flew helicopters in the army and air force. He didn't do that for a living though.19:15
arrrghhhstill, that's outrageous.  look at what they used to get paid in the 60's & 70's19:15
arrrghhhmy dad said dollar for dollar it's basically the same what he gets now19:15
arrrghhhand he gets paid well now... but back then?19:16
arrrghhhfuck.  they all had their own airplanes, they could afford it!19:16
toadlifeIt's okay. Those tax cuts for the top 0.1% will eventually trickle down to us. ;P19:16
arrrghhhthat top percent is getting so small too.19:17
arrrghhhit's insane...19:17
arrrghhhhyc, so i got a few emails back from sprint... nothing juicy yet tho.19:21
rpierce99are you just working your way to someone who knows wtf you are talking about?19:25
arrrghhhmy buddy passed me to a "Public Sector Solutions Engineer"19:26
arrrghhhwho said he's going to "ask his messaging team if they're aware of the issue"19:26
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arrrghhhmy foot is in the proverbial door, who knows if it'll lead anywhere.  i'm really curious to see what they say...19:27
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rpierce99better get your foot out of the door, it'll get slammed19:28
toadlife"Public Sector Solutions Engineer" = 2nd level tech support?19:28
arrrghhhyou saying my service is going to get cut off? lol19:28
arrrghhhtoadlife, bwhahaha19:28
arrrghhhi doubt it19:28
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toadlifeHey I tried virtualbox for the first time last night. For one-off virtual machines, I like it much better than VMware. VMware server would not allow me to hook any usb device to the VM. Virtualbox would.19:36
arrrghhhyea, virtualbox is awesome19:37
arrrghhhoracle hasn't even done that much since acquiring innotek19:37
arrrghhhfrom what i can tell :P19:37
toadlifeYeah I am really out of the loop. Had not idea how awesome it was19:37
arrrghhhyea i used it a loooong time ago19:37
arrrghhhdon't really have a rig powerful enough to comfortably run a vm19:38
arrrghhhmy server... kinda can.  the only machine i have that has the virtualization acceleration or whatever in the processor arch.19:38
toadlifeWe have Vmware ESX + blade center + giant SAN at work. Been using it since 2004.19:38
toadlifelol. powerfull enough? I was running my Ubuntu VM on my four year old laptop.19:39
toadlifeWorked ok!19:39
arrrghhhyea, but it probably wasn't speedy :P19:39
arrrghhhand your host OS?  did it choke?  :P19:39
toadlifeNo. Host in Windows 7.  THe latpop has 2GB of RAM19:39
toadlifeAnd I only gave the VM 512MB19:40
toadlifeI just used it to set up my partition build19:40
toadlifeI did a full upgrade on the VM. It took no more than an hour or so. Not bad.19:40
toadlifeVirtual box loaded the vmware vmdk file directly, so I didn't have to set up the OS again. That was nice.19:41
arrrghhhthey really did a great job on that software19:42
toadlifeI'm going to pull out our old desktop, get it running and get a Linux/BSD box back up and running.  It19:42
arrrghhhdynamically expanding images19:42
toadlifeIf I'm going to mucking with Android, I need a UNIX os.19:43
arrrghhhit is helpful19:43
toadlifeTime to go home...20:06
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stinebdthe motorola freakin atrix feels ghetto to me20:08
* stinebd gingerbread snob20:08
arrrghhhhow's our gb comin?  :P20:10
stinebdgood question20:10
stinebdi shall defer you to our lead tester, arrrghhh@xdandroid.com20:10
arrrghhhso it's not.20:10
rpierce99we need a lead libgps developer20:11
arrrghhhwe need to convince hyc gingerbread is awesome.20:12
arrrghhhtrick him into developing on it20:12
rpierce99i'd rather have a perfect froyo and port everything over later than 2 half working builds20:12
arrrghhhfroyo is almost thar20:13
stinebdit's not just a matter of "porting everything over"20:14
stinebdas evidenced by gps20:15
rpierce99my point stands though20:15
stinebdgps and codecs are particularly problematic20:15
stinebdno it doesnt20:15
stinebdsince we'll never have a perfect froyo anyway20:16
stinebdso there20:16
arrrghhhstinebd, it will be PERFECT20:16
* arrrghhh whips stinebd20:16
rpierce99but arrrghhh says we're almost THAR20:16
stinebdarrrghhh doesn't know winmo from a hole in the ground20:16
arrrghhheh, i dunno if we'll ever get XTRA20:17
arrrghhhwe've made great progress, you must admit.20:17
arrrghhhnot sure it'll be identical 100% to a native device tho.20:17
stinebdthat's a good thing20:17
arrrghhhhardware-wise, there's really only prox sensor and 3.5mm20:17
stinebdnative devices ship with crap like motoblur and sense20:17
arrrghhhnot all20:17
arrrghhhbut yea a lot do20:17
stinebdthe only ones our cheap-ass users will use20:17
arrrghhhwhatcha tryin to say20:18
stinebdalso whatever that stupid samsung interface is20:18
nautisholy sex, nookbuntu20:18
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jonpryhi stinebd20:19
jonpryhow can i stop system server from wrecking my life20:19
stinebdfix sensors, that's how i did it20:20
hycgb might be cool, but i prefer targets where i can see the end. light at the end of the tunnel'n'all20:35
hycfroyo is in great shape now, works great as a daily use phone20:36
hycsplitting dev resources across multiple projects just slows everyone down.20:37
hycpick a few milestones, reach them together, then move on to the next.20:38
hycwe still don't have a mainline .35 kernel for general use...20:39
hycget a solid 100% (or even 98%) complete froyo build out on .35. then spend time on the next version. by then, you'll have fairly complete understanding of all the h/w20:44
hycand thee move will be relatively easy.20:44
hycright now there's so many loose ends, poorly understood, or not understood at all.20:44
hycjust fumbling aroun in the dark.20:45
hycminimize the unknowns... you can succeed when only the h/w is unknown, but the s/w environment is understood perfectly.20:46
hycor vice versa20:46
hycbut messing around when the kernel, the userland, *and* the hardware are all full of unknowns...20:47
arrrghhhproblem is everyone's talents lie in different areas (for the most part)20:48
arrrghhhso everyone works where they're comfortable, and everyone hopes that gaps are filled :P20:50
hyctoo bad. it's not like a jigsaw puzzle, where everyone can start in a different spot and eventually everyone joins up.20:51
hycif you don't have a working base, you can't successfully test anything else.20:52
hycand if you can't successfully test, you can't learn.20:53
hycthe effort is wasted.20:53
arrrghhheh i dunno20:53
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arrrghhhdevs came quite a long way.  although you're right, it's just hard to get people to commit to something in their free time :P20:54
arrrghhhpeople just work on what they enjoy working on for the most part, sucks.. but c'est la vie.  can't force people to code crap they don't want to work on.20:54
hyci guess that's true20:54
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arrrghhhyou've been a rare gem hyc.  honestly.  most don't venture outside of their comfort zone :P20:56
hycbut it should be obvious that one solid build is better than 2 (or more) incomplete ones.20:56
arrrghhhwell yes of course20:56
hycanything with a cpu is my comfort zone ;)20:56
arrrghhhperhaps that is the difference.20:57
arrrghhhmost devs either fall on the userland side or the kernel side20:57
arrrghhhobviously no body fell on the RIL side lol :P20:57
arrrghhhi'm really curious to see what comes of my MMS query to Sprint20:58
arrrghhhas a consumer, i wouldn't even know where to start.  if i just called customer service, they'd have no freaking clue.20:58
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arrrghhhi hope they don't just blow me off... not holding my breath either.20:59
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hycheh, will be interesting21:02
arrrghhhi referenced your post21:02
arrrghhhand mentioned that if they have more questions i can put them in contact with you21:02
arrrghhhhope that's ok ;)21:03
hyci did some work with sprint back in 2005. don't think any of my contacts still work there tho21:04
arrrghhhyea, i don't exactly know the right person per se... but i'm hoping he knows the right people :P21:04
hycthey were in the  core network, but they probably knew the mmsc too21:05
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rpierce99jcmsVEN: come to tell us how awesome android is?21:10
jcmsVENFinally I don't have Windows Mobile!!!21:13
rpierce99i say "how awesome" you don't say "awesome", that's like "how high?" "high"21:14
jcmsVENEs Vergatario Compae...21:24
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Juan Carlos Monsalve (jcmsVEN), who says: Para seguirles apoyando por este trabajo impresionante! Sigan adelante con el desarrollo!21:25
manekinekotrouble with FRX as far as I see it is no matter how feature complete it gets, it'll most likely always be agonizingly slow21:26
arrrghhhit's really not that bad.21:26
manekinekolast time I tried out FRX I could only take it for a few days, despite all the features working21:26
manekinekogot sick of missing phone calls because the system is so slow to bring up the incoming call screen21:26
arrrghhhhyc, that reminds me - i couldn't find your post on how to remove all the crap from startup21:26
arrrghhhmanekineko, yea that is annoying.21:27
manekinekoor waiting 10 seconds for the home screen to come up when I need to check the time21:27
hycmanekineko: I've never had that21:27
manekinekowhich one of those?21:27
manekinekomissed call, or ultra slow app switching21:27
hyc10 seconds for home screen?21:27
manekinekookay, maybe that's an exaggeration, 5 seconds?21:28
manekinekohow's the speed compare to your G1 on FRX?21:28
hycit's generally better than the G121:28
manekinekohuh wow21:28
hycusually once an app is running, the G1 is fine21:28
hycbut switching is sluggish21:29
hycthe G1 is RAM-starved21:29
hycthis phone, generally has enough RAM most of the time21:29
arrrghhhtp2 only has like what, 100mb more?21:29
manekineko125 vs. 256 right?21:29
arrrghhhi guess that's a big diff when there's only 19221:29
arrrghhh192 vs 28821:29
hycsomething like that. it makes a huge diff.21:29
arrrghhhnote - i'm not accounting for gfx21:30
arrrghhhjust raw RAM21:30
manekinekoeven switching home screens was slow on FRX I thought21:30
arrrghhhmanekineko, not really21:30
arrrghhhalthough i don't use the stock launcher21:31
hycwhich one do you use? I use ADW on the G121:31
hycmost cyanogen ROMs do21:31
arrrghhhADW EX21:31
rpierce99yeah zeam with animations turned off is pretty snappy21:31
manekinekohmm, maybe I'll give it another shot when FRX07 comes out then, but it was pretty painful I thought when switching back for netloc21:31
manekinekoyeah, I use Zeam, it's the fastest of them21:31
arrrghhhi like loc too much21:31
arrrghhhand data :P21:31
hyclol. yeah21:31
manekinekoheh data is fine now on GRX21:31
arrrghhhit doesn't crap out after every phone call?21:32
hycGBX. :P21:32
manekinekooh well, that, I just toggle it after calls21:32
arrrghhhyea, that sucks.21:32
manekinekois it GBX or GRX? it seems to change back and forth21:32
arrrghhhhyc, i think that was my fault.  i assumed it was GBX.  stinebd said he wanted it to be GRX.  i told him i'd change it, but he told me to leave it...21:32
arrrghhhGBX makes more sense to me... meh.21:32
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stinebdson of a BITCH21:40
stinebdmy phone will be here friday21:40
stinebdand i won't21:40
stinebdi am in awe21:41
stinebdi cannot believe they repaired it that fast21:41
stinebdor at all really21:41
arrrghhhthat is pretty quick turnaround time21:41
arrrghhhyou're lucky there for sure.21:41
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ilkinansr92sup guys21:46
ilkinansr92how u guys doin21:47
stinebd<3 continental21:48
stinebd2 free bags per person21:48
arrrghhhhey that's who mah pappy flies for21:48
arrrghhhflyin outta newark i'd imagine.21:48
arrrghhhyes.  captain now...21:48
stinebddoes he do intl?21:49
arrrghhhnothing but21:49
arrrghhhflies to narita in fact21:49
stinebdlet me know his name and i'll pester him and get busted by the air marshall21:49
arrrghhhi'll ask him if he's flying hahaha21:49
stinebdflight 9 tomorrow21:49
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arrrghhhactivity phone is not responding22:11
arrrghhhlol.. perhaps i should try gb22:12
arrrghhhi miss way too many phone calls in froyo...22:13
rpierce99stop playin' da angry birdz22:13
arrrghhhi have no such game tainting this device.22:14
rpierce99hehe, you said taint22:14
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