Sunday, 2011-05-15

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ryannathanscould it be possible that the SOD fixes added to autobuild fixed my failed wakes :O09:40
ryannathansWhere are the autobuilt commit logs? I can't seem to find them...09:46
midnightif you put the mouse over the name of the kernel(in glemsom's site) you should see what's new10:01
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daroothello to all... I have a question about xdandroid and my diam100 device. The LED on the menu button is always in loading circle... can I fix this..?10:48
jonpryhyc, ping10:54
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hycjonpry: pong11:03
hycdamn. I just booted that 1214 kernel and sure enough, it decoded the youtube HQ clip11:03
hycwtf. I can't tell from JB's git history which branch it came from or what commits led up to it11:04
jonprydid you by chance see that logcat of mine. i don't know much about android startup. i can't even see that anything is broken11:04
hycwhich logcat?11:04
jonpryi think its hitting the fan at 22411:05
hyclooking now11:05
hycyou turned off prelinking?11:05
jonpryi can turn it back on now. wasn't the problem11:05
hycline 223 maybe11:06
hycyou really really need to use logcat -v time11:06
hycno way to tell if 223 and 224 are related11:06
hycall these signature mismatches. looks like you're reusing a data with a new system11:07
jonpryyeah, i just deleted my data and it still has boot ani forever11:08
hycbummer. got a fresh log for that?11:09
jonpryguess it is different11:10
jonprymaybe i didn't wait long enough11:10
rpierce99first boot with a new data takes a long time at bootani11:11
jonprysettingsprovider crash, is that ok?11:12
rpierce99is gmail in your system image?11:12
jonprynot sure. just frx05 manifest11:12
hycyou're still not using logcat -v time? not helping....11:12
hycdunno about settingsprovider11:13
hycI don't think anything ought to crash on first boot11:13
jonpryi was told to use logcat -t which just crashed11:13
jonpryi will change it to -v time11:14
hycah right, looks like that's just complaining that gmail is missing11:15
rpierce99ultimately it crashed creating a bookmark for  Gmail with a PackageManager.NameNotFoundException, so I think settings provider is just trying to set up an app that doesn't exist11:15
hycand IM11:15
hycso probably nothing critical11:15
rpierce99i don't think it's an issue11:15
jonpryand im.landingpage11:15
hycwhy do you have /dev/inputmouse...11:16
hyceh I guess it's always there11:16
jonpryseems to be a reported bug11:16
hycso I don't get it, the log just ends at line 383?11:16
jonpryyeah, maybe i turned phone off by the time it got there11:17
hycmaybe trying to startup bluetooth services killed it11:17
hychard to say11:17
jonpryor the log didn't sync11:17
hycyou're dumping this to a file on the phone?11:17
jonpryis 5 minutes of boot ani enough?11:18
hycdon't guess.11:18
hycwatch the logcat output.11:18
jonpryhow often does init restart processes? yeah dumping11:18
hycif it's not marked oneshot, it usually restarts dead services right away11:19
jonpryhrm. so maybe service bach -c "sleep 5; sync"11:19
rpierce99what's the command to continuously dump dmesg out to a file over adb?11:19
jonpryer bash11:19
hycwhy are you doing it that way?11:20
hycjust run adb logcat -v time from your PC11:20
hyc"adb logcat -v time | tee /tmp/somefile"11:20
jonprydon't have usb11:20
hycoh that sucks11:20
hycyeah, very likely the end of it is not going to get sync'd on a crash11:20
hycrpierce99: adb cat /proc/kmsg11:21
rpierce99hm, figured cat would stop at the end of the file11:21
jonpryits so close :p11:21
hyckmsg is a special file11:21
jonpryyou know the original g1 rooting hack?11:23
hyctyping on the console?11:23
hycwell that's a lot different from before11:25
hycno idea11:25
hycseems like you're just missing drivers11:25
hyccan not open snd device11:26
hycfailed to open lcd-backlight11:26
hyccouldn't get telephony reference11:26
hycrhodium-keypad? did the gpio-keys driver get renamed again?11:28
jonpryyeah typing on console. xdandroid seems to have the same bug. so i can sync the log and other stuff whenever i want :p11:29
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soldar79hi there12:26
soldar79does anybody here own a an at&t tilt212:28
soldar79or a rhodium12:28
soldar79Well, question is...12:31
soldar79How can I get a home key working?12:32
rpierce99what build are you running?12:32
soldar792.2.2 htc
helicopter88go with frx06 and new rootfs..12:34
rpierce99hm, well you're running an outdated build then, but once you upgrade your build you will want
soldar79where do i get the frx0612:35
rpierce99if you want to try upgrading,, if you want to just start with the newest full build, go there12:35
helicopter88arrrghhh's bundle,update kernels,rootfs and initrd(it hasn't changed a lot)12:36
rpierce99actually that thread has the system image update as well12:36
soldar79and what about the new rootfs...12:37
soldar79contains any important fix?12:37
helicopter88rootfs contains various fix and maybe it will fix your home button issue12:37
rpierce99the rootfs is what controls the keymaps12:38
rpierce99you'll need to read the first post pretty throroughly to fix your home button12:38
soldar79gr8 again12:39
soldar79nice work this guys doing12:39
rpierce99alright hyc i'm setting up eclipse to be able to jdb12:40
rpierce99do i need to be able to build the source, or just have it to set break points12:40
soldar79hope any time soon i can get  rid of wm12:40
soldar79the tilt2 of such a gr8 mobile12:41
hycrpierce99: you only need the source as a reference point while you're debugging12:41
hycyou don't need to be able to build it12:41
rpierce99that's what i figured, but the source needs to match the files i'm running, so i need to bring in your changes12:41
rpierce99what the public location for the system with your frameworks changes for mms12:43
hyc? gitorious12:43
rpierce99i meant it's probably in a specific branch or something12:43
soldar79ok guys12:44
hychm. we don't ave any relevant MMS changes do we?12:44
soldar79thax everybody for the info12:44
rpierce99i should undo the frameworks changes that allowed the download button to work?12:44
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hycyeah probably. I mean, we want to see the actual parsing error13:12
rpierce99ok, i already pulled the old version back into my /system, but the repo sync that I did yesterday in my ubuntu VM apparently ha vanished13:13
rpierce99even the ~/xdandroid folder i created manually is gone13:13
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JManciniHey guys, anyone around atm?14:17
rpierce99there's always people around, most just lurk though14:18
JMancinilol, understandeable. Any ideas if someone has a work around yet for the 3.5mm on the TP2?14:18
rpierce99buy a usb dongle for 3.5mm, they're like $314:19
rpierce99or code the 3.5mm driver yourself :P14:19
JManciniI'm trying to run Square, you think it'll transmit the tracks through the usb dongle?14:19
rpierce99the usb dongle redirects androids audio out of it14:19
rpierce99i have no idea how Square works14:20
rpierce99i know it uses the 3.514:20
rpierce99but i don't know if it actually sends sounds14:20
rpierce99or if it tries to interface with the HW directoy14:20
JMancinibasically, it has a multi track mag strip reader that sends the signal into the device via the 3.514:20
JManciniit actually transmits sound14:21
JManciniit's reading the first two tracks14:21
JManciniof the magstrip14:21
rpierce99if it's sound i'd assume it would work, but i have no idea14:22
JMancinii've got a usb headphone jack somewhere around here...i didnt even think to try it. i'll try and see what happens lol14:22
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JManciniNope, the usb isn't recognizing that a set of headphones is plugged in lol, it just redirects audio. I guess I'm still on the hunt lol14:35
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Andre569Hows FRX07 coming along16:17
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rpierce99hyc you around?17:12
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rpierce99can someone give me the md5 of framework-res.apk and framework.jar on their phone? /system/framework17:51
toadlifed6d3a4d499b4c44ae3334be02aed52bc  /system/framework/framework-res.apk17:57
toadlife21c20a9dfb1038e6e6028652701b04ce  /system/framework/framework.jar17:57
rpierce99and just to be sure you didn't download the test files hyc and i were playing with yesterday right?17:58
toadlifeNo I didn't17:58
rpierce99great thanks17:58
rpierce99can you send mms?17:58
toadlifeHavn't tried in awhile. I'll send one to my wifes phone right now18:03
rpierce99are you cdma or gsm?18:06
toadlifehmmm. mms is taking forwever to send.18:07
toadlifeI'll let it sit for awhile, but it looks like it's not working18:08
rpierce99you probably don't have an mmsc defined in your apn18:11
rpierce99don't worry about it if you don't use mms18:11
rpierce99i was able to find a way to send myself one18:12
toadlifeYeah, I jsut checked. with hyc's sys the proxys are net set properly for t-mobile. I wrote the settings down so I can fix that.18:12
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rpierce99hey hyc I've got my debugger broken at the point where it's about to throw that exception, got a minute to try to figure it out with me?20:00
hycwell, I'm here ;)20:01
hycdunno if I can help20:01
rpierce99haha well i know that according to spec this int is supposed to be 0-31, and it's 10520:03
hycwhat int?20:04
rpierce99start, first, pduDataStream.buf[703]20:05
rpierce99sorry temp not start20:06
hycraw PDUs are bit-packed, 105 might be valid when masked down to size20:07
rpierce99here's a summary of what i thought might be important info20:07
rpierce99i assume what you're referring to is this:20:07
rpierce99        int first = temp & 0xFF;20:07
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rpierce99first and temp are both 10520:07
rpierce99if it's not obvious count mark and pos are properties of the pduDataStream, and the 700-799 is that range from the pduDataStream buffer20:18
hychave you tried printing these parts of the data stream as ASCII characters?20:20
rpierce99no, i haven't used the eclipse debugger much so i'm not sure exactly how i would do that20:21
rpierce99what i really wanted to do was save buf to a file so i could run it through a hex editor20:21
hycwell, those look like ASCII range to me20:22
hycexcept for [701-2]20:22
hycand [718-9]20:22
rpierce99so something i thought was odd, if i bump up to parseParts and look at the locals there20:23
rpierce99dataLength = 5223320:23
rpierce99startPos = 5259420:23
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rpierce99hyc will you send me another mms21:19
hycvideo or img21:20
rpierce99dont care21:20
rpierce99at this point i don't think it matters21:20
hycok sending21:20
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jcmsVENHi!... Finally I ran Android FRX06 on my HTC Touch Pro2 Rhod500!!... The problem was solved after I setup my Data Connection confuguration on winmo sistem configuration.22:33
jcmsVENWIFI doesn't work yet... because I have a WEP configuration at home22:34
jcmsVENThanks to all people who give me support one month ago.....22:34
P0lar1sXSo you switched do an Android ROM, but a WinMo setting caused problems? How odd.22:34
rpierce99i'd recommend you not use wep, but if you have no choice there is a workaround to connect your phone to wep22:34
P0lar1sXWEP is pretty aweful. I used to have a old Curve 8530 that would only play with WEP.22:35
jcmsVENNo... I'm using haret22:35
jcmsVENI solved the problem editing ESPT settings on Winmo22:36
P0lar1sXOh, I see now, I thought you put it on the TP2, it;s only the HD2 that you can put Android on, correct?22:36
hycwhich settings and why weren't they correct before?22:36
jcmsVENThis is CDMA phone22:41
hycthat's strange22:41
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jcmsVENI'm so happy... all is working fine and finally Killed WINDOWS MOBILE!!!!22:42
jcmsVENIn Venezuela, the operator is Movilnet22:43
jcmsVENand Rhod500 is only CDMA in Movilnet22:43
jcmsVENBefore, after Android startup, freezes22:44
jonpryBEST BILD EVR22:44
jcmsVENI Edited startup.txt changed force_cdma=1 by 0... and Android boots fine.... I used some features but without phone service22:45
rpierce99so wait, you're on cdma or gsm?22:46
jcmsVENI'm on cdma22:46
rpierce99oh you're on cdma and it didn't crash when you set it to gsm mode22:46
jcmsVENboots and I finally see my android first time without freeze22:47
hycwith the newest ril it automatically detects GSM or CDMA22:47
jcmsVENTomorrow I will test my new phone!22:48
jcmsVENI will tell you tomorrow about energy time22:48
jcmsVENI sync my office mail, calendar and contacts22:48
jcmsVENVery good22:49
jcmsVENI can see my meetings, mails....22:49
jcmsVENvery good22:49
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jcmsVENwell... see yo tomorrow and thanks to XDAndroid...22:50
hycI've confused the hell out of myself on this video decode thing22:51
hycnow I've recoded down to 480x320 and still not playing22:51
hycthough I have other videos that play fine22:52
hycoh, frame rate was wrong22:57
hyc520x320 works23:00
hyc560x320 doesn't23:00
rpierce99because of codec, or because the extra 40 pixels per frame exceed some memory boundary23:01
hycdon't know yet23:01
rpierce99actually, that's 320x40 pixels23:01
hyc520x360 fails23:02
hyc480x360 works23:03
hycso again, I'm thinking a buffersize constant somewhere23:03
jonpryframe_buffer_size = (frame_header_pkt->x_dimension *23:07
jonpry     frame_header_pkt->y_dimension * 3) / 2;23:07
hycyeah, saw that23:08
hycbut this is before that23:08
hycduring codec setup the codec rejects teh x/y config23:08
hycso it doesn't even get into the kernel23:08
jonpryso its a bad userland binary?23:09
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hycwe're using the that I think came from the G123:09
hyc480x320 max23:09
hycalthough oddly enough 480x360 works23:10
jonpryit will be tricky to get wvga binary that is not armv723:10
hycI know. pretty much impossible from my searches so far23:10
jonpryqemu :p23:11
hycI was thinking of grabbing the winmo codec libraries23:12
hycand trying to wrap them. barf.23:12
jonpryyou can use vial23:13
hychmm. ok 480x364, userland accepted it.23:13
jonprybut i think the adsp<-> codec interface will be difficult23:13
hyccodec didn't play it23:13
hycalso got "unknown video queue 4" in dmesg23:14
hycseems like our adsp code is missing something23:14
hycqueue 5 is the usual, VdecPktQue23:15
hycqueue 4 is VdcComdQue23:15
hycso are we just ignoring it because VDec commands didn't need to be munged23:15
hycor did we miss out on something we should have checked23:15
jonprythat stuff blows my mind23:17
jonprywistilt2 has the correct tables in his secret lab23:17
jonpryoic. adsp_video_veryify_cmd23:20
hycgonna add some printk to see what command it's sending23:20
hyc480x368 works23:31
hycand 480x370 doesn't. so zeroing in on a buffer constant...23:32
hycI found the constant 480x368 in the .so and binary patched it23:48
hycpresto. 640x360 plays fine!23:48
hycplease try it. right now I'm still on my kernel with 16MB pmem_adsp23:50
hyclet's see if it works ok on a regular kernel23:50
hycI changed the constant to 800x480 ;)23:50
hyclet's see if the chip lives up to its specs...23:51
jonpryi only have a 39 kernel23:53
hycah. no. 800x480 fails23:53
hycnot only that but it mucks up the UI23:53
jonprywhat res is youtube hq?23:53
jonpryso we don't even know if 800x480 works in winmo?23:54
hycno, I already know it fails23:54
hycso I guess that was a dumb test23:54
rpierce99hyc: is there a specific video you'd like me to try?23:54
hycgoing to try 720x40023:54
hycrpierce99: don't think so, try any HQ23:55
hycI tested with a J.Lo video that was on the front page when I started23:55
hyc49 seconds23:55
jonpryshoot for the moon23:55
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rpierce99so are we definisg success as a slideshow with sound?23:57
hycuh, no23:57
hycsounds like maybe you don't have hw decode enabled23:57
rpierce99could be my internet connection23:57

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