Friday, 2011-05-13

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arrrghhhwell new system image hasn't blown up00:14
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arrrghhhhyc, ok so should i see a reboot option in the menu now?00:16
arrrghhhi'm trying to figure out what is changed at this point :P00:16
arrrghhhi have APN menu, and i'm definitely in CDMA mode00:16
arrrghhhi also see XDAndroid for the carrier, so that's good too00:16
Andre569hey do u guys need any testing done on AT&T Tilt 2?00:18
arrrghhhnot really00:18
arrrghhhanything that is avail for testing is on the forums... feel free.00:18
Entropy512I always feel worthless as a tester00:19
Entropy512compared to WisTilt2's 15-RHOD testing army00:19
Andre569already done that everythin works just reboots the phone after calls00:19
arrrghhhEntropy512, lately you're worthless at fixing GPS-related bugs too...00:19
arrrghhhAndre569, wtf are you talking about00:19
Entropy512I've been busy, hell00:19
arrrghhhi'm just givin you shite00:19
Andre569the karnels00:19
Entropy512I'm still on a hyc RIL from a month ago00:20
arrrghhhthe karnels eh00:20
hycshame on you :P00:20
arrrghhhi like popcorn00:20
Entropy512I need a few hours to sit down and update everything00:20
Entropy512Go figure, the times I have free time00:20
Entropy512are NOT the times I want to mess with the phone00:20
arrrghhhi guess that's my problem00:20
Entropy512(e.g. when traveling)00:20
arrrghhhi'm addicting to messing with this phone...00:21
arrrghhhit's addicting, meh.00:21
Entropy512heh.  I'll resume a bit once I can catch up with the storm of changes00:21
arrrghhhgood luck00:21
Entropy512i'll need it00:21
Andre569any advice on most stable karnel with good battery life00:21
Entropy512hyc is a coding machine00:21
arrrghhhhopefully it'll all make a lot more sense with the next build00:22
arrrghhhAndre569, i still bundle 127600:22
arrrghhhbut the newest have been good.  i like the native usb tethering options.00:22
arrrghhher, option.00:22
arrrghhhhyc, yo, what should i be seeing with all these merges00:23
Andre569yeh its nice just as i said it causes reboots after call00:23
hycmulticolored spots00:23
Andre569any fix for that?00:23
arrrghhhhyc, ok, good to go00:23
arrrghhhAndre569, troubleshoot.  something with your build, calls work fine for me.00:23
Entropy512start a dmesg and logcat00:23
hycarrrghhh: lemme review the open merge requests00:24
Entropy512then reproduce problem00:24
hycif you turn on wifi, ifconfig should show your network is wlan000:24
arrrghhhhyc, cool.  i thought that you added a reboot option...00:24
hycoh, yeah that too00:24
Entropy512post the dmesg and logcats in the kernel or RIL thread.  If you use hyc's ril, be careful - he is very particular about what logs are required with a trouble report00:24
Entropy512(the requirements are in one of the first posts of the RIL thread)00:24
arrrghhhlol.  reboot to winmo.00:24
hycI just expect people to follow directions...00:25
arrrghhhi accidently hit airplane mode.  oh well.00:25
arrrghhhhyc, way too much to expect.00:25
Entropy512following directions00:25
Entropy512on XDA????00:25
arrrghhhcrazy talk00:25
Entropy512you're joking, right?  :P00:25
Andre569alright ill do that also try deleting DATA file see if that helps00:26
hycok lessee...00:26
hycfrom my device_xdandroid request, you should see "XDAndroid" as your roaming indicator00:26
arrrghhhhyc, yup that works00:26
hycyou should have a current RIL built in /system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so00:27
arrrghhhi don't see reboot in the power menu tho00:27
hycyour wifi interface should be named wlan000:27
arrrghhhi'll check, booting now00:27
hycno, i din't change the power menu00:27
arrrghhhyea gotta check that00:27
arrrghhhoh... where'00:27
arrrghhhs the reboot option?00:27
hycon GSM 3G you should see an H icon00:27
arrrghhhyea, can't test that :P00:27
hycI guess someone else will have to verify that, but it works for me ;)00:27
stinebdthe H icon works00:27
Andre569i can test it00:27
arrrghhhsir stine swoops in to confirm00:28
hycfrom the rootfs merge, mostly just supports the wifi changes00:28
arrrghhhah crap, i didn't do those00:28
hyclet's see, 0/+ should be fixed on dialer keypad00:28
hycok, I'll skip those for now, lessee what's next00:29
arrrghhhi guess i need to figure out how to build the rootfs00:29
hycframeworks_base adds part of the shutdown/reboot handling00:30
hycbut you need updated rootfs for the other half00:30
arrrghhhi am a failure00:30
hycI also tweaked the TetheringService logging, so it shouldn't keep saying "removing unknown interface usb0" any more00:30
hycso, if you compare logcat on FRX06 to patched, logcat should be quieter00:31
arrrghhhi guess i should enable logging00:32
arrrghhhi keep getting reboots00:32
hycsystem_core just contains the reboot patches for init00:32
arrrghhhi wonder if it's because of the half-assed job i did by passing up the rootfs changes...00:32
hycbut you don't need to build that, it's already built as in the rootfs00:32
arrrghhhlet me do these rootfs changes.00:32
hycyeah, that will probably cause some problems for ya00:32
hyclibhardware_legacy - my stuff does the wifi interface rename00:33
hycI see there's also a req there for some gps update00:34
arrrghhhso i'm assuming i have to pull another repo for rootfs00:34
hycI guess so, it's all in the merge request00:35
hycI haven't taken a look at Alex's gps patches00:36
arrrghhhwell it's doin somethin00:36
hycok, so from what I can tell, the new audio code still relies on the ril to initiate the IN_CALL state00:37
hycbut it will teardown at the end of a call by itself00:37
hycprobably, aside from that teeny tiny oversight, things are working00:37
arrrghhhi repo sync'd to a new directory00:38
arrrghhhand nothing's there..00:39
hycdunno what you did00:40
arrrghhhrepo init git://
arrrghhhrepo sync00:40
hycthat is a git repo, not an android "repo" repo00:41
hycjust do a git clone of it00:41
arrrghhhhey that did something00:42
hycI'm gonna start bundling this stuff up and post a testing thread on the forum00:42
arrrghhhthe audio stuff?00:43
arrrghhhhrm, that git pull failed00:43
arrrghhhCONFLICT (directory/file): There is a directory with name lib/modules in HEAD. Adding lib/modules as lib/modules~95113810618522a94e87f2ef56d467ba84f88a6900:43
hycyou pulled the original rootfs.git and then mine on top?00:44
Entropy512it looks like alex's GPS patches were against GB based on how I read his email?00:44
hychm. it should have recorded the fact that I deleted the modules directory00:44
hycstupid git00:45
arrrghhhthis is the merge request i'm looking at00:45
arrrghhhdunno man, all the others went smoothly.00:45
Entropy512I should probably backport his logging macro fixes at some point - the ones in my patch work but it sounds liek I propagated wrongness from gps_msm7k.c00:46
Entropy512oh looks like he did make his patches against the froyo version00:47
hycanyway, I deleted the /lib/modules directory and made it a symlink to /system/lib/modules00:47
hycso just do that and tell git the conflict is resolved00:48
arrrghhhlol ok00:48
arrrghhhhrm.  i don't have a lib/modules00:48
arrrghhhjust modules~9511...etc symlinked to /system/lib/modules00:48
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hycyeah, it deleted the directory00:51
hycbut didn't install the symlink00:51
hycyou could just rename the symlink00:51
arrrghhhhow do i tell git the conflict is resolved?00:51
arrrghhhah nvm00:52
Entropy512bedtime - looks like Alex fixed some oopsies on my part.  :P00:53
arrrghhhi appear to have a rootfs.img file00:57
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hycyou probably still need to pull the other requests before trying to boot01:00
arrrghhhi thought i've pulled them all at this piont01:01
hycok. frameworks_base, libhardware_legacy01:01
arrrghhhyup up01:01
arrrghhhyea, to both :P01:02
hycthen good to go01:02
arrrghhhi basically pulled all the updates but rootfs01:02
arrrghhhcuz i was trying to be lazy, and sort that out after the fact.. heh.01:02
arrrghhhifconfig shows my wlan interface as eth0...01:04
hycthen you're not running the new libhardware_legacy01:05
arrrghhhi went to that tree and pulled the merge request...01:05
hyclemme see if I omitted something from the req01:06
hycnope, it's correct01:07
arrrghhhk let me double check01:07
hycdid you start with a fresh data.img?01:08
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arrrghhhfuckin laptop01:10
arrrghhhfatal: git checkout: branch merge-requests/1 already exists01:11
arrrghhhso i already pulled that merge request for hardware_libhardware_legacy01:11
hycbut somehow it's not in your system.img01:11
arrrghhhi did the git pull01:12
arrrghhhand it made some changes01:12
arrrghhhthat doesn't make sense, hrm.01:12
hycand then re-run make from top level?01:12
arrrghhhi guess i checked it out but didn't pull it...?01:12
arrrghhhyea, that's usually what i do when i want the system image :P01:12
arrrghhhlet me build this again01:12
arrrghhhnot sure why the pull made changes01:13
arrrghhhit shouldn't have...01:13
arrrghhhmust've missed that, crap.01:13
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arrrghhhi'm strikin out tonight.  gonna have to try this tomorrow...01:43
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theviper_hi all02:11
theviper_hummm i think i am in the wrong channel02:11
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emwehyc: hey. you've been seening any spontaneous high cpu load and starting phone app drops it again?06:07
hycwhen does it start?06:08
emwesince two nights i have the mobile "freeze" over night. can't get it to resume. no sleep led on.06:08
emweit just started right here at work06:08
emwecarrying it in my pocket06:09
emwetried to adb but no connection, alltough adb tried it seems06:09
emwejust not returning06:09
emweupdated gb ril yesterday, but also happened with the previous merge sets.06:09
emweif that is ril related dunno06:09
hycI've had a SoD with the kernel I built yesterday06:09
emweah, with wis patches?06:10
hycthat was with wistilt's PM+FB patch before he split it up06:10
emwei think tehre's something strange with the msm_fb patch06:10
hycmaybe. but I'm now running with his split patches.06:10
emwethat tryloop calling unblank up to 5 times is always executed as trycount allows06:10
hychaven't been on it long enough yet though06:10
emweif i tell it to try 10 times it does 10 times06:11
emweconfirmed on .27 with raph and .35 with topa06:11
hycthat sounds bad :P06:11
emwei have not yet found the piece in between which could return != 006:11
emweboard panel unblank returns 0 that is what mddi_client_<xyz> returns06:11
emwei am yet missing the "component" which could return 1 there.06:11
emweit's a bit obfuscated.06:12
emweit looks like msm_panel_data->unblank() is hooked up to something else which wraps the call to mddi_client_xyz's unblank hook06:13
emwei am not really sure it's fb code at all which causes unblank issue...06:14
emweon .35 if i hold the pwr button long enough it always unblanks.06:14
emwepressed to short and immedeately drops to suspend again06:14
emweperhaps it's just the gpio keys setup and that debounce flag to them.06:15
hycthe debounce definitely needs some tuning06:15
hychaven't looked06:15
emwefor the pwr key setup it's just on or off, for the other buttons gpio matrix setup it's an actual delay. but don't have the code at hand.06:16
emweall IIRC.06:16
emweso do i remember your mails correctly you had also incall sound issue?06:17
hychad no audio on incoming calls06:17
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hycbut it was random06:17
hycand apparently, now fixed with JB's audio code06:19
hycI just tried calling myself with phone in silent mode06:19
hycthat used to always have no audio. works now.06:19
emweoh? perhaps the initial setup/route for the sound device is muted on topa? (no expert in this)06:21
emweso many points of failure...06:21
hycwas quite frustrating trying to identify the problems yesterday06:22
emwei also have probs starting up android muted and then playing sound. i think that freezes system as well06:22
emweplz remind me adding that tpa dev permissons later today.06:22
emwedidn#t stumble upon that being on topa06:22
hyctpa and htcacoustic_wince06:22
emwethe latter is in since 1-2 weeks06:23
hycah, cool06:23
hycin where, rootfs?06:23
emwethought it wouldn't hurt and i can run stock rootfs06:24
hycI guess I haven't updated my init.rc in a while06:24
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Detuleyikes, you would think LMiller said something along the lines of "I know this is a NAND testing thread, but I can also answer all and any questions regarding ADB, since I really don't mind flooding my threads with irrelevant off topic posts"09:14
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hycbah. these kernels I've put together are all unstable.09:58
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gregtampawhat up!10:23
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arrrghhhhyc, i'm failing at the BT testing thread.10:42
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arrrghhhE/bluedroid( 1456): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up10:42
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arrrghhhoh well, time to troubleshoot.10:54
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Faryaabim getting error no. 45 while compiling11:10
Faryaabany sollution11:10
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Faryaabhave the issues been solved in the git11:14
arrrghhhnot sure who you're talking to11:16
arrrghhhlooking at the logs, it appears to be yourself :P11:16
Faryaabim having this issues11:17
Faryaabmake: *** [out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 4511:17
Faryaabwhile compiling11:17
arrrghhhwhat are you compiling11:18
arrrghhhah can't help you, sorry.11:18
arrrghhhi've only compiled froyo11:18
arrrghhhi hear you need a 64-bit system to build gb, so i haven't touched it.11:18
Faryaabanyone else can help me with this error11:19
Faryaabmake: *** [out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 4511:19
arrrghhhare you compiling the tree clean?11:20
arrrghhhor did you make changes?11:20
emweFaryaab: what do you wan't to archive?11:20
emwearrrghhh: there's a build bug on gb. haven't investigated yet.11:20
arrrghhhi'm assuming build gb11:20
emweFaryaab: you are very very likely missing a lot of tools to build gingerbread11:21
arrrghhhFaryaab, gb is experimental.  needs some lovin.11:21
emweyou are likely also not using the sun jdk but the openjdk one11:21
arrrghhhstick with foryo11:21
Faryaabso what should i do to solve the problem11:23
arrrghhhstick with froyo11:23
Faryaabits getting very old11:23
arrrghhhfix the build errors on gb then11:24
arrrghhhyour choice11:24
emweFaryaab: our gingerbread release is not ready as a production build.11:24
emwestick to froyo for the time being.11:25
arrrghhhc'est la vie11:25
emweunless you wan't to do development on it and help polishing...11:25
Faryaabyes i want to make it better11:26
arrrghhhcould always use more dev help11:26
arrrghhhespecially userland dev help...11:26
Faryaabim a dev man11:26
arrrghhhfix er up then11:27
arrrghhhsubmit merge requests :D11:27
Faryaabim a dev for htc desire, Galaxy S and XPERIA X111:27
arrrghhhmost of us are working on RHOD11:27
Faryaabbut when i compile i dont have any issues11:27
emweFaryaab: regarding your private question, yes i do have an image. but with local modifications which would get you nowhere.11:36
emweif you wan't to do development, you should be able to figure out the build setup requirements.11:36
emweas i said before, you are likely running the gnu classpath/openjdk jdk. you should install the sun jdk instead. that is where it appears your doc generation error from yesterday seems to stem from.11:39
emweyou will also need i think bison, texinfo... can't remember. but you will notice during build.11:39
Faryaabcan you tell me all the packages which i have to install11:41
emwehave you read the wiki pages on
emwe"getting the source"... "configuring the build"...11:43
arrrghhhit walks you thru everything11:43
arrrghhhinstalling packages11:43
emweapart from that i dunno what packages it have been all together.11:44
emweand i am running openSUSE 11.4 6411:44
emwewhich nobody i've yet seen using in a vm.11:45
emweall stick to that brownish ubuntu thingy...11:45
Faryaabi thing  i use openjdk11:46
Faryaabwhen you compilied gingerbread which error came to you11:47
emwei don't remember anymore.11:47
emweplz install sun jdk instead of openjdk11:48
emweand try building again11:48
Faryaabok thanks11:48
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emweso arrrghhh you got the public build keys from stine and we can all take over the project and do FRX07 AND GBX01 in his absense?11:51
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Faryaabin xdandroid page it says openjdk-6-jdk package11:57
arrrghhhemwe, lol no11:58
arrrghhhwhy did you think that?  :P11:58
arrrghhhFaryaab, why don't you try sun's java?11:59
arrrghhhi think i needed that for froyo11:59
arrrghhhi haven't build gb tho, as i already stated...11:59
Faryaabi just installed the packages stated there12:00
emwethe penultimate post12:01
emwe"I remove gjdoc from Synaptic Package Manager; then build passed. "12:01
emwethat's what i find when googling for your build error12:02
Faryaabok thanks will try that12:02
emwearrrghhh: ever had adb debug symbol refusing to show up in notification bar allthough adb is working fine?12:04
Faryaabi have no gjdoc file in the package manager12:05
arrrghhhemwe, seems to be a bug with android, someone with a native device said the same thing happens occassionally12:05
emweFaryaab: then i dunno any further. try sun jdk as the last resort. i never use openjdk...12:05
Faryaabi have them both12:06
emwewe'd be screwed at work resorting to that slow bitch12:06
emwethen make sure sun jdk is "activated". dunno how that is done on ubunut12:06
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Don, who says: Thanks for all your help with developing this system12:06
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arrrghhhhyc, if you've got some time perhaps you can help me step thru my attempt at BT12:23
arrrghhhlooking at the setup, it appears correct...12:23
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toadlife*facepalm* - The day hyc posts bluetooth and audio routing test code is the day he asks me to run WinMo and take AT logs.12:49
fishhead2567audio routing?12:55
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arrrghhhtoadlife, lol14:24
arrrghhhit is Friday the 13th...14:24
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toadlifeYeah, I came into work today thinking it was Thursday. While talking to my boss, I realized it was Friday. I got a "free day" this week! ;P14:35
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hycarrrghhh - i got that when using the wrong hcd file15:02
arrrghhhaudio's still a bust15:03
arrrghhhi started over clean, and just focused on the first post...15:04
hycget a logcat starting from boot15:06
arrrghhhblowing up our voicemail servers @ work15:08
arrrghhhso i think it'll have to hold off until i get home :P15:08
hycthe beginning of the log should look like this
hycit should say that it's running the custom libhtc_acoustic.so15:09
hycand it should say taht it successfully opened a few Audio*.csv files15:09
emwedid i mention that whenever i startup in silent mode i can receive calls fine?15:10
emwestupid topa bitch.15:10
hycon a slightly related note, the rhod has dual mics right? pretty sure I read that in the specs. but they're not supported here.15:10
arrrghhhhyc, yea i believe it does for noise canceling15:10
arrrghhhthey're not working?15:10
emwehyc: yes, jb said they are not supported yet15:10
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hycthat's what I thought. they're not enabled in the kernel15:10
emwei was acutally getting to him because he set dual mic support fo r like all devices to true. dont remember15:11
emweand i was like... wtf... topa has only one.15:11
hycheh. well now all of them are false.15:11
emwei think only rhod has dual, or?15:11
emwehe things raph as well, but i can't spot any second mic whole15:12
arrrghhhi don't know if raph has one or not15:12
arrrghhhi don't think so...15:12
emwelooking at it ...... no ;)15:12
emwethat raph has become useful for .27 testing. glad i have that one around.15:12
emwehyc: so you noticed no issues with whatsoever with those proc_comm_wince and htcbattsmem changes with your uptodate kernel?15:13
emweno SODs, nothing?15:14
emwewis is also reporting issues15:14
emwehave a theory in #htc-linux15:14
hycI'm still catching up reading there15:14
hycthe kernel I'm running right now has his last PM patch, I reverted his FB patch15:15
hycso far no SoD, but many slow wakes15:15
emwewakes getting worse?15:15
emweor as usual worse?15:15
hycmmm. worse than I've been used to seeing in a while15:16
hycI've also seen a few SMD crashes in kmsg, but not sure it's related15:16
emweSMD oh. not having that. i don#t have any stacktraces at all15:17
emweeither device runs out of battery or just won't wake like this morning.15:17
emweonly could spot ac plugs in dmesg...15:17
emwei am not really sure that pm patch is goig to make it.. bah stuff to review. no time.15:18
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hycmdelay vs udelay?15:36
emwedon't ask me. not oc'ing.15:42
hycI was, but turned that off15:44
hycwill try this later15:44
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RhoSigmaanyone get the GB OTA for droid x today??16:34
emweRhoSigma: this is no generic android info and/or support channel.16:37
emwec.f. channel topic.16:37
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stinebdi'm mobile, using wifi tethering on my rhod17:00
stinebdand it is FAST17:00
stinebdi'm definitely gonna get a nastygram from att though17:01
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arrrghhhnastygram for mongo?17:04
stinebdturns out they don't like not getting more money wherever possible17:07
stinebdand one of those possible sources of income are tethering17:07
stinebdi will laugh my ass off if the tmo merge fails and theyre out 6 billion17:08
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arrrghhhthat would be pretty crushing17:09
toadlifeMerge fail or not, as soon as my contract is up in August, I'm bailing from T-Mo.17:31
arrrghhhwhere will you go?17:32
toadlife3g service from t-mo was only 30 miles away. With this merger I will never get 3g service where I live with a T-Mobile phone, so they can suck it.17:32
arrrghhhonly one other GSM provider lol17:32
toadlifeProbably Sprint17:32
arrrghhhgood god i hope this works17:33
toadlifeI have my eyeballs on the Samsung Epic 4G and it schhhecksy keyboard.17:34
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arrrghhhkeys aren't as good as tp217:34
arrrghhhbut 5-row17:34
arrrghhhnow bad17:34
toadlifeFive row, dedicated numbers.17:34
arrrghhh05-13 15:34:15.830 E/HTC Acoustic( 1392): can't open /dev/htc-acoustic -117:34
arrrghhhi see nothin about any csv files17:35
arrrghhhwtf are these17:37
arrrghhh05-13 15:35:27.730 D/Sensors ( 1424): Got unknown event type: 2048/1024/017:37
arrrghhhi have a shitton17:37
arrrghhh#'s change, that's about it17:37
arrrghhhhyc, still sucking wind over here...17:40
xdandroidNew kernel available (20110513_234957) at
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emwearrrghhh: /dev/htc-acoustic ? that sounds like the proprieatary is in effect not jb's one. that intended?18:04
arrrghhhno, it's not.18:04
arrrghhhwhy is the problem...18:04
emwebecause the wrong one is in /system/lib ?18:05
arrrghhhi've used a bindmount to place the new one in there18:05
arrrghhhperhaps bindmounts don't work for this18:05
emwealways adb push over the present one.18:05
emweor rather i do always18:06
emwei never do any bindmounts18:06
emwepull out the other one if you like to restore it later.18:06
arrrghhhi might as well adb push it all18:06
rpierce99correction: always rename the old one and adb push the new one18:06
arrrghhhi did everything else18:06
arrrghhhrpierce99, yea18:06
rpierce99i try to bind mount whenever possible too18:06
emwerpierce99: see, but can be a time waster ;)18:08
arrrghhhmuch easier to revert :P18:08
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arrrghhhadb push'd, rebooting.18:09
arrrghhh05-13 10:11:53.230 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1404): Error opening dev /dev/htc-acoustic_wince (fd = -1). Error Permission denied (13)18:14
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rpierce99arrrghhh: seems like the csv copy could be a pretty easy feat for a WinMo app, if there are other things that could be accomplished from like a XDAndroid setup app I'd be happy to write one, I don't know much but I know .NET20:03
arrrghhhyea that'll port well to NAND20:05
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F22i can't say i know a whole lot about antennas...i recall trying to pull in at&t freqs with an at&t sim after i carrier unlocked my phone and got nothing.20:49
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arrrghhhi'm in #htc-evo21:03
arrrghhhseems like i have a willing participant21:03
hycdo they already have tcpdump on their phone?21:05
arrrghhhprobably not21:05
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arrrghhhxdandroid, do you miss your master?21:09
hycon its way21:09
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hycI need to run, will pick this up again later, mebbe tomorrow22:44
rpierce99anyone want to take a bet on whether this build.prop hack to get netflix to work on my phone, actually works?22:44
arrrghhhi think the bot is a good indicator if the site is up.22:44
arrrghhhcuz... site's up :D22:44
arrrghhhrpierce99, worth a shot22:45
rpierce99i know, i'm already downloading it :P22:45
stinebdi really hate php22:46
hycok, fixed the chmods in the thread22:47
hycnow I'm outtahere22:47
rpierce99well the good news is, it runs, it logs in, i see everything, i can start a video, i can hear sound, but i think the video codecs are screwing me over22:50
rpierce99i need hycs video codecs22:50
rpierce99stinebd: you should put netflix on your nook22:50
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arrrghhhrpierce99, try his codecs22:52
arrrghhhalthough he seems to think they're hardcoded for the smaller g1 screen22:53
arrrghhhhence the reason some vids are still FUBAR22:53
rpierce99where do i get em22:53
arrrghhhah well, i g2g.22:53
arrrghhhi think he posted 'em somewheres22:53
arrrghhhif not, in his super secret special build22:53
arrrghhhi'll probably bbl22:53
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stinebdapologies for the downtime22:55
stinebdfigures it would happen while i'm moving my sister out of college and i don't have my phone22:55
rpierce99nothing serious i hope22:55
stinebdjust php sucking up all the ram22:55
stinebdwent into a swap thrash loop22:56
rpierce99ah, hence the /hate php22:56
stinebdprobably some copyright infringement enforcement company going through every page on again22:56
stinebdi'll check the logs tomorrow22:56
stinebdi wish that kinda crap fell under unauthorized access22:57
stinebdit's borderline DoS when they do it22:57
rpierce99stinebd: care to translate this for me? Settings.Gservices.getString(23:03
rpierce99                context.getContentResolver(),23:03
rpierce99                Settings.Gservices.MMS_X_WAP_PROFILE_URL);23:03
rpierce99where can i change that?23:03
rpierce99i just don't know what settings.gservices.getstring does23:14
rpierce99so i don't know where to change what it returns23:14
rpierce99i realize i could run setstring23:14
rpierce99but i don't have an app23:14
rpierce99so i thought maybe you knew what db it read from23:14
stinebdwhere is that line from?23:15 iirc23:15
stinebdthere is no httputility.java23:16
rpierce99hm no, 2 sec23:16
stinebdthere's no such line there23:17
rpierce99hm, well here's where i found it
rpierce99maybe that's not real source23:18
stinebdthat's gotta be from ages ago23:18
stinebdlol that's from the initial contribution commit23:23
stinebd21 oct 200823:24
rpierce99is this any better? mListener.getContext().getResources().getString(23:24
rpierce99      , Build.MODEL);23:24
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rpierce99stinebd: do you have mms_config.xml in your tree23:56
rpierce99i don't have it downloaded or i'd search myself23:56

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