Saturday, 2011-04-30

hycok, I'm going to leave that alone for now then. still would be nice not to have to edit those interface names in the init script00:00
stinebdafter that it might work in theory00:00
hycalso, how about my patch to the mediaprovider / mediascanner?00:01
hycthere's no clone of that in xdandroid at the moment00:01
stinebdnot a big deal, it can be cloned00:02
stinebdjust email me your git patches00:02
hycok. and also my patch to that allows sending arbitrary AT commands from the cmdline00:02
hycnot important for end-users I guess, but makes development/diagnosis easier00:03
hycof course, a bit late, all the hard parts have already been done :P00:03
stinebdwe'll likely need it for issues after ril gets released to the masses00:04
messtinebd, adding -lpthread to aapt and localize would be a good idea00:06
hycok, emailed you both of those00:06
stinebdmes: looks like it's already there00:09
mesreally? I had to add it a few hours ago, this is in the LOCAL_LDLIBS =00:10
meswhen was this checked in? it wasn't in my tree00:12
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mesh'm repo sync, doesn't really00:14
mesgingerbread only?00:14
stinebdprobably, x86-64 isn't officially supported for froyo00:15
mesI'm not on x64, that's why it takes two hours to rebuild00:15
mes8 months ago, so what's up? why wouldn't I pull that commit00:23
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mesI hear at the pub that the christian wrote git, no wonder00:30
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Guest8367my screen isn't centered when i boot the xdandroid on my raphael... any suggestions?00:51
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Entropy512<stinebd> probably, x86-64 isn't officially supported for froyo - huh, I thought x64 was the only supported build environment, gb or froyo?00:58
Entropy512I know most of us working the froyo tree are running x64 distros, I don't think any of us are on 32-bit machines00:59
mesI'm just really disappointed to discover a commit made 8 months ago01:02
meswaisted 10 - 20 hours of my time01:03
mesno good to anyone01:03
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messome feature of repo perhaps01:08
mesI did discover the part of the build system that turns on command line echo, and understand more about the variable for, but ...01:12
Entropy512mes - what do you mean, an old commit never synced to your local tree?01:18
mes18 month old tree or something01:18
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arrrghhh"<mes> I hear at the pub that the christian wrote git, no wonder02:57
arrrghhh<mes> s/christian/Christians"02:57
hycprobably an old manifest02:59
arrrghhhi'm not religious03:00
arrrghhhbut damn, that's quite a statement.03:00
arrrghhhright up there with jews running hollywood03:01
arrrghhhor banks03:01
arrrghhhor... anything really03:01
hycI didn't there was a stereotype for Christians and software03:02
arrrghhhhe's obviously got some weird issue with Christians.03:03
hycheh. Linus Torvalds wrote git03:03
arrrghhhyea, he's finnish...?03:03
hycdunno if he's Christian, somehow doubt that he's religious at all03:03
arrrghhh**copypasta warning**03:07
arrrghhhTorvalds describes himself as "completely a-religious — atheist", adding that "I find that people seem to think religion brings morals and appreciation of nature. I actually think it detracts from both. It gives people the excuse to say, 'Oh, nature was just created,' and so the act of creation is seen to be something miraculous. I appreciate the fact that, 'Wow, it's incredible that something like this could have happened in t03:07
arrrghhhhe first place.'"03:07
arrrghhhoh well, bed time.  gn03:10
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RecnamoruenHello xdandroid03:15
RecnamoruenI return again to ask silyl questions, What does HighlandSuns ril do? and is there anyway to get mms working for cdma?03:17
Recnamoruensoo confsued03:29
hycwhat type of phone do you have?03:43
hyci need to see the output of "getprop | grep keyboard" on every phone03:44
hycryannathans, you awake?03:44
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RecnamoruenI have a rhod50005:34
hyccan you get into a shell and run that command?05:34
hycgetprop | grep keyboard05:34
Recnamoruen1 sec05:34
Recnamorueni ahve to get adb05:36
hycyou don't have it already? do you have a terminal program?05:36
hyc(on the phone)05:37
RecnamoruenI just wiped it05:37
Recnamoruenactualyl i lied05:37
Recnamoruen2 seconds05:37
Recnamoruenits force closing05:37
hycah, if it's too much trouble never mind05:38
Recnamoruenoh its np05:38
Recnamorueni have the time05:38
Recnamoruenanything specific your looking for?05:43
hycis that in the output?05:45
Recnamoruenlol not yet its not05:45
hycok, that's all I need to confirm05:46
RecnamoruenI'm using hte terminal but it doesn't say anything when i type that command06:17
hychmm, that's not very good :P06:18
hycwhat build are you running?06:18
Recnamoruenlet me try one more time to get adb to see my device06:21
Recnamoruenhey hyc06:31
Recnamoruenyou still around?06:31
Recnamorueni have that gpio keys06:31
Recnamoruenwhen i use the adb shell06:31
Recnamoruenif u need anything else let me know06:31
hycah great06:32
hycwhat other keyboards did it list, anyway?06:32
Recnamoruenits hw.keyboards.65539.devname: gpio keys06:32
Recnamoruenits hw.keyboards.65538.devname: h2w headset06:32
Recnamoruenits hw.keyboards.65536.devname: microp-keypad06:32
Recnamoruenthose are the other 206:33
hycthanks, that's what I wanted to see ;)06:33
Recnamoruenmaya i ask why?06:33
RecnamoruenI'm a curious fellow06:33
hycjust needed to make sure I had the right device name06:34
hycthat's what my rhod210 has, wanted to make sure other variants didn't go weird on it06:34
Recnamoruenhey hyc07:21
Recnamoruenwhat do u have rhod overclocked at?07:21
hycno overclock at the moment07:21
hycI've used 700MHz ok before07:22
RecnamoruenI see07:24
RecnamoruenI'm trying to figure out how to get my device to stop freezing so often07:24
Recnamoruenhey hyc07:34
Recnamoruenwhat do u do with f2207:34
Recnamorueni notice your nick in his custom rill rootfs07:34
RecnamoruenYou are highlandsun07:39
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Recnamoruen(hyc): if your still online let me know07:51
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[7]has anyone ever seen windows mobile refusing to charge from usb charging spec compliant power supplies after running xdandroid?12:48
[7]my touch pro 2 used to charge from just about everything that supplies power, and after i tried xdandroid for a day, it stopped doing so and only accepts real usb hosts and power supplies where one of the data pins has a pulldown12:49
[7]might just be coincidence, but i can't think of anything else that might have caused it... ideas?12:49
[7]on android it *does* still charge from just about every power source, just on windows mobile it doesn't12:50
arrrghhhnever seen it12:52
arrrghhhsounds like a winmo issue12:53
arrrghhhreflash winmo?12:53
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[7]if this isn't some hardware screwup, i'd think a hard reset would do, but i don't really want to lose my winmo setup before xdandroid is ready for everyday use :)13:11
[7]so i'll probably just fix it on the hardware side: put some adapter with a pulldown in between13:12
[7]however i'd be really curious how such a thing can happen13:12
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Entropy512[7]: xdandroid or not that doesn't surprise me, considering HTC devices aren't compliant with the USB charging spec13:30
Entropy512the spec involves signaling a dumb charger using resistors betwen D+ and D013:31
Entropy512HTC devices ground a pin that's normally N/C on the miniusb13:31
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[7]there is no such thing as a n/c pin on a miniusb connector13:33
[7]you mean the ID pin?13:33
arrrghhhnothing to do with XDAndroid i can assure you of that.13:34
arrrghhhi've been running it daily for a couple months now13:34
[7]you probably missed this:13:34
[7][19:11:39] <[7]> if this isn't some hardware screwup, i'd think a hard reset would do, but i don't really want to lose my winmo setup before xdandroid is ready for everyday use :)13:34
[7][19:12:06] <[7]> so i'll probably just fix it on the hardware side: put some adapter with a pulldown in between13:34
[7][19:12:29] <[7]> however i'd be really curious how such a thing can happen13:34
arrrghhhi was responding to that13:35
arrrghhhi read the logs...13:35
Entropy512[7]: It's N/C in the miniusb standard13:37
Entropy512it's only ID for microusb13:37
[7]however it's connected t gnd in every miniusb cable i've seen so far13:38
[7](non-htc ones)13:38
Entropy512I've only seen it connected to GND in dumb chargers13:38
Entropy512and charging cables13:38
[7]well, anyway, it did work fine until a couple of weeks ago13:39
[7]and now it doesn't even with the original extusb cable13:39
arrrghhheverything charges my phone13:39
arrrghhhmy ps313:39
arrrghhhmini-usb cables meant for cameras13:39
arrrghhhi haven't had an issue with charging13:39
arrrghhhand if you say it charges just fine in Android?13:40
arrrghhhi don't see how that's our problem.  that's a WinMo issue, obviously.13:40
[7]i don't blame it on anyone, i was just looking for possible explanations :)13:40
arrrghhhnothing has been 'flashed' to your phone.  it all runs off the SD.13:40
arrrghhhWinMo blows?13:40
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[7]well, android isn't that much better on this device as of now13:41
arrrghhhit charges doesn't it13:41
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arrrghhhand the hardware is old13:41
arrrghhhcan only take old hardware so far...13:42
[7]i know how hard that job is :)13:42
arrrghhhand since it charges in Android13:43
arrrghhhit's obviously not a hardware issue13:43
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arrrghhhjerry_, do you have a question?14:57
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arrrghhhjerry_, ?15:02
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arrrghhhjcmsVen, do you have a question?17:52
jcmsVenHTC TouchPro2 CDMA with xDAndroid17:52
arrrghhhwhat about it17:52
jcmsVenmany questions17:53
jcmsVenare you volunteer?17:53
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask17:53
arrrghhhjust ask17:53
arrrghhhif i don't know the answer, i'll tell you.17:53
jcmsVenI have downloaded XDANDROID.2.2.1.AOSP.FRX03.21.11.10.FULL_PACKAGE.zip17:53
arrrghhhwhy so old?17:54
jcmsVenthen put it in my SD17:54
arrrghhhhold on17:54
arrrghhhbefore we go any farther17:54
arrrghhhwhy are you downloading something that's 6 months old?17:54
arrrghhhFRX06 is out, with a new release in the wings17:54
jcmsVenlet me check17:56
jcmsVenI have Haret insalled on My "indeseable" WinMobile17:56
arrrghhhok i'm going to link you to the FRX06 thread17:57
arrrghhhbut first, i want you to answer me how you came about on FRX03.17:57
jcmsVenI boot Android 3 month ago... but my screen was broken17:57
arrrghhhso you just haven't downloaded an updated copy17:57
jcmsVenthen pay about USD 93.02 to change my HTC Touch Pro 2 screen17:58
jcmsVenthen I try to boot Android and it was not possible17:59
arrrghhhwhy didn't you download an update?17:59
arrrghhhread the first post17:59
jcmsVenWith this version.... is booting right now17:59
arrrghhhnovember 21st17:59
arrrghhhit's almost may dude.18:00
jcmsVenWhen I click update... Haret tells me "Update isn't necesary"18:00
arrrghhhthat's not haret18:00
arrrghhhthat's the startup utility18:00
arrrghhhwhich is also outdated and unsupported18:00
arrrghhhplease read the link i sent18:00
jcmsVenI will do it right now18:00
jcmsVenthx to you my friend18:01
arrrghhhread/follow the steps18:03
arrrghhhthey're a little complex, we're trying to make them more concise... but in some ways it's going to get more complicated for CDMA users in the next release.18:04
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an4564i cant find the app the fixs the wep problem18:06
arrrghhhdon't use wep18:08
an4564theres no way to fixing even witht hat app?18:08
arrrghhhWEP is ridiculously insecure18:09
arrrghhhcan easily be cracked by script kiddies with even a tiny bit of knowledge...18:09
arrrghhhso is it your router?  do you have access to the admin settings on the router?  if so, GET RID OF WEP18:09
arrrghhhproblem solved18:09
an4564no its not mine its my friends18:10
an4564he uses it and i cant connect to his wifi18:10
arrrghhhtell him to get rid of WEP18:10
arrrghhhit's ridiculously insecure, as i already said.18:10
an4564lol thing is he doesnt live there anymore its just his family18:11
an4564i dont know them so i cant say anything18:11
arrrghhhyou're stealing you're friend's wifi without him being there?18:11
an4564but my other friends and i use his wifi18:11
arrrghhhyea, this just sounds suspicious.18:12
arrrghhhif you can't read the FAQ, i really don't feel like helping you steal some "friends" wifi.18:12
an4564yea just borrowing his wfi lol18:12
emweevening everybody.18:12
stinebdhi emwe18:12
arrrghhhi'm sure your neighbor loves you.18:12
arrrghhhemwe, what's up18:12
an4564i did read the faq18:12
an4564i cant find the app that can fix the problem18:13
arrrghhhan4564, i'm not going to help you steal your neighbor's wifi.  begone.18:13
emwejust popping up to ask if the overnights commits are syncable and usable without any rootfs changes?18:13
arrrghhhthe RIL won't i wouldn't think18:13
arrrghhha lot of the juicier stuff is in the rootfs18:13
an4564lol ok then18:14
stinebdcorrect, ril depends on rootfs changes18:14
an4564and theres another thing18:14
stinebdarrrghhh: could you do me a huge favor?18:14
an4564how come i cant download some apps?18:14
arrrghhhstinebd, no 9 year old Malaysians tonight man, sorry.18:14
stinebdi need thai kids this time18:15
arrrghhhan4564, i don't know, why can't you?18:15
emwestinebd: which branch of hycs' rootfs is the one to use then?18:15
arrrghhhstinebd, hrm... i'll have to talk to my dealer18:15
stinebdemwe: master i guess18:15
stinebdthat's the one his merge request is for18:15
emweok, giving it a try tomorrow then18:15
stinebdarrrghhh: i need hyc's rootfs merge request tested with frx0618:15
arrrghhhstinebd, alrighty.18:16
arrrghhhi've been using his rootfs for a while now18:16
arrrghhhis there something new?18:16
stinebdspecifically test the merge request tree18:16
arrrghhhF22 merged some of hyc's madness into his rootfs as well.18:16
emwebtw, jb's xdandroid_hardware's libaudio/libhtc_acoustic stuff works just fine with gb. just the generic topa bug on first-incall-freeze after 9 secs needs to be fixed. appears on stock .27 as well with all kernelland hacks.18:16
arrrghhhi've never built a rootfs...18:16
stinebdit _must_ work normally with frx0618:16
stinebdi can build one for you18:16
arrrghhhstinebd, coolio18:17
arrrghhhi'll try with a clean FRX0618:17
emwegood point... is there a build script for it?18:17
stinebdof course18:18
stinebdhow does nobody see the scripts directory?18:18
stinebdthat's my latest working copy18:19
stinebdit has his merge request and updated ril18:19
stinebdi guess18:19
arrrghhhyou guess haha18:19
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emwenow that i've seen the scripts dir, i am going to bed. :)18:25
emwebye bye.18:25
arrrghhhstinebd, so do i need to do anything special?  just clean FRX06 with this rootfs?18:27
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jcmsVentrying to boot HTC touch Pro 2 with instructions via Haret18:28
jcmsVensome androids drawing ANDROID in my screen18:29
arrrghhhjcmsVen, probably XDAndroid18:29
arrrghhhbut yes18:29
arrrghhhit'll do that for a little while18:29
arrrghhhfirst boot can take *up to* 10 minutes.18:29
jcmsVenSorry... some Androids drawing XDandroid in my screen....18:29
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jcmsVenJust Waiting18:30
jcmsVen5 minutes...18:33
arrrghhhif it's been longer than 10 minutes.... then you've got issues.18:34
jcmsVen8 minutes...18:48
arrrghhham i talking to a wall?18:49
arrrghhhi guess you could be in a bootloop18:49
arrrghhhbut those should be pretty much eliminated18:49
arrrghhhdid you format your card, full format FAT32 using the HP tool?18:50
jcmsVenI will18:52
arrrghhhi'd still wait the full 10 minutes18:52
arrrghhhfirst boot can take a while18:52
arrrghhhi haven't exactly timed it18:52
jcmsVenjust downloading18:53
jcmsVenI'm using Canaima GNU/Linux... an debian distro18:54
jcmsVenlet me use the "ideseable" WinVista of my wife18:54
jcmsVencan I use an GNU/Linux app?18:54
arrrghhhif you're using linux, just format it then18:54
arrrghhhgparted, whatever18:54
arrrghhhthe built-in windows/winmo utilities for formatting are broken.18:55
arrrghhhand i just assume that most people are using windows, sorry :P18:55
jcmsVenMy son (9 and 8 yars old) aready using ubuntu and Canaima 3 GNU/Linux18:56
arrrghhhnever heard of canaima18:57
stinebdthat's in some kind of incomprehensible dead language18:58
jcmsVenIn Venezuela Web want to substitute Windows by GNU/Linux in all Goverment Companies18:58
arrrghhhwell i'm not from Venezuela lol18:58
arrrghhheither way18:59
stinebdspanish? probably gotta be a scholar to read it18:59
stinebdarrrghhh: regular frx06. nothing special. no tiad.19:01
stinebdand no cwm nonsense19:01
arrrghhhlol well i figured that much.19:01
arrrghhhi was just wondering if i should be adding the eri.xml19:01
arrrghhhor the prop settings for cdma19:01
arrrghhhor his RIL19:01
stinebdhis ril is already in there19:01
arrrghhhor any of that poop that hyc has us cdma folk doin.19:01
stinebddon't do anything to dit19:02
stinebdTO DIT19:02
stinebdjust plop frx06 and the rootfs and watch it burn19:02
stinebdif it doesn't burn, toss it in the microwave for a few minutes19:02
arrrghhh20 mins on high did the job last time.19:04
arrrghhhstinebd, other than the roaming indicator being on, works fine.19:13
stinebddata works?19:13
stinebdthe roaming indicator isn't an issue19:14
arrrghhhyea, just cosmetic.19:14
stinebdespecially considering you probably can't roam on cdma anyway19:14
arrrghhhyou used to19:15
arrrghhhbut now it's moot19:15
arrrghhhcarriers have agreements19:15
arrrghhhnetloc works too :D19:15
stinebdthe only two cdma carriers left are big enough that you don't need roaming19:15
arrrghhhi think i can still roam on vz if i need to19:16
stinebdonto whose network would you roam?19:16
stinebdoh right you have sprint19:17
arrrghhhanything else you want me to test sir?19:18
stinebd(it won't work)19:19
stinebdalso angry birds19:19
stinebdand flash 10.219:19
stinebdand senseblur19:19
arrrghhhit all works19:21
arrrghhhso does the digital compass, which doesn't exist.19:21
stinebddoes the analog compass work?19:21
stinebdson of a19:22
stinebdgotta fire this hyc guy, dead weight19:22
arrrghhhlol wha'd he do now19:23
stinebdbroke the analog compass19:23
stinebddamn near snapped it right off19:23
arrrghhhoh right.19:24
stinebdbeware the onslaught of complains on the forums19:24
arrrghhhfrom CDMA users not RTFM?19:25
stinebdi guess19:26
arrrghhhi'll just have to add a section for CDMA folk.  no big deal.19:27
arrrghhhwow, i think my SD card has had it.19:30
stinebdalso put a general warning just in case19:30
stinebdif anybody has issues (even gsm) just revert to the previous release19:30
stinebdsince frx06 doesn't have all the phone app changes we've done19:31
arrrghhhthat's some confidence19:31
stinebdand frameworks19:31
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stinebdthis was a major rewrite, so it's only prudent19:31
arrrghhhit's been tested pretty heavily.19:32
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20110430-69355b8) at: -- Changes at:
stinebdoh sacktap, it's out19:34
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arrrghhhnice.  so FRX07 is around the corner as well?19:36
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stinebddefine around the corner19:38
arrrghhhwell we have a new initrd19:38
arrrghhha new rootfs...19:38
arrrghhhseems like we now just need a new system image19:38
arrrghhhand i'll be able to start assembling19:38
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thedawnhello all xdandroid people19:56
thedawnI was wondering if someone could offer me some help with download and installation?19:57
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arrrghhhevidently not20:06
F22geeze....98 commits to rootfs21:04
arrrghhhwhen are you going to push your changes?  huh?!?? eh!??! what say you :P21:07
F22lol, first i need to take stock of the current state of things. so hyc's merge-requests/1 branch was merged in.21:08
arrrghhhmost if not all of his merge requests have been pushed21:09
arrrghhhseems there might be some left in the system image...21:09
F22all of his rootfs stuff got in?21:09
arrrghhhi think so'21:09
arrrghhhstinebd, would be able to speak better to what's in it and what's not.21:12
arrrghhhit seems like it all got accepted tho.21:12
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hycI just noticed my rootfs commit to load Droidwall modules left one out. doh.21:16
F22there's probably some nice, snazzy way to have git show which if any were left out. but if so i don't know it off hand. :P21:16
F22i started typing the above before you piped in hyc.21:17
hycstinebd hasn't closed the merge request yet21:17
hycI have two requests against rootfs, I'm guessing he's only done the first one so far21:18
F22oh hm...they're both listed as open.21:19
hycok, I just pulled the rootfs master branch21:21
hyclooks like so far the only change is adding my ril to rotfs21:21
hycso none of my actual rootfs request has happened yet21:21
hycwhich is a shame because in my later rootfs commits I just use the ril in /system21:22
arrrghhhso what rootfs am i running?21:23
F22to me it looks like he's made two commits, one of which is the ril. the second according to the commit/merge message is your request 1.21:23
arrrghhhi guess i should look at the site.21:24
hycit's my *ril* request 1.21:24
hycnot rootfs request 121:24
F22oh, i see...21:25
hyclooks like he just pushed the rest of them21:26
hychm, nope21:26
hyconly the ril request.21:27
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hycF22: have you reviewed any of the rootfs patches in my requests?21:39
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RecnamoruenAlso have any of you on a cdma device had issues with text messages coming in as japanese text?23:57

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