Monday, 2011-04-25

hycI'm considering putting a quiz in front of my downloads - it will ask you basic stuff like how to get logcats; if you don't get all the answers right you don't get to download...00:00
raymonddullhyc: I looked on ppcg,but didnt see anything,is there anything new over the last few days for me to test?00:02
raymonddullI've been busy playing portal 2 :)00:02
hycraymonddull: I have a complete build. I haven't advertised it on ppcg00:02
hycwould prefer to just let arrrghhh and stinebd do their thing and roll out a new official release00:03
hycalso, I don't know if my most recent rootfs changes will be accepted00:03
raymonddullanything for me to test on gsm mode on rhod400?00:04
hycbut if you want to give it a spin,
hycas far as I know, you still have that kernel sleep issue, right?00:04
hycwhen the phone goes to sleep, your GSM radio shuts off00:04
raymonddullyeah,I've been using 1253 and it works00:04
raymonddullnewer ones do that00:04
ryannathanshyc, you seen my stickied guide?00:06
ryannathansis anything in need of fixing?00:06
raymonddullrootfs and system are the only 2 files that should be linked at the end right?00:06
hycray: yes00:07
hycryan: well, I think you might as well just tell people to use F22's rootfs with my ril2 support00:07
hycand tell them to install the ril200:07
hycbecause it's pretty obvious that the original ril will crash their phone, guaranteed.00:07
ryannathansyeah, i will add that when I get gome.00:08
hycof course, CDMA users need to jump thru extra hoops to get it all working00:10
hycI dunno.00:10
raymonddullok,so if im understanding this correctly,delete data.img,replace system and rootfs and boot?00:13
hycray: yes00:14
hycjust rename data.img if there's anything on it you want to save00:14
raymonddullnot really,I gave up on saving stuff a LONG time ago00:16
raymonddullI used to flash 3-5 roms a day on my g100:16
raymonddullI flashed EVERY rom ever made for the g1 up to like july 201000:17
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manekinekohyc, got your messages12:34
manekinekoI was wondering, does the built-in camera app work for you on your build?12:34
manekinekoI'm getting force closes after opening, after it's already pulled up the camera preview12:34
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hycmanekineko: you're right, camera does the exact same thing for me too17:25
hycI guess there's something missing from my build tree17:26
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hyclogcat seems to indicate a crash in libGLES_android.so17:28
hycit's also looking for a /sys/android_camera_awb_cal/awb_cal and not finding it17:29
hycso, no auto white balance?17:29
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hycmanekineko: grab
hycremount system, extract. rename app/Gallery.apk to Gallery.apk.O if you want to use the Gallery3D19:33
hycit works OK for me but the screen is scrambled on orientation change.19:33
hycI'm replacing the system img now ...19:34
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arrrghhhhyc, ping22:48
hycwhat's new?22:49
arrrghhhi seen you've been a busy little bee22:50
hycyeah I s'poseso22:50
arrrghhhmister FRX06+22:50
hycwell, I've tried to keep it low key22:50
hycno direct mention of it anywhere on the forums22:50
arrrghhhi read logs22:50
arrrghhhi noes22:50
* arrrghhh cheats22:50
hycand the download links are now somewhat hidden22:51
arrrghhhi don't care man22:51
arrrghhhyou have asked us to merge, which is more than most ever do.22:51
arrrghhhmore than any really.22:51
hycI couldn't stand people downloading without reading the instructions22:51
arrrghhhi am curious tho22:51
arrrghhhbetter video codes22:51
arrrghhh& windows media codeccs22:51
hycthose were on my G122:52
hycbuilt from cyanogen source22:52
arrrghhhthey work "better"?22:52
hychonestly I haven't tested the wma/wmv codecs22:52
hycbut yeah, the H264 decoder works22:52
arrrghhhi'm curious about HQ youtoobs22:52
arrrghhhi'm guessing that's the liOmn*22:52
hycremember before I was saying I couldn't get videos I encoded for my G1 to play on the TP2?22:53
hycnow they play22:53
arrrghhhlol @ the dl links dude.22:54
arrrghhhthat's hilarious!22:54
arrrghhhso stine accepted all your changes didn't he?22:54
arrrghhhi never really got to test that wifi thing :/22:54
hycI dunno what stine did, haven't seen any updates on gitorious anyway22:55
hycit's actually pretty funny - I can look at my http logs and see lots of hits to the FRX06+ directory, but very few actual downloads now22:56
arrrghhhi bet very few will find the system image file22:57
arrrghhhthat's classic.22:57
arrrghhhanyhoo, damn people are stupid.22:57
arrrghhhjust responded to more stupidity on the forums22:57
arrrghhhpeople already mentioning it :P22:58
arrrghhhoh, one other thing i wanted to ask you - splitting txt messages?22:58
arrrghhhdid you get someone to test that successfully/22:58
hycyes rpierce99 tested it, worked22:58
arrrghhhi kinda petered off there, sorry.  had to go camping this weekend ;)22:58
hycno prob22:58
hycI'll be heading off in about a half hour here22:58
arrrghhhi'm definitely curious about your init changes22:59
arrrghhhyou hyped 'em up pretty good there cap'n22:59
hycwell. I have a very fast boot time now. :)22:59
arrrghhhi guess i should just grab all this junk23:00
arrrghhhstart over, again.23:01
arrrghhhso the eri.xml, is there no way to "automate" that if y'know what i mean?23:01
arrrghhhhow can we make it so users don't have to modify that file?23:01
arrrghhhhow was it pulling it in fake GSM mode?23:01
hycit never used it in fake GSM mode23:02
hyconly CDMA mode uses the eri23:02
arrrghhhis CDMA really that retarded.23:02
arrrghhhit always said the carrier correctly in fake GSM mode23:02
arrrghhhsome GSM users i even saw reported the towers sending them funky names back23:02
hycyes, because GSM is simpler here23:03
arrrghhhlike VoiceStream etc23:03
hycyeah, I have VoiceStream on mine right now23:03
arrrghhhbut in fake GSM it always said sprint, AFAIK vz users always said vz23:03
hycwas funky driving down to San Diego and watching the names change23:03
arrrghhhi've never seen anything but Sprint in fake GSM...23:03
hycthe CDMA spec is rather complicated here23:03
arrrghhhit all feels like a messy hack23:03
arrrghhheven the crap that is 'supposed to be'23:03
hycthey define a signalling system to control how roaming is displayed on a phone23:04
arrrghhhso does the phone go into roaming correctly?23:04
arrrghhhnot sure how i can test that23:04
hycthose fields of the eri.xml file - they corespond directly to signals from the CDMA network23:04
arrrghhh'cept until the next camping trip23:04
hycso the network can specify which icon to use23:04
hycand it can specify whether the cion should be normal, or blinking23:04
arrrghhhyour system image is like 7mb smaller23:05
arrrghhhi didn't expect that23:05
hycI think it's pretty ridiculous too, but whatever. All CDMA phones support it23:05
arrrghhher 12mb smaller23:05
hycdunno, mebbe I left something else out23:06
arrrghhhgapps work i presume?23:06
hyclike the camera not working the first time round23:06
arrrghhhi f-ed that up23:06
arrrghhhheh i saw that comment from mankineko23:06
hycyeah, everything else works, been running it on my phone for the past few days23:06
arrrghhhi love how you talk to him, but in the future.23:06
arrrghhhi know you're not here right now bwhahaha23:07
hycwell, everyone reads the logs right? :P23:07
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arrrghhhi haven't read logs in a while23:08
arrrghhhdid a little catching up23:08
arrrghhhi didn't miss much23:08
arrrghhhespecially in htc-linux... place has been a graveyard it seems.23:08
hycyeah, awfully quiet23:08
arrrghhhlol rootfs is so tiny now that there's not all that git crap in thar.23:09
arrrghhho wait, that was the compressed version.  wth?  uncompressed it's 15mb.23:10
hycit still has a lot of empty space23:10
hycI dunno what F22 was using to generate his imgs23:10
hycbut there'23:10
hycthere's a generate script in the rootfs git tree23:10
hycI used that23:10
arrrghhhi would assume he used that23:11
hycit automatically strips .git out of the target image23:11
arrrghhhbut i guess you can't really assume anything nowadays...23:11
hycso I'm assuming he didn't ;)23:11
arrrghhhi had a battery backup replacement done23:11
arrrghhhand i walked the guy thru it a few days before23:11
hycnattery ?23:11
ray|phoneI switched to 180dpi and this is so much better than stock.23:12
arrrghhhhe went up there, and plugged it in exactly how the old one was23:12
arrrghhhwith nothing plugged into the back of the UPS.23:12
arrrghhhso now there's a battery backup in the rack up at a branch in the mountains... but none of the network gear, file server etc is plugged into it.23:12
arrrghhhray|phone, eh?  180dpi?  did you change the lcd_density setting?23:13
ray|phone180 is awesome23:13
* ray|phone assumes that being set to 180 means 180dpi23:13
arrrghhheverything i assume is ridiculously tiny23:14
ray|phoneYeah,the only thing I have an issue with being tiny is the keyboard which I dont use anyway23:14
ray|phoneSo no big loss23:15
arrrghhhapps sized correctly?23:15
ray|phoneEverything I've tested is23:15
arrrghhhthat was always the issue with 21023:15
arrrghhhapps would have black bars around 'em23:15
ray|phoneOh,that's an old issue23:15
ray|phoneOpen spare parts and turn off compatibility mode23:16
ray|phoneIt fixes it.23:16
ray|phoneTry it23:16
arrrghhhi guess i didn't like everything tiny anyways...23:16
ray|phoneTurn off compatibility mode in spare parts and it gets rid of the bars.23:17
ray|phoneEverything feels huge at 24023:17
ray|phoneI was used to 140 on my hd2,I can't handle that on here23:17
arrrghhhi can fat finger things23:17
arrrghhhand it doesn't matter23:17
arrrghhhisn't that the point?  lol.  finger-friendly23:17
ray|phoneYeah,I have tiny fingers23:18
* ray|phone needs to fix the android build on his SD card23:19
ray|phoneI broke wifi somehow23:19
arrrghhhthere's a new nbh from lmiller23:21
arrrghhhwhat rhod do you have again?23:21
arrrghhhi thought you have a dual mode23:22
ray|phoneI have a rhod40023:22
ray|phoneI use it in GSM mode though23:23
ray|phoneIs it the thing in the hand boot testing thread that says this is outdated,use this instead23:24
ray|phoneNand,not hand23:24
ray|phoneStupid auto correct23:24
arrrghhhthere's some new stuffs23:29
arrrghhhand the like23:29
ray|phoneWill it work with GSM?23:30
arrrghhhi dunno23:31
arrrghhhthat's for you to tell me23:31
arrrghhhhyc, are you interested in NAND yet?  have you tried your RIL thar yet?23:31
ray|phoneI'm going to try his modified system.ext223:32
hycwell, since I'm on GSM, there hasn't been any point to testing23:32
hycbut now that lmiller has posted that update, mebbe I'll take a look later23:32
ray|phoneI'm going to test in a few min23:32
hycwhat about F22? He still has the other rhod210 I sent him23:32
arrrghhhi always forget23:33
arrrghhhyou're that engineering special guy.23:33
arrrghhhyou special guy23:33
ray|phoneI only have a rhod40023:33
ray|phoneNo other variants23:34
hycso the CDMA images should already work for you23:34
arrrghhhyea but i don't think he'll be able to use it in gsm mode..23:34
hycand as long as they power up the SIM card, you ought to be able to test GSM23:34
hycI gotta go23:35
arrrghhhcool, cya23:35
ray|phoneAs long as its not seen as an SD card anymore23:35
arrrghhhyea, that was the issue23:35
ray|phoneI hate this tiny keyboard on my incredible23:35
arrrghhhi dunno if you should flash that image tho23:35
arrrghhhit uses a different offset it seems23:35
ray|phoneI've tried the old one before,it didn't hurt anything,I can always Thu23:36
ray|phoneAutocorrect needs to die23:36
ray|phoneFlashing nbh23:38
arrrghhhthat GSM one?23:39
ray|phoneIrk,its the one tthat says the ones linked aren't up to date,download here instead23:39
arrrghhhgo to ppcg23:40
arrrghhhlast post23:40
ray|phoneIts bootlooping so I guess not23:40
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raymonddullgoing to my laptop23:42
raymonddullI was on the incredible23:42
arrrghhhGSM phone found23:44
arrrghhhah crap23:45
raymonddullthe nbh went from 4mb to 11mb,appearantly stuff was added23:45
raymonddullit looks so weird using a red battery in this phone23:46
arrrghhhi am23:46
arrrghhhan evo batt23:46
raymonddullmine is an evo batt too23:46
raymonddullI have 3 evo batteries and the one that came in the tp223:47
raymonddullhtc screen...23:47
raymonddulland its not booting23:47
raymonddullbefore it would go HTC>bunch of scrolling text,prompt for recovery for about .5 seconds then reboot,now its just frozen at the htc screen23:49
raymonddullsame without a sim23:50
arrrghhhi hope you followed the new steps too23:50
arrrghhhfor LK23:50
arrrghhhgetting into recovery23:51
arrrghhhinstalling thru fastboot23:51
raymonddulllol,I fail23:51
arrrghhhi can't really walk you thru it, as i haven't done it23:51
arrrghhhand i need to have gone to bed 3 min ago23:51
arrrghhhstill says gsm phone found23:52
arrrghhhbut at least it's not using that partition build section...23:53
arrrghhhbedtime, peace23:53
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raymonddullis anyone here that has tested the new nbh?23:53
raymonddullor that can give me instructions on how to get fastboot to see my phone at least? I'm pretty familiar with it on native android phones,but this is all new to me23:54
* raymonddull goes back for more reading23:56
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