Monday, 2011-04-18

arrrghhhtoadlife, ?00:00
toadlifehey there.00:00
arrrghhhjonpry's lookin for ya :P00:01
arrrghhhhe can't post in the dev section on xda-devs evidently lol00:01
toadlifewho is jonpry?00:02
arrrghhhthe guy who wrote SCBS?00:02
arrrghhhi hope you read the thread i link to in the first post of the kernel testing thread..00:03
toadlifeI have an account over at ppcgeeks00:03
arrrghhhyou can use this kernel00:03
arrrghhhwith his rootfs00:03
toadlifeughh.  I have a custom rootfs with hyc's ppp init changes and the scbs stuff.  It's the official 4/16 one00:04
arrrghhhyou put the scbs stuff in?00:04
toadlifeI mean based on the 4/1600:04
arrrghhhwell i don't know why jonpry isn't joining.00:04
toadlifeyeah. I just found the lines in the init that launch scba, copied those and copies the binary00:05
arrrghhhwas that the only difference?00:05
arrrghhhi didn't do a diff between 'em00:05
toadlifeHere are the lines...00:07
toadlifedev=$(cat /sys/class/scbs/0/dev | sed -e "s/:/ /g")00:07
toadlifemknod /dev/scbs0 c $dev00:07
toadlifescbs -d -co /sdcard/scbs.conf00:07
toadlifeand the scbs binary is in /bin00:08
toadlifehyc's ppp stuff is important to me as it makes my phone pretty much 100% reliable. The stock ril gives me SODs and other issues.00:09
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toadlifeHey there00:11
rpierce99jonpry's connection to freenode is really terrible, you'll have to excuse him if he doesn't respond right away :)00:11
jonprytoadlife your model is no good00:12
toadlifeThat would explain a lot. ;P00:12
toadlifeI'm letting it generate more logs now so I can create a new one.00:12
jonpryno negative cc,cb,re,rc allowed00:12
jonprywhat did you make that from?00:12
toadlifeSeveral logs taken over the course of a day on my rhod21000:13
toadlifeMy wife called in the middle of the analyze process00:13
toadlifeMight have fudged it up00:13
arrrghhhdurn her00:14
arrrghhhwhat was she thinking00:14
toadlifeShe was thinking, "Is there anything you need from the store while I'm here?" ;P00:14
rpierce99i hate how people just assume that since i have a phone, that it means i want to talk on it00:14
jonprynegative does bad bad things, like making it discharge while plugged in. your phone probably turned off because of critical battery00:15
arrrghhhrpierce99, no joke.  the arrogance.00:15
jonprycall shouldn't cause a problem00:16
jonprybad logs will00:16
toadlifeYeah, I'm generating new one now.00:16
toadlifeEven without the .conf the battery meter seems much more..."sane" now.00:17
jonpryi blew up the girlfriends hitachi deathstar yesterday00:18
jonpryddrescue is not living up to its name00:18
toadlifeGotta go help my wife bring some stuff inside. It might rain tomorrow and she's stressing over.00:18
arrrghhhjonpry, what horrors were you doing to it00:19
rpierce99toadlife: you can tell her rain is for pussies, there is 9" of snow in the forecast for later this week00:20
jonpryugh xdandroid irc log is run on cron job or something00:20
jonpryarrrghhh, dropping it on the floor while spinning00:20
arrrghhhjonpry, Oo what were ya doin that fer00:21
jonpryshes like hold this, hold that. and i somehow i took that as drop the computer00:22
arrrghhhi can see how that would be easily confused00:25
rpierce99i spent a few hours earlier setting up rsyncd between my desktop and my new linux-based plugbox to prevent those kinds of issues, i've had to recover data from my own hard drive twice already00:25
jonpryrpierce99, i always talk about that kind of stuff, and i really need remote automated backup now more than ever. luckily her computer doesn't have anything important on it. i'm just trying to avoid installing OS and crap00:27
arrrghhhi wonder how this bootanimation works00:31
toadlifeHow was the car show?00:34
arrrghhhsaw some sick ass cars00:34
arrrghhhsaw some people with way too much money00:34
arrrghhhthis one guy had a lambo and 5 motorcycles00:35
toadliferpierce99: rain may be for pussys but living in places where it snows is for suckers.00:35
arrrghhh2 ducati 1098's, 1 999, some crazy custom bike and something else i can't remember00:35
arrrghhhi <3 the snow00:35
rpierce99</3 snow in late April00:36
rpierce99after the 4th snowiest winter on record00:36
toadlifeA coworker of mine is a contractor and independently wealthy. He goes to a ferrari show on teh central coast every year he says the Ferarri owners get together and brag about nhow they made it all the way to the show without beaking down00:36
arrrghhhi wish we were getting more snow00:36
arrrghhhwe got squat00:36
arrrghhhtoadlife, lol00:36
rpierce99arrrghhh: thats because it all came here, apparently00:37
arrrghhhour mountains have gotten pounded00:37
arrrghhhand are getting moar00:37
arrrghhhbut... nothin here in the city00:37
toadlifeWe've gotten lots of snow in the Sierras this year. Need to take the boys up to see the snow before it melts00:38
toadlifeThey've havn't seen snow yet.00:38
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toadlifearrrghhh: Damn, answering all those questions over and over and over and over and over must be taxing00:48
arrrghhhit is fun isn't it00:48
arrrghhhit's a lot easier than trying to actually make these builds work, lemme tell ya.00:51
toadlifeyeah, that would be over my head00:55
toadlifeGotta go help the wifey again. See ya later00:55
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 124 filed...01:34
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, about turn off the screen will not nework?01:34
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ray|sleepumm,if I uderstand that correctly,its already a known bug. cdma tp2's in gsm mode wont receive calls with the screen off in current kernels.01:37
arrrghhhi think there's a bug on it already01:37
ray|sleepand could that possibly be written in more broken english?01:38
arrrghhhhe's using some awful tiad8 build too01:38
ray|sleephes running frx01,no wonder he's having issues01:39
xdandroidarrrghhh marked bug 124 as a duplicate of bug 120.01:39
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, about turn off the screen will not nework?01:39
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit01:39
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JesusFreak316I was talking to arrrghhh about testin on my Fuze again. Is there a special dev build that needs testing or should I just download the normal one?11:04
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toadlifeI like turtles!18:41
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Tandyman100toadlife: AWESOME19:01
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Entropy512man I need to stop slacking and get gscript installed19:43
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hycpretty painles19:50
hycwondering where arrrghhh is and how his merge testing is going19:51
hycat this point I could just post my own rootfs+system bundle for testing19:52
ryannathanshas wistilt2's sod/failed wake fixes been commited?19:53
hycdunno, check gitorious19:53
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hycooo, speak of the devil19:54
arrrghhhsatan, at your service19:54
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hychow goes merging/testing?19:55
arrrghhhi can't build a clean version of the repo19:55
arrrghhhsooooo trying to merge anything is moot19:55
JesusFreak316I wanna test some RAPH stuff arrrghhh, gimme. :)19:55
arrrghhhyou didn't want to19:55
arrrghhhyou can play with the RIL i guess, but that should work for any device.19:55
JesusFreak316Then I realized I DID have free space. :)19:55
arrrghhhthe panel collapse stuff isn't public yet, not even close.19:56
JesusFreak316I currently have your bundle with the 2.3 system.ext2 with update zimage and rootfs.19:56
hycJesusFreak: GSM or CDMA RAPH?19:56
JesusFreak316RAPH110 fuze.19:56
hycok, yeah should work fine with new RIL19:56
arrrghhhhyc, re the digital compass19:57
JesusFreak316lol radio; I don't have a sim card. :P19:57
arrrghhhi didn't think the RHOD had one?19:57
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, useless19:57
JesusFreak316AFAIK only the HD2.19:57
* JesusFreak316 hugs his HD219:57
ryannathanswon't be home till late, should I go for wistilt2's test kernel or latest autobuild?19:57
JesusFreak316So, nothing special for me? sad panda's sad.19:58
ryannathanslast autobuild I tried has like 8 SoD in a day, hopefully it shouldn't be the same :P19:58
arrrghhhthere's all sorts of 'special' stuff19:58
arrrghhhjust not for you, that's correct.19:58
arrrghhhryannathans, wtf.  i don't even think i should acknowledge that statement.19:59
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, lol the panel collapse stuff is already bein tested by a fuze19:59
arrrghhhso you're redundant at this point.19:59
hychm, no digital compass? doh...19:59
arrrghhhhyc, lol19:59
arrrghhhso the arrow - that comes from GPS metrics while moving20:00
arrrghhhso you have to be moving for it to give you dat arrow20:00
arrrghhhyou can just delete your post, i won't ridicule you publicly :P20:00
JesusFreak316Who's the fuze guy you're cheating on me with? R^72? I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOU ALONE TOGETHER!!!20:01
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, lol no stinebd20:01
arrrghhhand that's just creepy.20:01
JesusFreak316Oh, ok then.20:01
JesusFreak316I forgot he had a 110; I was thinking it was 10020:01
ryannathanssomeone else has a 110?20:01
arrrghhhraph100 is the euro one right?20:02
arrrghhhryannathans, RAPH not RHOD.  keep up.20:02
ryannathansahh, okay ;)20:02
JesusFreak316Was the 110 the only us gsm raph?20:02
arrrghhhhrm... perhaps20:02
arrrghhhi don't think there was a tmo raph20:02
hyctoo late, manekineko already replied. :P20:02
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arrrghhhhyc, i tried :P20:03
hycoh well20:03
JesusFreak316I don't think so.20:03
arrrghhhi have so many things i want to do.20:03
arrrghhhdamnit.  i guess i should focus on your merge requests hyc20:04
JesusFreak316I want this class to be over but still have to wait an hour; we can't have what we want.20:04
hycyeah, unless you want me to release my FroyoXYZ-Super-Duper-Edition20:04
arrrghhhhyc, lmao20:05
JesusFreak316Sitting in the front row talking on irc: priceless.20:05
arrrghhhjust do it in all caps, you'll be golden hyc20:05
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, lol, fail.20:05
JesusFreak316Not what I'm doing in the class. ;)20:06
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hycanyone else chiming in on this?
arrrghhhi never got that20:07
hycwondering if we can patch the kernel to grab the values itself20:08
arrrghhhi also wouldn't know what to do with that, haha.20:08
arrrghhhthat would be nice20:08
Entropy512would be useful20:08
arrrghhhget rid of ts-calib20:08
hycor just write a cmdline tool to pull it out and shove it back in20:08
Entropy512and then only use ts-calib for overrides20:08
arrrghhhi heard the values are also avail from SPL?20:08
hycseems stupid to do this in userland tho20:08
Entropy512(some people's nand might be borked)20:08
stinebdhyc: same with wifi calibration20:08
hycthe SPL is only displaying these values20:08
arrrghhhhyc, ah20:08
arrrghhhstinebd, howdy20:08
hycstinebd: yeah, I was reading the init script and saw how it pulled out wifi20:09
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hycwhich led me to hunt down the screen values the same way20:09
Entropy512ugh me no wanna script Perl20:09
Entropy512I think I'm gonna call it a night for my current (non-Android-related) project20:09
arrrghhhshame on you Entropy512, you were supposed to have XTRA fixed by now.20:10
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Entropy512*goes back to figuring out how to script this, since that's less painful than XTRA*20:11
hychmm. if ts-calib is going to be kept around anyway for override purposes, then I guess might as well keep slogging in userland20:11
JesusFreak316stinebd: just me or is the market in gb inaccessable? It's in the applications list under settings but not the launcher.20:11
stinebdJesusFreak316: just you20:12
JesusFreak316ok then.20:12
arrrghhhi had some other users complain about that20:12
JesusFreak316Let's try it again.20:12
arrrghhhbut i can't reproduce the issue20:12
stinebdusers are stupid20:12
hycbtw, how new is our tiwlan driver code? Does it support generic Linux wireless extensions now?20:13
stinebdthat driver never will20:13
hycwould be nice if wpa_supplicant -Dwext would work across all wifi devices20:13
stinebdwe need to switch to wl125120:13
arrrghhhi think alex is messing with that in .3520:14
arrrghhhbashing his head against the wall with it from what i've gleaned as well.20:14
hycok, gonna leave it alone for now then20:14
JesusFreak316Has ANYONE successfully gotten a wm device running on .35+?20:14
hychis suggestion to just rename all wifi devices to wlan0 would certainly streamline the init script tho20:14
JesusFreak316It sounds like everyone is having issues.20:15
arrrghhhdepends on how successfully you mean20:15
arrrghhhit's booted on several devices20:15
stinebdit's not exactly trivial20:15
JesusFreak316I know, didn't mean to imply that, just saying.20:15
stinebdthe challenge isn't that the hardware won't work with it, it's that the code in .27 is a huge mess and it's hard to port20:16
arrrghhhlots of crap to change, plus trying to get rid of a lot of the mess that exists in .2720:16
JesusFreak316It's just interesting that the hd2 guys seem to be having the same issues.20:16
arrrghhhare they on .32?20:16
stinebdi don't know anything about those clowns20:16
stinebdwe have better kernel hackers20:17
hycwould be nice if everyone was working together20:17
arrrghhhyea, hd2 folk never really seemed interested in working with our devs.20:17
stinebdno point for us to get involved in hd2 stuff20:17
hycthe cyanogen guys probably ironed out a bunch of .35 port issues long ago20:17
arrrghhhthat too20:17
arrrghhhphones are pretty different20:17
hycwaste of time for everybody to run into the same brick walls over and over20:18
stinebdtheir brick walls are totally different20:18
Entropy512as I understand it, there is a LOT less variance between Snapdragon configurations20:18
Entropy512than there is between msm7k configs20:18
Entropy512the HD2 is very close to some native Android devices in hardware20:18
Entropy512our phones - not nearly as close to anything MSM7k-based20:19
hycoh well. can't imagine there was any advantage in changing the hardware so much. e.g. from the G1 to here.20:21
arrrghhhwould this mess up my PATH?  export PATH="${PATH}:~/bin"20:21
hycunless they were using devices which they simply couldn't get linux drivers for20:21
arrrghhhoh crap, i didn't use { i used (20:21
hycI always put my path first. PATH=~/bin:$PATH20:22
arrrghhhwell then... that's a mighty fuckup.20:22
hycno need to say export, PATH is already exported.20:22
ryannathansim out, cya20:22
JesusFreak316deleted data.img and restarted; still no market.20:22
hycleftover habits from when I used to login to vaxes that were shared with other users20:22
JesusFreak316Maybe try with newest kernel and rootfs arrrghhh.20:23
hycnow I own the whole machine but I still put my tweaks in ~/bin instead of /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin...20:23
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, ?20:23
arrrghhhhyc, well my whole path got blasted out.  what all do i need in thar?  just /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin?20:23
arrrghhhoy.  i'm such a newb.20:24
JesusFreak316Try downloading your froyo pack, update zimage and rootfs to newest as of today and gb system.ext2.20:24
arrrghhhstuff workin again, that was fun.  now to figure out why i can't compile.20:24
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, there's a newer rootfs?20:24
arrrghhhOo yes there is20:25
arrrghhhadd sysfs amber led and auto_backlight write support, nice.20:26
JesusFreak316and kernel 20110415_20535220:27
JesusFreak316no init update obviously20:27
arrrghhhi knew there were a few newer kernels20:27
arrrghhhthere was some in thar with BT/sleep issues20:27
arrrghhhwhich are resolved20:27
JesusFreak316Btw, why not put a basic file manager in the default pack? I know you want to keep it clean but that would be nice.20:28
arrrghhhi think there's astro in thar?20:28
arrrghhhstinebd, i was going to ask if there's any other apps i can inclue20:28
arrrghhhlike titaniumbackup20:28
arrrghhhi wouldn't put them in /system/app, just in AndroidApps20:29
arrrghhhand obviously in the folders, so they don't install by default - as it is now.20:29
stinebddon't go crazy20:29
stinebdand don't tiad it20:29
arrrghhhyea i know20:29
arrrghhhi don't want to make the bundles too huge.20:29
arrrghhhc'mon you don't want tapatalk pro?20:29
arrrghhhi'm sure tiad could hook me up.20:30
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, forgot that.20:32
arrrghhhhrm.  netloc just put me in an area where i am not20:32
arrrghhhit's pretty convinced i'm there.20:32
arrrghhhweird... it's not far from me, but the '2000 meter circle' doesn't encompass my house.  hrm.20:33
JesusFreak316I was apparently in New Jersey for a few months a while back.20:33
arrrghhhi guess i should be happy it works at all lol20:33
hycI drove from LA to San Diego yesterday (and back). 3G/2G netloc worked the entire way20:34
hycI was quite impressed.20:34
arrrghhhweird, i couldn't get it to update either.20:34
arrrghhhi've tried that a few times now20:35
arrrghhhhyc, i've tried it driving to work several times, and the only way i could force an update was to disable netloc, go to google maps, re-enable netloc, back to maps.20:36
hycforce what update?20:37
arrrghhhbasically my location would not change, unless i forced it to update20:37
arrrghhhi just had maps open, with netloc enabled.20:37
arrrghhhheh, just updated my loc now... perhaps it's just slow for CDMA?20:38
arrrghhhi went well outside the circle and it didn't update.20:38
hycI keep forgetting you're on CDMA. CDMA netloc works differently...20:39
Entropy512zomg this is slow20:39
arrrghhhno rule to make target, libgps20:39
Entropy512gdalwarp takes way too long (2-3 seconds) to decide that one of the input files doesn't fit in the output20:39
hycsince each CDMA tower broadcasts its lat/long coordinates20:39
Entropy512froyo doesn't have libgps20:39
arrrghhhstine think's it's my rig20:39
Entropy512that's a gb than20:39
arrrghhhno way20:39
arrrghhhi inited for froyo20:40
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hycthen probably your netloc remains constant until your phone locks onto a new tower20:40
Entropy512gps driver is in libhardware_legacy20:40
arrrghhhmake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/', needed by `out/target/product/msm/obj/lib/'.  Stop.20:40
hycdid a find on mine20:41
Entropy512there is one in obj/lib20:42
hycI have ./vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/libgps.so20:42
Entropy512but I think it gets put into libhardware_legacy20:42
hycin my froyo tree20:42
hycalso ./rootfs/lib/donut/libgps.so20:42
hycwhy the heck is there one for donut ?20:42
Entropy512well the proprietary one is a binary driver for some other device20:42
Entropy512it might be that there was SUPPOSED to be a libgps for eclair/froyo20:42
arrrghhhi don't have in that folder20:42
stinebdgotta get rid of that cruft anyway20:43
Entropy512but xdandroid threw it all into libhardware_legacy?20:43
arrrghhhi'll try another repo sync i guess20:43
arrrghhhstinebd, but ray|yar wants to run donut so bad :P20:43
stinebdwhat does that have to do with froyo?20:43
hycif it wants a file in vendor/proprietary then it means you haven't extracted the proprietary files20:43
hyclike the ADP1 stuff20:44
arrrghhhi downloaded that file20:48
arrrghhhand ran the unzip20:48
arrrghhhbah.  i'll try it again when i'm done eatin.20:49
arrrghhhcrap, i downloaded the system image not the recovery image.20:59
arrrghhhwell poop.20:59
arrrghhhofc i assumed i did that part right21:02
arrrghhhand kept re-using the wrong image.... oy.21:02
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arrrghhhokie, building21:03
hycI think you may run into some undefined symbols in the new ril21:05
hycI used an error code which apparently is new in gingerbread21:05
hycnot defined in froyo21:05
arrrghhhi think i'll only be able to test froyo commits21:05
hyclemme know if you do and I'll patch around it21:06
arrrghhhalso i'm not sure what i need to do to build rootfs'21:06
hycall the rest of the stuff I've pushed is froyo21:06
hycthere's a script to generate rootfs21:06
arrrghhhbut i guess i've tested your rootfs changes21:06
arrrghhhbut not from  source21:06
hycat some point I also want to push this patch too
hycI've been running with it over a month now21:09
arrrghhhdid F22  implement it?21:10
hycI just merged his latest rootfs with my tree, he hasn't pulled any of my stuff yet21:10
arrrghhhhyc, sms does have a stupid 160char limit21:13
arrrghhhbut usually the message is automatically split.21:13
arrrghhhi use google voice, heh.21:13
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hycyes, I know. but probably splitting is done differently for CDMA21:14
hycwithout a logcat, dunno.21:14
arrrghhhi can pull one if that yokel doesn't.21:15
hycok, might as well21:15
arrrghhhjust logcat or do you want radio too?21:15
arrrghhh1 sec21:16
hycbut I think radio will be most relevant21:16
arrrghhhhyc, dang man the G1 has a digital compass?21:25
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arrrghhhhere i thought the tp2 was soooo much better.21:29
arrrghhhi guess digital compass isn't extremely useful, but would be nice.  oh well.21:29
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arrrghhhheh, successful image.21:34
arrrghhhwell, that was fun.21:35
arrrghhhstinebd, you thar?21:56
toadlifeWhat are you doing arrrghhh?  Build a system.ext?22:03
arrrghhhyea merging uh... merge requests.22:04
toadlifeOh merging code contributions into the source?22:04
arrrghhhyea.  i'm missing some basic syntax here.22:04
toadlifeMake sure you merge the code that makes bluetooth work! ;P22:05
arrrghhhok, evidently i f-ed that up22:05
arrrghhhtoadlife, gimmie22:05
arrrghhhi don't see any merge requests for than son :P22:06
arrrghhhBT still seems to fail at the kernel level22:06
toadlifeI have no idea.22:06
arrrghhhi'm not sure.  doesn't seem to turn on at all tho22:07
arrrghhhi haven't done any tracing on it22:07
arrrghhhi never use bt..22:07
toadlifeI commute 40 miles to work most days and it's illegal to talk on the phone without handsfree here in CA so BT is my friend22:08
arrrghhhi just don't talk on the phone when i drive :P22:09
arrrghhhi don't want to fiddle with it, bleh.22:09
arrrghhhi guess if i had it in my vehicle22:09
toadlifeHave one of the BT handsfrees thigns that broadcasts FM, so I can play music too.22:09
arrrghhhi'd want it.22:09
arrrghhhi've got bt headsets galore22:10
arrrghhhand a bt speaker22:10
arrrghhhbut.... don't really use 'em haha22:10
toadlifeI wouldn't talk on the phone while driving either if I wasn't married.22:10
toadlife99% of my calls == my wife ;)22:10
arrrghhhi don't want my gf talking on the phone when she drives22:10
arrrghhhand i don't do it either22:10
arrrghhhso it works out...22:10
arrrghhhyea, 99% of my text messages are my gf for sure :P22:10
arrrghhhthose i can ignore tho22:10
arrrghhhand respond to at my leisure.22:11
toadlifeYeah. 99% of texts are from the wife. The other 1% from work, when something breaks.22:11
MigaI wish 99% of my text messages were from my gf.22:11
Migacept I don't have one.22:11
arrrghhhi'm glad i don't get those22:11
arrrghhhoh Miga you're just a baby22:12
arrrghhhliterally, like you're young.22:12
Miganah most of my texts are from one of my friends22:12
Migaabout 70% or so22:12
Migathe other 30% are from an annoying friend who won't shut up22:12
Migaseriously, I talk to him on STEAM and go away for 5 minutes, he starts sending messages saying "helllooooo" over STEAM22:13
Migathen starts texting me22:13
Migaand if it's a really annoying day, he'll even call me a few times22:13
toadlifeWell when you get married some day 99% of your texts will be from that "annoying friend that won't shut up". ;)22:14
toadlifeThat's a married joke22:14
Miga<Miga> I wish 99% of my text messages were from my gf.22:15
Miga<Miga> seriously, I talk to him on STEAM22:15
* Miga isn't gay kthx22:15
arrrghhhas i said22:15
Miganah I just learned if I stop responding to his texts he stops bothering22:16
arrrghhhgoogle voice ---> report spam22:16
Migaeh I have other tricks22:16
arrrghhhcallers get a number d/c'd message22:16
arrrghhhi love it22:16
toadlifeThat doesn't work with my wife. In fact it has the opposite effect22:17
Miga(custom ringtone set to "Silent" for him)22:17
arrrghhhstfu, nothing easier/better than that.22:17
arrrghhhtoadlife, o well yea22:17
arrrghhhit's more for people  you don't want to talk to22:17
arrrghhhtoadlife, that reminds me of a funny story too22:17
Migayeah I was somewhere else today 'cuz I had to stop somewhere22:17
Migaand I got a text from him asking when I'll be on STEAM22:17
Migaand I tell him "I'm kinda busy right now"22:17
Miga" when will you be on STEAM"22:17
arrrghhhi accidentally hit 'report spam' on my gf's number.  let's just say she wasn't happy.22:17
arrrghhhfortunately she didn't call22:18
arrrghhhso she didn't get the # dc'd msg22:18
toadlifeYou can chat oln steam?22:18
arrrghhhbut... her texts went into neverneverland22:18
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toadlifeMy gaming carrer died when my first child was born. I've only used steam to play halflife 222:19
Migaoh and the best part is, my phone decided that it was a good time for him to shut up too 'cuz the battery died22:19
Migaand he likes to voice chat over STEAM a lot22:20
toadlifeSounds lonely.22:21
Miga...which I hate because I'd rather listen to music on my PC than someone talking22:21
arrrghhhno joke22:21
Migaso I've just like been ignoring him lately22:22
Migaand muted STEAM so if he sends voice invites/messages I just can ignore them easily22:22
arrrghhhi guess i have to init in the directory22:23
arrrghhhi was hoping i could just cp -R from a clean tree lol22:23
arrrghhhi guess git doesn't like me doing things on my own.22:23
MigaI'm scared to turn back on my phone now22:26
MigaI have a feeling it's gonna say "197453 new text messages"22:26
arrrghhhohgod22:26 goes nothing22:26 won't turn on?22:27
Migagod are you serious.22:27
arrrghhhmoto trash22:28
Migayup think it's about time I take this thing back and replace it with an HTC device22:28
MigaQWERTY keyboard or not22:29
arrrghhhstill no n1?22:30
Miganope, nothing in the mail still22:31
Migathe charging LED's on22:32
Migamaybe it's not actually charging from USB22:34
toadlifemotorola phone?22:34
Migathis thing has been horrible for me.22:34
toadlifemy condolences22:34
Migaand I didn't have much else of a choice besides it22:35
arrrghhhMiga, stfu22:35
Migayes no22:35
Migaanyway brb let me find my charger22:35
arrrghhhcould've egay'd a phone22:35
arrrghhhor CL'd it22:35
arrrghhhdidn't have to go to the vz store22:35
arrrghhhand get bent ovar22:35
arrrghhhalthough i think they still sell the tp2 lol22:35
arrrghhhdon't you want a slight upgrade sans led flash?22:36
Migawoooooooow yup22:38
Migathat was the problem22:38
Miga<Motorola> HURR if battury is critical lets make it not be able to charge via USB22:39
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arrrghhhcharging via usb suxxxxxors22:40
Migait didn't on my original touch pro :P22:41
arrrghhhyea how many times did you kill that hting22:41
Migaboth because of screen problems22:41
arrrghhhthat's surprising22:42
Miganot really22:42
arrrghhhconsidering how hard you were on that thing22:42
arrrghhhyes really22:42
MigaI mean the first time the screen almost caught fire22:42
Migaand the second time the connection just broke22:42
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arrrghhhstinebd, so i should do the git pull of his merge request, build, test, do a hard reset, next merge request?  or cumulative?23:08
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arrrghhhi don't even know how to checkoff on each commit.. hrm.23:43
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arrrghhhi guess i could comment on the merge request.23:43
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