Tuesday, 2011-04-12

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Recnamoruenhello android people02:38
RecnamoruenDoes anyone know the mms settings for verizon i need?02:38
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arrrghhhhyc, dang man.  you aren't kidding... did you see his logs?12:52
arrrghhhhe just pulled the dropbox folder, which means empty empty logs.12:52
hycI just saw12:52
hycI told him dmesg or klogd12:52
arrrghhhthis guy.12:52
arrrghhhdid he mention which older kernel?12:52
arrrghhhor just vaguely said an older kernel lol12:52
arrrghhhyea, screw it.12:52
hycjust his last post in my thread12:53
hycat this point, it's working near 100%12:53
hycany problems people have now are bound to be unrelated12:53
arrrghhhuser error :P12:53
hyctho I guess we could use a log from fake GSM mode to see why DTMF isn't working12:53
hycyou up for that?12:54
hycprobably no reboot required - just go into airplane mode first12:54
hycthen do the sqlite3 command, set value="0"12:55
rpierce99arrrghhh is probably tethered12:55
hyceh good point12:55
arrrghhhi am12:55
arrrghhhi can tho12:55
arrrghhhunless rpierce99 do you mind?12:55
rpierce99no, i need to get hyc's ril into my daily build anyways, and it's still fake gsm12:55
arrrghhho right12:55
hycah cool12:56
hyccome on, we even have call waiting now. sort of. :P12:56
arrrghhhsort of hahaha12:56
arrrghhhdid you need me to do more testing on that btw?12:57
hycI asked mizofizo for a rilspy log12:57
hycwon't have anything new till I get that12:57
rpierce99you want me to use 3cdf593?12:58
hycDoes your Call Settings menu have a TTY Mode option?13:04
arrrghhhnope.  voicemail service, settings & voice privacy (grayed out)13:05
hycI have that on my hero13:06
hycand just snagged voice privacy logs from my hero13:06
hycso I can add that in a minute13:06
hycthe value seems to be inverted, if the modem reports 1 it's disabled13:06
hycand 0 is enabled? strange...13:07
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Detuleso, call waiting i tested it briefly this morning and it was working fine, what's the sort of i should watch out for13:13
arrrghhhDetule, GSM?13:14
Detuleno sorry cdma mode13:14
arrrghhhon the newest RIL?13:14
arrrghhhthat's why :P13:14
arrrghhhtest on the stock RIL, or a slightly older test RIL haha13:15
Detuleyeah i saw the git ocmmit this morning thought i would see what's happening13:15
arrrghhhalthough it's still now flawless13:15
arrrghhhunless something changed overnight since i last tested with you hyc13:15
Detulewhat was faulty with it last night13:16
hycI don't think so13:16
hycnot related to call waiting anyway13:16
Detulehyc this noise/crackling sound on your ril during phone call, i have been running your ril for so long that i don't recall if it used to occur with the old ril13:17
arrrghhhDetule, i don't think it did...13:17
hycfor me it happened on the old ril whenever you used the dial pad13:17
arrrghhhat least it wasn't as obvious at least.13:17
arrrghhhhyc, this happens when the phone call starts13:18
Detulei get it prett much non-stop no relation to dpad13:18
Detuledpad sounds disabled in settings13:18
arrrghhhcrap, i think we were discussing a lot of that via pm.13:19
hycDunno why. the code for the Dial command never changed13:19
arrrghhhi thought there was some outstanding issues on call waiint13:19
arrrghhhof course i'm on the butchered version with ril213:20
hycI thought you said the calls weren't hanging up correctly13:20
arrrghhhcall waiting would probably be the same13:20
arrrghhhoh yea that's right.13:20
hycif you're saying it works perfectly now, dunno13:20
rpierce99hyc: http://pastebin.com/J3THTzMY13:20
arrrghhhit would appear to hang up both calls13:20
arrrghhhand the first caller would appear to be calling me back.  first caller was just on the line the whole time13:21
hycDetule: did you have any problem with hanging up?13:21
hycrpierce99: CME ERROR: 100? neat...13:21
Detulei can try right now, anything in particular i should look out for13:21
arrrghhhDetule, basically when i hung up the phone on the second answered call, it would seemingly hang up both calls.13:22
hycfigures. CME ERROR 100 is "Unknown"13:22
arrrghhhfirst caller was still on the line, and then the cell would start ringing again like the first guy was calling me back.13:22
Detuleright same here, i just took that to be that's how call waiting is implemented on cdma13:23
Detuleas in, that's how you hang up one call and continue with the other13:23
Detulebut that wouldn't leave an option to hang up both calls simultaneously13:23
hycAh, I don't think there is any such option13:24
arrrghhhDetule, yea in winmo afaik you hang up the one call, it goes back to the other.13:25
Detuleso maybe that's how it's done on native android cdma, i thought i tested it this morning on my girlfriend's optimus S, but i think i was too sleepy and don't remember if the otucome was identical to what happened on my rhod13:25
arrrghhhi don't have any native cdma android devices handy13:26
arrrghhhperhaps i should get my gf that lg :P13:26
Detuleyeah adb before coffee and my phone still works...pretty amazing13:26
hycok, anyone willing. voice privacy13:29
hycI dunno what difference it makes13:29
arrrghhhemwe, duuuuuuuuuuuude13:29
hycbut get a radiolog during a call13:29
emwearrrghhh: don't ask.13:29
arrrghhhi assume the voice privacy option will be avail?13:29
hycshould be enabledi n your settings menu13:30
arrrghhhemwe, lol.  i just checked, hasn't changed.13:30
emwei could really use it now. down to 5%/hour lol.13:30
arrrghhhstill says "Electronic Shipping Info Received13:30
emwei need a comparison or if am chasing topa bug or general .35 bug13:30
arrrghhhi'm going to call them, f-it13:30
emweperhaps they've stuffed it into the freight container and waiting for it to be full13:31
emweall with donation phone packages13:31
Detulehyc voice privacy is grayed out in cdma13:31
emweso, we need more xdandroid projects13:31
arrrghhhDetule, with that test kernel he just posted?13:31
Detuleoh i'll shut up now13:31
Detulelater fellas13:31
Detule\nick Detule_away13:31
arrrghhhpeace, get some coffee!13:31
arrrghhhyou need it bro :P13:32
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arrrghhhemwe, on the phone with them now...13:34
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emwearrrghhh: oh, overlocked your comment. thank you.13:35
rpierce99alright, running cdma mode as my daily build now13:36
arrrghhhok, pussy statement retracted :P13:37
arrrghhhemwe, opening a case... doesn't sound good tho.13:41
arrrghhhshe said this service is uninsured.  and untracked.13:41
arrrghhhKraln, i thought you insured the package?  oh well.13:42
emwefor 16$ likely not, or?13:42
arrrghhhKraln, package status still stagnant.  i'm on the phone with usps now opening a case.13:43
emweone more week and the ship from australia record is broken.13:43
Kralnwhat was the tracking number I emailed you?13:43
arrrghhhshe said it was uninsured and untracked.13:43
arrrghhhLJ53 9881 327U S13:43
Kralnwhat in the hell :|13:44
KralnI have never had this problem13:44
arrrghhhi never send int'l packages :/13:44
Kralnit doesn't show as ever having been scanned13:44
KralnI am going to pitch a fit13:44
arrrghhhi'm opening a case now13:45
arrrghhhKraln, do you know how it was sent?  first class?13:46
KralnPriority Flat Rate Int'l Small box13:47
KralnLet me find the recepit13:47
arrrghhhdoesn't offer tracking or tracing.13:47
KralnPriority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box # LJ 539 881 327 US13:48
arrrghhhlady just said we're SOL in 15 different ways.13:48
arrrghhhyup, she said that is untrackable.  they won't even open a case because it can't be tracked.13:48
arrrghhhshe claimed you could contact the local office for more info, but that's probably BS, just passing me off to a different dept.13:49
KralnI am going to contact the local office.13:49
arrrghhhthanks man.  sorry for the mess... stupid USPS.13:50
* Kraln makes angry faces13:50
emwethank you guys13:52
arrrghhhwe want you to get that RHOD emwe !13:52
emwei hope i can live up to your expectations actually.13:52
arrrghhhi have none13:53
arrrghhhother than the 3.5mm, which you must fix within 3 days.13:53
arrrghhhi guess i'll give you 3.5 days.  seems appropriate.13:53
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KralnI handed it to the guy personally13:55
KralnI didn't drop it in a box13:55
arrrghhhgo stab him13:55
Kralnwhy would i stab Bruce the mailman? :|13:56
arrrghhhcuz he stole your RHOD!13:57
hycwell anyway, I've added TTY mode too14:09
hycnew rils posted on the thread14:09
hycalso the fake GSM DTMF regression should now be fixed14:09
F22i'm drooling over the htc sensation, i think i know what my next phone is going to be...14:11
arrrghhhquit drooling and commit your rootfs changes14:12
arrrghhhoh and ryannathans was whining about source because of hyc's changes.  hyc made his changes portable tho, so he can stop whining.14:12
F22ahhh...i was wondering why wanted source..14:13
arrrghhhthat was his reason14:14
F22what's the recommended kernel right now? stock? one of wistilt2's?14:15
arrrghhhi <3 wistilt2's kernel.14:15
arrrghhhwhere you been man, sheesh14:15
hycI'm on his 4/2 kernel14:15
arrrghhhi'm on 4/414:15
hychm, that should be the same one muziling was complaining about14:16
arrrghhh4/2?  or 4/414:16
arrrghhhnot a lot of changes between those two kernels.14:16
hycwoudn't think so14:16
arrrghhh4/4 just removed the code for auto rotate14:16
arrrghhhand.... something else, 1 sec14:16
hycno idea why he got crashes when pppd exited14:16
arrrghhhoh right, that IRQ14:16
arrrghhhoh noes that was 4/214:17
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arrrghhhbutton lights, that was is.14:17
arrrghhhhyc, more button light fixes in 4/414:17
F22the combination i have right now is highly unstable. it's a special wistilt2 test kernel from this past weekend + the jonpry's scbs rootfs + frx06.  it's so bad i've been avoiding android.14:18
arrrghhhyou depress me F2214:19
F22couldn't even grab a klog cuz jonpry's rootfs doesn't record it.14:20
hycJust checked again, Dial and Answer functions haven't changed at all between my ril and original14:20
hycdunno why noise on call is different14:20
hycwhat about fake GSM, that should also be unchanged since original ril14:20
arrrghhhF22, it's wistilt2's kernel actually.14:21
arrrghhhhyc, afaik the noise is gone in fake gsm.14:21
F22it's the kernel? is that the case with all of wis's kernels?14:21
arrrghhhhe moved the fb location, and messed up the location of ramconsole14:22
arrrghhhAFAIK that's the reason logs are empty now...14:22
hycThe only other difference is that in CDMA mode I skip all the commands to poll the SIM card status at init time14:23
hychm, and even that would be a no-op otherwise14:24
arrrghhhwell that makes sense.14:24
hycso there's not even a difference in init sequence14:24
hycmust be something different about Phone.apk in CDMA mode14:24
F22hmm...well i guess i'll try wis 4/4 then with my rootfs. if it's still flaky i'll move back to stock and see if that fixes it. if it's still flaky with stock, at least i'll be able to grab klogs.14:24
arrrghhhF22, that's what i've been running for ages.  since... 4/4 :P14:25
arrrghhhyour rootfs + wistilt2's kernel + hyc's RIL madness.14:25
F22ages=8 days...lol14:25
arrrghhhit's been pretty stable is my point.14:26
F22lol, ok14:27
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F22hyc, i love your ril instructions. --> Problem reports without accompanying logs are useless and a waste of time. ... If you don't know how to obtain these, then please STOP NOW and don't proceed any further with this.14:34
hycOne can always hope people actually read ;)14:35
arrrghhhyea, hope is about all you can do...14:35
F22hope springs eternal...yes.  v14:36
F22very large, bold-faced fonts don't hurt either.14:36
hycheh heh14:36
arrrghhhin mine i have PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE POST in big bold red lettering.14:36
arrrghhhstill doesn't seem to work, but hey.14:36
arrrghhhi also have like 3 links to the FAQ, and people still say they can't find it.14:36
arrrghhhcan't fix stupid14:37
F22if they can't find it, then they fail the test and don't get to download. :P14:37
arrrghhhyea they somehow find the download link...14:37
arrrghhhperhaps i should name it something obsecure14:38
arrrghhhhere is your acquisition point14:38
F22probably should hide the download link inside the faq. ;)14:38
arrrghhhi actually like that idea...14:38
hycWell, "where is the download link" would be an FAQ then ;)14:38
arrrghhhyea, i'll put it at the end :P14:39
toadlifeYou should have the download link at a seperate page and quiz downloaders on the contents of the FAQ before being shown the download link.14:44
arrrghhhF22, I knew you'd be in for pain with that spanish dude.14:50
toadlifeAppreciate your work on the ril hyc. Phone is extremely stable now.14:51
F22arrrghhh: ow14:52
hycgood to hear14:54
hycYeah, I've now swapped SIMs, my G1 now has my backup SIM and my TP2 is now primary14:55
arrrghhhF22, i was surprised when you gave him directions on how to do it himself :P14:55
arrrghhhhyc, w00t14:55
arrrghhhthat's a fairly close device spec-wise, how does our build stack up?14:55
arrrghhhi guess it's lower spec-wise, so maybe not a fair comparison... but it's not that much lower.14:56
hycthe TP2 has more ram and higher rez screen, what's not to like :P14:56
hycalso most of the G1 froyo builds are 2.2.114:57
hycdunno why nobody has updated to 2.2.214:57
hycoverall the TP2 runs faster, but that's all due to the RAM14:57
XirXescause nobody wants to text someone with a g1 and thats what 2.2.2 fixed14:57
hycCPU is the same14:57
arrrghhhhyc, nice.14:58
arrrghhhseems we're well on our way to a native android device.  just need the prox sensor working and we can remap the buttons14:58
hycI thought prox sensor is already working. no?14:59
F22arrrghhh: i don't want people to get the idea that i have the time to create every single keymap that isn't already on the list. So I'd prefer for others to create .kcm's for other languages.14:59
arrrghhhhyc, well, if it is working it's certainly not implemented.  i heard wistilt2 was messing with it for a little bit, but he put it on the back burner.15:00
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arrrghhhF22, you don't?15:00
F22really, it's just a matter of looking up the hex codes for those alt/fn keys that don't match.15:00
arrrghhhi know15:00
arrrghhhbut the noobz15:00
arrrghhhthey require binaries, source is scary.15:00
hycalso ... I bindmount those OMX libs from tiad8's build15:00
* hyc runs ....15:00
F22i figure if i walk one noob through it, in the future when i get asked i can point to the previous instructions and say "do what he did".15:01
arrrghhhhyc, lol15:02
arrrghhhdo they work better?15:02
arrrghhhi think those are the ones jb pushed15:02
arrrghhhand stine didn't get them implemented correctly.  jb said smth about it in his cam testing thread.15:02
arrrghhhF22, haha nice.15:02
hycyes actually, I got one HQ youtube video playing15:02
arrrghhhgood luck with that, let me know how it goes.15:03
hycit doesn't work on all tho15:03
arrrghhhhyc, cool.  yea, i read that too.  some work, not all.15:03
arrrghhhprobably an encoder issue on the ones that don't work.15:03
hycwill have to read JB's thread, see what was up15:03
hycwhere is it?15:03
XirXesis the updated ril in the rootfs or system.ext2?15:04
hycXirxes: it's not in any build yet15:04
XirXesah ok15:04
hycbindmount it in place if you don't want to modify your fs imgs15:04
hycI just remount my FS rw and dump it in there15:05
hycbindmounts annoy me...15:05
arrrghhhyou're hardcore15:05
XirXesill probably just wait. i only use my tp2 as an additional remote for my comp these days15:05
arrrghhhhyc, it's in the tp section15:06
arrrghhhmight want to start at the end tho, there's a couple of posts in that thread.15:06
arrrghhhhis comments i spoke of are near the end :P15:07
XirXesxbmc remote, connectbot, mpd controller. thats pretty much all it does these days.15:07
arrrghhhmpd controller15:07
arrrghhhme want15:07
arrrghhhwhat do you use?15:07
XirXesmpdroid on the market15:07
arrrghhhi mean oh shoo.t15:08
XirXesyou can also play the stream with it15:08
arrrghhhi couldn't get it to work!15:08
arrrghhhi tried bitmpc15:08
arrrghhhuhm... there was one or two others i think.15:08
arrrghhhmpdroid seemed the most promising, but no.15:08
arrrghhhwait, are you doing it over wifi on your LAN?15:09
XirXeswhen im on the tp2. on the g2 i do both15:09
arrrghhhi've only tried via 3g, and it's never worked.15:09
arrrghhhi have a giant list of songs on shuffle tho, your environment is probably different.15:09
XirXesthe secret to mine is a dynamic dns15:10
XirXesi point it at xiyl.servebeer.com and it works15:10
arrrghhhi use ddns15:10
XirXeshave you made any changes to your mpd.conf?15:11
rpierce99<joke expense="arrrghhh" reason="networking guy">Dude you have to forward your ports!</joke>15:12
XirXesive never seen a joke formated as such15:12
arrrghhhit's forwarded rpierce9915:12
arrrghhhyou know i am a networking guy, you bastage :P15:13
rpierce99jeeze, little slow on the XML joke tag, eh arrrghhh15:13
XirXeshes not parsing correctly15:13
arrrghhhXirXes, controlling it from other machines is no problem.  i use MPM on different lappys, no issue.15:14
hychmmm. so viruscrazy told stinebd about a missing patch15:14
arrrghhheven from another internet cnx15:14
arrrghhhhyc, i presume so...15:14
hycand the rest of us just wait to see it. how nice.15:14
hycthat's what public merge requests are for, sheesh15:14
arrrghhhyea, jb kinda works in private.15:14
arrrghhhfor whatever reason.15:14
arrrghhhi think he maintains a public tree tho15:14
XirXesi have like a 45 gb library and i can even view all songs no issue15:15
hycI see his kernel tree on gitorious15:16
arrrghhhXirXes, i hate you.15:16
arrrghhhalthough my library is much larger...15:16
XirXeshow big?15:16
arrrghhhsong-wise it's around 40,00015:17
arrrghhhsize-wise, i have no clue.15:17
arrrghhhmaybe 100gb?15:17
XirXesyeah im pretty sure i have less than 10,000 songs. does it just not connect at all?15:18
toadlifeA library-waving contest.15:18
arrrghhhit hangs15:18
arrrghhhit connects, and fails15:18
arrrghhhtoadlife, lol.  e-penis.15:18
arrrghhhwhat's your postcount, biatch :P15:18
arrrghhhF22, lmao just read that dud'es edit15:19
arrrghhhi think you missed it, he wants to open the file in excel15:19
rpierce99arrrghhh: your e-penis hangs, connects, and fails?15:19
arrrghhhrpierce99, generally flaccid, yes.15:20
XirXesyeah i just pulled up mpdroid on my tp2 and it works fine15:21
arrrghhhi'll play with it some more15:21
arrrghhhi never got it to work15:21
arrrghhhi have my entire library in a playlist tho15:21
arrrghhhand it's constantly playing basically.15:21
arrrghhhi think that's what is choking it.  most desktop clients can't handle it, MPM is the only one i've found that can.15:22
XirXesthat has to be it.15:22
arrrghhhback to neo-mpc then15:23
arrrghhhthat always worked.15:23
XirXesi dont leave a huge playlist qued cause i actually hate the majority of my music15:23
arrrghhhi <3 the shuffle.15:25
arrrghhhit's like the ultimate radio station IMHO15:25
arrrghhhbut, i have very eclectic taste in music.15:25
XirXesi just need to go through and delete the bad stuff. i wouldnt mind doing the same if there wasnt a bunch of garbage for me to skip15:26
F22arrrghhh: excel?15:27
* F22 facepalms15:27
arrrghhhXirXes, yea that sucks.  for the most part, i don't skip.15:27
XirXesF22, ?15:27
arrrghhhXirXes, stupid ppl don't sweat it.15:28
F22not you, him. :P15:28
F22still doesn't change my reply thankfully15:29
arrrghhhno, it doesn't.15:29
arrrghhhjust thought you'd enjoy that.15:29
hycDoesn't everyone use Excel for jotting down quick little notes?15:29
hycit's so fast.....15:30
arrrghhhhyc, and for editing .kl files.15:30
arrrghhhor whatever they are.15:30
XirXesi use kwrite, or pico15:31
arrrghhhdepends.  if i'm @ work, notepad++15:32
XirXesnotepad2 is better15:32
XirXesbut i havent had to deal with windows in about 2 months now15:33
arrrghhhi can't imagine anything better than notepad++15:33
arrrghhhthat thing is the shit.15:33
XirXesive actually never used it.15:34
arrrghhhso you know it's better15:34
arrrghhhwithout ever using it.15:34
XirXeshell yeah15:34
arrrghhhthat's confidence only steve jobs can exude15:34
* arrrghhh unmasks XirXes 15:34
XirXesand ive never used notepad++. i used to use notepad2 all the time15:35
arrrghhhi <3 notepad++15:35
arrrghhhit's... pretty powerful.15:35
XirXesarrrghhh says tumescently15:36
arrrghhhlol had to google that one :P15:36
arrrghhhthis is disturbing15:37
toadlifenotepad++ is the shiznit. I write massive batch files that replace entire clerical workers with it.15:37
F22nothing beats emacs in terms of power. of course you need to take a college class just to understand it, but that's besides the point... :P15:37
arrrghhhF22, yea i used that back in the day.  i'm not much of a programmer anymore :/15:37
rpierce99why would I ever want a mail and news reader in my text editor, lol15:39
F22then you never need to leave it...lol.15:39
rpierce99but any software that has made it to version 23 has to be good15:39
XirXesthats why i like notepad2. all its trying to be is notepad but better15:39
XirXesin all the right ways15:40
* XirXes says tumescently15:40
F22emacs is built on top of lisp. if you understand lisp, you can do pretty much anything with emacs.15:40
F22you want to use it to read email, sure knock yourself out... :P15:40
rpierce99someone needs to make a C# or java interpreter for lisp, plug that into emacs, then i'll make plugins for emacs15:41
arrrghhhXirXes, stfu you've never used notepad++ :P15:41
XirXesfor that attitude i never will15:41
arrrghhhi don't really care, i already know it's better than notepad215:42
arrrghhhit has two pluses, it has to be better.15:42
hycC >> C++15:42
* arrrghhh strolls away whistling15:42
rpierce99why are you bit shifting15:43
arrrghhh20gb of compressed text.  i do not want to know how much that is uncompressed, yeesh.15:43
hyc"C is much greater than C++"15:43
rpierce99that's not a real mathematical operator though, right?15:44
F22i'll second that.15:44
hyc">>" is math shorthand for much reater, yes15:44
rpierce99i could maybe go with C > C++^215:44
rpierce99how does "math shorthand" define "much"15:44
hycit's not an operator...15:45
hycbut typically used for orders of magnitude difference15:45
arrrghhhi will turn this car around15:45
arrrghhhno body will enjoy linusland15:45
rpierce99hm, i'll concede just because I'm not a math expert by any stretch, but I doubt that >> is used in any serious mathematical context15:46
hycNo you're right. it's used in physics more often.15:46
rpierce99physics != serious math?15:46
Detule_awaycoincidently before i had my coffee this morning i was trying to figure out if latex has a special symbol for ">>"...15:46
hycit's not pure math15:46
hycapplied math ...15:47
Detule_away:) rpierce99 i just used >> oh a few hours ago15:47
F22mathematicians are rarely serious. there's all sorts of hand-waving and shortcut statements in math that you never see in comp sci.  the vibe that i get is that if you're not smart enough to figure it out then you don't belong in the room.15:47
hycthat's true in most rooms :P15:48
* arrrghhh leaves15:48
F22comp sci comes across as more consistent...15:48
rpierce99i'll stick to comp sci then i guess, i have no desire to use any kind of fuzzy math15:49
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rpierce99too many questions are raised by the word "much" for me15:49
hyctoo bad, all the latest stuff in smart systems is about fuzzy logic ;)15:49
helicopter88Hi all15:49
toadlifefuzzy math is what you learn in poli sci15:49
hycthe days of absolute 1s and 0s are over...15:49
rpierce99hyperbole of the week15:50
F22my hypothesis is that computers aren't very good at interpreting what you mean so programmers tend to be a bit more rigorous in their writing out of habit.15:50
arrrghhhhelicopter88, what's up.  we're discussing the finer points of maths.15:50
rpierce99for some reason15:50
arrrghhhno chairs have been thrown yet, i think.15:50
helicopter88oh,i hate maths lol15:50
hyctime to leave the room :D15:50
arrrghhhgrab a chair15:51
arrrghhhready... aim...15:51
Detule_awayF22 math seems pretty rigorous from where I am sitting...but I do have a skewed perspective of math15:52
rpierce99i'd like to see a compilter interpret if (8 >> 2) except in the bit shift sense of course15:52
Detule_away:)i would like a compiler/software to prove Fermat's last theorem15:53
F22it's not that math isn't rigorous. it's more a matter of the way it's communicated.15:53
F22commonly communicated i should say.15:53
Detule_awaythe only problem with the way it's communicated is that research mathematics is disseminated in a way so as to be read by trained eyes15:54
rpierce99F22 so I hear you saying mathematicians are a bunch of elitist assholes15:54
Detule_awaynot sure there is a way around that, since the volume of mathematical background and notation is so vast, that if we were to include all relevant information our expositions would be absurd15:55
Detule_awayi am sure this has something to do with xdandroid....15:56
Detule_awayjust can't figure out what...need a roadmap of implications15:56
arrrghhha jump to conclusions mat perhaps?15:57
rpierce99hm i'm channeling a forum user here15:57
rpierce99once xdandroid can solve if (8>>2) i will use it every day!15:57
toadlifeI'm having trouble changing my wallpaper since the last kernel update. Is this going to be fixed soon?15:59
rpierce99i'm hoping you are also channeling a forums user toadlife15:59
hycstatic coming from external speaker?16:00
toadlifeYou know what they say. Sufficiently advanced satire is indistuguishable from reality.16:00
rpierce99pretty high praise you lavish on yourself there16:01
hycI couldn't tell16:01
helicopter88since i'm a math genius,i got as result of an exercise 1=0 wtf16:06
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DetuleEuropeans can't do math16:06
rpierce99i'm sure all this fuzzy logic crap could prove that16:06
helicopter88I suck at math16:07
Detulei mean qed16:07
helicopter88don't talk latin16:07
helicopter88i can say in latin,canis tam velocior quam vulpes est16:07
helicopter88and a ton of other stupids latin things..16:07
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Detuleno worry can't really polish those conversational skills anyway16:09
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fishhead2567excuse me guys, quick query... i have the lastest build of XDA and i cant launch android-wifi-tether... did i miss something? it claims my phone isnt rooted16:11
arrrghhhit's that guy16:11
fishhead2567arrrghhh, yup =)16:11
arrrghhhwhich wifi tethering app is that dude?16:11
fishhead2567the google code one16:12
fishhead2567built in fires up but xoom cant see it16:12
arrrghhhxoom must see adhoc16:12
arrrghhhi don't have a xoom16:12
arrrghhhafaik adhoc is an android issue in general.16:12
fishhead2567it doesnt =(16:12
arrrghhhwait... built-in one doesn't use adhoc16:12
arrrghhhwtf am i saying.16:12
arrrghhhall the apps use adhoc16:12
arrrghhhthe built-in tether option throws up an actual AP16:12
arrrghhhaccording to my laptop at least.16:13
helicopter88arrrghhh you are getting crazy..lol16:13
arrrghhhmy point is i'm already crazy.16:13
helicopter88"arrrghhh: wtf am i saying."16:13
helicopter88oh lol16:13
toadlifeBuilt-in tether works great, until you tryn to turn it off!16:13
fishhead2567i dont think so tho. becuase the xoom cant see the native app16:14
helicopter88tether through usb should work..16:14
helicopter88at least from what i know lol16:14
arrrghhhhelicopter88, to the xoom?  good luck.16:14
arrrghhhfishhead2567, built-in tether works.  but like toadlife says, disabling it is another story.16:14
hycnope, tether thru usb doesn't work16:14
fishhead2567yah i dont see hth i can do it with xoom16:14
toadlifeI tried to tether through usb and it said I wasn't connected to usb. :/16:14
fishhead2567helicopter88, how can i make the xoom see usb?16:15
fishhead2567me too16:15
helicopter88maybe you can destroy usb-in of the xoom16:15
fishhead2567helicopter88, sounds great16:15
arrrghhhtoadlife, built in usb tether is borked.  hyc had some magical fix, but i just use easytether.16:15
helicopter88putting your phone cable till you see a huge hole that can fit it16:15
hycI have a patched adb that starts a ppp session over adb16:15
hycnow that I have a better understanding of /dev/smdX I suppose I might have done things differently16:17
toadlifehyc and his kung-fu shit, re-mounting his filesystems..hacking abd...16:17
helicopter88what do you think about this theme?16:17
helicopter88sorry for the ot lol16:17
helicopter88toadlife,mounting file systems isn't that hard16:18
fishhead2567lemme see if it works arrrghhh16:18
toadlifeI know. Joking :)16:18
helicopter88maybe hacking adb is..16:18
helicopter88i've never tried16:18
helicopter88today logcat made me raging..16:19
helicopter88always saying bad things aganist phone.apk and settings.apk16:20
TheDeadCPUlogcat is for noobs16:21
TheDeadCPUuse lolcat16:21
helicopter88i have a loldog16:21
helicopter88my lolcat died a year ago :(16:21
TheDeadCPUno seriously, write lolcat instead of logcat16:21
helicopter88i should try tomorrow lol16:21
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, it's the same output you troll16:22
TheDeadCPUI know :D16:23
helicopter88i hope that tomorrow i can come here with windows 816:23
TheDeadCPUBut it's about 20% cooler16:23
arrrghhhhelicopter88, is trolling now16:23
helicopter88i'm trolling?16:23
TheDeadCPUDon't you just hate it when ninjas suddenly appear and try to steal your cookies?16:24
helicopter88*am i the troll?16:24
helicopter88yes i hate them..16:24
helicopter88fucking ninjas,they could steal my vegetables16:24
helicopter88Thedeadcpu,could you ban ninjas from xda?16:25
TheDeadCPUhelicopter88, no. All the ninjas are mods16:26
helicopter88So the mods are the cookie stealers?16:26
TheDeadCPUAnd I managed to fend them off because I'm also a mod16:27
helicopter88but you aren't a ninja,don't you?16:27
TheDeadCPUI am a ninja16:27
arrrghhhok kids.16:28
helicopter88i should change forum,too much ninjas16:28
arrrghhhtake it outside16:28
rpierce99and i thought the mats was the most off-topic this channel would get today16:28
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, you go guard your irl lawn instead16:28
arrrghhhlittle did you know16:28
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, lol16:28
arrrghhhgimmie a shotgun and a rocking chair16:28
TheDeadCPUrpierce99, you thought that. Then suddenly. A TheDeadCPU.16:28
helicopter88i think i'll save this chat..16:29
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helicopter88all of ours off topic chats,have made glemsom leave..16:30
helicopter88TheDeadCpu,is there a way that can show me with something pop-up like that i have a pm?16:31
TheDeadCPUhelicopter88, on irc?16:32
helicopter88on xda16:32
TheDeadCPUah yes16:32
helicopter88user cp?16:32
TheDeadCPUUser CP > Edit Options > Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up16:33
helicopter88found it16:33
helicopter88goodnight all16:35
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fishhead2567after all that work we did arrrghhh and stinebd with fixing my wifi last week. the built in ap finally worked16:38
TheDeadCPUWhat does splitting the read see have to do with wifi working?16:38
fishhead2567i can tether the xoom now. you guys are amazing. i really really really appreciate it16:38
TheDeadCPUNow go donate16:38
arrrghhhfishhead2567, just be prepared for problems when you disable wifi16:38
TheDeadCPUPreferably donate a xoom16:38
fishhead2567i cant do that16:39
TheDeadCPUDonate a car?16:39
TheDeadCPUDonate a HTC Sensation?16:39
TheDeadCPUDonate a Boeing 747?16:39
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, fishhead2567, who says: Thanks guys16:40
arrrghhhinstant results16:40
fishhead2567worth it16:40
arrrghhhirc is distracting16:41
fishhead2567arrrghhh, at work?16:41
fishhead2567arrrghhh, me too... and yes it is =P16:41
arrrghhhtethering your xoom must be work-related :P16:42
fishhead2567.ph yoders16:43
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fishhead2567^%&$ bot =(16:44
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fishhead2567arrrghhh, no when i have down time im allowed to dick off =)17:25
fishhead2567tethering my xoom has EVERYTHING to do with dicking off17:26
arrrghhhlol indeed17:26
fishhead2567what doesnt however17:39
fishhead2567is SOAP17:39
fishhead2567which can eat me17:39
fishhead2567cuz i hate it17:39
arrrghhhi'm learning about SOAP17:40
arrrghhhand AXL17:40
arrrghhhshould be fun17:40
fishhead2567what do you do arrrghhh17:41
arrrghhhIT for a bank17:41
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fishhead2567IT for businesses17:47
fishhead2567sort of like outsourcing your IT department17:47
toadlifeIt for a school. It's been slow this week.17:50
fishhead2567haha why?17:50
fishhead2567its when really small companies need help17:50
fishhead2567so noramlly ou couldnt have good it17:51
fishhead2567but now u can =)17:51
arrrghhhi'm jk17:51
toadlifeWhen it's slow around here, it usually means there is a pending tsunami.17:51
arrrghhhwe won't ever outsource our IT.  we'd outsource the call center and our development department before we scrap network services.17:51
toadlifeI visited a community college once that outsourtced their entire desktop support. Their desktops were in absolute shambles.'17:52
fishhead2567i can imagine17:52
fishhead2567we're good at what we do =) but we are largely an oh shit button17:53
fishhead2567"oh shit it broke" so we fix it17:53
fishhead2567and do networks and servers and hosting etc =)17:53
fishhead2567and WE DO SOAP17:53
fishhead2567f*** SOAP17:53
arrrghhhyea not this kinda SOAP17:53
arrrghhhyou don't even want to know what i'm going to be using SOAP for17:53
toadlifeI would imagine you'll be using it it to simplify access to objects17:54
rpierce99my company outsourced all of our it department a while back so that we could be more nimble supposedly, able to adjust up or down with the needs of the business, as far as I can tell all it has done is made it so adding 1TB of storage to a server costs $5000017:54
arrrghhhtoadlife, not really.  ever heard of callmanager?17:55
fishhead2567rpierce99, damn. lots of storage, and also, DAMN. Is it a hosted service?17:55
fishhead2567toadlife, that is onlly if the SOAP has WSDL17:55
fishhead2567mine doesnt =(17:55
toadlifeCisco?  We've been running that for ten years.17:55
arrrghhhtoadlife, yes.  but extension mobility interface, horrible.17:56
arrrghhhso my boss wants me to design a desktop app that will help users login to their phones17:56
arrrghhhbut... my method is brute-force, and requires the end user to know the IP of the phone17:56
toadlifeHeh. We don't use that feature.17:56
arrrghhhso now i must use SOAP and AXL to figure out what phone the end-user wants to login to.17:56
arrrghhhfun fun17:56
rpierce99fishhead2567: they only use SANs, and it wasn't a real example, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't hyperbole either17:57
toadlifeWe added 4TB to our SAN recently for a few grand.17:57
toadlifeSCSI drives aren't cheap!17:58
fishhead2567arrrghhh, what provider for the phones?17:58
arrrghhhfishhead2567, ?  cisco?17:58
fishhead2567arrrghhh, sorry i didnt realize that they're the phone com,pany17:58
fishhead2567thought maybe it was an app they run17:58
fishhead2567for VOIP17:58
arrrghhhoh.  no, i'm the network admin for CUCM17:59
arrrghhhcall center17:59
fishhead2567oh ok17:59
fishhead2567we use a different VOIP, i was asked to write a call center for their interface, but luckily it is web based so i send requests to their server and it sends them to the right phone17:59
toadlifeCisco sells you the phones for their system. They cost like $800. Total ripoff.18:00
fishhead2567time to go18:01
fishhead25675pm central time =)18:01
fishhead2567later all18:01
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toadlifeWe first rolled out Cisco ten years ago when Cisco was brand new to the biz. The installer who we hired to help with the rollout had never done it before. Hilarity ensued.18:02
toadlifeWe got a good deal for being an early adoper (beta testers).18:02
arrrghhhcisco is $$$18:03
arrrghhhyea, we're anything but.18:03
arrrghhhwe wait until stuff is rock solid18:03
arrrghhhand make the vendor prove their product with real-world examples where we go visit the site lol18:04
arrrghhhvendors hate trying to sell us stuff, but love it when we actually buy :P18:04
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toadlifeMicrosoft just blew their load this month. My desktop needed 23 updates.18:13
toadlifewell the test ril blew up on me today.  Thought I was past those problems. :\18:16
arrrghhhblew up how?18:16
toadlifeThe wife gets pissed at me when she calls I don't answer. I tell her it's the Android on my phone, but she's rarely sympathetic.18:16
toadlifedata/phone stopped working.18:16
arrrghhhyea, gf isn't so sympathetic either.18:17
arrrghhhnot happy i'm working on this project in general really :P  just doesn't get it...18:17
toadlifeI posted logs to the ril test thread. It used to happen to me all the time, but the test rils have made the problem go away....almost.18:17
toadlifeShe has the HD2, running Android.  Oh how I would love to have a Touch pro 2 with one of those snapdragon CPUs18:20
arrrghhhlol no joke.18:20
arrrghhhwhat a brat :P18:20
arrrghhhtell her winmo only18:20
arrrghhhsee how she likes it.18:20
toadlifeWith the latest wistilt2 kernel and test ril I get better battery life in Android than she does on her HD2. She has to charge her phone by 2PM. I usually good until 8 or 9 PM. ;P18:22
toadlifeShe is hooked on Android. No going back to winMo for her.18:22
arrrghhhi know18:22
arrrghhhbut tell her that's part of the process18:22
arrrghhhand if she doesn't like it, force her to use winmo :P18:22
arrrghhhsay those are your options dear18:22
toadlifeheh. You don't know my wife. She is the boss. If I ever have an questions about who's boss, I jsut ask her and she puts me in my place. ;P18:23
arrrghhhquite different from my relationship.18:24
toadlifeI'm glad shes on Android though. Supporting her with WinMo was like a second IT job.18:25
arrrghhhoh god18:25
arrrghhhshe's the boss and you have to support her?18:25
toadlifeHey, I convinced her to get the HD2. It's my fault. She had the Motorola Cliq before that, but it was an unstable POS so she returned it to T-Mo.18:26
XirXesthe cliq was a pos18:27
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toadlifeI rememebr the Cliq having no hardware button dedicated to answering calls. When a call came in, the "slide to answer" would stick half the time. The button used to unlock the phone was also the end/ignore call button, so if the slide to answer was stuck you could not answer the phone.18:46
arrrghhhthat's a feature18:46
arrrghhhcalled 'auto-ignore'18:46
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arrrghhhhyc, ping20:56
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hycarrrghhh: pong22:03
arrrghhhdamnit man.22:04
arrrghhhi had a weird issue, used phone, drove home, phone had no service.22:04
arrrghhhi'm in the process of updating it, i was going to ask how you wanted to troubleshoot or if you wanted logs22:04
arrrghhhin/out of airplane mode did nothing.22:04
hycmight as well get logs22:05
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arrrghhhtoo late22:07
arrrghhhthat's what i mean...22:07
arrrghhhwhen i said damnit man.22:07
hycbummer. at this point I don't think there's any stability improvements.22:08
hycthe last couple patches just added call waiting etc.22:09
arrrghhhi'm not sure what happened tbh, never happened before.22:09
arrrghhhi need to go to the newest ril222:09
arrrghhhi was on your test one22:09
hycdid you test anything with voice privacy?22:10
arrrghhhnot yet22:11
arrrghhhi was going to pull the newest22:11
arrrghhhalthough it's not in there yet eh?22:11
arrrghhhi have to grab that test ril?22:11
hycno, it's all in there now22:11
arrrghhhgrabbin ril222:12
D3tul3hyc: i am not having the greatest luck with your ril i downloaded this morning, i got a couple of SODs while I was in a low reception area at work today...unfortunately no log from those22:12
D3tul3i did however get home and start a log on connectbot and put the phone in the microwave22:12
D3tul3called it22:13
D3tul3started blinking orange/green22:13
hycis your phone on cdma or gsm?22:13
D3tul3never rang, i did manage to wake it up after the fact but the screen stayed on unresponsive here's the logcat http://pastebin.com/imR3BsXt22:13
D3tul3rhod 400 cdma mode22:13
D3tul3all your previous ones have been stellar for me22:16
arrrghhhD3tul3, are you running the rootfs changes as well?22:16
arrrghhhso much stuff in testing22:17
hycD3tul3: do you remember what was the previous one you tried?22:17
D3tul3no rootfs changes though at some point i pulled your frameworks/base as well as phone commits22:18
D3tul3i have ril-bcbbc4f.zip and ril-391df1f.zip in my folder so my guess is I ran one or the other before the current one22:19
D3tul3i guess the patch to the ppp options file be the best course of action for me as well22:21
arrrghhhyea i use usb tethering every day22:22
arrrghhhthru easytether, bleh.22:22
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Detuleoh yes i can kill my session remotely, i am that cool22:25
arrrghhhhyc, meet raymonddull22:25
arrrghhhhyc, has been hacking at our RIL22:25
arrrghhhwell the vogue community RIL22:25
arrrghhhwhich is kinda ours :P22:25
* raymonddull has a sprint RHOD400 w/ hspl,security and sim unlocked and running on tmobile.22:25
arrrghhhat any rate hyc, raymonddull has a rhod400 and uses GSM.  he can hopefully help us narrow down why the radio shuts off in sleep.22:25
arrrghhhhe's not a complete n00b either :P22:26
arrrghhhwhich is the problem we keep having with this issue.  everyone who uses the cdma phones as gsm were all horrible testers.22:26
arrrghhhat any rate, i would think a dmesg and a radio logcat would be cool.22:26
arrrghhhfor the radio logcat do -v time -b radio22:27
arrrghhhraymonddull, so i guess put it in sleep, give the phone a call, and pull those logs22:28
arrrghhhhyc, do you want a regular logcat too?22:29
arrrghhhmight as well.  logcat -v time22:29
hycwhat's the normal symptom anyway?22:29
arrrghhhraymonddull, thanks man.  i was going to steal a SIM from my neighbor lol22:29
arrrghhhhyc, so in the newer kernels, this happens.22:29
arrrghhhi tried tracking it with one person, and i thought we traced it to the kernel with panel collapse22:29
raymonddullk sorry about that,my stepdad called me downstairs to show me spb mobile shell that he just bought on his nexus,I'm like yeah,whatever been there,had that 6 years ago on winmo. /yawn22:29
hycD3tul3: what timestamps did you have the phone in the microwave?22:29
arrrghhhbut then someone else said one of wistilt2's test kernels from march it worked in, which wouldn't make sense.22:30
hycDetule ...22:30
Detulei would say couple of minutes before the logcat ended22:31
arrrghhhraymonddull, so didja get that?22:31
Detulei am about to try and replicate my 'success' in the microwave22:31
raymonddullyeah,but my stupid computer isnt seeing it again22:31
arrrghhhhyc, i think this issue is kernel related, just wanted to give you that heads up..22:31
raymonddullI'll try on my other laptop,1 sec22:31
arrrghhhheh i was going to say different port22:31
raymonddulltried all 322:31
Detulein the mircowave it would show 0 bars22:32
hycin your log, I saw the ignal getting weaker, but I never saw the modem hangup the connection22:32
hycalso at one point it said it was roaming22:32
Detuleyes i got a triangle22:32
Detulebefore i tried calling the phone22:33
arrrghhhhyc, voice privacy is avail now.  it's checked.22:33
* raymonddull hates windows...22:33
hycarrrghhh: interesting that it defaulted on. Well, it would have whatever setting winmo left it with22:33
arrrghhhwhich i think is default=on22:34
hycok, cool22:34
hycthen I guess it's believable ;)22:34
raymonddullI'll be back on in a sec,going to boot to ubuntu since none of the retarded computers running windows in this house can seem to recognize this phone22:34
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arrrghhhhyc, ha, uhm... call waiting still doing the same messed up thing of ending both calls, then getting a call back from the other caller.22:35
arrrghhhbut the other caller is always on the line haha22:36
raymonddullthat happens to me on my incredible22:36
arrrghhhso that's expected behavior22:36
arrrghhhdon't say that.22:36
arrrghhhhyc, he's lying.22:36
raymonddullthe call waiting bug happens to me on my incredible all the time22:36
Detulehyc got another sod in the microwave22:37
Detulethis time there was no reaction on call (led stayed green)22:37
raymonddullok,ubuntu sees it now,what do I need to run?22:37
hycDetule: ok. did you update your ppp options?22:37
Detulebut can't wake green light SOD22:37
hycLED stayed green, that's a new one....22:38
Detuleoh crap the screen just came on ~ min after i pressed it completely unresponsive22:38
Detuleso i am still qualifying it as an sod :)22:38
Detuleno didnt update ppp22:38
hycarrrghhh: have you already got raymonddull to install the ril etc?22:38
Detulei'll get you this log and then i'll try updating22:38
raymonddullno,I'm running the froyo bundle,no changes22:39
arrrghhhhyc, o yea i guess we should do that.22:39
hycI guess if it's a kernel hang we'd see the same result regardless22:39
arrrghhhprobably should do the full rootfs poop22:39
hycbut still, the new ril is all around tighter code22:39
arrrghhhstock ril is kinda hosed lol22:39
arrrghhhraymonddull, see this post ----> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12403862&postcount=622:40
Detulei was just sceptical about that ppp code update i was reading the late night #xdandroid session with ryanathans and damn talk about a failed testing22:40
Detulebut I guess you did get some useful information out of it22:41
raymonddullis this like the hd2 was,I can't touch the sd card over usb without corruption in android?22:41
raymonddullor can I copy that over without rebooting?22:41
raymonddullnm,I can do it with adb22:41
hycyeah use adb22:43
arrrghhhthose directions also assume you're just putting the rootnew.zip on the root of the SD22:43
raymonddulllol,I'm in a room with crappy signal and this thing handles gprs>edge handoff better than the vibrant did. the vibrant got stuck in gprs when it switched over,this stayed gprs for about 2 seconds then jumped back to edge22:43
Detulehyc:  http://pastebin.com/EviQ2LVK (2nd one without ppp updates)22:43
arrrghhhraymonddull, do you want the modded rootfs too?22:43
arrrghhhthere's a rootfs from F22 with some schweet changes.22:43
arrrghhhraymonddull, lots of crap in testing right now, no joke...22:43
hycif you were using real partitions for /data and /system you could use regular USB mounts, but for some reason it gets hosed when the phone remounts22:44
arrrghhhraymonddull, so modify that rootfs22:44
arrrghhhhyc, yea it'll be moot when NAND is stable.22:44
raymonddulldefinitely need to reboot for this,right?22:44
arrrghhhwhen it's all done, yea.22:44
arrrghhhwell i would reboot, replace rootfs with f22's.22:45
raymonddulljust to be sure,rootfs-f22-20110301-f4409a9.img.7z  is what I need?22:45
arrrghhhreplace your current rootfs with that one22:45
arrrghhhthere's some changes to the home button you can make thru the startup.txt, details in that post.22:45
raymonddullugh,mediafire is so fcking slow,83kbps,my connection averages 2.9MB/sec22:45
raymonddullyeah,I tried that in gb and it didnt work,but I figured it was a GB issue.22:46
arrrghhhwith F22's rootfs?22:46
raymonddullI tried using the keylayouts pieced together to have the send button be mapped as home and end to be search and it broke the symbol keys on the keyboard and the outside buttons were still mapped as send and end22:48
hycDetule: weird. it looks like something was stuck somewhere else though22:48
hycit received the +CRING messages from your incoming call, and sent notifications about them22:49
hycbut the Phone app deosn't respond till later22:49
Detulewell i keep calling my phone when it's next to me in a not so crappy service area and it rings through just fine22:50
hyclike lines 500-52022:50
hycit does some notifications22:50
hycand a few more 537-54422:50
hycbut I don't get why they're bunched up like that instead of sent immediately22:51
hyclines 585-594 especially22:51
hycthe worst is lines 729-74522:51
hycalthough I guess timewise there's only a 1 second delay between those two sets of events22:52
arrrghhhhyc, i've noticed sometimes the phone just doesn't seem to wake when a phone call comes in.  i've had a few test calls that ring right thru to voicemail, no reaction from the phone.22:52
hychmmm. kinda what Detule's log looks like22:52
arrrghhhseeing it sleep in a call is interesting too22:53
raymonddullthats exactly what my phone did in gsm mode too,didnt change from green light,didnt ring. it went to voicemail after 2 rings22:53
arrrghhhi wonder what implications the proxy sensor has with that.22:53
Detulek ppp updates done, rebooting, and then i'll run the good ol' microwave test22:54
arrrghhhwhat a great test22:55
hycok. Detule, I'm beginning to doubt ppp has anything to do with this22:55
arrrghhhit doesn't effect my phone like it does yours22:55
raymonddullok,rootfs updated,rebooting22:55
* raymonddull has never tried putting his phone in a microwave22:55
Detuleit's good22:55
Detulea little cruncy22:55
hycit only drops my phone to 2 bars22:55
raymonddullim guessing its to test crappy signal since a properly built microwave is basically a faraday cage?22:56
Detuleyou don't have the extra coating on the inside22:56
hycraymonddull: yes22:56
Detulea mixture of pizza and chilly22:56
hycbut a microwave oven only has to stop a narrow range of frequencies22:56
* raymonddull has crappy signal to begin with,just move away from a window to lose signal22:57
arrrghhhhyc, yea, gotta turn that thing up to high to really get the effects :P22:57
hycmicrowave ovens are usually 2.45Ghz.22:58
hycSo they really mess with 802.11a22:58
hyceurope 3G is 2.1GHz IIRC22:58
hycI'm on US T-Mobile, 1.7GHz22:59
hycso it's not as effectively blocked22:59
arrrghhhyea i heard vz's new lte service works great indoors22:59
arrrghhhvery low freq22:59
raymonddullI'm on edge,1900mhz here23:00
raymonddulldamn this thing takes FOREVER to boot23:00
hycyeah I would expect the microwave oven to have minimal effect on 190023:00
raymonddullappearantly the tp2 has a good gsm antenna though,sitting next to my mom's mytouch slide,I have 4/6 bars,she has 1/4.23:01
arrrghhhraymonddull, wistilt2's kernels boot a little quicker23:02
arrrghhhbut yea... it's a 528mhz proc :P23:02
raymonddullthe g1 wasnt this slow...23:02
raymonddullwell,maybe in froyo it was.23:03
raymonddullhow hard would it be to put donut on here?23:03
arrrghhhlol donut23:03
hycdonut wouldn't be any faster23:03
raymonddullthat seems to be the best os for this hardware23:03
raymonddullyeah,on the g1 its a LOT faster23:03
hycyou still have a G1?23:03
raymonddullup to about 2 months ago i did23:03
hycI have FroyoByLazlo on my G1. it's pretty responsive.23:04
Detulehyc: well can't replicate microwave failure anymore, called 4 times phone never rang but it woke up fine every time23:04
Detulei am curious if the phonecalls will show up in the radio log23:04
raymonddulltry superD,i bet its faster23:04
Detuleand if so why it didn't ring23:04
raymonddullrehab is for quitters23:04
raymonddullthats the nickname of the rom^23:04
hycDetule: dunno, but also if you're doing this on a fresh boot, the phone is pretty busy for the first couple minutes that it's up23:04
raymonddullits done the xdandroid boot animation like 30 times...23:05
hycraymonddull: I've seen the thread for that, but never installed it23:05
raymonddullits awesome,you should try it. definitely my favorite g1 rom23:05
hycSD card installs are pretty slow23:05
raymonddullok,finally booted23:05
arrrghhhraymonddull, yea23:05
arrrghhheven after booting...23:05
arrrghhhmight want to let it sit and settle :P23:05
raymonddulldoes the orange light mean its charging when I plug it in,or does it just never sleep when charging?23:06
F22damn, google's porting doc was wrong. key map encodings are in utf-16, not utf-8. that's what i get for trusting google without double-checking. lol.23:06
hycso you're booted with new kernel and new rootfs?23:06
raymonddullI did the new rootfs and new ril,I didnt do a kernel23:06
raymonddullwhat kernel should I be running?23:06
arrrghhh1276 is fine23:07
arrrghhhit exhibits the issue23:07
hycF22: I kinda wondered about that. UTF-8 chars are obviously only 8 bits :P23:07
raymonddullyeah,thats what I'm running23:07
raymonddullok,so now what do I need to do?23:07
hycI think you jsut setup two logcats and let the phone go to sleep23:08
arrrghhhraymonddull, put the phone to sleep.  call it.  wake it, pull a logcat, radio logcat and dmesg.23:08
arrrghhhall with -v time23:08
arrrghhhhyc, you cant23:08
arrrghhhoh i guess if you set it up on the phone23:08
hycyeah. I use connectbot23:08
arrrghhhi was thinking you can't while connected to adb.23:08
hycactually now I use gscript23:08
arrrghhhraymonddull, orange = wake, green = sleep.  wistilt2's kernels are slightly different.  there's a third state, blinking green = wakelock present.23:09
F22lol, yeah. you'd think i'd have caught it when i used a 16 bit example... :P23:09
arrrghhhF22, lol no comment :P23:09
raymonddullok,so its always awake when charging appearantly23:09
arrrghhhraymonddull, yea it can't sleep when charging...23:09
arrrghhhat least not completely.  when it's fully charged i think it does sleep.23:10
raymonddullok,incredible is booting now,then I'll call it.23:10
raymonddullit boots faster than 2 loops of the tp2's boot animation. :)23:10
arrrghhhyou're surprised by this why?  :P23:11
raymonddullim not,just thought it was funny.23:11
arrrghhhkinda sad.23:11
raymonddullthe phone answered and hung up while asleep23:11
arrrghhhbut yea23:11
raymonddullit didnt change to orange,but the incredible vibrated and said call ended after 2 rings23:11
raymonddullidk,2 rings,hangup23:12
hycoh well23:12
hyclet's see the logs23:12
raymonddull3 rings then voicemail this time23:12
Detulehyc: ok thanks, well since i can't seem to replicate the problem any more I'll just go on hoping that commenting out that persit line fixed whatever it was that was happening23:12
hycDetule: ok23:12
hycit definitely will help for many other hang situations.23:13
hycthat's already proven anyway23:13
raymonddullwhat are the exact commands I need again?23:13
hyclogcat -v time23:13
raymonddullyou listed them earlier when I was on the other laptop23:13
hyclogcat -v time -b radio23:13
Detulegoodnight everyone23:13
arrrghhhDetule, bb'23:13
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raymonddullhow long do I let it run before killing it,5 seconds good enough? I used adb logcat -v time > logcat.txt23:15
raymonddullok,the logcat is pastebin.com/FmGKkvf123:17
raymonddulland the radio logcat is pastebin.cim/9EgMCS0S23:18
raymonddullthen I'm guessing the last one would be "adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt" ?23:18
raymonddulldmesg: pastebin.com/sXvKdkNS23:19
raymonddulland thats with it going to sleep and me calling it twice,it didnt ring either time.23:20
hyclooks like this is the stock ril by the way23:23
arrrghhhraymonddull, you can use -d additionally on the logcat, it'll die23:23
raymonddullhmm,I followed the directions exactly,I wonder why its still using the stock ril?23:24
arrrghhhdid you bind mount the RIL?23:24
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arrrghhhor how did you place the RIL into the system?23:25
raymonddull# cd /23:25
raymonddull# mount -o remount,rw /23:25
raymonddull# rm -rf .git23:25
raymonddull# mv init.android init.android.BAK23:25
raymonddull# unzip /sdcard/rootnew.zip23:25
raymonddull# chmod 755 init.android init.etc/ppp/ip-*-*23:25
raymonddull# mount -o remount,ro /23:25
raymonddullthats what I did23:25
arrrghhhno that's the rootfs changes23:25
arrrghhhthere's also that ril.zip23:25
raymonddullahh,then I didnt do ril then. lol23:25
arrrghhhril-234897s whatever.zip23:25
raymonddullwhat do I need to do to install that?23:26
arrrghhhreboot to winmo.23:26
arrrghhhi guess we can set it up in android23:26
arrrghhhif youw ant23:26
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raymonddullbooting winmo23:26
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raymonddullme running radio 2.32.0WU doesn't effect anything,right?23:27
arrrghhhdid you download that magical file i speak of?  it's attached to the same post23:27
arrrghhhthat's the same radio i'm on23:27
raymonddullWU though?23:27
arrrghhhlol you downloaded it but did nothing with it?  :P23:27
raymonddullthen you're sim unlocked23:27
arrrghhhWU... i don't think so23:27
arrrghhhjust W23:27
raymonddullahh,WU is world unlocked23:27
arrrghhhyea i have no reason to unlock at this point.23:28
hycyour signal is so weak there, the phone is always losing the network and reconnecting23:28
raymonddullit has 2 bars in windows mobile though,idk why its dropping in android. you would cry if you say the logs for sprint...23:28
hycI never saw a +CRING message23:29
hycso it never received your call23:29
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arrrghhhhyc, yea the bug basically is the radio _shuts off_ when the screen turns off.23:29
arrrghhhi traced it with one of those foreigners to 1253 i think.23:30
raymonddullok,what do I need to do in windows?23:31
hycwhat in windows?23:31
hyccan you dial out from the TP2?23:31
arrrghhhraymonddull, ok that ril.zip23:32
arrrghhhshould have libhtcgeneric-ril.so23:32
raymonddullin both oses it works fine for incoming and outgoing calls as long as the screen is on in android.23:32
arrrghhhso copy that to your SD card23:33
arrrghhhwherever you wish23:33
arrrghhhnow where you run haret from, there's a conf folder.23:33
arrrghhhfroyo.user.conf, edit that file23:33
hycoh, interesting. like at line 1939 of the radio log23:33
arrrghhhat the end, custom commands section23:33
arrrghhhadd a bind mount statement23:33
hycscreen state was just turned off, and immediately network registration went to 023:34
arrrghhhmount --bind /sdcard/libhtcgeneric-ril.so /lib/froyo/libhtcgeneric-ril.so23:34
hycwell, not immediate. 9 seconds later.23:34
arrrghhhraymonddull, the first part assumes it's at the root of your SD23:34
raymonddullthats where it is23:34
arrrghhhobviously that bind mount is for froyo23:35
hycarrrghhh: this doesn't happen on your phone?23:36
raymonddullok,saved. now I need to reboot?23:36
hycIt only happens in GSM, not CDMA?23:36
arrrghhhhyc, correct23:36
arrrghhhonly rhod400/500 users that use it as gsm23:36
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hychow do you choose what mode the phone boots up in?23:36
raymonddullnot reboot,I need to boot into android?23:36
raymonddullpick it in winmo23:36
raymonddullnetwork settings23:36
hycwith the new ril in I'd like you to try some other things too23:37
raymonddullsettings>wireless controls>phone>network tab>gsm/umts only23:37
hycbut ok, so this is definitely a kernel issue23:37
raymonddullok,its booting froyo with the new ril now.23:37
raymonddullI want to know how this thing lasts soooooooo much longer on the same battery as the incredible.23:38
hycget an adb logcat -v time -b radio right now23:38
raymonddullwhile its booting?23:38
raymonddullits at the scrolling text23:38
hycI want to see the beginning of the log23:38
raymonddullok,ill let it run till it gets to the lockscreen,then stop it and upload23:39
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raymonddullsorry! process system is not responding force close or wait23:40
hycwhen you toggle the setting in winmo, does it require a reboot to take effect, or is it immediate?23:40
raymonddullit takes about 15 seconds23:40
raymonddullno reboot23:40
hyc15 seconds, so it is restarting the radio probably23:41
raymonddullit goes into airplane mode and comes back out in the other mode23:41
hycmakes sense23:41
hycbummer. I have no idea how to spy on that to see what commands winmo uses to force the switch.23:42
raymonddullit said system was not responding on boot,and i hit wait,its sitting at a black screen,what should I do?23:42
hycdunno. looks like this is still the stock ril tho23:44
hycget an adb logcat now23:44
hycsomething should show up in there to explain why system is stuck23:44
arrrghhhstill stock RIL?23:44
arrrghhhunless the line was put into the user.conf wrong :/23:45
arrrghhhi've f-ed that up23:45
hycline 16523:45
hycI commented that out of my ril23:45
arrrghhhraymonddull, if you want pastebin the froyo.user.conf23:46
raymonddullok,1 sec23:46
raymonddullgotta reboot,its frozen23:46
raymonddullits stuck at a black screen,but I hit the power button and it popped up with the menu,I hit power off,ok and it went back to the boot animation. wtf?23:46
arrrghhhyea, if system waits too long it does killall zygote AFAIK23:47
raymonddullfroyo.user.conf: pastebin.com/13Ln0vzx23:49
hyclooks like trouble mounting sdcard23:49
raymonddullso my sd card is dying?23:50
raymonddullor just a random issue23:50
hycprobably random23:50
hycyour froyo.user.conf is wrong23:50
raymonddullok,good beause this is the fastest card I have23:50
hycthe mount bind line has to be inside the braces for custom shells23:51
hycin the pastebin, swap lines 57 and 5823:51
raymonddullI have a 2gb class 2, 8gb class 4 and a 16gb class 2.23:51
raymonddullmount --bind...23:51
raymonddullblah,remove the t23:52
arrrghhhsorry man, i assume too much sometimes :P23:52
raymonddullis there a reason it wont reboot from adb or does my phone just hate me? adb reboot says error:closed and if Im in adb shell,reboot just goes to the next line,it doesnt do anything23:53
arrrghhhi don't think i've ever tried that23:53
hycfrx seems to be missing the reboot function23:53
hycyeah, bums me out23:54
arrrghhhcm6 probably has it23:54
hycI think we had this discussion once, why not add Reboot to the poweroff menu23:54
raymonddullI completely forgot,I was supposed to be finding the rndis drivers for someone in #android like 45 minutes ago... oh well,someone else probably did it by now23:54
arrrghhhcm has it :P23:55
hycnobody uses pure AOSP23:55
arrrghhhhyc, stine doesn't want to make frameworks changes.23:55
hycpure AOSP is .. lame :P23:55
arrrghhhwell he adds gapps23:55
arrrghhhif that helps23:55
* raymonddull wants CM 623:55
raymonddullor 7 would be nice23:55
hycCM6 is kinda overkill. too slow for me23:55
arrrghhh7 isn't so stable yet on rhod23:55
raymonddullI'm thinking something more like 4.12 would be better.23:56
hyctho mebbe CM6 wouldn't be too slow on rhod23:56
raymonddullCM4.x=donut :)23:56
hycbleah, too primitive23:56
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raymonddullwhy? almost everything that runs in 2.x runs in donut23:57
arrrghhhyou have an odd obsession with donut.23:57
raymonddullbecause its fast23:57
hycI think it's time to eat a donut....23:57
arrrghhhraymonddull, it'd have to be so ridiculously good for me to consider ditching froyo.  i've read what froyo has23:57
arrrghhhi can't give up the voice actions :P23:57
arrrghhhi'm addicted!23:57
raymonddullmyns warm donut runs faster on the htc vogue than froyo runs on my intercept which has a 200mhz faster processor and double the ram.23:58
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hycI don't even use those. still thinking it'd be fun to train it to my cat.23:58
raymonddullthats only a 400mhz cpu and 128mb ram23:58
raymonddulland its decently fast23:58
arrrghhhoh vogue23:58
arrrghhhdzo made that thing sing...23:59
raymonddullnot a speed demon by any means,but it runs decently.23:59
raymonddullyeah,its awesome23:59
raymonddullI could probably get one for free if it would be useful for anything with the tp2.23:59
hyca vogue?23:59
raymonddullmy cousin has one he doesnt use anymore.23:59
raymonddullan old alltel one.23:59
hycoh, pure CDMA23:59

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