Friday, 2011-02-18

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manekineko_stinebd, you familiar with the GRX bug with gapps where occasionally you can manage to get the emails/pages to load up, but the margins are messed up13:11
manekineko_just letting you know in case that's a clue as to what's going on13:11
manekineko_it seems like the screen is cut off by 1/3 on each side13:12
manekineko_and then after a few seconds it refreshes and kicks you out of viewing it13:12
manekineko_seems like the general pattern of this bug is the first email you try and load on loading up the app will load13:12
manekineko_further emails will give the white screen failure13:12
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emre305i have a problem, my htc topaz is freezing on xdandroid 2.2 what can i do?14:43
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arrrghhhL_miller, dude.  tryin to flash again, but ofc i'm at work and can't seem to get this VM to see the internet.15:47
stinebdso tired15:48
arrrghhhhad to work at 4:30am yesterday.15:48
arrrghhh7am today seemed late.15:48
arrrghhhoh hey stinebd15:49
arrrghhhdid you see that comment on ti wlan and gb?15:49
arrrghhhwell evidently that issue where you can only turn it on once doesn't exist in gb.15:49
stinebdwrong, i've seen it in gingerbread too15:49
arrrghhhi can't confirm.15:50
arrrghhhdamn R^7Z15:50
stinebdit's not consistent but it's there15:50
arrrghhhi got some schmuck that said tiad's builds were faster on 3g than any of our builds.15:50
arrrghhhi don't get that... he claimed he confirmed it with speed tests.15:50
stinebdgood for him15:51
arrrghhhhe was saying the difference was pretty big too.15:51
arrrghhhwtf could be different in respect to 3g?15:51
stinebdfrankly i'm not interested in pursuing any differences between the two builds15:52
arrrghhhyea i'm not really either.15:53
stinebdi've got way too much to deal with on gingerbread to go screwing around with his binary crap15:53
arrrghhhi just wonder if there is any truth to it, why it would be so.15:53
arrrghhhi lol every time i pick apart his builds15:53
arrrghhhthey're such clusterfucks.15:53
stinebdi've seen. i was about to try one of them, downloaded it and mounted the system image, saw the layout and stopped dead in my tracks15:54
stinebdif he wants to continue to try to maintain them, that's great. but we've got real work to do here.15:54
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stinebdi'm considering decoupling the userspace libraries from rootfs for gingerbread15:55
stinebdyou know how we have /lib/froyo? i don't want a /lib/gingerbread15:56
stinebdthat might mean more frequent system releases though15:56
TheDeadCPUI agree with stinebd15:57
arrrghhhwell i know on nand they've done away with the rootfs alltogether.15:57
arrrghhheither way.15:57
TheDeadCPUBut I'm Norwegian15:57
arrrghhhmore frequent system releases seems like a bad thing tho IMO15:57
arrrghhhjust cuz of the size of them.15:57
stinebdwe don't accept .02 euros here15:57
arrrghhhthe update utility is nice15:57
TheDeadCPUWait, on NAND it's in boot.img iirc15:57
arrrghhher update process15:57
stinebdthat's a different thing15:57
arrrghhhbut not a lot of peoples use it.15:57
TheDeadCPUOh yea, I was thinking zImage lol15:58
stinebdi bet they would if we stopped putting out full systems :P15:58
stinebdit would be nicer if the updater didn't have to reboot15:59
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stinebdwhich it really doesn't. i could hack to just reload /init.rc when it gets a signal or something15:59
stinebdand kill off zygote16:00
arrrghhhkillall zygote seems to have bad effects on the phone.16:00
arrrghhhat least i've never had a happy phone after doing that.16:00
stinebdit's not as much of an issue when the original zygote was only running one service (recovery)16:01
stinebdi'd have to hack recovery to not reboot too16:04
stinebdwhich involves commenting out line 821 in recovery.c16:05
stinebdnot sure i can handle that16:05
arrrghhhsounds complicated16:07
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F22stinebd: your rhod400 has been shipped.16:30
stinebdi'm getting a 300 on monday :D16:30
stinebdbut that's okay the 400 is more useful probably16:31
stinebdand exotic16:31
F22expected delivery date is Tues. I insured it for $200. So if they lose it, you can buy yourself another.16:31
L_millerarrrghhh - what's up?16:32
arrrghhhwhy did you get a 300 stinebd ?16:32
stinebdk, let me know shipping costs and your paypal email and i'll reimburse you16:32
stinebdarrrghhh: my mother preordered an atrix and they shipped it out today16:32
arrrghhhL_miller, nada.  i was going to try to flash again, but i can't get my ubuntu vm to get out to the internet.16:32
arrrghhhstinebd, oic.  nice!16:32
arrrghhhrhod400 has a 3.5mm jack :D16:32
stinebdso she'll be giving me her tilt216:32
arrrghhhyou'll have a plethora of RHOD's16:33
stinebda dualora16:33
stinebdword invented. copyrighting.16:33
arrrghhhalright mr. colbert16:33
L_millerarrrghhh - Use your NAT (in the VirtualBox settings.)16:34
stinebdfilliam h. muffman16:34
arrrghhhL_miller, problem is corporate proxy.  i can't get it to pipe the traffic out thru our proxy correctly.16:34
arrrghhhi swear i did this before, but we've since upgraded our proxy servers.16:34
L_millerYeah I'm in the same boat but it works for me...16:34
F22i'm surprised she'll be getting it on Monday since it's a holiday. i guess whoever is shipping it delivers on president's day.16:34
F22otherwise you'd probably get the 400 on Monday too.16:35
arrrghhhL_miller, do you have to auth to your proxy server?16:35
L_millerNope. I just used NAT and it works.16:35
arrrghhhi don't have to auth to mine, at least i don't see myself authing16:35
arrrghhhbut i was getting 407 auth errors16:36
arrrghhhand now i'm getting 404 errors.16:36
arrrghhhi got the machine to be able to ping local IPs16:36
arrrghhhjust can't get out to the internet...16:36
arrrghhhit even resolves DNS correclty16:36
L_millerlol. did you try somthing else besides NAT?16:36
stinebdfedex overnight is what i'm told they're shipping the atrix preorders16:37
stinebdgoing out today, transit available on saturday and delivery more or less guaranteed on monday16:37
arrrghhhL_miller, i tried bridged...16:37
arrrghhhnot sure what the others do tbh.16:37
stinebdF22: let me know the shipping cost and your paypal email and i'll reimburse you16:38
F22stinebd: shipping was 8.65. Need to look up my paypal account.16:38
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arrrghhhL_miller, where are you at on the nbh?16:39
L_milleras in?16:40
arrrghhhdata still a bust?16:40
L_millerYup... And GPS. WIFI work.16:40
arrrghhhgps busted too eh?16:41
L_millerWell... Didn't give it too much time when i was on wifi.16:42
L_millerSo I guess it could be working...16:42
arrrghhhgps takes forever to lock16:43
stinebdspeaking of gps16:44
arrrghhhi'm hoping that we can figure out how winmo is doing its quickgps mania16:44
arrrghhhi really want that ability in android...16:44
stinebdwell bzo wants to switch to qcom's libloc_api gps implementation16:44
stinebdso that would probably get us that16:44
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bzoit seems to be stubbed out in the cm impl16:45
bzothough it does do some time injection which probably helps speedup the fix16:45
stinebdwow neocore is rocking16:46
stinebd32.5 fps16:46
bzogreat if you only want to watch explosions16:46
stinebdand the moon16:46
stinebdand random green and red lights16:46
arrrghhhthe lack of textures in that app makes me giggle16:47
stinebdi think i stuck the old libgles in there with the new version check in build.prop16:47
stinebdso it's looking for a gles1.1 lib and finding the old 1.016:47
stinebdeither way, i like high numbers more than i like textures and objects16:48
stinebdso it's staying like that16:48
bzothan you too can brag, AWESOME 33FPS16:48
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stinebd↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start to get textures16:49
bzosadly then textures will only be avail on raph/diam16:50
bzono direction on rhod16:50
arrrghhhi carved directional buttons on my rhod16:50
TheDeadCPUWho cares about the RHOD? :D16:51
arrrghhheveryone that matters16:51
arrrghhhTHAT'S WHO16:51
TheDeadCPUNow why is Verizon following me on Twitter?16:52
stinebdblocke m16:52
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arrrghhhverizon... the company is following you?16:52
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stinebdwe need some new youtube videos16:55
stinebdget crackin16:55
arrrghhhhis tp is dead16:55
stinebddid xdandroid do it?16:55
TheDeadCPUBattery died, got a new one, and it died. So something must be short circuting.16:56
TheDeadCPUGetting a RHOD I think16:56
stinebdcamro's fault16:56
TheDeadCPUWhich XDAndroid phone should I get? :p16:57
TheDeadCPUI'm thinking Rhod.16:57
stinebdthe forgotten cousin16:57
arrrghhhhighest mp16:57
arrrghhhtheir 3.5mm jack works.16:58
stinebdand everything else doesn't16:58
TheDeadCPUWait, doesn't the RHOD 3.5mm jack work?16:59
stinebdnot really16:59
arrrghhhnot at all16:59
arrrghhhin android16:59
stinebdyou either force all audio through it or none at all16:59
arrrghhhyea that causes other issues16:59
TheDeadCPUSo it's in the startup or something?17:00
arrrghhhthe rear speaker likes to spit out garbled junk when you do that17:00
arrrghhhno kernel support17:00
arrrghhhextUSB was just enabled recently17:00
arrrghhhso that works17:00
arrrghhhacl keeps pulling himself in 15 different directions17:00
TheDeadCPUI'm getting a RHOD quite cheap17:00
TheDeadCPUBest Friend got a Desire Z now :p17:01
TheDeadCPUWait, untouchab1e still have the RHOD I think..17:01
arrrghhhyea he did17:01
TheDeadCPUHe better come on IRC or I'll text him17:02
stinebdE/Web Console( 1543): Not allowed to load local resource: file:///android_res/raw/styles.css at :017:06
stinebdthere's your gapps issue17:06
arrrghhhFIX IT17:06
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TheDeadCPUstinebd, you're now arrrghhhs bitch.17:11
arrrghhhwhat do you mean now?17:11
TheDeadCPU<arrrghhh> FIX IT17:12
arrrghhhCDMA RHOD's can function as GSM in Android, yes?17:17
arrrghhhi thought they could...17:17
TheDeadCPUYou'd need a GSM antenna arrrghhh.17:18
arrrghhhi know17:18
arrrghhhall RHOD's are 'world phones'17:18
arrrghhhi should say, all CDMA RHOD's are 'world phones'17:18
arrrghhhas in they have GSM and CDMA radios.17:18
arrrghhhSIM slots, etc.17:18
TheDeadCPUI didn't think they all did17:19
arrrghhhall the CDMA ones17:19
arrrghhhall 2 of them17:19
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R^7ZI can't stay for long18:13
R^7Zin reply to this: arrrghhhi can't confirm.15:5018:13
R^7ZI just Turned off wifi18:13
R^7Zand turned it back on18:13
R^7ZI'm connected to my wifi18:13
R^7Zconfirmed on my end...18:14
R^7ZLet me know if you need logs... :P18:15
R^7ZI'll check later,,, gotta run!18:15
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F22oh yes...i'll lookup the info and pm it to you.18:20
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F22stinebd: i can't seem to message you.18:38
stinebdF22: i got it, thanks18:38
arrrghhh/ignore F2218:39
F22stinebd: lol. just a "don't bother me" auto reply.18:39
stinebdmoney sent18:40
stinebdi added a small administrative stipend for you too18:40
arrrghhhi accept money18:40
F22oh wow.18:41
stinebdarrrghhh: this is what we're looking at
stinebdi'll be cherry picking relevant commits and we'll need to test it heavily18:43
arrrghhhi'm here to test, but you'll have my rhod soon :P18:43
F22stinebd: you didn't have to, but i won't turn down extra pizza money. :D18:44
arrrghhhso cm patches eh18:45
arrrghhhL_miller, was going to tackle this nand stuff agian.18:46
stinebdi might just clone ezterry's tree18:46
stinebdwhere appropriate18:46
arrrghhhi guess that's where tiad is kanging his gb stuff from18:47
L_millerCool! Let me know if you need anything... Should be on for a little bit longer.18:47
arrrghhhdo i still need to compile it myself?18:48
L_milleryeah. But if you have all the files you should be able to just run that script i sent you before.18:48
arrrghhhyea i have all the hard stuff setup i think18:49
arrrghhhi just need to be using the correct script ;)18:49
L_millerarrrghhh - I couldn't get the correct keyboard mappings working either... Havn't spent much time with that though.18:53
L_millerBTW GPS works. ;)18:54
arrrghhhhell yes18:54
arrrghhhdid it take a while to lock?18:54
arrrghhhand how are the keyboard mappings done?18:54
arrrghhhcuz you said the script only needs the 'rhod' in there18:55
arrrghhhi'm assuming rhod400/500 whatever would specify the keymap18:55
L_millerGPS < 2 minutes...18:56
L_millerKeybaord is mapped in the file18:56
arrrghhheh not bad18:56
arrrghhhhopefully we can get agps to work18:56
arrrghhhi still want to see about adding that +bsinfo crap to the rIL18:56
arrrghhhCDMA netloc fails18:57
arrrghhhi'd like it working, would be a nice feature :D18:57
stinebdnetloc is overrated18:58
arrrghhhjust cuz you can use it18:58
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F22he'll soon have a 400 that can't use it as well as a 300 that can. he'll be in the perfect position to look into it more closely. ;)18:59
stinebdi don't have cdma19:00
L_millerarrrghh - taking off for a bit. Good luck19:00
arrrghhhstinebd, i know.  netloc works for GSM doesn't it?19:00
arrrghhhnvm missed F22's post somehow.19:00
arrrghhhwhat he can look at is 3.5mm jack :D19:01
arrrghhhthat would be schweet19:01
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arrrghhhalthough i think it's a kernel issue19:01
arrrghhhextUSB was AFAIK19:01
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F22i recall ACL being worried the fix for 3.5mm jack would break other non-rhod handsets or somesuch.19:03
arrrghhhi gots to have mah 3.5mm jack!  :P19:04
stinebdisn't that what machine_is_rhodium() is for?19:05
F22lol, nice retort stinebd. pity i didn't use it at the time.19:06
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arrrghhhoh how i love and hate this laptop.19:09
arrrghhhor is that love to hate...19:13
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TheDeadCPUI'm cold. HOLD ME19:58
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stinebdso that crap broke webkit entirely20:58
stinebdand ezterry's forum thread suggests it's actually the toolchain that's the problem, not any of that stuff20:58
stinebdnot really sure how that stuff managed to break webkit21:00
stinebdit's really hard to follow people who don't have strong development experience21:01
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arrrghhhL_miller, ping21:08
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beshopeople please help, how can I calibrate the screen23:23
arrrghhhdelete ts-calibration23:24
beshoyes I did so, but I don't know where to touch when it asks for calibration23:26
beshoIt gives me the usual linux boot screen without any sign where to touch23:27
arrrghhhwhat kernel are you on23:28
arrrghhhwhat phone do you have23:28
beshoi have RHOD210 and using FRX04 12.2.201123:30
beshoWoW, thanks it worked after many restarts, now the boxes appeared and I could calibrate it, thanks so much23:33
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