Friday, 2011-01-14

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stinebdyay the list actually works11:10
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emwestinebd: yap :)11:59
emwethx again.11:59
NeoMatrixJRHey Stinebd.  If they still need help porting Gingerbread I'll see if I can do anything, but someone will have to point me to some starter resources.  I don't know where to even begin.12:07
|Jeroen|check there is a section about building12:12
|Jeroen|just repace froyo with ginger on the checkout thingy12:12
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stinebdemwe: wow that post is a perfect illustration of why we needed a list12:34
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emwestinebd: you mean the snd_state one?12:40
emwehehe, yap12:41
emwebut also for pete's post now.รถ12:41
emweit would be a pain summarizing the info he gave from irc-logs12:41
emwedid i mention i like ml's?12:41
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stinebdD/Vold    ( 1228): usb_configuration switch is not enabled in the kernel14:40
stinebdemwe: we really need that .35 :)14:40
emwestinebd: let's see how far they let me go ;)14:56
stinebd"Severe drop in 2D graphics performance (a fix is in progress, pending testing and commit to our frameworks/base fork)" and "SD card is not visible (as mounted) in Android" are fixed14:59
stinebdas well as two other undocumented build system issues (/lib/modules and vold.fstab not installed)14:59
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emweyou making progress with gingerbread?15:01
stinebdno audio :(15:03
emwewho needs audio...15:03
stinebdF/OMXMaster( 1880): frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/omx/OMXMaster.cpp:90 err != OMX_ErrorNoMore15:03
stinebdi wonder how we get the screen to turn off15:04
emweregarding the snd_state and msm_audio_path()... do you by chance know which other userland glue lib might issue "cmds" to vogue_hw/audio sysfs entry?15:04
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emweril issues cmd 2 and 5 but the others must be coming from somewhere else...15:04
emwejust checking out androidhtc project from to see what other userland glue libs they have...15:04
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stinebdwell ril is the only native lib i see that does it15:05
stinebdand knowing is, it's not in a java lib15:05
stinebdknowing us*15:06
emwevogue_hw.c (our htc_hw.c pendant) has all other cases implemented.15:07
emweso there must be something else...15:07
stinebdyou sure it's in userland?15:07
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emwethat's my hope ;)15:11
stinebdhopes dashed15:12
stinebdall cgrep and jgrep show is the ril15:12
genbattlehiyas, anyone have some experience using ODIN to flash Samsung phones?15:13
stinebdgenbattle: way outside the scope of this channel15:13
genbattleheh, ah ok, sorry15:14
genbattlewrong xda channel C-D15:14
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stinebdthe sleep of death is only because of auto brightness16:12
stinebd(in ginger)16:13
emwestinebd: on raph? i think it never comes up with auto-bl on.16:18
emwestinebd: at least that is what i see on the raph100 here.16:18
stinebdwhat never comes up?16:18
emwethe panel16:18
stinebdheh, something is wrong with yours then16:18
emwehm. perhaps different panel code might come into play.16:19
stinebddo you mean it never comes on at all even from boot?16:19
emwebut here i have the suspicion that the ommitted backlight level hook on wake (because auto-bl is in effect and liblights doesn't emmit the hook call) the panel backlgiht seems not enabled16:19
stinebdwell on gingerbread, when the device goes to sleep with autobl on, the screen goes blank but backlight stays on16:20
emweno, when auto-bl on and you press power to blank and then again to unblank, panel does not come up again16:20
emwemight be different panels then.16:20
emwei think there are several in raph-panel16:20
stinebdit can wake back up if adb is connected. but if the system goes to sleep, it can't wake back up16:20
stinebdeverything is normal without autobl16:21
emwelong pressing a waking button doesnt help i guess?16:21
emwethere's that issue where we have to longer press a key to get device wake from sleep (without usb)16:21
emwecan replicate on topa and raph100 here16:22
emweon .2716:22
stinebdit would happen with manual backlight too then16:22
stinebdi'm thinking it might be the same issue you're seeing, but for whatever reason gingerbread isn't going to sleep (then backlight stays on)16:22
stinebdperhaps there's a wakelock somewhere16:23
stinebdso the panel suspends for real but the entire system isn't16:23
stinebdi'll let it sit for a few minutes16:23
emweugh.. strange thing here... but same as raph as it seems. on .35 without gpio setup disabled in panel code, the panel content is "blackened out", but backlight still on. then after 2 seconds, backlight goes off automagically.16:24
emweusually with gpio setup enabled on topa it immedeately offs the backlight. nice to know ;)16:25
emwefreaking. it even wakes again on .35. that was the last thing i expected ;)16:25
emweand as adb is not working, i even have the suspicion it really is not kept wake by the vbus wakelock.16:26
stinebdindeed same problem16:30
stinebdit does wake back up from sleep, but you need to adb in and echo 1 >brightness16:31
stinebdis that something that should be done in kernel when resuming the panel?16:31
emwestinebd: it seems as if the raph needs that microp-enabling code path on wake to get the panel enabled again.16:32
emwebut since we (me?) established the skip of sending backlight values over the microp dbgfs entry, that problem exists, as that codepath is not triggered anymore.16:33
stinebdminor details16:33
emwei once quickly tried to execute that code in micropklt_panel_resume() but failed :)16:33
emweyou echoed "1"?16:33
stinebdyeah, but any value greater than 0 should work right?16:33
stinebd(and then be wiped out by the autobl sensor)16:34
emwei think. the value is massaged a bit iirc16:34
stinebdi see what i should do in kernel16:34
stinebdlet's try it and see if it works16:34
emwemicropklt_panel_resume() is your friend.16:34
stinebdi'm there already16:34
emwestinebd: is there any audiohardware userland lib?16:36
stinebdi'm going to do that codepath (with 0) on suspend too16:36
stinebdso that the backlight shuts off with usb plugged in16:36
emweyah. but there seems something .. not sure what... what actually disables/shuts off the panel after like 2 seconds.16:37
emweperhaps the mddi or mdp handlers. there's some mddi code being executed on init deinit of the panel (for all panels)16:37
stinebdi'm just copying rhod's stuff here :P16:37
emwethat's perhaps what comes into play wich pulls down the panel entirely when a suspend hook is called.16:37
emweno, not rhod! ;)16:37
stinebdit's generic enough16:37
stinebdin theory16:38
emweraph is like topa regarding the i2c cmd. (just different names, but same cmd code)16:38
stinebdi'm not worrying about that16:38
stinebdin rhod's codepath, it modifies backlight value16:38
emwebut the cmd id is different.16:38
stinebdmicropklt_write(client, buf, 2);16:39
emweyah, the buf[0] cmd id is wrong.16:40
emweline 142 is what is executed for raph16:40
stinebdBRIGHTNESS should work, no?16:40
emweon backlight level16:40
stinebdsee, i'm not THAT retarded16:40
emwesorry, didn't wan't to sound as if i would treat you like that.16:41
stinebdit's okay, i deserve it16:41
emweno don't play that game further :P16:41
stinebdmy only concern is buf[1]16:41
stinebdhopefully just 1 will work, if not i have to copy that math too16:41
emwecan't remeber what i tried.16:42
stinebdaudio and bluetooth will suck :(16:43
emwenew glue libs required?16:43
stinebdwith audio, it's crashing in libstagefrighthw16:43
emweif so, that would come in handy for an eventual .35 cleanup kernel-wise ;)16:43
stinebdbluetooth is in libdbus16:43
stinebdboth are going to be very difficult to debug16:44
emwei feel like i miss a lot of knowledge how userland and kernel are glued with which libs.16:45
emweis it worthwile putting up some wiki pages detailing that?16:46
stinebdwe have only a few things of our own which interface directly16:46
stinebdlibhardware_legacy, hardware/msm7k, ril and sensors16:47
emwebut some proprietary stuff in there i guess?16:47
emweugh... what now... all my firefox instances tell me network isn't reachable...16:48
emweping not working either.16:49
stinebdwell at least irc survived16:53
emwenow all back up again....i don't wanna know.16:53
emwenow let's try to enable usb...16:54
stinebdstupid raph16:57
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stinebdbah crashy piece of shit17:05
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stinebdemwe: i think my method is too ugly to push :(17:44
stinebdbut what's there now certainly doesn't do the trick17:45
emwedoes or doesn't?17:47
stinebdi mean what's in our current git tree17:48
stinebdobviously it's not working17:48
stinebdbut i don't feel good about the code i used to make it work17:48
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stinebdand even with mine it takes a few suspend/resume cycles to work17:51
stinebdand then works every time after that17:52
emwei can always test on my raph10017:52
emweperhaps it should really be traced with haret.17:52
emweor the board panel stuff implemented sometime ;)17:52
stinebdwell i can put a git patch up for you to laugh at17:52
stinebdobserve the hilarity:
emwewhy should i dare to laugh at anyone17:57
emweuh, whats that other stuff? keyboard backlight?17:58
emweah so it's need that other i2c cmd. i see.18:00
emweah i see. bit13 is panel backlight in the state var.18:02
stinebdsorry, it's yet undocumented18:03
stinebdbut i pretty much stole the led on/off code from brightness_set()18:03
emwejust spotted it in a comment on led device setup ;)18:04
stinebdBL_DISABLE_RAPH doesn't really seem to do much of anything18:04
emweit's just the data...18:04
emweit 0, right? ;)18:04
* stinebd shrugs18:05
emweme too18:05
emwetoo lazy to open it up.18:05
emwestrange though topa doesn't need that trick18:05
emweperhaps all old-gen devices need it18:05
stinebddid you insult my phone's age?18:05
emweold-gen as in diam, raph, black.18:05
stinebdyes, i think so too18:05
stinebdinclude/linux/microp-klt.h:#define BL_DISABLE_RAPH      0x0018:06
emweand enable is 0x01?18:06
emwethen it's like topa18:06
stinebdand cmd is 0x0218:06
emwebtw MICROP_KLT_ID_AUTO_BL_RAPH is the same as MICROP_I2C_WCMD_AUTO_BL_CTL too18:06
emweof which the latter is the "official" as can be seen in official sources iirc18:07
emweanyway, that whole stuff is hopefully refactored anyway18:07
stinebdin .35?18:07
emweor rather pushed to panel files18:07
emweat least for rhod wistilt got it. inspired by supersonics panel code which is driven by the same novatek mddi18:08
emwei am hesitant to just submit that thing, not because it's not pushable, but due to my .35 experiments.18:09
stinebdwhich thing?18:09
emwei think i got a clean .27 to work on, but would rather like to not do that right now, if that is ok now.18:09
emweyour patch18:09
stinebdlol don't push that please18:09
emwewould have tested on raph100 too18:10
emwebut i would like to get .35 going better ;)18:10
stinebdthis is good enough for me to keep working on gingerbread, no need to unlesh my fury on users18:10
stinebdit would probably brick someone's phone18:10
emweso, need a little break.18:11
emwedamn usb... froze again.18:12
stinebdgetting close to a hidden prerelease system image for gingerbread i think18:12
emweah coolio. does the tree build yet?18:12
emweah... let's postpone that. short break ;)18:12
stinebdi just pushed critical changes so it should build18:12
stinebdbut won't work18:12
emwebut congrats18:12
stinebdi'm waiting for non-tegra gingerbread google apps18:13
stinebdmight as well blog about this stuff too18:13
stinebdgive me a little break as well18:14
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emweenough for today. gnight.19:13
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stinebdwoo! got sound!20:55
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stinebdah crap21:32
stinebdi accidentally did make clean21:33
stinebdinstead of installclean21:33
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