Friday, 2010-12-17

raf_sorry what's the best way to do that? PM in
F22that works, although i believe he's on ppcgeeks more often.00:01
raf_ok cool thanks00:01
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F22the_decoy: unfortunately the jit code for msm7X00 has been abandoned and is no longer supported by a development team. it's also rather buggy. where it works well it should speed things up, where it works so-so, it doesn't make a difference, and where it works not so well, it can cause your phone to become unstable or to crash hard and return to the boot animation screen.00:13
F22the_decoy: it was thus turned off for good reason. it was decided that the extra performance in some tasks weren't worth all the crashes. as an example, adjusting the volume more than one notch while jit was turned on would often crash the phone.00:13
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F22hey arrrghhh00:19
arrrghhhwhat up00:19
arrrghhhjust got a juicy juicy logcat00:19
F22someone was asking about "north_am_dialing=1" on a 400 earlier.00:20
F22(11:55:03 PM) raf_: Sprint can't handle phone numbers starting with "+" (e.g. +1-800-123-4567) so this part of the code strips out the "+" when north_am_dialing is set00:20
arrrghhhyea gv freaks out00:21
arrrghhhif you don't use the north_am_dialing cmdline option.00:21
F22he wants it to be the default00:21
arrrghhhwhy can't he just set the damned option in his startup00:22
F22oh doh, no, i misunderstood him.00:22
F22he wanted it fixed so it would handle text messages too as well as phone calls.00:22
arrrghhhgv app handles it fine for me...00:23
arrrghhhi dunn00:23
arrrghhhmessaging app has never had a problem either...00:23
F22(11:49:46 PM) raf_: Regarding north_am_dialing: It seems to me that in htcgeneric-ril.c, the line that generates the "AT+CMGS" command (around line 1758) needs to have a conditional based on the north_am_dialing variable, just as the "ATD" command does (around line 1097).00:24
arrrghhhjit is enabled...00:24
F22what about jit? you mean the 3d perf thread?00:24
arrrghhhI/dalvikvm( 3295): Jit: resizing JitTable from 1024 to 204800:25
F22oh, this is your logcat?00:25
the_decoyF22: sorry was AFK (read you posts tho)00:26
F22the_decoy: np00:26
arrrghhhso dude F22 - what's up with that build.prop that tiad8 is putting out?00:27
arrrghhhit appears to have jit enabled...00:27
F22i haven't touched it. but i was just discussing it with the_decoy here. :P00:27
the_decoyI am trying to de-mystify it to the masses00:27
arrrghhhrhode island is neither a road nor an island.  discuss.00:28
F22he asked me what it did. ;)00:28
the_decoyOther than setting a bunch of incorrect BS for a Neopeek installed on a HTC Dream it basically turns on JIT and turns off CheckJNI00:28
arrrghhhso what about the lib00:28
the_decoyThe "magical" build.prop00:28
arrrghhhobviously the gralloc setting is better00:28
the_decoydunno about the libGLES libs00:29
arrrghhhwith the correct memory settings (as i understand it...)00:29
the_decoyI am running the 11/29 just to go with the flow00:29
the_decoyarrrghhh: There are two other settings in that build.prop:  dalvik.vm.heapsize=16m  (which is assmed default for Froyo anyway IIRC)00:30
the_decoyand compcache=100:30
the_decoysorry ... ro.compcache.default=100:31
arrrghhhso does the mounted build.prop00:31
the_decoystill haven't found much docs on compcache00:31
arrrghhhwith jit enabled00:31
arrrghhhsupersede the system image, with jit disabled?00:31
the_decoyI _thought_ so but you would know better than me00:31
arrrghhhdon't start with me00:32
arrrghhhi would think so as well tho ;)00:32
arrrghhhthat would explain my call issues00:32
arrrghhhstupid build.prop.00:32
the_decoyas I said to F22, I have had so much drama with system_server while trying to test this build.prop that it is hard to get objective testing00:32
F22arrrghhh: you were using tiad's build.prop? :P00:34
arrrghhhin the test case... yes i would assume so00:36
arrrghhhi was trying to match this dude's setup.00:36
F22compache i'd imagine would slow things down since it compresses memory and that means every access requires decompression.00:39
the_decoyI think the whole thing is placebo00:39
arrrghhhman we gotta tell people to not use that build.prop.00:39
arrrghhhthe gralloc definitely helps.  acl and bzo made some adjustments to memory alllocation00:39
arrrghhhso as i understand it they are "correct" now.00:40
F22honestly i've thought a lot of what's in that thread was placebo from the very beginning. but tiad and some other seemed so certain, i didn't feel like arguing.00:40
the_decoyWould that explain why ACL left xvmalloc.ko out of this Dec-16 kenrel he posted?00:40
arrrghhhhe's literally just dragging stuff up from old neopeek builds.00:40
the_decoyor was rthat just forgotten like the wlan modules00:40
arrrghhhi don't know how to explain any of acl's actions :P00:41
F22i think acl probably isn't used to making kernels for non-rhodiums just as i wasn't.00:41
F22those modules aren't in the linux-msm kernel tree.00:41
F22apparently there was some debate over which ti wireless module would be used.00:42
F22so i think they have separate trees.00:42
the_decoyhmm ok00:42
F22there are two different drivers, one we use for non-rhodium android, and the other for more traditional linux distributions like ubuntu.00:43
the_decoyI am curious about xvmalloc.ko ramzswap.ko and rfkill_backport.ko00:44
the_decoythose are missing too00:44
the_decoyAnd the thing is, that Dec-16 runs GREAT (minus the lack of wifi)00:44
F22yes, there were 6 modules i pulled from glemsom's last build that weren't in our kernel tree.00:45
the_decoylike it is hands down the best run I have had with no OC00:45
the_decoyI just rolled back to Dec-11 and straight into another 80% cpu system_server proc00:45
F22i haven't noticed a difference. but i didn't have constant system_server issues.00:46
F22i only had that problem on my first boot-up. after that i was clear.00:47
F22when you went back to the Dec 11 kernel, did you go back to the Dec 11 modules file too?00:47
the_decoyyes of course :)00:48
the_decoyI am noob to xdandroid but I have beeb building kernels since 1997 :P00:49
F22which if my modules files do you have? the orig without the extra 6 drivers? the second one? or the smaller stripped third version?00:49
the_decoy2nd one00:50
the_decoy3rd one00:50
the_decoyI never got the 1st, then swapped the 2nd for 3rd00:50
F22i was just idly curious if you had run it with the 1st since that would have been comparable to acl's.00:51
the_decoyNo the link was already borked when I got to it00:51
F22yep, i didn't want to deal with any more complaints about topaz not working, so i zapped the link to force everyone who had copied the link to fix it.00:52
the_decoytimezone issues, I start work when it is afternoon for you guys00:52
F22on the other hand i have both the 2nd and 3rd links still up.00:52
the_decoyhmm really?00:52
* the_decoy checks00:53
F22i updated -my- post.00:53
F22tiad still has my 2nd link posted in a number of places though.00:53
F22i don't think he ever posted my third link.00:53
F22just my first two.00:53
the_decoyhis threads kinda messy I am checking now00:54
F221st post should have it.00:55
the_decoyYep, got it00:55
arrrghhhi keep trying to get tiad to clean up the first posts00:56
arrrghhhhe copypastas links to every freakin thread00:56
arrrghhhbut doesn't clean up his first post to make it easier on teh nooobs00:56
arrrghhhi should say copypasta's text to every thread haha00:56
the_decoyarg crap I got the fat one with no wlan :(00:57
F22fat one with no wlan?00:58
F22that one shouldn't be up any more.00:58
F22that should be a dead link.00:58
F22unless you're talking about acl's...00:58
the_decoyno it was a zip file called zImage and modules.12.11.zip00:59
the_decoycontains no wlan.ko00:59
the_decoyup on meaupload00:59
F22i never put anything up on megaupload.00:59
F22i used mediafire01:00
the_decoyI know just noiticed that01:00
the_decoyThink I've found it this time01:00
the_decoywas in a quoted post on page401:00
the_decoymediafire link for 7.2MB modules01:01
F22that's the fat one with wlan. :P01:01
F22they were 6.8, 7.2 and 0.8.01:02
the_decoyyep, got it01:02
arrrghhhtoo much crap01:02
the_decoynow just need to scp them up to a linux box to insert some modules01:02
arrrghhhthese build.prop's are a disease.01:02
F22the_decoy: what handset did you say you had?01:03
the_decoyAnd the one fsck'in thing I wanted it to do (change my locale) it still wouldn't do. FML01:03
the_decoyRHOD110 - Telstra TP201:03
F22i remember our previous convo now.01:03
the_decoyThat shit must be done in kernel based on keyb01:03
the_decoyreally am gonna need to commit my own rhod100_au or rhod110 option01:04
F22that's all in the rootfs as things currently stand.01:05
the_decoyI get en_UK on every boot and I can tell you that UK Google servers have some serious lag in Australia :P01:05
arrrghhhwhat's wrong on your layout?01:05
arrrghhhthat's what i'm not grasping.01:05
the_decoyLayout is fine01:05
the_decoybut something is telling that rootfs that I am in UK01:05
the_decoyI know for a fact that all the folks in US aren't running around with en_UK as their locale01:06
F22ah, he believes it's phoning to what it thinks is home in the uk every time he connects with google based on the phone keyboard.01:06
the_decoyNo "believe" it is obvious in maps an shit01:06
F22given that he lives in australia, that's quite a trip.01:07
the_decoyit actaully says contacting
arrrghhhi live in the usa, not a problem :D01:07
arrrghhhi wonder where that is decided tho.01:07
the_decoymy locale is set to "en_UK" when it needs to be "en_AU"01:07
arrrghhhthis isn't an android option?01:07
the_decoyThere is an app that lets me change it after I have booted but it is a PIA01:07
the_decoyNo option (not in a menu anyway)01:08
the_decoyWhole homescreen has to restart and shit after you change lcoale01:08
F22well, making a copy of the existing uk layout/keymap and calling it rhod110 instead of rhod100_uk is easy enough. not sure if it will fix your problem. but it's not hard to do.01:08
arrrghhhbabijoee's an aussie01:08
arrrghhhi wonder how he does it01:08
the_decoyI have read through the init scripts that ref the "rhod100_uk" option and none of them set the locale01:09
F22in fact i'm inclined to doubt that it would fix your problem, but who knows...*shrug*...stranger things have happened.01:09
the_decoyI have grep'ed the netire system.ext2 and root fs01:09
F22i'd assume that locale is set by either ip or gps info.01:09
the_decoytoo much coincidence that the one place in the world it picks is also the keyb location01:10
F22granted on that one.01:10
the_decoyHas to be something somewhere that is reading that kernel option01:10
arrrghhhit's not a smartpho... oh wait.01:10
the_decoyI can't find anything in rootfs (but I will concede it could still be somewhere in there)01:11
arrrghhhstinebd, would know01:11
the_decoyI have git'ed the repo at home now but haven't had time to grep thru yet01:11
the_decoyEverytime I try to explain it peopel just say "what's wrong with your key map" lol01:12
the_decoyI don't blame them01:12
F22hmm...i wonder how the new kernel and all the rest works with the new 3d google maps...01:13
the_decoylol, that will be some laggy ass shit if I am pulling it from other side of the planet01:13
the_decoythat said, tests with Maps and Navigate have worked pretty good01:14
arrrghhhg'nite guys01:14
the_decoyAt some point I think google just uses geolocation routing stuff to serve the data01:14
the_decoyIt i friday for me, so back in 2 days01:15
F22friday here too, but 1:15am friday. ;)01:15
the_decoy4:15pm :D01:15
the_decoyAlmost beer-o-clock01:16
F22btw, anyone have a problem with the usb charger every so often just deciding to stop charging and the battery running down while still plugged in?01:18
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the_decoyno, more often an issue for me is the SoD happening when plugged in overnight01:19
F22never had that happen to me. what's your pm.sleep_mode set to?01:19
the_decoy2 but I am pretty sure it happened on 1 too01:19
F22well mine is set to 2 also.01:20
the_decoyMan i hate SoD ... on winmo .. on android ...01:20
F22can you adb into your phone when that happens?01:21
the_decoyHaven't tried yet01:21
the_decoyCurrently just curse and reset :P01:22
F22if you can adb in, you can probably turn it back on once inside, assuming the kernel has the right info for your screen.01:23
the_decoyWOuld make sense, I have done it by calling it once01:23
the_decoybut if I hit too many buttons it is too far gone even for that01:23
the_decoyForgorive my noobness but still haven't looked in adb01:24
the_decoyI realiuse it is obvious a debugging interface throug hthe usb01:24
the_decoybut an app? for win? linux?01:24
F22it's a very useful tool for troubleshooting, but also for pushing and pulling files onto and from your handset. it can be used on both linux and windows, although i hear setup is harder on windows.01:25
F22i know arrrghhh found it painful to get working on windows. i run it on linux however and it's always worked fine for me. i think the main issue is setting up the compile environment for the sdk.01:27
F22adb is part of the sdk.01:28
the_decoyoh, my sdk env is fine. Just setup a ubuntu VMware host on my Win7 home mcahine01:28
F22it's in the tools dir.01:28
the_decoyhmm ... guess I will see what the USB device pass though is like in VMware01:28
the_decoythat or I will just linux up an older defunct pc01:28
F22you can also use adb to get a shell on your hanset.01:29
the_decoyI a pair of spare rack mount Dell PE2850's that would be great but they would make so much noise the wife would kill me01:29
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the_decoyhmm, remote shell :)01:30
the_decoyCurrent using connectBot to localhost01:30
the_decoybut hwne system_server goes nuts my key input goes mental01:31
F22yes, i've noticed that too.01:31
F22it get two or three of every key i press.01:31
the_decoykkkkkeeeeepppps dddoo iiiiing thiiiiiiis01:31
F22i've been there01:31
the_decoysit there just trying to run top and getting tttopp01:31
F22it's not a problem if you adb in from the other end.01:32
XirXesthat crap is the biggest reason i OC01:32
the_decoyhmm, must investigate then01:32
F22i've found that the more i overclock the more likely i am to have problems with system server. maybe it's just a coincidence, but that's been my experience. i have heard some people say the opp however, that they have more problems when they don't oc.01:34
the_decoyyes I would be in that camp, but I would like to not OC01:34
the_decoyruns very hot01:35
the_decoyand the ambient temp here is already kinda warm :P01:35
XirXesi was just talking about the input thing. my phone doesn't last long in android. maybe 2 hours tops before it locks up01:35
the_decoyoh, lol01:35
F22are you running FRX02 or 03 Xirx?01:36
F22wow. and you have a 210 like i do.01:36
F22don't know what to say. mine runs for days at a time.01:36
F22ever since FRX03.01:36
XirXeswithout oc i assume. i just cant do it. its to slow for me without it01:37
F22i'm overclocked to 61440001:37
XirXesmaybe ill try that number then. mine was at 712 or something like that but i took out my oc line for a few days and couldnt remember the number i was using so its at 700000 atm01:38
XirXesyou use pm sleep 2 right?01:39
F22yep, it's by 19.2 MHz increments.01:39
F22yep, pm.sleep_mode=201:39
XirXeshopefully i get better results with this clock. its booting now01:42
XirXesis the reason known why the phones always in landscape when it comes up?01:45
F22no idea, i haven't had the time to look into it.01:46
F22i think it's a known issue, just not a high priority one.01:46
XirXesi have noticed that if you hit one of the face keys during the boot animation when it gets around to loading the interface itl be in portait01:47
F22yup, i almost always hit a panel button reflexively to get it in portrait. haven't tried to do it while still on the boot ani though.01:48
XirXeswell i knew it would do it after but i tried it before and it worked. i just did it right after the animation started and it worked01:49
the_decoyWell, I gotto go. Thanks for the info F22. cya guys later01:50
F22Xirx, btw, you mapped the 2nd button to home didn't you if I recall correctly, to match the key right?01:50
XirXesi used to just use the menu key to do the initial unlock01:50
F22g'nite the_decoy01:50
the_decoyI have re-made acl's modules file and will tets them on the way home.01:50
XirXesi did but now i have a windows key there, the newest 210s are like that01:51
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XirXesits still my home key in both os's tho01:51
F22they changed them?01:51
F22i hate it when they do things like that.01:51
XirXesi was pretty upset about it01:52
F22so which key did you use for menu then?01:52
XirXesend is search01:52
F22standard android layout with menu and home reversed.01:53
XirXesi dont really think android has a standard layout, more like htc layout01:53
XirXesbut yeah, and thats only cause of personal preference01:54
F22i define standard by nexus one and nexus s.01:54
F22most android phones aside from the original g1 & magic/mytouch3g have that layout.01:54
XirXesnexus s has it back menu search home01:55
F22oh does it? hmm...i guess i'm mistaken then.01:55
F22i assume the galaxy s's match the nexus s.01:55
XirXesill look01:55
XirXeswell the epic has menu home back search, like mine01:57
F22hmm...the pic of the nexus s that i'm looking at right now looks the same.01:57
XirXesthe rest of the s line is with the epic01:57
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F22i just found some more pics with the bmsh ordering.01:59
F22wow, the pics don't all agree.01:59
XirXeslol. its like musical buttons01:59
XirXesthere all over the place man01:59
XirXesthe g2 has hmbs02:00
F22like the nex one02:00
F22lol, droid is back menu home search02:01
XirXesyup. man i want that phone. its like they took the tp2 and replaced the business with sexy02:01
XirXesthe droid 2 has a different order than the droid 102:02
XirXesyeah the g202:02
F22best buy has them on sale for $50 if you're a new customer.02:02
XirXesmy contract reup doesnt hit till feb 201202:03
F22that's quite a ways off...02:03
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XirXestho i still may be able to get a full discount this upcoming feb02:04
XirXesive done one year re ups before02:04
F22at full discount? you mean as in the normal reup price, as opposed to the new cust price.02:04
XirXesi wouldnt be able to do it at best buy. but normal reup price yeah02:05
F22tmo does have a pretty nice retentions department02:06
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XirXesive never had issues with there cust service02:06
i5nocanyone manage to reloack booloader on nex1 yet?02:07
F22their cust service has always been A+ as far as i'm concerned. their coverage on the other will say that their 3G service has improved tremendously over the past year.02:07
XirXeswe dont do that here02:07
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XirXesoh agreed02:07
XirXeswhenever im not home 3g is amazing02:07
F22still too many areas where it doesn't exist however.02:07
XirXesi get it in the entire valley i live in02:08
XirXesand i dont go anywhere else so im happy02:08
F22i get it in my town, but not in any of the surrounding towns.02:08
XirXesthat sucks02:09
F22it goes to crap if i'm in a really solid building02:09
F22my house is ok though02:09
F22if i visit any of my family members in the next town over, bye bye 3G.02:10
XirXesi get full edge in my house, so i always use wifi at home02:10
XirXesand my wifi completly obliterates 3g02:11
F22internet on 2G is like trying to take a drink from one of those little stirring straws for coffee. :P02:11
XirXesi actually got my tp2 like a month before 3g hit my area02:12
F22heh, i got mine 2 months before 3G hit my area.02:12
F22i nearly cancelled...02:12
F22i was very, very close...02:13
F223G was like a very nice Christmas present last year.02:13
XirXesi wasnt bothered. i had been using edge on my phones before so it was just the same internet i already had02:13
F22they turned it on like 2 days before Christmas.02:14
XirXesi was very excited to see the H on my phone02:14
XirXesand then i set about learning how to make that H be 3G in winmo02:14
F22if i were to get a new phone right now it would be a g2.02:17
XirXesthats deff one reason why i was willing to get this phone when there were fairly sexy android devices out. in winmo, theres a regedit for that02:18
F22nexus s is nice and all, but it doesn't have hspa+, a keyboard, or a removable sd card.02:18
XirXesthe other reason was that this had the best screen res on tmo at the time02:18
XirXesNo removable sd? blasphamy02:18
XirXesi would never buy a phone that i couldnt take the data out of phisically02:19
XirXeswhat if i smash it or something02:19
F22yes, same reason i got mine. best screen and kbd out at the time, and i knew this project was busy working on getting android on the phone...02:19
XirXesif it werent for this hardware being so damn sexy the touch viva would have been my last winmo phone02:20
F22i hope it isn't another 2 years before tmo has another decent android phone with a kbd. if that's the case i'll be gone by then.02:20
XirXesi fell in love with the tp2 when it was unvield at ces 2009. i told myself then i was gunna get it02:21
NaadJust a quick question, just updated to the 11 december kernel you uploaded F22, i get a loop on the boot animation.. never happened to me before, just give it a reboot or wait for a long while?02:22
XirXesim gunna get the g2 asap. but im jobless so itl prob be a while02:22
F22if it's looping, reboot. if the reboot doesn't fix it you may need to rename your data.img.02:23
F22how long has it been looping?02:23
Naad'bout 10 minutes now i gues..02:24
F22it really shouldn't be looping that long. reboot.02:24
Naadi'll give it another go, if it's still not working i'll do the usual things :)02:25
F22lol, you've been through this before...02:26
XirXesso far so good on the oc, has woken up instantly every time since. always used to hesitate before02:26
F22sounds good02:26
XirXeshave you ever tried minecraft? if you haven02:30
XirXest dont02:30
XirXesi cant stop02:30
F22have not02:31
F22i'll be sure to stay away.02:31
XirXesits just to damn good. its why wasn't on here for 2 weeks02:32
F22it's a game i take it, one that you have to pay for?02:33
XirXestheres a free version you can try but its really only a taste of the experience. i ended up buying it after spending a few hours in the free version02:34
XirXesits $10 until the 20th then it jumps to $15 till the betas over02:35
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XirXeswhen its released itl be $2002:36
F22I don't have an iPhone, a Mac, any ObjectiveC experience, or a  burning desire to pay $100 a year for the privilege of jumping through  arbitrary hoops in an opaque app approval process. If there's an iPhone port, it's not coming from me.02:36
F22that apparently was the author of minecraft on the possibility of an iphone port.02:37
XirXesits java based so it runs on all desktop os's02:37
F22interesting way to get early adopters to buy in.02:40
F22they can then go forth to preach the good news and make converts.02:41
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F22well it's pretty late here, time for bed.02:42
XirXesalright. its been fun02:42
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JeffXDAhey guys12:30
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XirXesstine, did you see? 2.3 hit AOSP13:57
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stinebdnope, didn't see it14:00
stinebduntil just now14:01
stinebdlooks like no named branch yet, it's living in master14:02
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XirXeshmm, are you going to play with it now or wait?14:02
stinebdit's not there yet14:06
stinebdengadget jumped the gun again14:06
stinebdlooking through the repositories, there are a few that got updated but it looks like the merge is in progress (and still early)14:07
XirXesyeah, they do that... well at least its happening.14:09
XirXesone of engadgets source links is to a google group created by the guy thats doing the merge, he says he'll put an all clear there when its ready14:10
stinebdwhy does it always happen on fridays?14:15
XirXesits friday?14:21
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F22wistilt seems to be back, 2 kernel patches already, possibly more coming, now gingerbread is hitting. busy day, busy day, and i have to leave soon... :(14:27
XirXes:( indeed for you14:28
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emweF22: which kernel patches are you talking of?16:19
stinebdthe fb crap16:22
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emwethat was not wistilt ;)16:24
emwestinebd: already tested an official kernel build?16:26
stinebdemwe: not yet16:27
stinebdthe wistilt thing was just an entry in his list of things causing business16:27
emwehope the other devices aren't broken. only could test raph.16:27
stinebdi'm sure they are16:28
stinebdthe fb thing fixes battery life and angry birds too right?16:28
emweplease go testing:
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stinebdlots of outputs!16:34
stinebdwhat a difference even on the bootanim16:35
emweyah, a bit chatty ;)16:36
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stinebdvery impressive16:37
coolsilverAny help I can provide to you guys?16:38
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XirXestrying it now on my rhod16:40
emwecoolsilver: just grab the package and test ;)16:40
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stinebdwow this is awesome16:42
coolsilverI'm on nand so  :D16:42
stinebdemwe: have you tried google maps with the new fb yet? smooth as silk16:43
NeoMatrixJRanyone know if there's a way to check the data.img for errors or problems?  I keep getting File I/O errors on the sqlite db's.16:43
coolsilverI been using my phone as a piggy for a while16:43
XirXesthe first draw of the boot anim was flickering every frame but after that got REALLY smooth16:43
emwestinebd: i think, yes. i tried a lot which usually just lagged here ;)16:44
emweand yes, the flickering is known. at leats for me ;)16:44
coolsilveryea the 3d driver and new FB is nice.16:45
XirXesdamn, no wifi16:48
stinebdworks on raph16:49
XirXesrhod doesnt have tiwlan16:50
XirXesin the wifi settings it says error16:50
XirXesi assume its cause the bcm module isnt there16:50
XirXesmy first boot with it was really bad with it but i rebooted and its buttery smooth16:54
emweXirXes: hm, i am building with bcm16:56
XirXessweet. i needs mah wifi. only get edge in my house16:57
emwei always mix them up... rhod has broadcom and the rest TI, right?16:57
XirXestopaz might have broadcom too but idk16:57
emwenope ;)16:58
emwei know we have the other thing than rhod.16:58
emwewhat's the module name?16:59
emweok, bcm432916:59
emweit's in.17:00
XirXesidk, im just an end user. the chip in the rhod is actually a 4325 tho. but i know the driver were using is from the 432917:00
XirXesthe only difference between the chips is wifi n17:02
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stinebdgingerbread manifest up18:39
stinebdthank god they upped the bandwidth on the mirrors18:41
Kraziedid they upgrade kernel to 2.3 or still messing w/ 2.2?18:57
Kraziei've been so busy lately, no idea wuts going on18:57
stinebd2.3 kernel??19:04
stinebdcrespo? is that what they're calling nexus s?19:07
stinebdoh god platform/prebuilt19:48
TheDeadCPUWhy don't we have a gingerbreadrom yet?20:15
TheDeadCPUYou suck stinebd.20:15
stinebdunlike certain secretive megacorporations, i wait to publish source code BEFORE doing releases.20:16
TheDeadCPUBut I expect a flashable 2.3 rom that will run from NAND NOW.20:17
stinebdsign up for our beta program to receive a pre-flashed developer device20:18
stinebdi'm still waiting for that cr48 btw20:18
TheDeadCPUI heard they stopped them20:18
stinebdfrom whom?20:19
stinebdas of yesterday they were still shipping20:19
stinebdin fact there are still tracking numbers trickling in20:19
stinebd1650 from yesterday so far20:19
TheDeadCPUSomeone  reported it due to like 5 being sold on them eBay20:19
stinebdthey'd probably hit a kill switch for sold notebooks20:21
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TheDeadCPUThis Desire Z needs some stable gingerbread love20:27
TheDeadCPUThat SDK port I had was shit20:28
stinebdthey always are20:28
stinebdbecause everything is done in software20:28
TheDeadCPUBut it was fun20:30
TheDeadCPUCyanogen is working hard on CM7 apperantly20:30
stinebdclone complete20:33
stinebdlol manifest changed20:35
TheDeadCPUBlast it with piss20:35
stinebdit means they missed something20:35
TheDeadCPUTotoro Catbus!20:36
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stinebdmerging underway21:11
stinebddon't. this is the long and painful part21:13
stinebddalvik and frameworks/base could be bad21:13
TheDeadCPUI still want to woop21:13
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stinebdlibgps removed from upstream libhardware_legacy21:27
TheDeadCPUTry killing it with fire21:27
stinebdlooks like that's all they changed in libhl, so maybe we can push it and it'll all just work21:28
stinebdinitial merge done21:35
TheDeadCPUI wish I still had my TP21:36
TheDeadCPUIt died21:36
stinebd<project path="external/chromium" name="platform/external/chromium" />21:37
stinebdin the gingerbread manifest21:38
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stinebdnew manifest pushed21:43
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F22emwe: i was talking about your commits, not wistilt's, i was merely commenting that it was good to see him back.22:10
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stinebdbuilding :o23:02
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