Sunday, 2010-10-10

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newcomercan anybody tell if the T-Mobile MDA is compatible for XD Android?04:56
newcomerwin mobile version 6.104:56
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casefanSo what is the latest stuff that I could run @ my blackston. Currently I'm running the XDAndroid 2.2 final with FRX02 pre release system file + 1butlatest kernel because the latest one doesn't boot.06:06
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miko_hi i need arabic lang for samsung galaxi s08:26
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josh20 have a problem installing on my topaz wrote us this error pc = 0001786009:40
josh20 have a problem installing on my topaz wrote us this error pc = 0001786009:41
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arrrghhhcamro, what's the good word15:19
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camroarrrghhh: god's word or good word ? :)15:46
phhI haven't said anything interesting.15:50
TheDeadCPUMe neither.15:50
TheDeadCPUI never do anyways.15:50
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camrohehe, phh see the word "god" and is thinking we are talking about him - LOL16:37
camrophh: not always :) there are several gods ;-)16:37
camroany new today ?16:37
camronew commits ?16:38
phhnot that i'm aware of16:38
camromust look ...16:38
camroah, ok16:38
camrothen i will take care of my wife :)16:38
phh(I think I've something to commit but I'm not sure what)16:38
camrowell, for me the most important thing is the usb gadget16:39
camroafter that i can sync with my version16:39
camrodon'T want to handle different git's16:39
camrook, cu16:39
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JesusFreak316Downloded the new system, backing up my files before I do a fresh format then I'll post results. Good to be back using my phone again.18:05
Unholywhat happen to your phone?18:06
JesusFreak316Just decided not to use it for a few weeks to focus on school. It's not really a phone as much as a pda.18:08
Unholyi see18:09
JesusFreak316Why do I hav to have 14gb of data on my sd? :(18:09
xdandroidNew kernel available (20101011_000034) at
Unholygah i wish my moto cliq would work,now im stuck with my tp and i cant get it enter usb mode18:14
JesusFreak316Android or Winmo?18:15
Unholyim pretty shure the usb board part is lose or something18:16
JesusFreak316That sucks. :/ Why do you need usb atm?18:16
Unholyneed to back up some files to my pc, so i can copy them voer to my 8gb sdcard18:16
JesusFreak316You don't have an sd card reader?18:17
Unholynop =/18:18
Unholyim not really worrid18:18
JesusFreak316I have one but don't know where it is. Is the 8gb card new?18:19
Unholynah pretty old18:19
Unholylike hmm 6 moths18:19
JesusFreak316Ah, just wondering if you were transferring files after an upgrade.18:20
JesusFreak316Copying 64,031 files 12.2 GB 40 minutes remaining.18:21
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Unholyhmm just booted froyo and it crashed/reloaded it self, strange19:22
JesusFreak316Still formatting my sd, lol.19:23
JesusFreak316Crashed to the boot animation?19:23
Unholydamn XD19:23
Unholyi just now finished trasfering files back to my 8gb one19:24
JesusFreak316I didn't do quick format though.19:24
Unholygiving latest froyo a test, havent touched android on the tp for like 4 moths now19:24
JesusFreak316Still no camera. :p19:26
Unholycamera is the least of my concenrs, XD what about battery life?19:28
stinebdgood news19:28
stinebdwe got it down to 3 hours19:29
JesusFreak316hooray for the dev team!19:29
Unholylol stinebd19:29
JesusFreak316I seriously regret not clicking quick format now.19:32
Unholywhy would you not do that ?19:59
JesusFreak316I though maybe it'd be a better format. I often go for quality at the expense of everything else. lol19:59
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* Reefermattness waves22:08
Reefermattnesssup guys22:08
Reefermattnessstinebd, can i get link to new gapps package plzz sir?  :)22:08
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R^7Zseen arrrghhh22:27
R^7Zxdandroid; seen arrrghhh22:27
xdandroidR^7Z: arrrghhh was last seen in #xdandroid 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <arrrghhh> camro, what's the good word22:27
R^7Zah, i see22:27
R^7Zxdanroid: later tell arrrghhh to look at this link
R^7Zdunno if that works... how was it setup earlier?22:29
R^7Zxdandroid: later tell R^7Z test22:29
xdandroidR^7Z: The operation succeeded.22:29
R^7Zah ha!22:30
R^7Zxdandroid: later tell arrrghhh check this out
xdandroidR^7Z: The operation succeeded.22:30
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reverendkjrSoo... what is the best kernel to use with the FRX02?22:44
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Reefermattnessreverendkjr: check this out, will help you keep up to date on your kernel23:01
reverendkjrthat seems like a nifty tool.  I've been away from the scene for a bit, not its time to play catch up.23:09

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