Monday, 2010-09-27

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mesis /system/etc/apns-conf.xml the real location of apn names?02:36
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TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen CazH04:42
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: CazH was last seen in #xdandroid 3 weeks, 2 days, 12 hours, 46 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <CazH> not all that impressive04:42
kalemasafter update to latest kernels android feel work fast enough but after time it become slowly again05:08
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Gwuat-manHey has the installation process for the rhodium changed?10:05
Gwuat-manHTC TP210:05
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Gwuat-man_After extracting the ext2 file to the SD card what is the next step? In the install10:09
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Matzeminki know it's annoying to refer to HD2 android developing ... BUT xD ... they've got a standby power consumption below 8mA Oo10:28
Matzemink... because of a specific WinMo ROM !10:29
Gwuat-man_hello after extracting the ext2 file to the sd card what is the next step...everything i am trying is not working10:30
Matzemink... and here's the evidence!10:30
Matzeminkdoes anybody know wo can do this for the xdandroid devices?10:31
Matzeminkand will it solve our battery issue, too?10:32
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Matzeminkno devs there?10:36
kalemasMatzemink: most of devs are on #htc-linux11:03
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hamagcgood morning gang12:12
hamagcxdandroid: seen camro12:12
xdandroidhamagc: camro was last seen in #xdandroid 2 days, 22 hours, 9 minutes, and 22 seconds ago: <camro> but, it's ok .. i must prepare my things via adb, and then call the batch script12:12
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mesdoes anyone know the process that does power off?13:04
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* hamagc dances around the channel16:03
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freeouthi all. i have a question, can a damage a phone when I'm install android?16:22
hamagcwell depends16:24
hamagcwhat device?16:24
hamagcare you flashing nand or sdcard?16:25
hamagcthen no harm. you can always reboot and be back in windows16:26
freeoutIt's good16:26
hamagcthats right, diamond2 doesn't have nand yet.16:26
hamagcso no harm can be done. enjoy!16:26
freeoutDo you now why in official suit haven't a android? sorry for english16:27
freeoutI can download only     XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.ext216:28
freeoutWhen I download a XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.7z after unzip I see a XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.ext216:29
hamagcthey are both just system updates, you want the full package.16:33
hamagcthats the latest full package16:35
freeoutthanks a lot16:36
hamagcno problem16:37
hamagcalso when you install it all, make sure you use the correct startup.txt for the diamond 2.16:38
freeoutokey thanks16:40
freeoutI must copy only "andboot" folder to card or each folder to card?16:42
hamagcandboot should have everything in it16:44
hamagc should give you all the info you need16:45
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freeout:( when i'm open haret.exe htc only reboot16:48
hamagcsounds like the wrong startup.txt16:50
freeoutstartup.txt correct16:51
freeoutfor topaz16:52
hamagcwhen does it reboot the phone? as soon as the line fills in haret?16:53
hamagcdo you get a blackscreen with text on it16:53
freeoutwhen i'm openinig haret.exe the phon was reboot and i don't get a blackscreen with text16:55
freeoutand then I see windows mobile loading16:56
hamagcthats a startup.txt problem. check that you have the correct one again and try again.16:58
freeouti was cheking and try but nothing17:01
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hamagcset ramsize 0x1000000017:13
hamagcset ramaddr 0x1000000017:13
hamagcset mtype 229317:13
hamagccheck those values in startup.txt17:13
freeoutvalues in startup.txt:17:16
freeoutset ramsize 0x10000000 set ramaddr 0x10000000 set mtype 2293 set KERNEL zImage set initrd initrd.gz set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off sensor=topaz rel_path=andboot" boot17:16
hamagchmm interesting17:16
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hamagccheck post #2 and make sure everything is setup right17:18
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freeoutI download again and it work I see black screen and loadig proces17:22
freeoutooo... no i see only green fly guys17:23
freeoutIt's work!!!17:26
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hamagcthere ya go!17:28
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freeoutYes its great!!! But camera dont't work. Do you now same fix?17:47
hamagcno camera yet17:48
hamagcsomething still being worked on17:48
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freeoutthanks for all bye17:54
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mesdoes anyone know the process that does power off? /sdcard is unmounted correctly but the others are not19:43
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mesis that ,does it run like a real init?19:45
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messo could exec / in /init, be replaced with just / and have control return to init, leaving it to unmount FS's?20:00
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JesusFreak316^ Anyone wanna try that out?20:11
JesusFreak316I don't know where my fuze is atm.20:11
stinebdmes: ShutdownService (indeed invoked by - i've browsed through the code before but didn't go deep enough to figure out how it determines which filesystems to attempt to unmount20:12
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stinebdmes: it's in aosp/frameworks/base if you're interested in reading it20:13
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stinebdmes: err make that ShutdownThread, sorry20:14
stinebdsince it's not actually a service20:15
mesyes, I'll look at it, I had to change init.rc to mount / rw, so unmounting would be a good thing20:29
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messtinebd, do you know where the wifi service is delt with? I finanlly setup dropbear, but it's of no use if it doesn't start after the wifi is brought up20:35
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Any chance you could check an app out for me? I don't know where my fuze is atm. This guy tweaked the kwaak3 quake3 port and put it on the market. I want to know if the performance is any better in his version.20:35
arrrghhhi don't have a RAPH no mo dude...20:36
arrrghhhi could test on my RHOD if you want...20:36
JesusFreak316Oh, nah, it needs hw3d which RHOD doesn't have atm, correct?20:37
arrrghhhit just got it20:40
arrrghhhi think the commit was yesterday lol20:40
arrrghhhtp2 section is poppin because of it.  droves of monkeys.20:40
JesusFreak316Really? Good for you guys. They finally got over the vram problems I guess.20:40
arrrghhhand not the fun monkeys.  the claw-your-face monkeys.20:40
arrrghhhyea, i guess you can't go over 109mb20:41
JesusFreak316That's what I figured.20:41
arrrghhhat least that's what bzo was saying.20:41
arrrghhhif he kept it under that limit, it wouldn't crash.20:41
arrrghhhhe's not sure about other devices tho.20:41
JesusFreak316I was more talking about the video ram, something closer to 8mb but I don't really know much about it. :P20:41
arrrghhhyea i don't know squat20:41
arrrghhhjust what i read20:41
JesusFreak316Nonetheless, good for you guys.20:41
JesusFreak316The apps called quake3droid and it should be in the market.20:42
arrrghhhyea that dude posted on both tp1 & 2 sections with that [PRJ] thread.20:42
JesusFreak316Do you know what device the driver's from? I would assume it's the same driver just tweaked so it works for wvga.20:42
arrrghhhnot sure20:43
arrrghhhdidn't the guy say in his post?  i read it real quick before leaving work today.20:43
JesusFreak316Say what?20:43
messtinebd, frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/
arrrghhhi could just be spouting nonsense, i did just get home from work.20:44
arrrghhhtrying to scrub away the memories of work ATM.20:44
JesusFreak316Say what in his post?20:45
arrrghhhi'll double-check the thread 1 sec20:45
arrrghhhare you not asking me to do this because of that XDA post?20:45
JesusFreak316Oh, yeah.20:46
JesusFreak316He just posted nearly the same thread on a bunch of forums to get more testers. Since our build is a little different, no multitouch, flaky hw3d it's hard to know how it'll work.20:47
arrrghhhok, i'm just spouting nonsense.20:47
arrrghhhhe didn't say what device the driver is from.20:47
JesusFreak316Oh, it's probably the same one as the tp1.20:48
JesusFreak316Is the app on the market?20:48
arrrghhhnot sure20:48
JesusFreak316You checked?20:49
arrrghhhc'mon you can check appbrain lol20:49
arrrghhhi'm checking appbrain now20:49
arrrghhhi am testing kernels and they're not booting android20:49
JesusFreak316Why check when you are perfectly capable? :P20:49
arrrghhhcuz i'm not!20:50
arrrghhhand it's not on appbrain20:50
JesusFreak316Huh. I didn't see it in the Android SDK emulator either. I didn't want to say anything 'til I knew for sure. I guess I'll say something now.20:50
JesusFreak316it is on androlib though.20:52
arrrghhhi think he's got all the stuff in his post20:52
arrrghhhalthough he does say it is on the market as well20:52
arrrghhhi've noticed people posting saying we don't have full market access because of build.prop issues & our devices not being 'official'20:53
arrrghhhi haven't had any issues, but i don't download 10,000 apps either.20:53
JesusFreak316Ditto; only app missing I've seen is angry birds though.20:53
arrrghhhlol everyone asks about that20:54
arrrghhhmust be a pretty awesome game!20:54
JesusFreak316It's a fun game, lol.20:54
JesusFreak316My sister has an ipod touch.20:54
JesusFreak316What's the official RHOD xdandrioid thread?20:55
JesusFreak316I wan to see the monkeys. :D20:55
arrrghhhofficial lol20:55
arrrghhhoh they're all over ppcg and xda20:55
JesusFreak316Oh, never check ppcg.20:55
arrrghhhi guess that's the 'official' thread.20:55
arrrghhhthere's more CDMA guys on that site20:56
arrrghhhso i like going there20:56
arrrghhhplus, that's the only place wozz has a nand testing thread to my knowledge.20:56
arrrghhhdamnit i have no service.  i must've missed this startup...20:57
JesusFreak316Wow, how did I miss that thread at the top of the page? O.o20:57
JesusFreak316It booted this time though?20:57
arrrghhhyea, this isn't a test kernel.20:58
JesusFreak316Does Wifi work?20:59
mesarrrghhh, you pointed me to a NAND thread at ppcg, but I can't seem to find any discussion about building a NAND21:00
arrrghhhmes, well it's not a full NAND... still depends on the SD card.21:02
arrrghhhwifi's worked for a while21:02
mesyes but how do you make it?21:02
arrrghhhi didn't test if it was re-busted haha21:02
arrrghhhmes, make it?  not sure.  i only know how to install/run it if that's what you mean... i'm pretty sure it's based on tinboot.21:02
JesusFreak316Yeah, I meant with that specific kernel.21:03
arrrghhhwell i'm testing several... which one haha?21:03
JesusFreak316Any particular reason you're testing?21:04
JesusFreak316I meant the one that you said had no service.21:04
arrrghhhoh i think that was a  startup.txt issue that i'm looking at now21:04
mesmake it, you know start with source code, compile, link organize it to boot from whatever a NBH is21:04
arrrghhhand i'm testing all sortsa stuff for RHOD, whatever devs are working on.21:04
mesbut tinboot I'll look it up21:04
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arrrghhhmes, ah.  i would not be the guy who could help you there21:04
arrrghhh<------ not even close to being a dev.21:05
JesusFreak316Oh, ok.21:05
JesusFreak316<------- me either.21:05
arrrghhhmes, in that thread i think that NeoPeek guy asks about it and acl gives him links to the sources...21:05
arrrghhhdo you need a link to that thread again...?21:05
Mangeruwould anyone be able to help me out with XDAndroid 2.2 (rel 1.6) for verizon touch pro221:05
arrrghhhwhat do you mean rel 1.6...?21:06
mesarrrghhh, no I still have it open, but I'll look for Neopeek21:06
JesusFreak316Mangeru: What's your issue?21:06
arrrghhhmes, alrighty.  i think it's page 6, that thread isn't so unweildly lol21:06
arrrghhhthat may be a good place to start JesusFreak316 lol21:06
mesno, not like some others I know21:07
Mangerumy phone keeps shutting off on it own21:08
Mangeruthe keyboard doesnt light up21:08
JesusFreak316Mangeru: When you say shut off do you mean reboots into winmo or just freezes and won't resume.21:09
Mangeruit reboots to the dualboot screen21:09
JesusFreak316I don't think the keyboard light is currently supported on tp2, though I could be mistaken.21:09
JesusFreak316Okay, that's Winmo. All that app does is tell winmo to close and start android.21:10
JesusFreak316You updated to all the newest files? zImage, rootfs.img, system.ext2 etc?21:10
arrrghhhkeyboard light does not currently work on tp221:12
arrrghhhif you want it stuck on all the time, turn it on while booting android.21:12
JesusFreak316arrrghhh owns a tp2; I don't.21:12
arrrghhhsame with the 4-button lights at the bottom of the phone.  but there is an awesome dev working on these things + ambient light sensor.  his code works very, very well and hopefully it'll get commited into the mainline soon.21:12
arrrghhhMangeru, what build are you running?21:13
Mangeruim not sure21:13
arrrghhhwhere did you download it from?  was it called reference, blazn?21:13
arrrghhhdid you just click randomly on the interwebs and manage to get it downloaded & installed?  if so, i am impressed.21:14
Mangerui tried to use the zip file with zImage, rootfs.img, system.ext2 but that got stuck on the booting screen21:14
Mangeruso i did the cab file21:14
arrrghhhthe cab is dangerous21:14
arrrghhhMGJDroidUtil hasn't been updated yet21:14
arrrghhhand it causes horrible damage to the startup.txt at random21:15
arrrghhhor what seems like random.21:15
Mangeruoh man21:15
Mangerushould i delete that whole thing from the phone?21:15
arrrghhheh sure why not21:16
arrrghhhalways a good idea to start clean21:16
Mangerui also tried to do it with the RhodiumXDAndroid26.01.10 zip file21:16
Mangerubut android didnt load21:17
arrrghhhas in janurary 26?21:17
arrrghhhi think i spelt that wrong eep!21:17
arrrghhhjanuary, god that's awful.21:17
arrrghhheither way, that's an OLD build.  where are you getting this stuff from?21:17
arrrghhhMangeru, i thought you said you have a touchpro2...?21:18
Mangerufor verizon21:18
arrrghhhso would you like to tell me what you're doing in the blackstone section downloading builds lol!?!?21:18
arrrghhhthat thread is also outdated.21:19
arrrghhhlast update 9/3... i mean not that outdated.  but still, outdated.21:19
arrrghhhbesides the fact that it's not even in the right section for your device.21:20
JesusFreak316Try this download:
Mangerui could not find the one for the rhodium21:20
JesusFreak316It's the overclocked and tweaked build.21:20
arrrghhhMangeru, you've GOT to be kidding me.21:20
JesusFreak316Newest everything.21:20
Mangeruthank you jesus freak21:21
arrrghhhnice, handfeed him the attack page link21:21
Mangeruim all new to this android on winmo thing21:21
JesusFreak316I do what I can. :)21:21
Mangerui just got fed up with winmo21:21
arrrghhhMangeru, that's why you should do a LOT more reading21:21
JesusFreak316Do you have winrar or 7-zip installed?21:21
arrrghhhand don't be feeding the wildlife JesusFreak316... c'mon now.21:21
JesusFreak316Is that betterr?21:22
arrrghhhthat's much better21:22
JesusFreak316There's some reading amterial for you.21:22
arrrghhhMangeru, seriously tho, i have read SO much about this project, and i still feel like i know very little.21:22
arrrghhhthere's just a lot to know, you can't just expect to jump into it and have it work perfectly.  it's not exactly ready for general consumption yet.21:22
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: What would you call ready for general consumption?21:23
Mangeruwell dont be dick and tell me that from the start21:23
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, flashable.  idiot-proof basically.21:23
* arrrghhh is a dick21:23
arrrghhhand i don't care21:23
arrrghhhwhy would i have to tell you that from the start?21:23
JesusFreak316Mangeru: True, but no need to call names.21:23
JesusFreak316It is always a good idea to read ALOT before you try complex thing like this.21:24
arrrghhhnah, it's a fair assessment.  but you're an idiot n00b who thinks they can swim in the ocean with no swimming lessons.21:24
JesusFreak316Mangeru: Number one thing though; read that faq page I listed.21:25
Mangerui definitely will21:25
JesusFreak316How about for now though we get that build I posted for you working? ;)21:26
JesusFreak316You downloading it yet?21:26
Mangeruits downloaded21:27
Mangeruill give it a try now21:27
JesusFreak316First things first though.21:27
JesusFreak316Extract it then edit your startup.txt21:28
Mangerualready extracted it21:28
Mangeruwhat should i edit it to?21:29
JesusFreak316You MUST change your mtype in startup.txt to something21:29
JesusFreak316lol looking it up now21:29
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, that'll be right21:30
arrrghhhthe only thing he should need to change from that fresh build is the force_cdma command21:30
JesusFreak316But he has a rhod500...21:30
arrrghhhthat's a different mtype?21:31
Mangeruedit it before it goes on the sd card?21:31
JesusFreak316CDMA right?21:31
arrrghhhMangeru, before or after, doesn't make a difference.21:31
JesusFreak316Doesn't matter when you edit as long as you do it before you start haret.exe21:31
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, i think the devices are similar enough.  there's just a rhod startup and a tilt2 startup.21:32
JesusFreak316Oh, well then go ahead and try it.21:32
arrrghhhMangeru, so find that force_cdma command.  should say it equals 0 by default, change it to 1.21:32
JesusFreak316True, that one's important.21:32
arrrghhhthat should be the only thing you'll need to adjust from that download mr. JesusFreak316 sent.21:32
JesusFreak316Mr. lol21:33
JesusFreak316Not "Mr. lol" but lol you called me Mr. :p21:33
Mangeruso after i change that to one is good to go on the card?21:34
JesusFreak316Should be.21:35
Mangeruill give it a try now21:35
messtinebd, it seems the rootdelay=10 or some number is necessary as well21:35
* JesusFreak316 Crosses fingers21:36
JesusFreak316I actually showed a guy in my calc class Monday how to use xdandroid. lol21:36
JesusFreak316Meant Friday.21:36
Mangeruthe xandroid is an awesome thing21:37
Mangeruhavent start it yet21:38
Mangerubut im just saying that its a really awesome idea21:38
JesusFreak316Oh, do it! The suspense is killing me!!!21:38
JesusFreak316That it is; that it is. Thankfully it's much more than an idea though.21:38
Mangeruits bootinh21:38
JesusFreak316Well, that at least means the mtype was correct.21:39
Mangeruthe xandroid animation came on21:41
JesusFreak316Did that happen before?21:41
Mangeruit worked21:41
Mangerubut theres no service21:41
JesusFreak316What about wifi?21:42
JesusFreak316Not even phone service?21:42
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arrrghhhfirst boot can take up to 10 mins21:44
JesusFreak316It's already finished I assume since he said he has no service.21:45
arrrghhhoh i thought he was talking about the last boot21:45
arrrghhhi followed that wrong21:45
JesusFreak316Actually you might be right but my grammar Nazi side noticed he used present tense.21:47
arrrghhhMangeru, confirm!21:48
Mangeruit loaded21:48
arrrghhhwe need to settle this argument21:48
arrrghhhand i think i was right :P21:48
Mangerubut when i try to open an application it reboots itself21:48
JesusFreak316If you're right all you proved is that his grammar is lacking, lol.21:48
JesusFreak316Any application?21:48
arrrghhhi heard people reporting this with the browser21:49
JesusFreak316Reboots into Winmo or the Android boot animation?21:49
arrrghhhi was never able to reproduce it.21:49
Mangeruit rebooted to android21:49
arrrghhhMangeru, can you let it sit for a little bit before opening an app?21:49
JesusFreak316That's better than rebooting to winmo at least.21:49
arrrghhhi don't get why it happens tho.  i'm wondering if there's an issue with the RHOD50021:50
Mangerucan it be the tikl app?21:50
Mangeruit happened when i tried to open it 3 times in a row21:51
arrrghhhMangeru, you've already downloaded apps?21:51
arrrghhhso the market worked...?21:51
arrrghhhyou did start with a clean build, i assume...21:51
Mangerui did with the other one you said it was a bad one21:51
Mangeruthe cab one21:51
arrrghhhwell wait21:52
arrrghhhif you started with a clean build21:52
arrrghhhyou shouldn't have any apps21:52
Mangeruoh then it wasnt a clean build21:52
* JesusFreak316 slaps forehead.21:52
Mangerubecause it has the facebook app i downloaded with the other one21:53
arrrghhhoy ve21:53
arrrghhhdid you copy over what you had?21:53
JesusFreak316Reboot to Windows Mobile, delete data.img, then reboot android.21:53
arrrghhhand it very well may be that tikl app dude21:53
arrrghhhnot all apps work - start with the ones in the build lol21:53
JesusFreak316That should fix your data connection too.21:53
arrrghhhand yes, delete the data.img and boot again.  i guess we weren't clear enough - you should've deleted everything from the cab.21:54
arrrghhhi thought you said you were going to do that in fact.21:54
Mangeruim going to reboot on winmo and delete that21:54
Mangeruyea i deleted the cab21:54
JesusFreak316That would explain the fast boot, lol.21:54
JesusFreak316Yeah, the cab installs a bunch of stuff that has to be deleted separately.21:55
arrrghhh"<Mangeru> oh man21:55
arrrghhh<Mangeru> should i delete that whole thing from the phone?21:55
arrrghhh<arrrghhh> eh sure why not21:55
arrrghhh<arrrghhh> always a good idea to start clean"21:55
arrrghhhoh if you uninstall the cab it doesn't remove all the stuff it puts on the SD?21:55
arrrghhhi guess that makes sense... meh.21:55
arrrghhhi loathe the cab.  it fosters ignorance of the underlying system.21:56
Mangeruso anything i should delete apart from data.img?21:56
arrrghhhso did you just copy over what you had i'm guessing?21:57
arrrghhhhow did you get the extracted rar onto the SD?21:57
Mangerui did 7zip21:57
arrrghhheverything else should've overwritten... system.ext2, zimage, etc.21:57
JesusFreak316Just data.img.21:57
Mangerubut i deleted the cab before doing all of that21:57
arrrghhhthat doesn't answer my question, but whatever.  delete the data.img and boot again.21:57
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: What about the cache folder? I've heard some people recommend deleting that too.21:58
arrrghhhuhm... i honestly don't know what that does.21:58
arrrghhhi almost want to say format the sd and start truly fresh.21:58
arrrghhhnot like it takes a long time.21:58
JesusFreak316Depends on how many files he needs to back up. That would take hours for me.21:59
JesusFreak31690% filled 16gb card.21:59
arrrghhhis it music?22:00
arrrghhhthat's filling your SD that is.22:00
JesusFreak316Lots of music, winmo apps, 2 xdandroid builds, ubuntu, etc.22:00
JesusFreak316Final Fantasy 7 doesn't help lol.22:01
Mangeruin what file would data.img be?22:02
arrrghhhMangeru, probably andboot22:02
arrrghhhi'm assuming you meant folder22:02
arrrghhhdata.img is a file22:02
arrrghhhdamnit now i'm a grammar nazi.22:02
arrrghhhor a tech term nazi22:02
arrrghhheither way.22:02
Mangeruthatswhat i meant22:02
arrrghhhyea, i made a radical assumption lol22:03
Mangerui dont have that folder22:03
Mangerui mightve deleted it with the cab file22:04
arrrghhhwhat do you have on your SD22:04
JesusFreak316^ Good question.22:04
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, to avoid the OT in the thread, i swear the mutlitouch worked on the raph.  it basically calculates the distance between the touches and voila multitouch.  it only works for 2 points i assume22:05
arrrghhhperhaps i can find the thread in question22:05
arrrghhhgood god my laptop is on fire.22:05
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Yes that is true but that isn't useful for the game. It's only really useful for pinch zoom.22:05
arrrghhhi'm not sure why it wouldn't be22:06
JesusFreak316One point must stay stationary for the algorithm to work.22:06
JesusFreak316That's why.22:06
arrrghhhbut i don't really know that much about the technical details behind it22:06
arrrghhhlol that would cause an issue.  didn't realize that :P22:06
JesusFreak316It essentially just notices when the position of the touch on the screen and jumps, then determines where the second touch would be so that it detects the midpoint.22:07
JesusFreak316*Not and jumps just "jumps"22:07
JesusFreak316It's a relatively simple, but effective hack.22:08
arrrghhhyea, that's definitely sweet.  i didn't realize you couldn't move both points tho.22:09
JesusFreak316It'd be cool to incorporate that into xdandroid, but that might be pretty low on the to-do list. :)22:09
arrrghhhMangeru, so you still haven't told us what's the on the SD... are you just formatting and starting fresh?22:09
arrrghhhoh yea22:09
Mangeruill have to do that22:09
arrrghhhthat'd be like a oh so now that we're flashing this and there's nothing left to fix haha...22:09
Mangerubut i have to back up a whole bunch of pictures and videos22:10
JesusFreak316I don't know for a fact that you can't but I don't see how it could calculate the position if one finger moves.22:10
arrrghhheh you don't have to Mangeru22:10
arrrghhhyou should have backups of all that stuff anyways, there's potential for XDAndroid to damage the SD.22:10
JesusFreak316Always have a backup of sd.22:10
JesusFreak316I've never had an issue but there's always the possibility. Very unlikely.22:11
Mangeruwill do22:11
arrrghhhnow i've never had an issue... but all i have on the card are xda builds and some music i grabbed thru subsonic.  so i could lose it all and not shed a tear lol22:11
arrrghhhjust have to put in the 'at your own risk' caveat.22:11
JesusFreak316pretty much, but lots of people ignore that statement then complain at us when something messes up.22:12
Mangerushould i start the whole thing over22:12
arrrghhhof course22:13
JesusFreak316arrghhh? Why?22:13
arrrghhhoh sorry22:13
Mangerui have to step away but i really really appreciate you guys walking me through this22:13
arrrghhhof course was to your statement JesusFreak31622:13
arrrghhhMangeru,  you don't have to start over, but you never went over what's on your sd.22:14
JesusFreak316Just delete data.img and boot again.22:14
JesusFreak316Mangeru: You're welcome; we can't help develop the project so we help you get it working. :)22:15
arrrghhhyea, i thought he couldn't find his data.img22:15 guys have been really helpful22:15
arrrghhhbut if it's not at the root or in the andboot folder, Android probably won't boot.22:15
arrrghhhunless he modded the startup with the rel_path statement, which i seriously doubt.22:16
JesusFreak316Yeah, where'd you extract the .rar to?22:16
arrrghhhit's gotta be either at the root of the SD or in the andboot folder...22:16
Mangeruim extracting it to the root of the sd22:17
arrrghhhyour data.img should be there as well.22:17
JesusFreak316Yeah, you delete it yet?22:18
Mangeruhavent found it yet22:18
Mangeruill try to get that straighten out22:18
Mangeruthank you so much fellas22:18
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JesusFreak316otay, there he goes.22:19
JesusFreak316or she I guess.22:19
arrrghhhi don't think a chick would go online with a handle like Mangeru LOL22:19
JesusFreak316What's Mangeru?22:20
JesusFreak316Do I want to know?22:20
arrrghhheh i dunno.  just sounds... not girly.22:20
arrrghhhit's got man in the name, c'mon.22:20
JesusFreak316Love guru?22:21
JesusFreak316That's what I thought of.22:21
arrrghhhman guru.... *shudders*22:21
JesusFreak316Soooo, how's the kernel testing going?22:23
arrrghhhi keep hoping to catch WisTilt222:24
arrrghhhhe's doing some awesome work.22:24
arrrghhhall of camro's kernels won't boot :P22:24
JesusFreak316What are they working on mainly atm?22:25
camroonly on rhod22:25
camrothere is a usb/battery problem22:25
arrrghhhwell WisTilt is working on ambient light sensor & button lights.  hopefully kbd lights to follow.22:25
arrrghhhcamro, haha no worries dude.  it booted in NAND, but ACL keeps telling me that kernel isn't meant for NAND.22:26
camromy test kernel is only for haret22:26
JesusFreak316Would ambient light work for all devices? That would be VERY nice to have.22:26
arrrghhhperhaps there's something that i don't understand about NAND booting... i may not have been using your kernel at all.22:27
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, he has a Tilt2... so i'm not sure if it's any other devices.22:27
arrrghhhlol you can test the kernel if you want to22:27
JesusFreak316Everyone seems to be working on RHOD and HD2 now.22:27
arrrghhhyea, HD2 has made ridiculous progress.22:28
JesusFreak316At least stinebd and phh still have raphaels.22:28
JesusFreak316Yeah, camera even works.22:28
arrrghhhi know it22:28
arrrghhhit seems that sneaky russian Coutella has some NAND code in the works22:29
JesusFreak316For Rhod or hd2?22:29
JesusFreak316I know rhod is almost done.22:29
JesusFreak316I thought I heard hd2 was close too.22:29
arrrghhheh, not almost...22:29
arrrghhhare you talking about NAND or overall?22:29
JesusFreak316I knew that was a bad choice of words right after I said it.22:30
JesusFreak316I meant nand.22:30
arrrghhhi dunno.  i thought wozz was real close, but last i heard he was stuck...22:30
arrrghhhhaven't seen him on here in a while22:30
arrrghhhor posting on ppcg, kinda worries me lol22:31
arrrghhhactually no lol.  wtf, it does worry me damnit.  too much internets.22:32
JesusFreak316I'm personally trying to cut down on my phone usage; waste too much time on it.22:33
arrrghhhyea, i waste a lot of time on my puter22:33
arrrghhhdamnit that reminds me... i still need to get transcoding working right on my server.  ugh.22:34
JesusFreak316Haven't been cutting off 'puter stuff much though. :) Love Minecraft too much to give it up, lol.22:39
arrrghhhnever heard of it.22:39
arrrghhhi just keep mucking with my server.  drives my gf mad, but there's always ways to make things work better haha22:40
JesusFreak316Minecraft's a new indie game that's gotten rather popular. They mentioned it on the Team Fortress 2 blog.22:41
JesusFreak316What's your server for?22:41
arrrghhhall sortsa stuff22:42
JesusFreak316You have your own website?22:42
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arrrghhhubuntu-server for sharing files, webserver, rutorrent+rtorrent+rssdler for automatic TV show downloads, streams all to my PS3 in glorious 1080p and surround sound (where available)22:43
Filli have a question22:43
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, eh, it's not much of a site but yea.22:43
arrrghhhFill, what's up22:43
JesusFreak316Fill: Shoot.22:43
Fillhow can i change the color of the status bar / notification bar22:43
JesusFreak316arrrghhh, not bad.22:43
JesusFreak316You probably want to look into metamorph.22:44
arrrghhhFill, hrm... i don't think that's easy.22:44
arrrghhhmetamorph?  is that an app?22:44
JesusFreak316That's the only major theming system I know of.22:44
arrrghhhi thought google made it difficult to retheme that for some reason.22:44
arrrghhhi mean a lot of aspects can be changed, but i thought the status bar color was fairly difficult to change.  that could be old or just plain incorrect information tho.22:44
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: I don't know what to classify it as but almost all themes are for metamorph.22:44
JesusFreak316It requires root access.22:45
arrrghhhi should check it out.22:45
arrrghhhwell, assuming he's using XDAndroid that's no problem :D22:45
Fillbut its possible?22:45
arrrghhhFill, you tell us.  check out that app.22:45
JesusFreak316yeah, never used it though.22:45
arrrghhhtell me soon, i want to know now.22:45
JesusFreak316This donut build I believe is themed:
JesusFreak316That's definitely not stock.22:46
JesusFreak316Just as an example.22:46
arrrghhhyea, depending on your device the blazn builds by reef are pretty slick looking22:46
Filltrue, but i use the latest version (17-09-2010)22:47
arrrghhh9/26 would be the 'newest'22:47
arrrghhhwell, i guess that depends on device too.  d'oh.22:47
arrrghhhwhat device do you have Fill ?22:47
JesusFreak316Yeah, didn't mean to use that build, just that that's the kind of stuff metamorph is capable of.22:47
JesusFreak316Here's metamorph info:
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, the link generator.22:48
Fillwhere can i download the 9/26?22:48
JesusFreak316It's called searching the forums.22:48
arrrghhhFill, sorry i don't think that applies to the diam.   you can download the new kernel, not sure if there's any fixes.22:48
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, i know, you're doing it for them...22:48
Fillok tnx, i gonna try metamorph and tell you when i got it :D22:49
Fillagain, many thanks!22:49
arrrghhhhey JesusFreak316, how does the accelerometer work on the RAPH?22:55
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JesusFreak316Quite well.22:55
arrrghhhi used to just turn it off22:55
arrrghhhthat's good22:55
arrrghhhi noticed it works pretty well on RHOD too.22:55
arrrghhhit's funny, i think it rotates a little slowly... but then i think how it works on winmo, and it's actually quicker.  i just expect android to just be so smooth and snappy lol.22:56
JesusFreak316I turn off autorotate for the home screen but it works great in apps for the most part.22:56
arrrghhhso you turn off the "Orientation" setting in the display section?22:56
JesusFreak316Some apps the calibration is off, such as the dogfighting (planes not the illegal kind) one has the left and right controls reversed.22:57
arrrghhhi love how you clarify dogfighting.22:57
arrrghhhperhaps qualify would be a better word there22:58
arrrghhhbut hey22:58
arrrghhhwow, i didn't have the rel_path statement configured correctly and it booted...23:00
JesusFreak316Yay, fellow grammar nazi!23:00
JesusFreak316What folder?23:00
arrrghhhwell I have everything in /Androids/xxxx23:01
arrrghhhlike this one was /Androids/TP2Blazn23:01
arrrghhhand the rel_path was set to andboot23:01
arrrghhhi'm surprised it found the rootfs.img23:01
arrrghhhi don't know how it did TBH23:01
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