Thursday, 2010-09-09

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xdandroidNew kernel available (20100908_204144) at
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gunnahi, wondering if someone can provide some quick help06:11
gunnaI've downloaded XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.7z06:11
gunnawhen I extract, the only file in the archive is XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.ext206:12
gunnaThe instillation guide states that there should be a dir named STARTUP CONFIG06:13
gunnaand implies that there are other files/directories in the unified package06:14
gunnawhat am I missing here?06:14
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babijoeedidnt realize that xchat was 30 day trial for windows06:26
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thedicemastergunna: that's just the system file, the archive needed for the guide you're using is a full package.06:47
gunnathanks thedicemaster, so what is the most recent 'full package'?06:58
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camrohi @ all07:50
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georgebnetgunna did u manage to find the full package for xdandroid? you were asking earlier08:39
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gunnageorgebnet Yes thanks I'm sorted now10:11
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Sh0cK_hello guys11:49
Sh0cK_got a problem with extracting the android.11:49
Sh0cK_dunno how to extract ext2 data11:49
TheDeadCPUWhy would you extract the .ext2?11:49
Sh0cK_well. i just got a .ext2 from the downloaded file.11:50
Sh0cK_no haret or else11:50
TheDeadCPUThat's not the full pack.11:50
TheDeadCPUYou need to download the full pack.11:50
Sh0cK_good to know ;)11:50
TheDeadCPUI could link you if you need to.11:51
Sh0cK_that would be really nice11:51
Sh0cK_cannot find it :(11:51
Sh0cK_htc raphael11:51
TheDeadCPUThere ya go.11:52
Sh0cK_thank you11:52
Sh0cK_really nice :)11:53
Sh0cK_lets install it11:53
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hamagcgood morning guys11:58
Sh0cK_well. i copied it on the sd card. want to start it and then there is a msg. launch a script file. default path is the same where the executable lives.12:02
Sh0cK_forgot to copy the startup12:03
Sh0cK_mh.. bad :( after starting haret it loads still windows mobile :(12:06
Sh0cK_solved... wrong startup.12:08
Sh0cK_got a gsm and copied cdma12:08
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Sh0cK_it takes really long.. :(12:18
TheDeadCPUindeed does.12:18
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dan66awill android become an OS on pc's in the next year do you guys think, have google mentioned this?12:22
TheDeadCPUThey're making Chrome OS12:23
TheDeadCPUBut any laptop/computer maker kan use Android on their laptop.12:24
dan66aare there any previews to chrome OS?12:24
TheDeadCPUIndeed are.12:24
TheDeadCPUIt's open source.12:24
dan66ata :)12:24
dan66aill youtube it12:24
dan66awould you use it?12:28
dan66ai wouldnt be able to download nzb's..12:29
dan66aits mainly good for a netbook..12:29
dan66anothing else.. :(12:29
TheDeadCPUIndeed is.12:29
TheDeadCPUI've used it.12:29
Sh0cK_really long..12:29
TheDeadCPUIt's great if you only use a browser lol12:29
TheDeadCPUSh0cK_, this is way to long.12:30
Sh0cK_still loading12:30
TheDeadCPUReboot and delete Data.img and try again.12:30
Sh0cK_its on sth with do_exit12:30
hamagcarm cortex a-15, drool12:31
TheDeadCPUhamagc, YES.12:31
hamagcbut i could never imagine a 2.5ghz phone lol12:31
dan66aTheDeadCPU so it is a bit of a fail then yeah?12:31
TheDeadCPUhamagc, Will need a 900000000mAh12:32
dan66aits not very functional to use in business environments etc12:32
TheDeadCPUdan66a, nope lol..12:32
TheDeadCPUThe OS is a browser. Perfect for a netbook.12:32
hamagclol or a laptop battery. they are supposed to be low power though so we will se12:32
TheDeadCPU'Cause you got Google Docs and such.12:32
TheDeadCPUhamagc, wasn't it 2.5Ghz Quad core?12:33
dan66awould it support codecs to view most video formats?12:33
TheDeadCPUdan66a, umm.. it's a browser.12:33
TheDeadCPUThink of it like Google Chrome.12:33
hamagcya, they said for those speeds your looking at some power and 4g of ram. they were talking those for servers and stuff12:33
dan66aits stupid then..12:33
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dan66aits a fail :)12:33
TheDeadCPUNo it's not imo.12:34
TheDeadCPUIt's genious.12:34
TheDeadCPUI use my netbook for surfing the net and going to YouTube, why would I watch videos on it when I got a Full HD flat screen?12:34
TheDeadCPUDamn, I need a Senior XDA moderator.12:34
dan66ahow so? on a laptop you would install chrome OS and not windows 7 with chrome browser?12:35
TheDeadCPUYea but like, on a netbook I want to get to the net in seconds.12:35
TheDeadCPUChrome OS has me online in 4 seconds Maximum.12:35
TheDeadCPUAnd it has the functions Google Chrome so any extensions and such.12:36
dan66aI see your point..but on a pc or laptop it doesn't really make sense..12:36
TheDeadCPUNo it doesn't12:37
TheDeadCPUBut on a netbook it does.12:37
dan66aid def get chrome OS on a netbook though I agree12:37
TheDeadCPUI'm going to buy the first Chrome OS netbook there is out lol12:37
dan66aso is there any google OS on the cards for laptop/pc in the pipeline?12:37
dan66acant you download the beta and install it on any netbook?12:38
TheDeadCPUInstall it on anything.12:38
TheDeadCPUThough you can just run it from a USB stick.12:38
dan66aI'm going to buy the first Chrome OS netbook there is out lol why would you wait for a 'google' brand netbook then?12:39
TheDeadCPUNo not like that.12:39
TheDeadCPUI want one that is made for Chrome OS for stability and such.12:39
dan66aif any netbook can run chrom OS12:39
TheDeadCPUNot Google branded. Just a Netbook made for it.12:39
dan66aahh because of driver restraints?12:39
TheDeadCPUYea kinda.12:40
dan66agod I love learning :)12:40
dan66aTheDeadCPU thanks for answering this stuff12:40
TheDeadCPUnp man12:40
dan66ayou saved me 9 minutes of googling on my laptop or 4 minutes if I was on chrome os :P12:40
dan66aso.. i can dl it now? reboot computer and run it off USB? how big is the file? cause ubuntu cd takes ages to load up off cd (700Mb)12:41
TheDeadCPUUmm.. It's about that size12:42
TheDeadCPUbut. Booting of USB is WAY faster12:42
TheDeadCPULike, I think it's like 14 times faster or so.12:42
dan66anice.. does it support music playback of mp3s?12:42
TheDeadCPUI think it does actually12:43
dan66asay yes12:43
dan66awould you know where to find the latest build of it?12:44
TheDeadCPUI know where to find the most functional one.12:44
dan66ais the build date nov 2009?12:45
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TheDeadCPU15th Feb 201012:46
TheDeadCPUthat's a custom build with a lot of drivers and such.12:46
TheDeadCPUOr you could try Vanilla version
TheDeadCPUWhich is unmodified and nightly builds.12:47
TheDeadCPUI think it's still nightly.12:47
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diamond_loverhello :-)12:52
TheDeadCPUI just ate a whole jalepeno. brb12:52
diamond_loverI don't know what is this jalepeno :-P12:53
diamond_loverok, google helped me :D12:53
diamond_loverit's hot XD12:53
TheDeadCPUIt's awesome.12:53
TheDeadCPUAnd I ment Jalapeņo.12:53
diamond_loveryes I see12:54
diamond_loverI've customized Launcher Pro Plus :) now is really like Sense12:54
diamond_loveralso the bottom bar12:55
diamond_lovermms are working in latest build, right?12:56
|Jeroen|does anybody remember witch is the last kernel without that loud sound prob? (diam100)12:59
diamond_loverI have't any problem with sound on my diam100..13:00
dan66aLauncher Pro plus is the best launcher13:01
|Jeroen|diamond_lover, do you have any special settings in startup ?13:02
|Jeroen|or was it rootfs related ?13:03
|Jeroen|i tried with =0 and =1 but that didn't help13:05
|Jeroen|but u never know, il try =513:05
diamond_lover0: being lowest and 5: being loudest13:06
|Jeroen|yeah i thought that13:06
|Jeroen|strange, witch rootfs are u using ?13:06
diamond_loverwhat's handsfree?13:06
diamond_loverthe latest13:06
|Jeroen|me to13:06
|Jeroen|think the problem is that mine is fixed to handsfree13:07
|Jeroen|or could it be radio related13:07
diamond_loverwhat's handsfree? calling using the speaker?13:09
diamond_loverbut you  can set both13:09
diamond_loverhtc_hw.handsfree=X 1=Enable 0=Disable13:10
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOinternet fail13:10
diamond_loverg2g now :) cya guys(and eventuallly..girls :D)13:11
|Jeroen|yeah but that doesn't work either, i already tried that13:11
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stinebdwe're gonna turn into girls?!13:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll have to go lesbian then :(13:11
stinebdthose things will keep me up all night!13:11
|Jeroen|lesbian isn't so bad, 4 boebies13:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI wonder if there is any Girls who have tried XDAndroid..13:12
stinebdi can confirm at least one13:12
|Jeroen|probably not13:12
stinebdwell two if you count my mother13:13
hamagcstinebd, how do i properly run a dmesg after a crash?13:13
hamagcwhenever i try, i just get a dmesg log full of crap13:13
stinebddmesg is the running kernel's log buffer13:13
stinebdyou can't get it after a crash, unless it's in ramconsole13:13
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stinebdif it's in ramconsole, you need to get to haret _immediately_ upon booting winmo and dump that area of ram13:14
hamagci am using pwf dmesg.txt 0x8e0000 0x2000013:14
stinebdand if you have too much stuff starting up on boot in winmo it'll get wiped out13:14
hamagcmaybe thats why, just running a stock rom.13:14
dan66acan someone reccomend me websites so I can learn more about android development?13:15
stinebdraph right?13:15
hamagc is what i'm getting13:15
hamagcya raph80013:15
hamagclooks pretty if i scroll it fast lol13:15
dan66aI want to learn about compiling kernels, making apps etc13:15
stinebddefinitely looks like something is taking over that ram13:15
stinebdotherwise you'd have all the same screwy character13:16
dan66aare there any good references you guys used when entering this world?13:16
stinebdor the actual ramconsole13:16
stinebdwell or ramconsole is disabled for some reason13:16
stinebdand that's leftover from linux apps13:16
stinebdare you using glemsom's kernels?13:17
hamagcthat was taken directly after a crash, booted back into winmo, opened total commander and ran haret for debug13:17
hamagckinda lol, using the zimage from virusguy13:17
hamagcbut i had the same issue with glemsom kernal too13:18
hamagcon previous builds13:18
stinebdit may be disabled on your device for some reason13:18
stinebdcase MACH_TYPE_HTCRAPHAEL_CDMA500:13:19
stinebdhas it going somewhere else13:19
stinebd#define MSM_SMI2_BASE   0x0200000013:20
hamagchmm suggestions?13:21
hamagchad this issue in june it looks like while trying to do the same thing13:21
stinebduse those13:22
hamagclet me those those in and see if i can run it13:23
stinebdtoo many zeroes?13:24
phhramconsole should go back to 0x8e0000 I think13:24
hamagci think it froze winmo on me13:26
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hamagci get a problem occured with device.exe in winmo13:31
hamagcok using 0x3f00000 crashes device.exe in winmo, if i use 0x8e0000 it gives me garbage, 0x001000 and 0x20000 don't seem to make any difference13:41
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sle118I am having an issue with latest *everytihing*14:29
sle118updated all components14:30
sle118I am trying to download from market14:30
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sle118getting "Starting Download" and then no progress14:30
sle118tried both 3G and wifi14:30
sle118anyone willing to help me on this?14:31
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JesusFreak316What phone?14:49
JesusFreak316That happens to me sometime when I have a weak data signal. I only have wifi though, no 3g.14:49
hamagcsle118, try using a new data.img (back up the old) to see if thats the issue. i hear alot of people saying that was the only way to fix it14:53
JesusFreak316Yeah, rename the old one to data2.img that way it will create a new one without you having to delete the old one.14:53
JesusFreak316If that fixes it, rename the first one to data.img and the new one to data2.img, see if you can backup with titanium backup, then rename the old one to data2.img and the new one to data.img and restore using titanium backup.14:55
JesusFreak316Or you could just move the data.img file to a different folder and swap those out.14:55
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androidloverIs there somewhere I can see a changelog or at least summary of what's new in the latest kernel and latest XDAndroid release?14:57
androidloverfor the latest XDAndroid release, it links to XDA for more details, but then that thread also has no details on what's changed14:58
JesusFreak316The main thread has a changelog, but it's not exhaustive.14:58
JesusFreak316each kernel release lists what is changed.14:58
JesusFreak316Babijoee hasn't updated the changelog for the 3/9/10 build apparently.14:59
androidloveroh is the kernel release changelog inside the download?14:59
androidloverand any idea what's new in the 3/9/10 build then?15:00
hamagci don't think there was much to add to a changelog, it was mostly just optimizations and tweaks.15:00
stinebdi don't recall doing any changes between the two releases15:00
JesusFreak316Nah, not in the kernel.15:00
JesusFreak316Let me check.15:00
stinebdso the only changes would be in the kernel or upstream aosp15:00
androidloverI don't think the kernel was updated though in the time between the two most recent releases? so maybe AOSP then?15:01
androidloveroh my mistake, yeah it was15:01
androidloverok, that makes sense15:01
JesusFreak316Hover over the download link and it should pop up a short description of what was changed between updates.15:02
androidloverawesome, thanks a lot15:02
JesusFreak316Click show commit log for this.15:03
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androidloverwhy's it say it's for the Eclair rootfs up top?15:04
androidloveris this a different rootfs than the releases which are on Froyo have been using?15:04
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hamagcno difference15:04
JesusFreak316My guess would be stinebd was too lazy to change it. :P15:04
androidloverheh cool15:04
stinebdnot lazy15:12
stinebdpeople have scripts to check for updates and stuff15:12
stinebdchanging the name would change the location of the git repo15:12
stinebdat least that's my excuse15:13
JesusFreak316I was more thinking just the title at the top of the page. Would changing that ruin your update script?15:17
stinebdyes it would15:17
TheDeadCPUOr would it?15:17
JesusFreak316Really? Huh. Well, I don't know html at all, lol.15:18
stinebdare you willing to donate for it to be changed?15:18
* stinebd runs15:18
JesusFreak316Doesn't bother me. :015:18
stinebdlet's see15:18
JesusFreak316* )15:18
stinebdthere's gotta be some way to log into this server15:18
JesusFreak316STUPID THING15:18
stinebdthe git repo name might really be a problem though15:19
stinebdi really don't know how many people are using that15:19
JesusFreak316I love google chrome's feature to be able to check the source of any webpage. Looking at your rootfs's page now. :)15:19
stinebdthe real source is php15:19
TheDeadCPUWas going to say that lol15:20
stinebdthat page is just regular ol' xhtml and some javascript i stole from somewhere15:20
TheDeadCPUYou just get the HTML code Chrome sees.15:20
JesusFreak316Whatever; it looks like code to me,'k?15:20
stinebdmagic. got it.15:20
stinebdi should really move the build services off of the subdomain too15:21
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JesusFreak316True; I do think I recognize some xhtml... maybe.15:21
stinebdnow that we have xdandroid.com15:21
stinebd<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>15:21
stinebdthat says "look out! here comes international-capable xhtml!"15:21
JesusFreak316Yeah, why don't you just host all the kernels and rootfs etc on
JesusFreak316Like I said earlier. :P15:22
stinebdnot that kind of laziness15:22
JesusFreak316Would make it easier for noobs.15:22
stinebdthis laziness is much more reasonable15:22
JesusFreak316True; it is quite a bit more involved; even I can tell that.15:23
stinebdi'd have to set up rewrite rules for the old URLs so people won't 40415:23
stinebdand then i'd have to figure out how to work around the mediawiki rewrite rules on xdandroid.com15:23
stinebdand then i'd have to update the apache config15:23
stinebdand reload it. very contrived.15:23
stinebdnow that i typed it all out, it doesn't seem so bad15:24
JesusFreak316I think that actually made some sense to me. Yay.15:24
stinebdoh i forgot the damn mirror script15:25
stinebdwe mirror everything to so my bandwidth isn't crapped out in 3 hours15:25
JesusFreak316Who hosts that?15:25 i guess15:25
JesusFreak316Who pays for the host?15:26
stinebdit was donated15:26
JesusFreak316Oh, yay for that person.15:26
stinebdmuch like i donated all the infrastructure15:26
stinebdand that guy donated the domain name15:26
JesusFreak316I always feel inadequate just helping with customer service. :) Wish I could really help.15:27
stinebdand yet it's more than what 98% of other people do15:28
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GlemSomDue to a short in my stove, some electricity were down... I closed EVERYTHING down to double-check wires and fuses, and for some odd reason my router would not start again... completely dead... So I had to find another older Linux shorewall router, and to my luck, the configuration still worked... I THINK all network rules for the autobuild-service should be fine again...16:00
TheDeadCPUWell that sucks.16:01
TheDeadCPUWant a cookie?16:01
JesusFreak316Do you want to push something to test it?16:01
stinebdphh is the pusher16:01
JesusFreak316Oh, true.16:02
GlemSomTheDeadCPU, Honestly... Y E S ! :P16:02
JesusFreak316Forgot, silly me.16:02
hamagci want a cookie...16:02
GlemSomJesusFreak316, Naaj, shouldn't matter... more the function to tricker a reload of the timer...16:02
GlemSomThough, some dinner would be nice... :/   stupid broke stove... :/16:02
TheDeadCPUI have cookies. Just stop by Bodø in Norway.16:02
JesusFreak316That's what microwaves are for. :) College student, so I know ALL about that. :)16:03
GlemSomSo, cold dinner, and no internet for an hour.... luckley I got my laundry machine running again... Else it would be a truely horrible day... :P16:03
TheDeadCPUI love having a mcrowave.16:04
GlemSomhehe yeah, they are nice... :P16:04
GlemSomThough, today I found out - you CAN actually cook a little on a toast-machine.. :P hehe16:04
TheDeadCPUI love being rich to.16:04
TheDeadCPUJust got 18k NOK16:05
TheDeadCPUI love to get paid for going to school.16:05
GlemSom18k for going to school ?16:05
GlemSomI wanna go back to school then! :P16:05
TheDeadCPUI get about 10k NOK per month for going to school : D16:05
TheDeadCPUGot 18k NOK the first month :P16:05
GlemSomTheDeadCPU, That do you study ?16:06
JesusFreak316I get paid too. :) Though it almost all gets used up on tuition and everything.16:06
JesusFreak316You mean what do you study?16:06
TheDeadCPUThis is what I get AFTER everything is paid :D16:07
GlemSomJesusFreak316, hehm yeah, I know that feeling... all sort of bills, and other unexpected things.... like car service and stuff :P16:07
TheDeadCPUAnd I'm studying Car Electronics.16:07
TheDeadCPUOr, car mechanics then car electonics in 1 or 2 years.16:07
hamagccar mechanics?16:08
hamagc i have a problem with my truck that i can't figure out16:08
JesusFreak316Nice though; I have no idea what equivalencies are with your crazy norse money though. :P16:08
stinebdhamagc: you have to start the engine16:08
hamagcdamn engine seems to run cold16:08
TheDeadCPUhamagc, bring it to Norway then.16:08
hamagcis that how it gets warmed up :P16:08
TheDeadCPUAh, you'll need to TURN the key.16:08
JesusFreak316Gas helps too.16:08
GlemSomheh :P16:08
TheDeadCPUAnd a battery.16:09
GlemSomReally, I have key-less ignition, so don't even have to turn the key :P hehe16:09
hamagcno serious, i can't figure it out. i can drive down the freeway or in stop and go traffic and my efan hardly comes on. damn engine seems to not want to get to normal operating temp.16:09
TheDeadCPULazy Dane.16:09
GlemSomTheDeadCPU, heh, yeah... actually :P16:09
hamagcand thats when it's like 90* outside16:09
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TheDeadCPUPut your engine in your pc to cool it down.16:10
hamagcand i'm 99% sure that the thermo isn't stuck open16:10
TheDeadCPUOr sell the technology, and buy a lambo16:10
hamagclol i've been debating throwing my phone in there to warm things up :P16:10
TheDeadCPUThere's one thing you could do..16:10
TheDeadCPUTake it to the shops.16:11
hamagcshops? i didn't build my truck to take it to a shop lol16:11
TheDeadCPUWell. Put it in a lava ditch.16:11
hamagclol burn it to the ground16:11
TheDeadCPUWhat truck btw?16:12
hamagcchevy s1016:12
TheDeadCPUThen you'll be able to burn it to the ground.16:12
hamagcit's a mini on airbads so i have the engine bay all cleaned out (no wells)16:12
TheDeadCPUIf it was a Toyota Hilux you wouldn't be able to.16:13
hamagcbroadcom just opensourced the their linux drivers?16:13
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TheDeadCPUYou better not be trollin.16:14
jensenyeah, apparently16:14
hamagcjust posted on htc-linux16:14
jensenhamagc: by the way, did you have any luck catching a crash log?16:14
JesusFreak316Looks like it's only for their 802.11n chips though.16:14
hamagcjensen no, still comes out as garbage16:15
TheDeadCPUwho here thinks phh have seen this before us?16:15
jensenokay, i noticed a reboot using the 27/7 system build today :(16:15
jensennot regularly, just the one though16:15
hamagc7/27 build? a full reset into winmo?16:15
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kithi all16:16
TheDeadCPUI'ma sleep.16:16
TheDeadCPUGnite guys.16:16
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jensenhamagc: yeah, picked it out of my pocked, and it was in winmo..16:16
Vulferinhelle there16:16
kitis there anybody, who speek russian?16:16
hamagckit no but google translate works pretty good16:16
kiti'm tired of english16:17
VulferinCan someone help me ? iam triening to get android on my htc diamond to run: to get psfreedom but dont work16:17
Vulferinwhat must i do with the system.ex2 file ? iam german16:17
hamagcVulferin: i don't know how much help you going to get here for that16:17
TheDeadCPUI'd help if it wasn't for using PSFreedom.16:17
TheDeadCPUI'm very against it.16:17
kitandroid on diamond work without troubles?16:18
hamagcdefine troubles?16:18
hamagcit works for the most part16:18
jensenusable, yes. troubles, yes. :)16:18
Vulferini download this one XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.29.7.10.RC2.1.7z16:20
Vulferinthe i put it in my Internal mem in a folder called android16:20
Vulferinwenn i try to start android my device only reboot in wm6 mode16:20
JesusFreak316vulferin: Why do you want psfreedom?16:20
TheDeadCPUVulferin, make sure it's the right Startup.16:21
hamagci believe that is just the system.ext2. have you looked at the main thread?16:21
TheDeadCPUThat's all the info I'll give you.16:21
kithm. advise, under normal firmware  for Windows Mobile 6. I have been installed versions by russian developers and they are horrible16:21
hamagcwinmo versions?16:21
TheDeadCPUAnd I'd suggest we don't do any support for PSFreedom. Since both me and Babijoee hate it.16:21
hamagcthis is for xdandroid support, not windows16:22
kitnormal version16:22
kitnot official16:22
Vulferini tried all startup for the diamonds16:22
Vulferinalways the same :(16:22
hamagcVulferin: is the thread with all info needed to get android up and running16:22
Vulferinmabye its why iam put the android in a folder  ? not on root dir ?16:23
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU: Is there any real legitimate reason for psfreedom? Maybe for homebrew since linux is gone?16:23
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, nope none at all.16:23
TheDeadCPUVulferin, yes.16:23
JesusFreak316We all know what ~95% of people will use it for.16:23
TheDeadCPUPSFreedom is 100% legal.16:23
TheDeadCPUBut I don't approve of it.16:23
hamagcit is 100% legal but as stinebd said, it's well outside the scope of this project16:24
kitone more question. Android eat a lot of battery?16:24
hamagcalot of battery16:24
JesusFreak316I'm part of the .0001% who uses the homebrew channel on wii and flashcarts for ds legitimately.16:24
TheDeadCPUThough. The second I see someone mention where to get a pirated game they're getting the ban hammer.16:24
JesusFreak316But anyways, Vulferin just needs help getting XDANDROID installed, we can help with that.16:24
kitololo. Thanks for help16:25
TheDeadCPUIs a ping of 89ms good for 3g?16:25
JesusFreak316Vulferin: Either directory works; just put everything in either one.16:25
jensenkit: yeah, though, viruscrazy's work on the battery seems promising.. he has posted a kernel build on the forums..16:25
hamagcbut it is just the kernal so it will break things like wifi at the moment16:25
jensenlasts about a day for me, it seems.16:25
hamagclucky, us cdma users are still getting like 8 hours max16:26
hamagcwith minimal usage16:26
hamagcya so 2 batteris will pretty much get me through the day lol, it i use it alot then 316:26
rrewi have compiled his zimage ( battery meter fix ) with modules so you can use wifi16:27
rrewon topaz forum16:27
hamagcwell lets try it out16:27
rrewi will give you the link16:28
hamagcdid you by chance make one with the touch panel drivers too?16:28
kitdoes hsdpa work on android?16:29
hamagci think data works for everyone but cricket at this point16:29
rrewhamagc, here you go
jensenrrew: great, ill give it a try as well..16:30
rrewthe zimage contains the battery meter fix and daimond fix from viruscrazy16:30
hamagcnice, i'll put on the womans diamind tonight too16:30
rrewfor those who cant wait for the official commit :D16:31
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rrewbtw the zimage doesnt contains the blackstone 3.5mm commit16:34
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hamagcthats ok for us raph users lol16:34
sle118hamagc:deleted the data.img16:35
sle118hamagc: it finally worked16:35
hamagcgood to hear16:35
sle118after installing the latest packages (system, etc), I had the data.img deleted16:35
hamagcrrew: wifi turned on and is scanning. i don't have anything to connect to to test but i have to run to an appt and should find something along the way to connect to16:35
hamagci'll be back in a few16:36
sle118but on the first boot, the phone stayed on the splash screen for too long and I reset the phone16:36
sle118shame... :)16:36
rrewhamagc, :) ok so wifi is working right?16:36
hamagcsle118 try to boot up again. sometimes it will hang on first boot16:37
hamagcrrew yes wifi working, thanks!16:37
rrewnp, glad to help :)16:37
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jenseni can hopefully confirm that in a minute or two..16:38
kitwhat is more stable version of xdandroid for diamond?16:38
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Vulferinhelle again16:42
Vulferini got android to word but at start up it will be stop an cant access tty16:42
Vulferinany idea ?16:42
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rrewjensen, is wifi working?16:47
jensenrrew: on the phone, ill get back to you16:50
rrewkk sry16:50
jensenno worries :)16:53
phh[22:16:03] <TheDeadCPU> who here thinks phh have seen this before us? <--- failed17:02
phhbut EDONTCARE17:02
phhwe already have an opensource driver17:03
phhit doesn't even seem to be for us17:06
jensenrrew: hm, at first, it error'd on me. But after a reboot it seems to work.17:09
jensenproperly scanning,17:09
jensenand connecting,17:10
rrewok :)17:10
jenseni'll try to keep an eye out for any more errors, that was a bit weird..17:11
jensenbut thank you for the build! :)17:12
jensenhm, another spontaneous reboot..17:29
rrewhmm, happening only after you updated to my zimage?17:30
rrewor also before?17:30
jensenhamagc: besides a quick boot of android, and grabbing the dmesg, was there anything else i should do?17:30
jensenhappened often with the two latest system.ext2 builds, but the current one (27/7) seemed ok, but have done it twice today17:31
hamagcif you are trying to get the dmesg after a crash, you need to wait for the crash, then as soon as winmo is booted, you need to run a different startup.txt with haret.17:31
jensena different startup.txt? :/17:31
hamagclet me get you some info on it. it can't be done in android because as soon as android begins to boot, the info is wiped17:32
jensenmissed the opportunity, then, i guess.17:32
jensenah, yeah, of course..17:32
hamagc post #3 - logs for debugging17:32
hamagcthe attached zip has a folder with haret.exe and the default.txt (startup.txt) with the command to get the info to a txt file17:33
hamagcyou can try shutting down xdandroid, crash or no crash, and run the debug to see what happens17:34
hamagci alwats get a dmesg.txt file with garbage in it.17:34
jensenhm, a second crash, perhaps it wasnt safe to attempt to reuse the data.img again.. ill give it another go, see if it happens again..17:34
jensenthe first was with a clean data.img, though..17:35
hamagcthats odd, i don't know of any real issues with the 7/29 build17:35
hamagcbut thats pretty old build now17:35
jensenyeah, seemed to be more stable for me though, as you know..17:36
rrew7/29 build was a good one, very fast17:37
hamagcya, i ended up putting my g/f back on the 8/28? build cause she wouldn't stop yelling at the 9/3 build lol17:37
jensenrrew: indeed17:37
rrewoh i need to fix a little panel bug on topaz but its hard to start :D17:39
jensenfriggin' hell, again?17:40
hamagcanother crash?17:40
jensenyeah, still with the reused data.img, ill try with a clean one, see if it happens again..17:41
hamagccan you run a log?17:42
rrewwould be easier to find the root of the problem with the log17:42
jenseni havent looked into it yet, but ill keep the img, seems reproduceable.. :P17:43
jensenid like to rule out the img, if its just related to that..17:44
hamagccould be17:45
jensenwhat's your experience with the data store? is it always necessary to wipe it? ive been doing it everytime, just in case.17:45
hamagcehh. soemtimes it needs to be wiped, sometimes not. i haven't really found any rhyme or reason to it17:46
hamagcbut i have noticed that when i start to have too many issue, wiping the data.img solves alot of them. usually have issues after i update something17:46
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hamagcohh i see new updates to voice and maps17:51
hamagcbut voice update crashed me lol17:52
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jensenperhaps thats whats killing me :)17:53
PsWii60I have the XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.ext2 on Storage Card\XDAndroid17:53
hamagci dunno, wasn't a hard crash, only enough to reboot andorid, not winmo17:53
hamagcPsWii60: and?17:53
PsWii60not understanding what's next17:53
hamagcwhat else have you downloaded? what device are you on?17:54
hamagcok your going to need a full build, what you have is jsut the system.ext2 image17:54
PsWii60is it in cab format?17:54
hamagcpossibly, i'm on tp1 so not sure whats available for you, but i'm not a fan of the cab installs anyways17:55
hamagcthat forum will give you all kinds of good info17:55
hamagc this thread has the cab installer for you17:56
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jensenhm, hopefully just data.img related..18:02
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hamagcvoice search failed update again18:34
hamagci'm going to have to remove the old one i bet18:34
hamagclets try it18:34
hamagcthat did it18:39
hamagcso for those who want to install and get errors with voicesearch here are the commands to remove the older one18:39
hamagcin terminal type: su18:40
hamagcmount -o rw,remount /system18:40
hamagcrm -f /system/app/VoiceSearch.apk18:40
hamagcpm uninstall
hamagcthen install the updated voice search via market18:40
hamagcremember VoiceSearch.apk is case sensitive18:40
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hamagcwell guys goodnight19:14
hamagcuntil tomorrow19:14
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diamond_loverhey :-) good news, the new zImage+modules works well, now I have the battery+panel improvements and wifi/bt are working good.19:17
diamond_loverNow I go to sleep, night guys ;)19:17
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