Friday, 2010-09-03

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NeoMatrixJR_MobiAnyone know what was updated in the new system? Not posted in changelog on forum01:22
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NaohiroFukudababijoee:Good job !02:23
babijoeethank stinebd02:24
NaohiroFukudaI have installed latest system file. nice work > all02:25
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NaohiroFukudabut still not working for 3g network... (wifi is fine)02:27
babijoee3g still not working =/02:27
NaohiroFukudamaybe my sim problem02:27
NaohiroFukudacannot be caught my telephone number02:28
babijoeeyou dont have reception?02:30
NaohiroFukudababijoee:You might feel persistent about it....02:30
NaohiroFukudai want to explain about it,02:34
NaohiroFukudabut difficult to explain about it because i am not good at English02:34
babijoeejust type it in jap and i'll use google translate :)02:37
gladiac__lol, I want to see that :)02:38
NaohiroFukudacan i ask you by email ?02:41
babijoeexdandroid: later tell stinebd have you pm arrrghhh and mrweirauch about their xdandroid emails? if not lemme know so i can do it02:41
xdandroidbabijoee: The operation succeeded.02:41
NaohiroFukudaok, thanks02:41
NaohiroFukudaif there is a long time for thinking composition, i can communication with presence of mind in English02:44
babijoeexdandroid: later tell stinebd what are some of the major changes in the new system? Need a changelog so people are happy :p02:44
xdandroidbabijoee: The operation succeeded.02:44
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babijoeeNaohiroFukuda: did you email yet?03:32
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lithoci just got a htc mega with me, any plan to port this phone to android?03:45
NaohiroFukudababijoee:i have no time now becase still working at office :)03:55
NaohiroFukudamaybe tomorrow03:55
NaohiroFukudaI must confirm more deeply, prepare any documents and get some screenshot etc...03:57
lithocanybody have in-depth hardware on htc mega (tocuh 2)  ,  wifi , bluetooth, gps, audio ?03:59
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babijoeeis that HD2?05:10
babijoeeHD2 mini05:14
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babijoeestinebd: going to make an official XDANDROID youtube page. where we can post tutorials and members can upload their fan videos :)05:34
rrewbabijoee: any significant update in the latest system?05:37
rrewbtw hello all05:38
babijoeehmmm dunno :p05:43
babijoeecheck git repo05:43
babijoeei really dont know05:43
rrewkk np05:44
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Sean, who says: Thanks for all the hard work.  This is coming along amazingly!!!!10:17
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Jeff P, who says: Brand new Android user on Sprint Touch Pro 2...appreciate all of your efforts!10:28
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FioreZhi all ^_^10:29
FioreZanybody knows if in the latest Xdandroid release (2.2) XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.29.7.10.RC2.1 ..they used ALSA for audio compiling ?10:32
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FioreZhi! anyone knows how to fireup some animated wallpapers on xdandroid 2.2.AOSP .29.7.10.RC2.1 ?10:43
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jjpeaslwith the new release do i need to do the kernal update that was uploaded on 8 30?11:20
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hamagcgood morning gang11:49
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stinebdxdandroid: later tell babijoee i did the PMs when i opened their accounts so that's good to go. i don't recall doing anything in particular between the last two releases11:50
xdandroidstinebd: The operation succeeded.11:50
jjpeaslhey question guys do i just delete the ols sys file upload the new on on the sd and rename it?11:52
hamagcjjpeasl: yes, just delete the old system.ext2 and replace with the new one11:53
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jjpeaslhey question guys do i just delete the ols sys file upload the new on on the sd and rename it?11:54
jjpeaslany fixs with the maps issue?11:54
hamagclol i don't know the changes yet11:54
hamagcthere is a new version out though, frg3311:55
stinebdwe're still on frx01!11:55
jjpeasli have the tilt2 and every time it boots it fc maps, and any app that uses maps ie latitude always opens then fc with no choice to wait11:56
stinebdwhich i should probably tag now that babijoee went and released on me11:56
stinebdalthough it's an rc and i'm really really lazy11:56
hamagcya i just read it on xda, came from n11:57
stinebdi should stick with frx01 for the official release11:57
stinebdand just make a -2.2 tag then11:58
stinebdis it true that rhod has no camera led?11:58
hamagcno camera led11:59
stinebdcrazy htc11:59
hamagci know, i love my led too.11:59
hamagcnot that it works yet but love it lol11:59
hamagcstupid cdma12:00
stinebdthey probably ran out of space or something12:00
stinebdno other reason to leave it off after raph had it12:00
hamagci can't figure out why they do half the crap they do other than to save money12:03
hamagclike gsm raphs have fm radio12:03
hamagccdma doesn't12:03
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stinebdi'm getting slammed by earl as we speak12:23
stinebddrizzling for 10 minutes at a time ever hour or so12:23
hamagclol drizzling?12:28
stinebdyeah, this earl guy is a huge letdown12:28
hamagcgah! so it seems that when i edit the phone.apk file it doesn't like it. signed or unsigned it FC's me.12:30
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stinebdi like the pandora app12:51
stinebdif our carriers weren't so stingy with data transfer, i'd use it as my car mp3 player12:52
hamagcya pandora is nice :)12:53
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dcordeshi rollo12:55
rollo,ay I ask u wicht startup.txt may I use for my xperia x1?12:55
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dcordesrollo: ok12:56
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dcordesrollo: you can identify it easily12:57
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dcordesrollo: every device has an own ID #12:57
dcordeslook here
dcordes2006  Sony Ericsson Xperia X1  htckovsky12:58
dcordesi.e. pick default.txt aka startup.txt which has 'set mtype 2006'12:58
rolloi'll try immediately12:59
rolloBut I've got simpy to change mtype?13:00
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reece94i have a htc diamond and when i try to install android it dosnt work help pleasee !!13:35
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hamagcso i guess the sero deal is official now14:07
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hamagcheh looks like new system fixed shutdown for me. still see reports of issues with it though14:58
hamagchaha so with these new tablets coming out, can you make calls on them?>14:59
CazHhamagc: they call them tablets, but... They have ARM cpu's they run android and they have 3g modem and mic+speaker15:01
CazHHow the hell is that not a supersized smartphone?15:01
hamagclol it is a supersized smartphone but i haven't heard if anyones actually made a call on one yet15:01
hamagci'm just imagining people walking around with a magizine to their head talking away (though i'm sure bt would be preferred use)15:02
CazHHehe yeah15:03
CazHa phone should not be more than about 4 inches if you ask me15:03
CazHand a tablet no less than 8-10"15:04
CazHand everything in betwen should be a handheld gaming console :D15:04
hamagcor a laptop lol15:05
CazHNope laptops are 12" or bigger :D15:05
CazHmax 15" , those 17" monsters are a freak of nature and are pretty useless15:06
CazHif you need raid 0 then don't use 2,5" hdd's ffs15:06
hamagci remember tablets used to have a kb and a swivel screen. these aren't event tablets, their pads lol15:07
hamagcso how are you cazh?15:07
thedicemasterCazH: not completely. i'm pretty sure if your someone who frequents big LAN parties you'd want one of those super-powered 17"+ monstrosities.15:07
CazHthedicemaster: I know I wouldn't because you have very limited upgrade possibilites15:08
hamagcthats always the killer with mobile devices.15:08
hamagcno upgrades15:08
CazHand a small tower with a handel in the top + a 17" tft and you are good to go ;)15:08
hamagcthats why towers will never cease to be popular15:09
thedicemasterCazH: i encounter that problem even with desktop PC's.15:09
CazHthen you buy the wrong desktops ;)15:09
hamagclimited upgrade possibilites on a tower?15:09
CazHaka you didn't build it your self15:09
hamagclol if you can't rip the mb out and replace it with something better then you just need a new case :p15:09
hamagcor are we talking the old school made new again flat desktops like the old apple macs15:10
thedicemasterto upgrade anything in my desktop PC i'd have to get a new mobo first, and that forces me to get new RAM, graphics card, cpu, and drives.15:11
thedicemasterin otherwords pretty much everything.15:11
thedicemasterand in total i've done 1 actual upgrade on it once, i went from 512MB to 1GB RAM.15:11
CazHunless you are rocking a apg graphics card why would you change that ?15:12
CazHwith a new mb that is15:12
thedicemasterexactly, i still have AGP.15:12
thedicemasterquite on old one.15:12
thedicemasterpretty sure my PC was from when winXP was brand new, and it was quite a fast one for the time.15:13
CazHthedicemaster: then you should throw that bad boy out then window because it's like what 10 generations or more behind?15:13
thedicemaster70 generations considering how fast everything goes with computers.15:13
CazHthedicemaster: xp is from what 2001 or 2002? 8-9 year old computer15:13
thedicemasterdon't have the money available to get a worthy replacement though.15:14
thedicemasterotherwise i'd have gotten something better a long time ago.15:14
CazHyou only need like what 7-800 usd?15:14
thedicemasteri live in europe15:14
thedicemasterso to get anything decent that would be 900-1000 EUR.15:15
thedicemastertry throwing that in google conversion.15:15
CazHthedicemaster: I live in europe to and last time i check the EUR was still above the USD so it would be more like 600 EUR15:15
CazHIf you need something that beats a 8 year old you can get i for 600 EUR that much I know15:16
thedicemasterCazH i'd have to pay 1000 euro for a laptop that costs around 500-600 dollars in america.15:16
thedicemaster*500-600 euro's15:17
thedicemaster(700-750 euro's when including all the shipping, taxes, and power supply)15:17
CazHThat may be, but we are talking desktops and we are just talking about something that beast you 8-9 year old computer right?15:17
thedicemasternot just beat it, one that can actually remain in use for games for more than 10 days.15:18
CazHthedicemaster: there is no such thing15:18
thedicemastermy 8 year old PC did run games decently for 4-5 out of those 8 years.15:19
thedicemasterit's annoying how games increase in requirements so much faster than they increase in actual graphics, and even faster than the capabilities of PC's.15:20
CazHCrysis ftw :P15:23
thedicemasterH.A.W.X. is one of the few not too old games that actually has reasonable requirements in my opinion(it actually runs playable on my laptop, and my 8 year old rustbin)15:24
thedicemasterhm, if i'd stick with a decent core i5 i'd pay € 782,1615:37
CazHwhich isn't that much? :)15:37
thedicemastergoing all-out with an i7 and 6GB ram would be beyond 120015:37
thedicemasterstill too much for me to just spend right now.15:38
hamagcok shutdown froze me again15:38
thedicemasterespecially with parents who'd go all crazy with the argument "you still have 2 computers that work fine!"15:38
hamagchad to reset to get out of it15:38
CazHthedicemaster: then make them not work fine :P15:38
thedicemasternot a good idea, i can't really miss either of them.15:39
thedicemasteralthough they both aren't running "fine"15:39
CazHjust fuck up the bootloader, easy to fix but proves the computer is "not fine" for non-techies :)15:40
hamagcxdandroid: later tell babijoee did you feel the earthquake?15:40
xdandroidhamagc: The operation succeeded.15:40
thedicemastermy PC keeps losing it's USB ports(all 12 of them), freezes halfway during shutdown, and has already fried a graphics card once. my laptop occasionally can't find either the keyboard or the mousepad. and both of them sometimes forget all their usb ports are 2.0.15:41
thedicemasterCazH: my mom knows how well i can fix computers, so i'd have to actually kill my motherboard to warrant getting a new PC.15:42
thedicemastersince that's the only part that wouldn't be "worth" replacing.15:43
CazHthedicemaster: you need to learn how to bluff ;)15:43
CazHspend 2 days disassambling and assabling the computer without the hdd connect without talking about it then she'll know something is up :P15:44
thedicemasterfunny thing i noticed, 3/5 laptops i know had their hard-drive fail withing the first 2 years.15:49
CazHyeah laptops really need ssd15:49
CazHmechanical sensitiv componts do not belong in a laptop15:50
thedicemasterssd is just so expensive.15:51
thedicemaster€200 for 80GB15:52
thedicemasterholy ****! € 3.199,- for an SSD.15:54
CazHpcie ssd?15:54
thedicemaster3.5" S-ata15:54
thedicemasterit's 1TB though.15:54
CazHholy fucking shit15:54
thedicemaster260MB/s read/write speed.15:55
thedicemasterthat's a nice SSD, but the price is just ridiculous.15:56
CazHnot all that impressive15:56
thedicemaster€ 3.799,- for a 200GB 2.5" SSD.15:58
thedicemasteranyway, looks like if you want a cheap boot ssd you're best off getting a 2.5" with a 3.5" bracket for a desktop pc.16:00
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hamagcwoo that was fun17:25
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gazzzmolyhi anyone around17:37
gazzzmolystuck upgrading my galaxy to froyo using oden the zip i grabed has 3 files  but it says i need a .pit and i cant find it17:38
gazzzmolyam i missing somthing17:38
JesusFreak316gazzzmoly: You're asking the wrong people. This channel is about a project called xdandroid for porting android to certain Windows mobile phones with the msm7201 chipset. You might want to try #android17:39
gazzzmolycheers   ii assumed you where xda-developers17:40
JesusFreak316At others: Anyone able to install the angry birds beta released today.17:40
JesusFreak316There IS one of those but I can't remember the channel's name.17:40
hamagcjesus, just finished downloading it and about to try17:41
gazzzmolysays i need to register with services how do i do that17:41
JesusFreak316Try #xda-devs17:41
JesusFreak316It doesn't show up in market for me. :(17:41
JesusFreak316has anyone gotten appbrain fast web install working? I thought maybe I could install it that way since it's not in the market.17:42
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JesusFreak316hamagc: you got a cdma touch pro 2 right?17:43
JesusFreak316Then why isn't the game in my market? I got a fuze.17:43
JesusFreak316You just searched for angry birds?17:44
hamagci dunno, game isn't in my market either17:44
JesusFreak316Where'd you download from then?17:44
JesusFreak316That thread wasn't there when I googled it early.17:45
hamagcfind it?17:46
JesusFreak316Lolz, warez site.17:46
JesusFreak316Have you ever gotten appbrain working?17:48
hamagcdoes look like it works17:48
JesusFreak316how well?17:48
hamagcappbrain? no never17:48
hamagcangry birds didn't work for me17:48
JesusFreak316Aww, I wonder why the game doesn't work.17:49
hamagcdidn't bother. i'm sure it's processor, resolution, or bot17:49
JesusFreak316Only requirement on the website is android 1.6...17:50
hamagcbut we're the only vga device there is so that normally isn't an issue17:51
JesusFreak316True, but I wouldn't think it would crash; look weird maybe.17:51
JesusFreak316I wouldn't think they would hard code it for certain resolutions.17:51
hamagci dunno, you can try it on yours and if it doesn't work get a log17:51
JesusFreak316I'm about to.17:52
hamagci already uninstalled and deleted the apk lol17:52
hamagcarmored strike works :P17:52
hamagcbattle bears didn't though :(17:53
JesusFreak316A friend of mine got me addicted to wordfeud recently.17:53
JesusFreak316BEAR CAVALRY??!?17:53
hamagcrouge teddy bear lol17:54
JesusFreak316Oh, good; we're not screwed then. :) You know the meme right?17:54
JesusFreak316This essentially:
JesusFreak316Lol at stupid long link.17:56
JesusFreak316Actually the source page is better:
JesusFreak316FINE! I'll install swiftp. I wish there was a better way to transfer files.17:57
hamagci use droid explorer17:58
hamagcworks pretty well17:58
hamagcas long as adb stays stable17:58
JesusFreak316Forgot about that.17:58
hamagclol i like the snipers in bikinis17:58
JesusFreak316I DO have that installed. Don't you have to restart to activate adb though?17:58
JesusFreak316You would...17:59
hamagcwell depends17:59
hamagcwhen you start android you need an activesync connection17:59
JesusFreak316That's what it says on the first page of the thread.17:59
JesusFreak316And I didn't do that.17:59
hamagcotherwise you won't get a usb connection in android17:59
hamagci know, thats a pita17:59
hamagcbah work is dead18:01
hamagci'm taking off18:01
JesusFreak316Just tried it and it said I have a connection.18:01
hamagchave a great weekend guys!18:01
JesusFreak316Going white water rafting so, yes I will.18:01
hamagclol enjoy!18:01
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xandreis possible install android in htc touch viva?18:40
xandreany one??18:42
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dcordeswhat's up with the bear cavalry thing18:52
dcordesnow I'm irritaed18:52
dcordes confusing stuff18:53
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