Wednesday, 2010-09-01

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en1gmaim running "" on my TP2 there a changelog since then on new versions? i mean how can i see what has been fixed so i can build my own if i want or maybe there are nightly builds?00:23
en1gmai prefer some pre-compiles as i dont have linux installed00:23
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en1gmahey all  im gonna try the in my TP2 says it overclocks to that to much i mean thats pretty high from 52800:49
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en1gmacan someone tell me a more active channel then this but that is still for xdandroid/project android?02:41
gladiac_i dont know of any other xdandroid related channels...02:53
thedicemasteryou just have bad timing.03:18
thedicemasteranyway, "nightly builds" as you say it don't work like you're used to in xdandroid.03:19
en1gmai seen there is an update that the closest to a nightly build without building it my self03:27
thedicemasterget the package and latest system.ext2 here:
thedicemasterthe latest zimage and modules here:
thedicemasterlatest rootfs here:
thedicemasterand latest initramfs here:
thedicemasterfirst extract the package to your SD/storage, then replace the files with the newer ones.03:30
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thedicemasteralthough i see you already have a recent package, so you can skip the system.ext2 and package.03:31
thedicemasterand just replace the zimage, modules, rootfs and initramfs03:31
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en1gmathanks alot man03:38
en1gmapreciate the nice detailed howto03:38
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cferreirahi all07:14
rrewhey :)07:14
cferreirai'm using Froyo on my blackstone atm...07:14
cferreiraand it's working 80%07:14
rrewme too just rebooted to WinMo right now, was testing some apps07:15
cferreiraonly have the headset issue...07:15
rrewno sound?07:15
cferreiraand puting snd.force_headset=2 is not an option to me, 'cause all sound goes to the headset...07:16
rrewhd has 3.5mm jack?07:16
cferreirai wish it could work like WinMo, but as it seems, no chance07:17
rrewthough i never tried headset on my topaz07:17
rrewgive it some time, the project is advancing very well :)07:18
cferreirai use it mainly on my subway trip home, to hear some music...07:18
rrewcamera works on hd?07:18
cferreirabut i'm not going to use headset ALL day even to answer calls, expecially in the office07:18
cferreiranope, but i don't use it on winmo heither..07:19
rrewyou have hw3d, i am so jealous :p07:20
cferreiraheither way... i'm going to buy a new phone.. i'll help out with testing on the HD07:20
rrewwhich one?07:21
cferreirarrew: and working fine... that picture gallery... with 3d and accelometer support... wow07:21
cferreiradon't know yet, or HTC Desire... or Samsung's Galaxy S07:22
rrewi was looking to buy an 2nd hand wildfire but its not a big step forward ( hardware regarding ) rather a step backward form topaz07:22
cferreiratopaz is a hell of a machine..07:22
cferreiratoo bad it's winmo07:22
rrewgo for htc ;)07:23
rrewdamn htc peep dont work :(07:26
cferreirai don't have any htc apps on froyo07:34
cferreirawith the speed of froyo on my hd, and htc sense... it would be sweet :)07:35
rrewhtc sense = big battery drainer :)07:35
rrewi mean peep on WinMo ( twitter changed authentification :s )07:36
rrewbtw is the froyo ui more fluid since hw3d is working?07:37
cferreirayah, twitter for android, and gwibber for linux (pc) are failling also07:38
cferreirait's like silk the UI... smooth and beautyfull07:39
cferreiratoo bad i don't have the Sense :P07:39
rrewdid you tried the klinux rosie build ( its on eclair )?07:40
cferreirai've tried some builds.. one with sense..07:41
cferreirabut froyo it's about 605 faster... :|07:41
cferreirafor example..07:41
cferreirai use an app.. called xbmc remote..07:41
rrewyep, sense is bugged on that build + startup time is for me horrible07:41
cferreiraif i configure xbmc remote to display incoming SMS on xbmc...07:42
cferreiraon eclair, it takes about 17 sec. to appear com xbmc07:42
cferreiraon froyo, about 1s07:42
cferreiranot to mention opening the market...07:43
rrewsome of topaz users cant even access market on sense build07:43
cferreirabut i'm talking about the basic eclair..07:44
rrewdidnt tried myself07:44
cferreiraon the sense build... it was like an etternity07:44
rrewaha, sry07:44
rrewyeah froyo is big step in the right direction07:45
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cferreirai'm jusr preparing my system so I can get the source for froyo..07:46
cferreira12 years debugging and bugfixing on generic (x86/amd64) linux... whould help me out :D07:47
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dcordesIs there an official website for xdandroid ? I have seen various websites where builds can be downloaded. None of them claim to be the 'real thing'10:54
dcordesTheDeadCPU: thanks10:54
dcordesShould have tried that earlier :>10:55
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dcordesAwesome it even has complete documentation on downloading everything10:55
dcordesfor devs10:55
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dcordes16:53 <xdandroid> Sent 2 weeks, 3 days, and 20 hours ago: <phh> get rid of Dr`ryder.10:56
dcordeslol :D10:56
dcordesxdandroid: thanks10:56
dcordesxdandroid: it's already been solved10:56
TheDeadCPULol, you're thanking the bot? How friendly.10:57
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dcordesDo you have administrators on the wiki ?10:58
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TheDeadCPUThat should be stinebd, phh and babijoee or something10:59
TheDeadCPUI don't really know lol10:59
TheDeadCPUMorning NeoMatrixJR10:59
NeoMatrixJRyo, morning TheDeadCPU11:00
TheDeadCPUDon't "yo" me. I do not like it.11:00
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dcordesTheDeadCPU: yo essay for real ?11:04
* TheDeadCPU Gets his golden Viking axe.11:05
dcordesese !11:05
TheDeadCPUThe norse gods frown upon your shenanigans.11:06
dcordesTheDeadCPU: yo chill bro.11:06
TheDeadCPUYou're not my bro. You're a Dude or brah. NOT a bro.11:07
dcordesI love it how people from all kind of culturual background participate together in free software11:14
dcordesBack in school I wouldn't hang with any goth people :)11:14
TheDeadCPUThe only thing I dislike is metrosexuals.11:15
TheDeadCPUOther then that I won't care.11:15
dcordesMetrosexual is a neologism portmanteau  of metropolitan and heterosexual coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in a post-industrial, capitalist culture) who displays attributes stereotypically  associated with homosexual men (such as a strong concern for his appearance), although he is not homosexual. Debate surrounds the term's use as a theoretical signifier of sex deconstruction and its associations with consumerism.11:17
dcordeslesson learned11:17
TheDeadCPUStill. I don't like them because of their behavour.11:18
dcordesTheDeadCPU: you should look at it from that side: Metrosexuals won't try to date you11:18
TheDeadCPUNo, but they're retarded.11:19
TheDeadCPUAnd nobdy wants to date someone that has a new girl every 3-4 months lol11:19
TheDeadCPU(I'm not really a douche I'm just trying everything to forget "the one"11:19
dcordesTheDeadCPU: player !11:20
TheDeadCPUWell shit happens dcordes.11:20
dcordesok sorry guys. Now I started offtopic rant about subculture's and CPU's love life11:21
dcordesWhile I came here to learn more about what is xdandroid11:22
TheDeadCPUXDAndroid is a build of android close to AOSP made to work on various WinMo devices.11:22
TheDeadCPUAlso, Emo Cake: The only cake that cuts itself.11:22
dcordesaahahaha :D11:23
dcordesI love urban subculture11:23
dcordesthe best is the terminology wikipedia uses about those things11:23
dcordesdid you see the hipster article ?11:23
TheDeadCPUNope lol.11:23
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TheDeadCPUI just know that I like dragging my face along the street at midnight.11:24
TheDeadCPUNot really.11:24
dcordesIt's full of it11:24
dcordesThe funny thing is you can even study it11:24
dcordesIn fact I know people who are going to earn money with such funny things. At my uni they call it sociology11:25
TheDeadCPUI know. I got a friend doing that shit.11:25
dcordesThe question is which subculture do you belong to :D ?11:25
dcordesOk enough !11:25
TheDeadCPUAlso, I can study swearing at my school.11:25
TheDeadCPUI'm definatly a Metalhead.11:26
dcordesTheDeadCPU: it's your fault you started it off again with the Emo Cake.11:26
dcordesI think xdandroid and htc-linux should cooporate more11:26
TheDeadCPUThe Main developement usually happens on HTC-Linux afaik11:27
TheDeadCPUBut seeing as we really only have 1 kernel developer..11:27
TheDeadCPUHTC-Linux got raped by the HD211:27
dcordesTheDeadCPU: Ok.. I think that should be refelcted in the xdandroid wiki.. and the htc-linux wiki11:28
dcordesboth wikis don't mention each other11:28
dcordeswhich I think is a pity11:28
TheDeadCPUI'm not really that well informed.11:28
TheDeadCPU'Cause I don't really care lol.11:28
TheDeadCPUWell. HTC-Linux is mostly HD2 now..11:28
TheDeadCPUSo it's not really any use for us..11:29
dcordesI am seeing htc-linux as a kind of global portal to interconnecet various people and projects working on Whatever Linux On HTC11:29
dcordeskernel, android, openmoko, ubuntu ...11:29
TheDeadCPUOr I could be very wrong. stinebd  or phh11:29
TheDeadCPUWell yes.11:29
TheDeadCPUBut XDAndroid is the Android build. Not the Kernel and Rootfs and such.11:29
TheDeadCPUOfcourse we do a lot of kernel stuff (or phh does)11:29
dcordesTheDeadCPU: don't get fooled by the #htc-linux discussion. it has always been like that. the main focus is on the recent devices11:30
TheDeadCPUBut XDAndroid mainly refers to the Android build.11:30
dcordesdue to the interests of the masses11:30
dcordesaha ok.. That is what I was wondering11:30
TheDeadCPUYea lol.11:30
dcordesIf Xdandroid also goes as msm7 kernel development11:30 has all the infrastructure and documentation for kernel dev11:31
TheDeadCPUWell. You should ask phh, stinebd or babijoee. But what I've said is my sight on things but it might be wrong.11:31
dcordeslook at how Linux on msm7kA started. it was cr2 buying the raphael11:31
dcordesTheDeadCPU: why are you passing on your responsibility ? This is community. I think everybody should have a voice11:32
dcordesTheDeadCPU: what device do you use ?11:33
TheDeadCPUI just don't want to get raped for saying THIS is what XDAndroid is. Since other people probably have other thoughts about it.11:33
TheDeadCPUA HTC Desire.11:33
TheDeadCPUAnd a Touch Pro.11:33
TheDeadCPUProbably buying the Desire Z when it comes to Norway.11:34
dcordesnever heard about that one11:34
TheDeadCPUAlso known as the HTC Vision or T-mobile G211:35
dcordesCrap I have to run. I'm late already for an appointment11:35
TheDeadCPUsorry for keeping you here.11:35
dcordesLet me make my point again real short: I think we could all benefit from better cooporation. xdandroid is a rich project. You guys have done a great job on getting quality android on thousands of phones. htc-linux should be a place to reflect all of these things. I would love to add some information in our wiki but I don't have a good insight in the project yet. If you are interested in representing yourselves via htc-linux you can get admin acces11:39
dcordesTheDeadCPU: lol don't worry :) was nice talking11:39
TheDeadCPUdcordes, We did use to be almost only HTC-Linux based..11:39
TheDeadCPUUntil HD2 happened.11:39
dcordesI think it is subjective impression from the channel talks11:40
dcordesand maybe my efforts to make linux on hd2 known as a thing focused around htc-linux11:41
dcordesit's all about what we want to make it.11:41
dcordesnow I really have to run11:41
dcordessorry for the spam :>11:41
TheDeadCPUnp man.11:41
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hamagcgood morning guys11:50
TheDeadCPUMorning hamagc11:50
hamagchow are things going today?11:51
hamagcgood. still dead in here?11:51
TheDeadCPUScordes has been in asking 'bout what XDAndroid is exactly.11:51
TheDeadCPUAnd if we couldn't pair up with HTC-Linux.11:51
hamagcwe are paired up with htc-linux aren't we?11:51
TheDeadCPUHTC-Linux as in the HD2 stuff11:52
hamagcohhh i see11:52
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hamagclol did you call dcordes a bra?11:54
TheDeadCPUa "brah"11:55
TheDeadCPUAs in NOT my bro.11:55
TheDeadCPUBecoming my bro takes months.11:56
TheDeadCPUOr just get me laid multiple times.11:56
TheDeadCPUThen you're my bro.11:56
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NeoMatrixJR<TheDeadCPU>Well. HTC-Linux is mostly HD2 now..  <-- not true, since sound out for TP2 there's been a lot of TP2 talk on there. not sure this morning though....12:27
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TheDeadCPUTrue true.12:28
TheDeadCPUOh lol.12:28
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TheDeadCPUAny Americans I can call here? I just got a Google Voice Beta account. (Beta as in the Norwegian beta, still can only call US people -.-)12:40
TheDeadCPUYea. I do understand that is a weird request lol.12:44
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hamagcok time to bite the bullet. time to update everything again.13:17
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Jeroen!15:10
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stinebd[11:26:46] <dcordes> I think xdandroid and htc-linux should cooporate more17:00
stinebdbut you kicked us out! ;)17:00
stinebdi wonder if there's a mediawiki extension that can link across wikis17:10
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dcordesstinebd: that's true23:37
dcordesstinebd: in fact earlier today I thought about it and my request sounds odd in that context23:37
dcordesI think I should appologize as I was quite the asshat .23:37
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