Wednesday, 2010-08-04

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hojoumorning guys, anything new happening?01:43
gladiac_hi, new rootfs came out01:45
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Sedna999Hi all, is it possible to make the htc sedna (p6500) work with android, i have tried serval startup.txt files and adjusted pararemters but the best i get is a white screen04:25
phhnever heard of that one.04:31
phhwhat's its specs ?04:31
x2need a new jernel that fixes battery life04:32
x2mine is TERRIBLE past the 15th04:32
hojousecond that x204:32
x2but then stability sucks on the 15th and the volume isnt fixed then too:/04:33
hojouis it possible with software to change the battery - not only indicator, but also internal charging/shutdown/warning?04:33
Sedna999the sedna has a 240x320 screen, 400mhz msm7xxx processor, 256 rom04:33
x2stability is still > battery but why is the battery like 1/5th as good as you go doen the line past the 15th04:33
phhSedna999: ask vogue people then04:34
x2if the 15th kernel was ported properly and not be so that it breaks otehr shit, i would get at LEAST 2 more hrs battery04:34
x2i cant even surf the web hardly before the battery drops to the floor04:35
phhyou want a 15th kerne l with all the patches that have been introuced meantime ?04:36
phhthat s called a kernel of today.04:36
Sedna999thanks phh04:36
x2i want it with all the patches for raph800 related04:37
x2so raph series only, and thats it04:37
x2something broke the battery from then to here, but what was it?04:37
x2stability was bad then though04:37
x2the radio would turn off at random, mainly04:37
phhyou know. if patches aren't raph800 relate, they won't kill your battery04:37
x2is there any way possible to code better for battery?04:38
x2my phone deep sleeps + 250mhz on screen off04:38
x2so.. 4 hrs with most deep sleo i think is bad04:38
phhyou're using setcpu screen off stupid thing ?04:39
x2overclock widget04:39
x2700 mhz on 250 off04:39
phhwell, it's plain stupi to force it underclock  at screen off.04:40
phhwon't explain again, i've already explaine dozens of time...04:40
phhlogs ?04:41
x2so i shouldnt do it?04:41
phhif it deepsleep, I can't see how the kernel could change anything to batterylife04:41
Shaelcan i ask a quick stupid question ?04:42
gladiac_Shael: yeah, why not... but don't ask to ask ;)04:42
x2not deep sleep04:42
x2thats the only way i can get decent life out of it04:42
x2but, i only used my phone for like 20 mins in those 4 hrs..04:43
Shaelthank you kindly.. when downloading apps that aren't apk's.. how do you turn them into apk's so i can install them with astro ? i'm doing this on a hacked HD2..04:43
x2battery drops to half in 5 mins04:43
phhisn't  it written in the topic we don't support hd2 ?04:43
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phhyes it is.04:44
phhShael: anyway i've never seen non-apk apps oO04:44
Shaeloh, well i don't think it'd matter what phone..04:44
phhor they are system-side stuff that needs an update.zip04:44
Shaelbasically the app is a zip full of the app's files04:44
phhwell, that's the apk itself perhaps ?04:45
Shaelbut it's a .zip file04:45
phh(an apk is a zip file.)04:45
Shaeland in astro it doesn't install..04:45
Shaelso i should just leave it as:   for example ?04:45
phhx2: you say deepsleep is worse than no deepsleep ?04:45
phhShael: if it's you might need too extract it04:46
phhbut only one time.04:46
x2i said i cant use my phone or the battery drops like a rock04:46
x2deep sleep is the only thing saving it at all04:46
Shaelphh: if so, where do i put it..  if i throw it in android apps folder.. no-go.. which file would i run in that case..04:47
phhon raph800 you said ?04:47
phhShael: what files are there ?04:47
x2say i use it for 10 mins, it will be yellow at least for sure04:47
x2if i deep sleep it, it will go back up to newr full but the cycle repeats04:48
x2if i keep using it, it will drop to red fast04:48
phhx2: who cares of the indicator ?04:48
phhwe know it s totally wrong...04:48
x2is that all it is?04:48
x2how can i make it stop warning me then? o.004:48
x2i havent tested it past 10%04:48
x2it got that low today04:48
phhyou say it can do only 4hours04:48
x2before it has under 1004:49
x2and keeps poping up every 2 seconds04:49
phhyou've never said that....04:49
phhnow do a real test.04:50
Shaelthere are folders: assets, lib, META-INF, res and files: androidManifest.xml, classes.dex and resources.arsc04:50
x2at that level it has locked up before and tried to reboot04:50
x2where it couldnt reboot04:50
x2but i could boot to winmo and have 30% battery04:50
x2that was on a more recent kernel than the 15th but maybe 405 ago04:50
phhShael: so it's an apk04:50 is chalked full of apps in zip files like this04:51
phhbut unzip it only ONE time04:51
Shaelonly ONE time ?04:51
phhif you have a stupid winzip04:51
phhit will extract two04:51
Shaelno winzip..04:51
Shaelbut i should put in in what folder/where ?04:51
gladiac_lol if it's an apk it has to go to AndroidApps04:51
phhadb install04:52
Shaelyes.. but if it's a folder with an apk's files in it ?  - .apk files are easy04:52
phhandroiapps is checked only at first boot iirc04:52
Shaelthere's no way to turn it into a real .apk file ? like an easy compiler or anything04:53
phhit's either an apk or an apk in a zip04:54
phhfirst case you just install the file04:54
Shaelno, it's a zip full of files04:54
Shaelnone of which are .apk04:54
gladiac_is there a AndroidManifest.xml in the zip?04:54
Shaelthere is04:55
gladiac_good then try renaming the zip to apk04:55
Shaeldidn't even have a proper icon in astro04:55
phhso it's an apk in a zip file04:55
phhso extract the zip one time.04:56
Shaelto it's own folder by the name of the app ?04:56
Shaelor do the files have to be directly somewhere04:56
phhhow do you try to extract your zip ?04:57
Shaelusing windows04:57
Shaeli haven't tried dumping the many files anywhere yet as i didn't know whether they'd get picked up and loaded04:57
Shaelany ideas where to throw them on the SD card ?05:00
x2i tried putting the code in startup.text to block the battery issue but its not working..05:01
x2any suggestions?05:01
x2or it works but i have a keyboard when i boot that covers part of the screen :05:01
x2set ramsize 0x1000000005:01
x2set ramaddr 0x1000000005:01
x2set mtype 203905:01
x2set KERNEL zImage05:01
x2set initrd initrd.gz05:01
x2set cmdline "lcd.density=210 htc_battery_smem.fake=1 msmvkeyb_toggle=off physkeyboard=raph board-htcraphael-navi.wake=0 gsensor_axis=2,-1,3"05:01
phhsounds fine but hum05:12
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hojouphh: you sound like you have your hands dirty - do you know if it is possible to change the battery meter thingy with software (apk) so that charging, shutdown management and visual icon is managed by that application - or is that something deep inside the android os?05:23
phhsomething inside android05:24
hojouyeah i figured... oh well - keep up the good work, i love xdandroid on my diamond :)05:28
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hojou /join #dogsex06:45
hojouoh well, got work - later :)06:45
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, David J., who says: great work!! go! go!06:48
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LeTamahello guys06:50
LeTamaphh, quick question for you:06:50
LeTama[0128]> SETUP_DATA_CALL 1 0 orange orange 306:50
LeTama[GsmDataConnectionTracker] setState: INITING06:50
LeTama[0128]> SETUP_DATA_CALL (1,0,,orange,orange,3)06:50
LeTamaonRequest: SETUP_DATA_CALL06:50
LeTamaAT> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","",,0,006:50
LeTamaAT< OK06:50
LeTamaAT> AT+CGQREQ=106:50
LeTamaAT< OK06:50
LeTamaAT> AT+CGQMIN=106:50
LeTamaAT< OK06:50
LeTamaAT> AT+CGEREP=1,006:50
LeTamaAT< OK06:50
LeTamaAT> AT+CGACT=0,106:50
LeTamaAT< OK06:50
phhLeTama: the question being ?06:53
LeTamaphh, atd*99 failure ?06:54
phhuh ?06:55
phhthere is no ATD in your log06:55
LeTamadidn't go through ?06:55
LeTamaAT< +PCD: 1,006:56
phhwrong apn ?06:56
LeTamait seems fine06:58
LeTamaI'll check it06:58
LeTamano, seems ok, orange/orange/orange is fine, no ?06:59
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Shaelanyone have a solution for getting proxy wifi networks to work on 2.2 ?08:07
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sle118mornong guys08:10
sle118phh: you there?08:11
sle118My radio went down for no reason08:11
sle118I have the log if interested08:11
sle118had to reboot08:11
phhwhy not08:11
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sle118_phh: log is here
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sle118phh: My virtual PC just crashed. Did you get the link?08:19
sle118fyi, the wifi interface was up08:19
sle118I think data typically goes down when wifi is up, but I am not sure if it makes a difference for the phone side08:20
sle118the phone reported "no service"08:20
sle118at one point, but I swear I saw the service active this morning (it's morning here)08:21
sle118[GsmDataConnectionTracker] Radio is off and clean up all connection08:24
sle118any clue about possible cause?08:26
sle118it's not the first time this happens08:27
sle118phh:is this a known problem?08:35
phhnot really08:37
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sle118_never seen this one10:49
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sle118_All widgets disappeared10:49
sle118_from home screen10:49
sle118_shortcuts were unaffected10:49
sle118_not using launcherpro10:50
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hamagcgood morning guys11:54
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hamagcx2: reading logs, but battery indicator is off enough so that it'll stay at under 5% for a couple of hours. if your getting 4 hours before hitting the 5% mark on the indicator, you should be getting 6-8 hours total.12:12
hamagcsle118: alot of the time when i reboot android, when it starts up and there is no data connection, none of the widgets work. once data is up, widgets will load.12:15
hamagclol @ the shael person. couldn't figure out an apk huh?12:16
hamagcwonder if he ever figured it out lol12:16
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Zotyodoes anybody know if there is a stable rom for HD Mini (android ROM)13:02
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sle118_hamagc:thank you for the response.  I rebooted the phone, and the widgets were still gone.  This followed a moment where WiFi didn't go up and the phone service was down13:09
sle118_I installed LauncherPro13:09
sle118_I was on the base android home screen app13:09
hamagcdid you have data connection at all during this time?13:12
RS_AsleepHello :)13:19
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hamagchello! :)13:27
sle118_hamagc:sorry I was out for lunch13:38
sle118_after dropping a few lines13:38
sle118_I had data connection after the reboot13:38
sle118_Wifi was back13:38
sle118_however, sometimes the wifi icon is there but hosts cannot be resolved13:39
hamagcand still no widgets? thats weird.13:39
sle118_I know13:39
sle118_it's like widgets settings got erased13:39
sle118_hamagc:is there a way to force the data connection in Android?13:41
sle118_yesterday I left the house with wifi enabled13:41
hamagcforce 3g? lol turn off wifi?13:41
sle118_I got out range of known access points13:41
sle118_I tried that13:41
sle118_disabled the wifi13:41
sle118_3g didn't come up13:42
sle118_had to reboot (again)13:42
sle118_typically 3G comes up when wifi is turned off13:42
sle118_at this point, wifi was turned off when no connection was active13:42
RS_AsleepI know I had no WiFi and had to turn it off and on again before it would work. Then it went to sleep and wouldn't wake up I think.13:43
hamagchmm, i've noticed 3g can be unstable at times. could have been one of those times. i seem to lose 3g atleast once a day requiring a reboot.13:44
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Tukonjust tried out BLAZN build with updated rootfs & kernel on my tilt2... GREAT work everyone, just wanted to say tanks13:48
Tukoner thanks, lol13:49
RS_AsleepWhat hardware you try it on? :)13:49
Tukonat&t tilt 2 (rhodium)13:50
Tukonsound is the only thing keeping me from using it full-time13:50
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hamagcbe back in a few14:12
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dagnushello, anyone available for a quick question?15:12
TheDeadCPUThe title says don't ask to aks.15:12
dagnus:| didnt read that ..15:13
TheDeadCPUSo just ask.15:13
dagnusright, i just got on the newest release candidate for froyo, RC2.1 and ive got it working and everything, ( i am on a topaz) but im having two problems. one which has been said to be caused by the latest zImage. but the other has to do with me no having ANY sound come from the speaker at all. why could this be? im on the latest rootfs and latest zimage.15:15
dagnusi have all options that could/would make a sound selected. and none do.15:15
TheDeadCPUThere isn't sound on the Topaz and TP215:15
dagnusoh well.15:15
dagnusthat was easy15:15
TheDeadCPUI don't know why but it's a problem for them lol15:15
dagnuslol. they failed to mention that on the topaz thread15:16
dagnuswell.. thatsa bummer..15:16
dagnusoh well. atleast vibrate works15:16
TheDeadCPUYea lol.15:16
dagnusalso, is there any way to boot directly into andriod? i have gen Y's dual boot, but after the first time of it working. its not gettin registry errors15:17
dagnusit is*15:17
TheDeadCPUI don't know for the Topaz.15:17
TheDeadCPUYou should search on XDA for it15:18
dagnusi did. lol.15:18
dagnusi should go delete my post in the thread now..15:18
dagnusi feel like a moron..15:18
dagnusany insight on the battery indicator issue? im jumpoing from 15% to 100 when plugged in and then losing like a percent every 10 seconds when the screen is on and then the battery goes back up when sleeping15:21
RS_AsleepMine says it's nearly out of juice, I plug it into the USB and it's instantly charged which I thought was pretty neat ;)15:22
RS_AsleepSo I'm going for common issue at the mo...15:22
MrObviousIt's just the battery drivers, one of the many broken things.15:23
RS_AsleepOr what MrObvious said :)15:24
dagnuslol right, same thing happens to me. 15% error , plug in, 100% wooohooo15:26
RS_AsleepIf it was genuine we could make a fortune in the battery industry with InstaCharge[tm] !15:27
dagnusrofl trufax15:27
dagnussee. freakin dualboot works right after i install it, but then when i restart, it wont boot back into android and gives me retarded registry errors.. (angry)15:29
dagnusso then i Have to run haret manually15:30
dagnusdamn imlazy15:30
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hamagcdagnus, incase you read the logs, if your getting registry errors in gen.y you need to edit the registry for dualboot to look in the andboot folder. i think it's setup for root as default.15:37
hamagcphh do you know about the capacitative pad on the fuze? is there anyway to get a log or something showing whats going on when they go nuts and stop working right? logcat doesn't seem to show anything regarding the issue.15:48
phhhamagc: it's possible, but don't worry, if it's going nuts it's just the hardware.15:48
phhand some settings we don't have15:48
Unholyphh: phh i remeber couple of moths back like 6 maybe, you guys fixed the panel, cant you re implement that ?15:51
phhUnholy: lolwat ?15:52
Unholyphh: lolyea15:52
phhwhat do you mean with "reimplement" ? :p15:52
Unholywell cant you like look at that commit and fix it? maybe someone borked it15:53
phhah it's broken ?15:53
Unholyi dont know i guess it is? your the expert15:54
dagnus_hamagc, i have everything installed from the root of the sd card, not the andboot folder15:54
Unholyplus theres are a couple of old videos of android on youtube, ppl with tp fuze and the panel was fine15:55
hamagcohh, then check the registry to make sure it's set for root. thats really the only registry setting that needs to be changed manually outside gen.y.15:55
hamagcunholy, the panel is usually fine for some time. i get it once or twice a day that the panel flakes out and i need to reboot to get menu and back buttons working again.15:55
Unholyfor me it goes crazy in like seconds of using it15:56
hamagcreally? that bad?15:56
Unholybut theres a way to trigger it, if you touch the lower part of the panel, if you swipe there it will got crazy15:57
Unholyfor me yea15:57
hamagci get it where the lights go crazy and randomly light up, but thats right before the battery dies.15:57
hamagchmm doesn't seem to effect mine. i can swype the bottom no issues. one icon lights up until i remove my finger.15:57
Unholyi just deal with it, what i do is swipe the capasite panel until the part i want to use lights up, then i quickly press it15:58
Unholyand it works15:58
hamagcmaybe thats a difference between raph800 and raph100?15:58
hamagclol that works i guess.15:58
Unholyim on raph11015:58
Unholyi tihnk the raph 110 is the worst case of all XD15:58
hamagcdamn flakey hardware15:59
Unholybut like i said, there was a time when it worked perfectly16:00
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hamagci really wish they went about the buttons down there differently16:09
hamagchmm, well i guess you can find an old kernal and see when it stopped working?16:09
Unholythats a job and half =P16:10
hamagclol right16:10
Unholyim really hating motoblur rom's i cant get wifi to work16:14
Unholymaybe its the rom im using16:15
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* MrVanx waves17:17
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RS_AsleepMexican or standard?17:19
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hamagchmm, standard?17:24
x2my panel works fine most of the time17:25
x2i have an old phone for parts though and thois is an alltel top panel17:25
hamagcx2, your on raph800. he is on raph11017:25
hamagchardware may be slightly different17:26
x2i know but still17:26
x2mine will stop working at random and force a reboot17:26
hamagcthats how mine is as well17:26
x2it will think pressing anything on the right or left side = end or start call17:26
TheDeadCPUhamagc, Slightly different? Try VERY different.17:26
x2hey, at least yours doesnt eat keyboards :x17:27
x2this is my.. 4th? keyboard17:27
TheDeadCPUMine is in mint condition.17:27
x2the cable is such a bad designed part17:27
x2i bought a new one for the first time on ebay for like $12 and its been good for a month now..17:28
x2used ones ive bought have broken in a week17:28
x2crazy stuff17:28
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hamagcare they that different? i can't imagine them being too different. drivers are pretty much the same for both no?17:40
hamagci know the radio is obviously different, and the raph100 has some features the 800 doesn't (fm radio).17:40
x2does raph100 have a 3.5mm jack built in?17:40
x2mines on a seperate adapter lol17:41
hamagci don't think any of the raphs did17:41
phhhamagc: raph800 and raph500 does17:41
x2i dont mind it though since it actually works fine17:41
hamagcno 3.5 on my raph80017:41
phhsame for diamond, topaz, rhodium.17:41
phhraph500 then ?17:41
x2raph800 deoesnt have one built in17:41
x2i have an alltel and sprint raph 800, both dont17:41
hamagchaha thats messed up. half the ram but we'll give you a 3.5mm jack lol17:42
x2yea :/17:42
x2go verizon17:42
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Unholymeh i cant get wifi working on motoblur rom17:59
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Tasty_boy_XDAsomeone know some wifi widget?18:02
hamagcwifi widget? other than the power control widget built in?18:06
hamagcthat has wifi?18:06
hamagcworks great for me but there are a ton of other widgets for wifi18:06
Tasty_boy_XDAthere's not power control in mine18:06
Tasty_boy_XDAwhats the way?18:06
hamagcwhat are you using?18:06
hamagcis this on your desire?18:07
hamagcthat would explain it18:07
hamagcmarket and look for power control widget, controls backlight, exchange, bt, wifi, and gps18:07
hamagcbeautiful widgets i believe had alot of single widgets for wifi, bt,gps, etc...18:07
Tasty_boy_XDAyep, heard bout it18:08
Tasty_boy_XDAbut couldn't download18:08
Tasty_boy_XDAlet me try in market18:08
Tasty_boy_XDApower control widget18:08
hamagci like power control widget18:09
x2lol i use that daily18:09
x2if i want a gps lock, i turn on wifi + gps18:09
x2if i dont, i turn them off18:09
x2its stupid that you need to turn on wifi to get a cell triangulate location though, but at least it works super fast18:10
hamagclol it's not cell triangulation. it's just using the isp for wifi for location. cell triang. wouldn't need wifi but it's broken for us so it doesn't work.18:11
hamagcbut gps works, after it gets a lock. can take a minute or two for that lol18:11
x2oddly i dont have wifi connected at all when it works18:11
x2and it only works when, and as soon as, i put wifi on18:11
hamagcbut make sure you turn gps off or your deepsleep will be broken until you do18:11
x2cell triangulate works PERFECT for me18:12
hamagci'll have to test that out on my smoke break18:12
x2open up maps and go to latitude18:12
hamagci haven't even heard reports from cdma users with it working.18:12
x2ill test it right now for you18:12
x2with GPS off lol18:12
hamagcturn wifi on?18:13
x2and wifi on but not connected18:13
hamagcok gps off wifi on18:13
x2it says this on latitude18:13
hamagcbut not connected cause i don't have any aps around here18:13
x2i have gps and wifi off now18:13
hamagcplease enable my location msg. let me check it real quick18:14
x2"latitude works best when wifi is turned on, especially indoors. you dont even need to be connected to a network for location accuracy to be improved with wifi"18:14
x2turning it on now..18:14
x2gps still off18:14
x2going back to maps..18:14
x2found my instantly18:14
hamagcback to maps18:14
x250 meters accurate only18:14
hamagcwaiting for location18:14
x2but it works18:15
hamagcyour current location is unavailable18:15
x2it shows a big circle where it thinks i am18:15
x2latest 2.1 release and kernel?18:15
x2older kernels it didnt work at all18:15
hamagcoh wait i'm in maps18:15
hamagcnot latitude18:15
x2yea in maps is ok too18:15
x2after you enable wifi18:15
x2im in maps as well18:15
hamagclol it found where i was on 7/1018:16
hamagcyour current location is unavailable18:16
hamagctemporary unavailable18:16
x2what if you go into latitude?18:16
hamagcthis is wifi on but not connected and gps off18:16
x2yea thats what i have right now as well18:17
x2it says wifi networks are available in the bar but thats all18:17
x2gps takes years for me for it to get a lock unless im outside and not moving18:17
hamagcya it takes ;like 10 mins here too18:17
hamagclet me play for a min while i smoke, brb.18:17
x2if your on the all latest files, try going to maps then optios - join latitude18:18
x2if you have wifi off, click the thing at the top18:18
x2where it says enable wifi, and it will pop up that box18:18
hamagci'm already joined on lat18:18
hamagcbut i got airplane mode to work lastnight18:18
hamagcvia the powerbutton18:19
hamagcon and off18:19
hamagcthought that was weird18:19
x2lol that is impressive18:19
x2that never works for me18:19
x2god forbid i hit it on accident18:19
Tasty_boy_XDAfound some wid18:24
Tasty_boy_XDAnice indeed18:24
Tasty_boy_XDAlike it18:24
hamagcairplane mode is reported as not working and if i do it manually i can't turn it off but apparently the power button brings up the list and airplane mode works that way18:27
hamagcabout to test it again.18:27
hamagcstill no tower location18:28
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hamagcairplane mode on18:28
hamagcand connection lost, little airplane in the status bar18:28
hamagcin settings it shows airplane mode on18:28
hamagcairplane mode off via power button18:29
hamagcsignal is back18:29
hamagcand 3g is back.18:29
hamagcx2 care to test on your device?18:29
hamagcairplane mode via settings on18:29
hamagcsignal gone, airplane in status bar18:30
hamagcairplane mode off, signal is back...18:30
hamagchmm no data18:32
hamagcya it's all screwed up now.18:33
hamagcso on my device airplane mode works via power button but not via settings18:34
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hamagcok goodnight guys19:05
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dagnushowdy, any fix on the indicator light situation for a topaz? my indicator led is always on either green, while sleeping, or orange while not sleeping.20:33
dagnusand, are live wallpapers working on the new froyo rc 2.120:35
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