Thursday, 2010-07-15

stinebdi wasn't planning on working with this late tonight but hopefully i can get things fixed for wifi and possibly a2sd00:01
stinebdwifi on rhod00:01
Reefermattnessoh man both of those would be spectacular00:04
Reefermattnessthis new build flies man00:05
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stinebdwe need device mapper for a2sd00:21
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bzostinebd: I don't think the apns-conf.xml are getting copied correctly00:36
bzodevelopment/data/etc/apns-conf.xml is the one getting copied to out/target/*00:37
stinebddid you sync?00:37
stinebdbecause that's exactly what this commit fixed:
bzoyeah, let me double check the actual file00:38
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bzostinebd: double checked, my local file matches that commit00:41
bzodid a make clean before build00:42
stinebdyou're really gonna make me go through a full rebuild to verify this?00:42
bzodon't have to take my word for it :p00:43
stinebdif i rebuild and everything is kosher i'm coming after you with a pitchfork00:43
bzoso did you check the apn file in your out directory?00:43
Xecuter2wow i have bad luck00:43
Xecuter2phone locked up when i had a ton of appd open00:44
Xecuter2reset it and data.img got corrupted.. so i had to delete it and start over :/00:44
stinebdi checked it before i committed00:44
stinebdand now several times after00:44
stinebdsame absurdly humongous file00:45
stinebdand now just for you i have another full build running00:45
stinebdwasting the world's nuclear power00:45
stinebdbut don't worry, the nuclear waste goes to new jersey00:46
stinebdso it's all ok00:46
bzostinebd: ah, I think I found the problem01:02
stinebdit better involve me being stupid01:03
bzothe mk that unzip-files makes resets PRODUCT_COPY_FILES01:03
bzo:= instead of +=01:03
stinebdhmm, nope01:04
bzono? because is included after the latest change you made01:05
stinebdif that were the case, all of our feature xml crap wouldn't be getting copied over01:07 line 4101:08
stinebdi know what you're talking about01:08
stinebdbut it's not the problem01:08
bzobut how is it that that line doesn't wipe out PRODUCT_COPY_FILES?01:08
stinebdit's in a different makefile01:08
bzobut aren't those processed as part of an include, rather than processed indepedently?01:09
stinebdhmm, my build has already gotten to the part where it copies apns-conf.xml01:10
bzodrum roll...01:10
stinebdbig file01:10
stinebdgotta watch till the end now to see if it installs the tmo version over that01:10
stinebdanyway, it's a little hard to explain why make acts that way. sorta simply put, the includes are actually a make command, not exactly what you'd consider a traditional include in the programming sense, so it's processing the entire makefile, then sees the include commands and goes to process those other makefiles01:13
bzoah, I see01:14
stinebdreally, make doesn't have that functionality built in. the android build system provides it01:14
bzothe android build system seem a bit frankensteinish01:15
stinebda bit...01:15
stinebdlike 4 frankensteins getting it on01:16
stinebdmaybe i should add the Stk package01:20
stinebdi have a feeling it's gonna overwrite that apns-conf.xml01:22
stinebdonly possible explanation for this01:22
stinebdtime to grep the build system to see where that target is01:22
bzostinebd: did you have to muck with anything in prelink-linux-arm.map01:25
stinebdbzo: not yet, but we probably will eventually01:25
bzotrying to get a camera library to work and it's complaining about the mapping01:26
stinebdyeah, someone posted a link with a new prelink map01:26
bzoare you talking about the froyo on the sapphire 32a thread?01:28
stinebdfinal verdict is in01:29
stinebdbig file still01:29
bzoarghh /o\01:29
Reefermattnesshe is coming after you with a pitchfork now bzo  :)01:29
stinebdyeah, about that01:30
bzogood thing I live on the other side of the country01:30
stinebddue to lack of equipment, i may have to substitute a regular fork01:30
stinebdperhaps a spork01:30
bzomy thought exactly01:30
bzothe kinder gentler stinebd01:30
stinebdthere's nothing kind about a spork01:31
bzobetter than a pitchfork01:31
Reefermattnessits like being bitten by a chupacabra01:31
Reefermattnessare you guys talking about the apns not working?  So its not just me that cant get them to work?  lol01:32
stinebdit's unreleased01:32
stinebdexcept for the secret release01:33
stinebdwifi WORKS01:33
Reefermattnessholy crap01:33
stinebdone last clean up and test before i push to rootfs01:34
stinebd(no system update needed!)01:35
stinebdobviously a2sd won't be working tonight01:35
stinebdbut the directory is there now at least01:35
Reefermattnesseh, beggers cant be choosers  :P01:35
stinebdall we need is a kernel update01:36
stinebdto 2.6.3501:36
stinebdjust choked on a bottle of water01:46
stinebdhmm this actually might require a new system image01:47
stinebdoh well01:47
bzoI haven't felt the need for a faster system until I started compiling these android systems01:50
stinebdi heard it takes ORNL's jaguar 3 hours to compile android01:51
Reefermattnessim lucky then  :)01:53
Reefermattnessdont choke dude we need you around01:53
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20100715-20f5419) at: -- Changes at:
stinebdthanks xdandroid01:53
bzohmm, looks like the proprietary media libs aren't working for the sapphire guys either. they disabled them in the prelink map01:56
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stinebdahh getting somewhere on a2sd02:01
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Reefermattnesscan confirm your wifi fix :)02:10
stinebdit works with current systems?02:10
Reefermattnesswith your system with working apn, yep02:11
stinebdholy butt02:11
MrObviousstinebd: Can I stop the logcat? lol02:14
stinebdkeep it going, it may spontaneously mount itself02:15
MrObviousUh ok lol.02:15
MrObviousSo I can stop it? Or do you want me to keep it going?02:16
stinebdyou can stop it02:16
stinebdi didn't know you still had it going all that time02:16
MrObviousI got it ready to go on pastebin too.02:16
MrObviousHave fun rofl.02:17
stinebdholy crap02:20
stinebdneocore installed02:20
MrObviousOn my phone?02:20
stinebda2sd confirmed02:22
stinebd(with kernel modification)02:22
MrObviousWhat's a2sd? Is that bluetooth?02:22
stinebdapps on sd card02:23
stinebdthe official version02:23
MrObviousOh. Sweet!02:23
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20100715-b33c842) at: -- Changes at:
Reefermattnessyou are a machine02:23
MrObviousMy work paid off. :D02:24
stinebdphh: << needed for froyo apps2sd02:24
stinebdi'm freaking tired02:25
stinebdthink it's bed time02:25
Reefermattnessthanks for your help man02:25
stinebdthanks for yours02:26
Reefermattnesshave a good night02:26
MrObviousI agree. Nighty night time. LOL>02:27
Reefermattnessalmost for me too, better let people know they can fix their wifi before i crash02:27
MrObviousI farted. Open a window.02:30
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Iosif[Blac]morning guys02:31
Iosif[Blac]something new ?02:31
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MrObviousIosif[Blac]: root.fs02:32
Iosif[Blac]for Rhodium I saw02:36
Iosif[Blac]not HD02:36
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n0use_i just got a cdma htc diamond touch02:38
n0use_does it work pretty well with 2.0/2.1/2.202:39
n0use_or better with 1.602:39
Reefermattnessworks well with 2.1/2.202:48
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n0usei spent 80 bucks on like new htc diamond touch just for android... foolish i suppose, but im broke.  would i be better off spending a little more on a chinese knock off / clone04:21
n0usedoes the camera work with xdandroid04:21
thedicemasternot yet.04:30
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phhstinebd: I hope you didn't lose too much time on the .config changes needed for app2sd, since I already know it :/09:01
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crusiehi, I got this old htc touch diamond - which build should I use to get android in it ? is it even possible ?09:07
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crusiehow do I find out if my device is a msm7k ?09:09
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Iosif[Blac]it is09:19
Iosif[Blac]search on xda thread09:19
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xdandroidNew kernel available (20100715_161558) at
phhxdandroid: no new kernel uh ?10:26
phhwrong log -_-'10:27
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MrObviousphh: Haha that's funny.11:07
MrObviousphh: Stinebd loose time.11:07
MrObviousNo I think it was because he was troubleshooting something.11:07
NeoMatrixJRauto-build kernels still auto-power-down my RHOD400 at end of boot sequence....11:12
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syllabichow is the new kernel11:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, this Raph100 LED support, is there an app for it? :p11:42
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hamagcgood morning guys12:03
hamagccan i mount a linux img in windows to rape files from it?12:16
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: echo 1 > /dbgfs/htc_hw/flash12:17
phhwould you call that an app ? :p12:17
phhyou can put it in commandcenter12:17
phh(controlcenter ?)12:17
phh(meh chamonix's thing.)12:17
hamagci made a text file with that text in it and named it flash on.sh12:19
hamagcwouldn't call it an app but it's easier than typing it out12:19
hamagcjust open the sh file and it will run12:19
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hamagcok so it looks like the sapphire has the same camera as we do too. and they got around the prelink issues so maybe i'll have luck12:22
phhprelink issue ... ?12:23
phhwarning I might help on that one.12:23
phhjust need some details :p12:23
hamagcohh, ya we're getting a prelink issue with the liboemcamera.so12:23
hamagclet me get info for you12:24
hamagcerror: 07-14 11:26:05.890 E/QualcommCameraHardware( 2101): FATAL ERROR: could not dlopen Cannot load library: reserve_mem_region[810]: OOPS:  2101      prelinked library '' mapped at 0x4060a000, not at 0xa940000012:24
hamagcthat was using, if i replace that with i get the same thing but mapped at 0x4060c00012:25
hamagcand that the exact same thing they were getting on the dream12:25
hamagc is how they fixed it from the looks of it12:26
phhjust use an opensource driver ?12:26
hamagcfrom ?12:26
phhfrom qualcomm?12:27
phh(getting drivers from the SoC manufacturer sounds logical only to me ?)12:27
hamagclol would make sense. no clue how to do that12:27
phhit's here12:28
hamagccan those be commited in? if so i can have bzo try it out12:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOoo.. Camera progress? :)12:34
hamagclol not really progress yet but i'm trying to get somewhere with it.12:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI want camera just for Goggles.12:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGetting a TwinSim in a few days :D12:36
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hamagcwell hello glemsom!12:38
GlemSomHey :)12:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWow, haven't seen you here before lol12:39
hamagchmm i don't seem to be liking the newest rootfs or zimage.12:39
hamagci'm getting a bunch of force closes now :(12:40
GlemSomTheDeadCPU|BRAVO, I've been here once or twice... I don't really use IRC that much though... :P12:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOlol! Chinese XDA :)12:41
hamagchmm appears new rootfs is breaking my phone :( first time i have seen force closes yet12:50
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOk, I can not find out what's blocking HTC_IME from running..12:55
hamagcoh no!12:59
hamagcmaybe it's not the updates12:59
hamagci think i was uninstalling something lastnight when my battery died and thats why everything is fubared this morning13:00
hamagcya i was uninstalling the make it default thingy for opera last i looked at it then it died. but my overclock widget that i was going to uninstall is gone13:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFresh Data.img time D:13:02
hamagcya :(13:02
hamagcmaybe :)13:02
hamagconly tapa is giving me a force close now lol13:03
hamagcgrr new data.img :(13:05
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hamagcwell now i guess i should back up my data.img13:16
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHey Iosif[Blac]13:21
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hamagcok off to an appt. be back in a bit.13:29
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NeoMatrixJRHOLY FRACK! unknownforce's battery code changes is the only thing required to keep the RHOD working...13:42
phhNeoMatrixJR: oh.13:42
NeoMatrixJRok, who knows stuff about compiling the kernel?13:42
phhjust because level is too low it won't boot ?13:43
phhstupid thing13:43
phhNeoMatrixJR: add htc_battery_smem.fake_charger=113:43
phhto cmdline13:43
NeoMatrixJRI'm thinking there must be code SOMEWHERE that says if the batts too low to shutdown...13:43
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Abel G.!13:43
NeoMatrixJRphh: had something like that and it didn't seem to do anything13:44
phhNeoMatrixJR: ah.13:44
NeoMatrixJRwasn't "fake_charger=1" though13:44
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NeoMatrixJRgonna look it up..13:44
phhhum I could be wrong.13:44
phhwait a second13:44
phhok it's just fake=113:44
NeoMatrixJRdon't think that worked....13:45
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phhfine android's stupid then.13:45
phhI'll add a fake_min_level then.13:45
NeoMatrixJRgonna try it again real quick though...just to be sure13:45
CazHphh: it's not the battery level, it's the battery temp13:46
CazHstine said something about it reporting a temp of about 87C13:46
NeoMatrixJRcan someone walk me through creating a patch file again for the kernel.  that should show what code is changed13:47
NeoMatrixJRI just have only done it once and can't remember.13:47
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CazHHi sovereignty13:48
CazHlong time no see13:48
sovereigntyCazH: yup...been busy as hell with my business13:48
sovereigntyman this place has grown!13:48
CazHyou don't say :)13:49
sovereigntyi've been out of the picture for a couple weeks...13:49
CazHOut on a oil rig? :)13:49
sovereigntyCazH: nah, here at the has been booming...13:50
CazHNot bad :D13:50
sovereigntyi haven't even turned on my linux maching in like 2 weeks13:50
CazHHehe crazy13:50
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHey CazH.13:51
CazHWell i'm not that much around since I started work last monday :)13:51
CazHwork nights (4 nights a week) So not much time left over anymore13:51
sovereigntywell, i'm gonna just idle...i still have a lot to do, just figured i'd idle here so i don't have so many logs to read13:51
sovereigntyCazH: work is better than none13:51
sovereigntyneed money13:51
CazHYeah same here13:52
sovereigntyi'll check back a lot to do...13:52
NeoMatrixJRCazH: I think you're right. the fake charger still restarts and I'm seeing some temperature calculation changes in htc_rhod_batt_corr in htc_battery_smem.c13:55
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stinebdthanks abel g.!13:56
NeoMatrixJRphh (or someone who knows): I need help creating the patch file to give to someone who can update the kernel.13:56
stinebdW/BatteryService( 1251): Would be shutting down battery now! Battery temperature is 87213:57
NeoMatrixJRstinebd: where'd you find that?13:57
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: i tracked the bug down and added the output in android's batteryservice13:58
stinebdand disabled the actual shutdown13:58
stinebdnot really a bug, more like a feature13:58
NeoMatrixJRsounds like removing a safety.  would be better to code proper (or at least better) batt temp readings?13:59
phhNeoMatrixJR: I'll let you do that.14:00
NeoMatrixJRphh: we'll I've got unknownforce's changes ready.  just need to have someone help me out so they can get added.14:00
NeoMatrixJR'cause I doubt I have commit rights.14:00
phhah that makes me remind that i've a patch in the queue14:01
Reefermattnesspatch that battery i want to use a2sd too!!  ;)   morning guys lol14:01
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: make changes to your local git clone, git commit -a, git format-patch HEAD^..HEAD14:01
stinebdthe patch will be generated in the current directory, named 0001-Your-commit-subject.patch14:02
stinebdaren't my documentations grand?14:05
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NeoMatrixJRPATCH SUBMITTED! Sent to the developer's list per stinebd's documentation (thanks for that BTW!).  WOOT! Can't wait to have RHOD back up on current kernel again.  and now i have a dev system so I can take a look at some of the issues too.  (can't guarantee I'll be much help though)14:21
phhthere is a developer's list ?14:21
stinebdwe're all on it14:21
phhi'm subscribed to it ?14:21
NeoMatrixJRXD ROTFLOL14:22
* NeoMatrixJR wow..flashback to pre-teens and AOL chat days....14:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOoo! Hey babijoee.14:22
stinebdback in my preteens, they didn't even have aol chat14:23
phhI need htc diamond testers for last/next kernel update.14:23
stinebdwe were stuck using this archaic protocol called irc14:23
stinebddont you have a diamond?14:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIrc? that sounds like crap stinebd.14:23
NeoMatrixJRhey..irc was great back in the day for trading mp3's before napster14:23
phhstinebd: yes, it's hidden somewhere on my desktop14:24
stinebduh oh14:24
phhI think.14:24
NeoMatrixJRback when mirc was free14:24
stinebdmirc was never free14:24
stinebdshareware even since the win16 days14:24
NeoMatrixJRum, ok well, you could bypass the nagscreen easy then...?14:24
NeoMatrixJRI don't remember...I just know I used it back then14:25
NeoMatrixJRand I don't know...14:25
bheI can do some tests on diamond or topaz14:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, hamagc should be back soon and he can prolly test some Diamond shizz :p14:27
phhbhe: wait for xdandroid to scream, and try the next kernel14:28
phhit's supposed to help wake up from sleep14:28
NeoMatrixJRso, phh has a patch in queue and I just sent one up...when will we see these bad boys compiled in and out in the wild?14:28
phhNeoMatrixJR: ask xdandroid.14:28
phh(the bot)14:28
stinebdxdandroid needs push notifications from the kernel build service14:29
Reefermattnessback when people still used ICQ14:29
NeoMatrixJRphh, oh good, 'cause I kept having a problem with my phone falling asleep w/ the keyboard out and it wouldn't wake up14:29
phhstinebd: ah ok14:29
stinebdright now it polls. i hear that wastes battery14:29
phhNeoMatrixJR: I said ***for diamond***14:29
* NeoMatrixJR feels like someone kicked my puppy...and I don't have one.14:30
stinebdif you get one, let me know. i'll kick it for you.14:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, Isn't XDAndroid supposed to tell us when kernel is uppdated?14:30
stinebdit checks every 5 minutes or so14:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh ok :p14:31
bhephh ok14:31
NeoMatrixJRReefermattness: ah ICQ.  I think I still have an ICQ number floating around out there somewhere.  I tried to recover it once, but I don't have my old email account to authenticate and reset the password.14:31
stinebd(the rootfs update notifications are instant)14:31
xdandroidNew kernel available (20100715_202510) at
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, why so?14:32
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i have access to the server that builds rootfs and initramfs. but not the kernel.14:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOoh :p14:32
bhewow : diamoand up 78 hours (windows mobile) without sim card and still 58% battery (no usage)14:33
stinebdso i just have the rootfs/initramfs generator scripts send version and urls to a fifo on the machine14:33
stinebdand the bot listens on that fifo and talks here when there's something new14:33
stinebdan ingenious solution14:33
stinebdalso donation announcements are immediate14:34
NeoMatrixJRAwww... got all excited seeing xdandroid bot show up, but it only delivered phh's patch.14:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI need to get a visa so I can donate.14:34
phhNeoMatrixJR: my patch ?14:34
stinebdwe need to update the donation link in the forums14:35
NeoMatrixJRphh: ok, you signed off on it14:35
stinebdso people can send us vulgar messages on irc14:35
phhok that one14:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, arent they updated?14:35
phhI need to update mine too. but I don't really intent to post on xda again for a while anyway14:36
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: no, our donation url is
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThen babijoee should fix it.14:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd I know you are here babijoee !14:37
stinebdbabijoee is on a walkabout14:37
ReefermattnessNeoMatrixJR strange thing is I actually still remember my ICQ# by memory, but that was back in like 95-99 and my account is long gone by now.  lol14:37
stinebdcircling the continent on foot14:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOoh lol :p14:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI doubt it actually.14:37
stinebdit's australia so it'll take him about 4 hours14:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, babijoee isn't a fighter jet.14:38
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: thanks for the patch14:39
phhI think my to-be-commited patch list is finished mmmmm14:40
phhwell I've still many cleanups to do, but that's another story.14:40
stinebdphh: since you asked, no i didn't lose time on the kernel config for a2sd. i lost time on the rootfs part14:40
phhstinebd: ok right14:40
stinebdthe kernel part was easy14:40
stinebdwell so was the rootfs part14:41
stinebdanyway, i lost time on wifi for rhodium, build.prop wasn't being modified correctly14:41
NeoMatrixJRso when my patch gets in it'll be a wifi and 2.2/batt christmas!14:43
stinebdit's already in14:43
NeoMatrixJRdid I miss the bot?14:44
phhno, the bot missed the change :p14:44
stinebd[14:32:04] <xdandroid> New kernel available (20100715_202510) at
phhstinebd: that's not that one :p14:44
phhthis one is only for diamond change14:44
phhnot battery14:44
NeoMatrixJRyeah...battery not out yet14:45
stinebdbut it was pushed
bhebooting on diamond with new kernel now, creating data store14:46
xdandroidNew kernel available (20100715_204140) at
stinebdphh: fix audio on rhodium14:47
stinebdthere it is14:47
phhstinebd: ah I forgot to push that patch again.14:47
stinebdand bluetooth14:47
phhand camera14:48
bhejust booting and already a new kernel14:48
stinebdno, camera can stay broken14:48
* stinebd wonders what in god's name happened to #htc-linux14:52
stinebdpoor dcordes14:52
phhand he complained about xdandroid discussions :D14:53
babijoeeok i'm here14:53
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babijoeei'll updated donation links14:53
stinebdgot a 16.6fps in neocore btw14:53
stinebddon't know if that's good or bad14:53
stinebdor neutral14:54
babijoeestinebd: i dont know if you're trying to insult me or my country :p14:54
phhbut nvm14:54
stinebdbad compared to liquid, yes14:54
phhcompared to previously14:54
phhwe got 20FPS ~14:54
phhstinebd: btw, concerning camera, I don't even have it working on liquid either :p14:54
phh(same problem, I didn't really try :D)=14:54
phhstinebd: no14:55
stinebdoh well, 4fps never hurt anybody14:55
phhI guess.14:55
stinebdif i was worried about 3d android games, i wouldn't be using one of these phones14:56
stinebdactually i'm not, i have a nexus one14:56
phhthat's also why I bought my liquid.14:56
stinebdnow with sound off14:56
stinebdcmon 60fps14:57
phhah right. 20 could be without sound.14:57
phhcool then14:57
stinebdall i care about is the UI seems smoother14:58
phhand it actually is ?14:58
stinebdwell, i made animations shorter and disabled blur in some places14:58
stinebdso it seems smoother14:58
bhephh : booted with new kernel but screen stays black.14:58
stinebdtechnically is smoother, i guess14:59
phhbhe: okay.14:59
stinebdi have to shorten launcher2 animations a bit too14:59
stinebdbut since babijoee rips it out of his builds anyway, nobody will notice14:59
bheno real errors in adb log : I/power   ( 1267): *** set_screen_state 114:59
bheD/Sensors ( 1267): sensors activate returing 114:59
bheI/power   ( 1267): *** set_screen_state 014:59
bheD/Sensors ( 1267): sensors activate returing14:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm, ADW Launcher is smoother then LauncherPro for me..15:00
babijoeestinebd: launcherpro > launcher2 :p15:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I don't like ADW Launcher.15:00
stinebdmy favorite part of our new froyo system is the TI wifi change15:00
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Reefermattnesspatch works Rhod30015:01
phhstinebd: hu ? what ?15:01
stinebdphh: i pulled tiwlan.ini from the aosp tree and plopped it into rootfs15:01
stinebdruns much cooler now15:01
phhand there were many changes ?15:01
stinebdwe had no power management in ours15:01
phhwhat ?15:01
phhI was pretty sure I added it oO15:01
phhbefore we even had a git for it15:02
phhcould have been lost somewhere in the mess.15:02
bzocool, someone else figured out the rhod froyo problem15:02
bzoI don't have to look at it15:02
bzo(I just got a rhod)15:03
phhbzo: and it starts ?15:03
phhor it's still bricked ?15:03
Reefermattnessfix sound for us bzo  :P15:03
bzoand I'm happy to say it didn't end up being a brick15:03
stinebdsee PowerSaveLevel, defaultPowerLevel etc etc15:03
bzoof course, it's not a phone either. I think it has a bad esn, so it's just a toy/pda at this point15:03
phhstinebd: yup, I'm pretty sure I setted powerMode to 0 at some point.15:03
stinebdsomeone nuked it at some point15:04
phhbzo: rhodium is a really good MID with rhobuntu :p15:04
stinebdmaybe because it was unstable back then?15:04
phhstinebd: not that I'm aware of15:04
stinebdwell it runs great now anyway :)15:04
bzophh: I was wrong earlier. It feels like a big upgrade over the diamond15:04
bzo(still don't care about the keyboard though) :p15:05
phhbzo: hugue one. it feels like a 500g upgrade.15:05
phhmore seriously, the rhodium looks really more "professionnal" than diamond, and the increase in screen size is useful15:05
bzoweird thing is that it is not physically that much bigger than a cdma diamond, but it is really heavy and dense15:06
phhbut it's almost too big, sometimes my hand hurt just to take down the notification panel :/15:06
bzobut yeah, I'm really liking the screen15:06
phhtouchscreen is way better too15:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, you around?15:06
bzoyeah ts is good, also surprising how much faster turbo mode makes wince run15:07
bzoanyways, back to topic15:10
bzoI managed to get a froyo system that actually tries to use the camera15:11
phhget sound working ? :p15:11
bzonow to the hard part of actually debugging the camera driver15:11
phhhave fun15:11
phhfeel free to ask15:11
stinebdbzo: i'd very much appreciate updates/commentary as you work, if it's not too much trouble15:11
stinebdpreferably in the form of profanity15:12
bzostinebd: sure, but that will cost you one free pass from pitchforking15:12
bzophew, now I can sleep soundly15:12
stinebdever figure that out, btw?15:12
bzono, I think I need to completely wipe my local files and start over15:13
bzoseems like something is screwed15:13
bzobecause I seem to be having problems with other things not updating15:13
stinebdcrazy android15:13
bzoI have some gremlins in addition to the frankensteins15:13
phhstinebd: I prefer my "stupid android"15:14
stinebdyou know how to party15:14
phhE/QualcommCameraHardware(   69): FATAL ERROR: could not dlopen Cannot load library: link_image[1995]: failed to link liboemcamera.so15:15
phhE/QualcommCameraHardware(   69): createInstance: startCamera failed!15:15
phhyou'll NEVER guess where I get that15:15
stinebdin android15:15
* stinebd wins15:15
phhlogcat is running on my desktop.15:15
phhanyway, that's from my liquid.15:16
bzophh: eh, maybe the leo guys will fix those problems :)15:18
bzothey are an unstoppable force now in htc-linux15:18
phhanyway I thought this "liboemcamera" was open source15:18
phhbut no.15:18
phhstupid jpeg decoder code15:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Oh look!
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: that's kind of old no ?15:19
bzostinebd: I suppose I should get my froyo camera changes submitted sooner than later15:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOJust released for N1 :p15:19
phh"No Bluetooth"15:19
bzofor preparation for if the camera ever gets fixed15:19
stinebdbzo: no rush15:19
bzoit'll be a slight pain. I think we'll need to fork more repositories15:20
stinebdthat's why there's no rush ;)15:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, I want to see you port the ForYo Desire ROM to Nexus One with working FM radio and Flashlight in 4 days.15:20
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: once it works for desire, getting it to nexus one is easy ...15:20
stinebdi'd rather see him work with xdandroid15:20
stinebdporting android systems to android devices is boring15:21
phhstinebd: not with liquid -_-'15:21
bzoI have agents working as we speak to infiltrate phh's home and hide his liquid15:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, It's actually not so easy, afaik.15:21
phhbzo: :p15:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut way easier then XDAndroid lol15:21
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: yeah you have to integrate FM changes from desire tree to nexus one15:22
phhshould take one hour15:22
stinebdwould it really take that long?15:22
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phhstinebd: well there is no git history for desire15:22
Xecuter2new modules and zimage... delete data.img or not necessary?15:22
phhso you have to find by yourself15:22
phhso yes15:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThere is nothing on the Desire lol15:22
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stinebdthey just throw a tarball out there and that's it?15:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONot even the Kernel is let loose.15:23
phhstinebd: well, I know these things by heart, it would take even less for me15:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONow I gotta try and get Jonasl to help me get HTC_IME working on XDAndroid.15:23
stinebdhtc ime? why?15:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBecause I like it.15:23
phh "HTC Desire Kernel Source Code"15:23
phhthat's a fake I guess.15:23
phhand once the kernel has the same behaviour on desire and nexus15:23
phhwell.... userland just can't see the difference15:23
Xecuter2can anyone answer that right quick?15:24
phhXecuter2: no need to delete data.img for a kernel15:24
TheDeadCPU| is where it should be, but I didn't know it was released.15:24
Xecuter2thank you phh15:24
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso, stinebd a lot of people actually want HTC_IME..15:24
stinebdXecuter2: the rule of thumb is: if stuff doesn't work after rebooting, delete data.img. if it still doesn't work, blame stinebd15:24
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: it has been there for a long while now15:24
Xecuter2alright :)15:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThen why did PaulOBrien say it isn't released? o_O15:25
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: actually acer's IME is way better than htc_ime imo.15:25
stinebdhtc ime is no good15:25
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: perhaps he was mentioning desire for froyo kernel15:25
Xecuter2i updates the rootfs earlier without issue and just saw the kernel when i got home now15:25
stinebdi'd rather use stock keyboard honestly15:25
phhbut I don't think there is any real update in there :p15:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, why don't you like HTC_IME? :p15:25
stinebdit doesn't really do anything special15:26
stinebdwhy bother with it?15:26
phhwell, at some point I wanted htc_ime because it has quick access to digits15:26
phhbut now original ime has too.15:26
stinebdandroid keyboard is just as good, and includes voice input with google apps installed15:26
bheHTC_IME T9 is an easy input for diamond, full keyboard has small letters15:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love that I can go around not being accurat at all.15:26
paalsteeki'm still getting a kernel panic at boot time15:26
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: android IME handles fuzzy input too ...15:27
phhxt9 is not a htc only thing15:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, it doesn't for Norwegian lol15:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHTC_IME is WAY better on Norwegian lol15:27
phhwell, android's ime is open, you can patch it.15:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I like the swipe up feature on the FroYo ime.15:28
NeoMatrixJRwasn't someone working on getting APN's fixed so they'd be in automatically again?15:28
Xecuter2seems to be more memory free on boot now15:28
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: done already, we need a new system image15:28
stinebdi have a list of about 940 APNs in there now15:28
stinebdif yours isn't in there, it's time to move back to earth15:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd there is a Thread over @ Android Raphael forum for reporting missing APNs15:29
stinebdsee for a special sneak preview15:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSneak peeks.15:30
stinebdcareful, that beta ends july 16th15:30
Xecuter2whats the big deal about apn's?15:30
NeoMatrixJRWoah!  it's like christmas! someone fixed the screen auto-rotate too! dude...I've been missing out while this battery issue's been going on!15:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWill my phone go "BOOOOOOOOM!!!!" stinebd ?15:30
stinebdXecuter2: it's a pain in the ass to add them manually15:30
Xecuter2is it so hard to make android/internet?15:30
Xecuter2or does other carriers not work like that?15:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOooo! Jarhead is on :p15:30
NeoMatrixJRstinebd: anything else new/fun in the new system?15:31
stinebdgsm users have to have their carrier's actual information15:31
Xecuter2well that sucks slightly and all I have to say to that is, ver VERY nice work stinebd15:31
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: i can't really remember15:31
stinebdbetter google apps15:32
stinebdand some UI speed tweaks15:32
JesusFreak316I've been lurking here today for a while and haven't seen this mentioned. What's the current state of flash 10.1 in froyo? I'm waiting for a build with that to really move over to froyo.15:32
ReefermattnessIts really fast Neo15:32
stinebdand should have working wifi with rhodium and latest rootfs15:32
NeoMatrixJRReefermattness: the new system?15:32
Reefermattnessvery smooth, all the transitions look great15:33
NeoMatrixJRstinebd: wifi dependent on new system and rootfs...15:33
NeoMatrixJRok, I'm convinced...I download now15:33
stinebdbeware, it's a stock system. no launcherpro or any other additions babijoee makes15:33
stinebdstraight up aosp+google15:33
Xecuter2would there be any reason for me to run that on my touch pro?15:34
Iosif[Blac]it is a full build ?15:34
stinebdsystem image only15:34
NeoMatrixJR'sall good although we need to wake babijoee up to make us a new system....15:34
Iosif[Blac]or me on my Blackstone  ?15:34
Xecuter2the only thing i feel im missing now is slight stability issues, battery life, and i would like the camera LED to work :x15:34
stinebdcamera led works!15:34
* NeoMatrixJR dumps bucket of cold water on babijoee... WAKE UP!!!15:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI feel sorry for Iosif[Blac] and his retarded Brick.15:35
phhXecuter2: echo 1 > /dbgfs/htc_hw/flash15:35
Xecuter2what app should I use?15:35
phhit has been pushed decades ago ! :p15:35
Iosif[Blac]Tasty_boy_XDA has the same problems15:35
Xecuter2o.0 what app can i use that will control it on this phone?15:35
phhXecuter2: I just said it.15:35
Xecuter2ive tried all the led apps and none of them would work15:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLOL! My puppy is forcing my grown up dog to stay outside.15:35
Xecuter2how do i bring the terminal up15:36
Xecuter2< noob15:36
JesusFreak316download one from the market.15:36
NeoMatrixJRXecuter2: go download connectbot15:36
Tasty_boy_XDA[Iosif[Blac]]: which problem dude?15:36
Xecuter2hmm, if i could make a widget control that i would be so happy..15:36
JesusFreak316I personally used android terminal emulator, I think.15:36
NeoMatrixJRXecuter2 set dropdown to local and type in a name (doesn't matter what)15:36
NeoMatrixJRnow I just wish I had a good way to send Ctrl+<key> commands for when I use SSH15:37
Iosif[Blac]Tasty_boy_XDA I was talking generally15:37
Tasty_boy_XDA[Iosif[Blac]]: lol, ok...15:37
paalsteekstinebd: might it be that my kernel panic is caused by the commit to fix newer topaz?15:40
stinebdpaalsteek: that's not my territory15:41
Xecuter2"download unsuccessful" on connectbot15:41
paalsteekstinebd: you know whom to ask15:42
NeoMatrixJRXecuter2: it happens.  May have lost connection, try again15:42
JesusFreak316Am I the only one who uses the terminal on my phone and not ssh or adb?15:42
phhJesusFreak316: I use connectbot as a terminal15:43
NeoMatrixJRJesusFreak316: ditto15:43
Xecuter2its all apps :/15:43
JesusFreak316phh: It can be used either from phone or pc? Nice.15:43
Xecuter2ill reboot and try..15:43
Xecuter2guess i might have to delete data.img15:44
phhJesusFreak316: no, phone15:44
NeoMatrixJRXecuter2: if you continue to have trouble I have a copy of the apk you could place in your apps folder on SD15:44
JesusFreak316Oh. I misunderstood the project page. Interesting. I'll look into that.15:45
JesusFreak316Or he could just download this:
NeoMatrixJRnow we just need to get it to realize the difference between a cdma phone and GSM (instead of Psudo-GSM for CDMA) so apps like towers will work and it'll show EV and 1x instead of 3G and E15:46
NeoMatrixJRthat works too15:46
Xecuter2im slowly gaining a collection of apps i store on my web server here15:46
Xecuter2its handy15:46
babijoeeNeoMatrixJR: awake :p15:46
Xecuter2thank you15:46
Xecuter2something for cdma that would be sick would be to have it show rev A or 015:47
Xecuter2but that wont happen15:47
Iosif[Blac]so in plain english for me the linux noob: it will be released a new build tomorrow or the next days ?15:48
JesusFreak316So, do you guys have flash 10.1 working?15:48
NeoMatrixJRstinebd: auto-rotate not working with new system.15:48
phhIosif[Blac]: somewhere between now and the end of the universe15:49
NeoMatrixJRnot big deal, but was working before....15:49
phh(which has already hapened actually)15:49
Iosif[Blac]lol, that was logical :D15:49
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: nothing changed in that.15:49
stinebdand it still works for me on raph and rhod15:50
NeoMatrixJRrunning rhod15:50
NeoMatrixJRmaybe was working in launcher pro, but not standard launcher?15:50
stinebdstandard launcher doesn't rotate15:50
stinebdunless you open the keyboard15:50
NeoMatrixJRawww... just saw amazon MP3 app.. now sad I have no audio... Well I know where I'm starting!15:51
bheautorate is working for me with stinebd new system.ext2 just not for the homescreen thats because it is launcher2 not launcherpro15:51
NeoMatrixJRok, ok I'll get launcher pro. (if I can get enough cell signal in my office to download anything)15:51
stinebdwifi might work15:52
NeoMatrixJRoffice wifi is stupidly over-secured.  No way work on android15:52
NeoMatrixJRuses security token and 802.1x auth15:52
Tasty_boy_XDAsomeone with a stable build with WI-FI without hangs and black screens of death?????15:54
stinebdnot for blackstone15:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTasty_boy_XDA, you should donate your blac to phh :D15:55
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: god, I don't want a blac15:55
phhthat's the worst device.15:55
NeoMatrixJRmy phone is perched precariously on my cubicle wall so it gets signal. I'm praying it doesn't fall15:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWith Android it wouldn't be so bad.15:55
phhoh well, it has 3.5mm15:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo you'll need to fix andorid on it.15:56
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: I'm speaking hardware wise15:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol :p15:56
Tasty_boy_XDA[stinebd]: for which device?15:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, Isn't it way better then Diamond? o_O15:56
stinebdTasty_boy_XDA: none. xdandroid is crashy on all devices15:56
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: depend on the use I guess.15:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIs it that shit?15:57
Tasty_boy_XDA[stinebd]: many ppl says that can use xdandroid in their phones and are using as main phone15:57
Tasty_boy_XDAin mine is shit15:57
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: well, just the soft touchscreen keys make me hate it :p15:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI've never had one in my hands lol15:58
phhand no arrow (ok diamond's one aren't really usable.)15:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh well, I'm fine with a Raph and a Desire.15:58
stinebdSyncing work tree: 100% (161/161), done.  device/xdandroid/: discarding 5 commits15:59
stinebdcrap, wonder what was in there.15:59
bzoProbably not your commits16:00
stinebddefinitely were16:00
stinebdthey're all my commits16:00
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bzoreally, I always get that message. I assumed it was changes upstream it was ignoring16:00
stinebdi already figured out what two of them were16:01
stinebdno idea on the other 3 yet16:01
stinebddevice/xdandroid never changes upstream, because i am the upstream16:01
stinebdi assume it ditched them because i did work on a repository that had no branch checked out16:02
stinebdlesson learned16:02
bzowe are linked to non xdandroid repos also though, no?16:02
phhnot for device/xdandroid :p16:03
bzoah, right16:03
thedicemasterphh: diamond D-pad is slightly better under android.16:03
stinebdthat dpad is horrible in winmo16:03
stinebdtotally unusable for me16:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVORaphael ftw!16:03
stinebdthey're the same16:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe raph has arrows on the HW Keyboard.16:04
thedicemasterabout half a millimeter space for detection of the left/right button. atleast it's about 1 and a half in android.16:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhich is epic++16:04
JesusFreak316I wish I could say it's better; somehow right doesn't work on mine. Up, down, and left work great.16:04
stinebdeven going up and down in winmo sometimes gets recognized as home or end call for me16:05
JesusFreak316Meant to say it's a hardware problem, doesn't work in Winmo either.16:05
thedicemasteronly thing that annoys me right now on android with the diamond d-pad is the capacitive scroll.16:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol, that actually happens when I think about it.16:05
thedicemasterway too easy to scroll by accident (you guys don't happen to have a startup.txt entry to disable it?)16:06
NeoMatrixJRanyone know if there's any information on the TP2 zoom bar?16:09
NeoMatrixJRit would be interesting to use this in maps and on the browser16:09
Xecuter2i logged in with root and put in echo 1 > /dbgfs/htc_hw/flash which returned an error16:10
Xecuter2thats wrong im sure? lol16:10
stinebdyes it is wrong16:10
Xecuter2what am i supposed to do?16:10
NeoMatrixJRWow...this new system is fast, with new working kernel and everything on TP2.  don't want to get it all set up though since I know babijoee will have a fully built-out system coming sooner or later.16:10
stinebdphh with his dbgfs again16:10
phhah right16:11
phhXecuter2: echo 1 > /sys/class/htc_hw/flash16:11
Xecuter2damn gmail push is so fast16:12
stinebdk9 imap idle beats it16:12
Xecuter2im having battery issues now.. unless its just bugging out16:13
Xecuter2it was red so i plug it in, it went to "charged" within 5 minutes16:13
Xecuter2unplugged it.. now its yellow again16:13
Xecuter2echo 1 > /sys/class/htc_hw/flash didnt error at all but it didnt do anything either16:14
thedicemasterhm, random freeze on boot with everything latest.16:15
thedicemastertrying to boot again, and it moves well beyond the spot it froze on in less than a second.16:15
Xecuter2aww NOOOO16:15
Xecuter2battery is screwed in witht his kernel16:16
Xecuter2it reads fully charged right after i plugged it in16:16
Xecuter2maybe its still charging though? I hope..16:16
thedicemasterfrom my experience it seems to kill charge once it's full.16:16
Xecuter2fml then?16:16
Xecuter2why would it be doing this16:17
thedicemasteri do remember having no charge let when it's full(deep sleep instead) and i think i've also had android dying from low battery while on charger.16:17
thedicemaster*no charge led16:17
thedicemasterhm, hope that won't be giving problems with the new battery i'm getting.16:19
Xecuter2guess ill be going to the 2nd latest kernel again possibly16:19
Xecuter2not sure what to do.. this sucks16:19
Xecuter2ill reboot and see if it still does it16:20
Xecuter2my phones really dead now too so I know its really broken16:20
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jjj95695has anyone attempted to run Xandriod on a HTC Pure?16:21
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jjj95695mine has been at creating new data storefor the last 20 minutes16:23
thedicemasterdid you have more than 256MB free space on your sd?16:24
babijoeejjj95695: should only take 2mins16:24
jjj95695I should have 800 Mb free16:24
jjj95695I just noticed the charge light is stuck on16:25
jjj95695I have attempted twice now and froze there each time16:26
NeoMatrixJRXecuter2 and other devs: if you're wondering what was done to the battery code check:
jjj95695should I make sure the phone is not synced with my computer (aka unplug USB cord)16:28
jjj95695It seems to create a data file 24.3Mb in size16:29
thedicemastershould be 256MB16:30
Xecuter2is there any benefit of using new modules with an older kernel? or is that a bad idea?16:31
thedicemasterbad idea16:31
thedicemasterif i recall, some filenames and such are hardcoded.16:31
thedicemasterso using a zimage and set of modules that aren't packaged together won't work.16:32
Xecuter2ah, alright, thanks16:32
jjj95695would using a different startup.txt make a difference oris this just not going to work16:33
thedicemasterjjj95695: perhaps, which one did you use?16:33
jjj95695used that because all the roms I saw for the HTC pure were for the Diamond 216:35
bhexandroid works fine on my diamond2/topaz16:38
thedicemasterhm, should be the correct one.16:38
jjj95695not sure why I am having trouble creating the data store16:39
jjj95695should be the part that doesn't fail16:39
bhealthough, sound on external speaker isn't working :-) but that is a known problem16:41
babijoeestinebd: wow your system is fast16:41
babijoeeinstalled launcherpro and have never seen it this smooth16:42
Tasty_boy_XDAwhats the difference between system.sqsh and system.ext2?????16:46
ReefermattnessThats what I thought too joee  :)16:46
thedicemasterthe filesystem is the difference.16:47
babijoeewill release new system soon16:47
thedicemaster.sqsh uses an old read-only filesystem, while .ext2 is a little more recent(or atleast still in active use in that form) and is read/write.16:47
Tasty_boy_XDAthanks dice16:48
thedicemastereww, seem to have a little bug on newest rootfs, zimage, and stinedb's system(don't know which one is at fault)16:49
thedicemasterfrom standby the screen can't turn on anymore.16:49
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thedicemasterwhen i wake my phone up, backlight goes on and touch responds but screen stays black.16:50
bheit is the latest kernel's problem16:50
Xecuter2latest kernel works fine in taht aspect for me16:50
Xecuter2seems to wake up much faster as well16:50
Xecuter2so far anyway...16:50
Xecuter2battery is iffy, i left it plugged in when it said charged and it seems to have charged more?16:51
bhehad the same problem as thedicemaster after phh asked to test it on diamond16:51
Xecuter2when i unplug now it doesnt drop right off16:51
phhbhe: thedicemaster ok. time to revert.16:51
bheafter that new kernel I used an older kernel and the screen woke up fine16:52
jjj95695ok no matter what I try it freezes creating the data store16:52
Xecuter2install on the 2nd latest kernel then swap to the newest after?16:53
thedicemasterso which one should work fine?16:53
bheI used : htc-msm-linux-20100711_134525-package16:54
Xecuter2thats old isnt it?16:54
bheXecuter2 : the installation went fine, I could see it with adb, it's only the screen not waking up, so installing with another kernel and swapping then won't help16:55
phhrevert pushed.16:55
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Tasty_boy_XDAtrying latest files16:58
Tasty_boy_XDAand surprised16:59
Tasty_boy_XDAreally fast16:59
Tasty_boy_XDAbut DRAINS battery16:59
thedicemasterdidn't notice much speed improvement, but that might be because most of the time i spent on the 2nd boot was in the gallery app while it was loading all my images.17:00
Xecuter2much faster here17:00
Xecuter2batt reads qucker now but it might be ok since i could care less what it reads as long as it functions17:00
bhehmm just tried that latest kernel on my diamond2 and it rebooted almost directly :17:00
bheI/DEBUG   ( 1226): debuggerd: Jul 12 2010 18:47:1217:00
bheI/Vold    ( 1224): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up17:00
bheD/Vold    ( 1224): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)17:00
bheE/NetlinkEvent( 1224): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'NPARTS' not found17:00
bheW/DirectVolume( 1224): Kernel block uevent missing 'NPARTS'17:00
bheD/DirectVolume( 1224): Dv::diskIns - waiting for 1 partitions (mask 0x2)17:00
bheD/Vold    ( 1224): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)17:01
bheE/NetlinkEvent( 1224): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'PARTN' not found17:01
bheW/DirectVolume( 1224): Kernel block uevent missing 'PARTN'17:01
bheD/DirectVolume( 1224): Dv:partAdd: part_num = 1, minor = 117:01
bheD/DirectVolume( 1224): Dv:partAdd: Got all partitions - ready to rock!17:01
bheD/Vold    ( 1224): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)17:01
bheI/Netd    ( 1225): Netd 1.0 starting17:01
bhethen rebooted17:01
jjj95695any suggestions for overcoming the data store creation issue I am having?17:01
Xecuter2<Xecuter2> install on the 2nd latest kernel then swap to the newest after?17:01
Xecuter2install on a kernel that works fine for you then reboot, swap to the latest, boot17:02
Xecuter2i didnt fresh install on this kernel so..17:02
phh(I reverted diamond panel thing btw)17:03
GlemSomI gotta get some low-power systems soon... It's getting WAY to hot here... at least two computers running close to 24/7. and outside it's waaay to hot... here it's about 25c indoors  (Yeah, I'm a Dane... I'm not used to so much heat!)17:06
jjj95695im downloading XDandriod.21.6.10 atm17:06
Xecuter2new kernel out..
Xecuter2Kernel update: Revert "Potentially improve Diamond's panel (Could be applied to other/all boards ?)"17:07
xdandroidNew kernel available (20100715_225807) at
phhXecuter2: I just said it.17:07
Xecuter2< blind17:07
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Tasty_boy_XDAlatest files17:15
Tasty_boy_XDAblack screen of death17:15
Tasty_boy_XDAagain and again17:15
Tasty_boy_XDAi give up :/17:16
Xecuter2im booting latest right now..17:16
Tasty_boy_XDAits fastest ever and beauty too17:17
Tasty_boy_XDAbut always having black screen of death17:17
jjj95695ok it got past that now I have something abut but it disapeared and now im at setup17:18
jjj95695ok I have no service so I can't run the setup17:21
bhejust skip it and hit the power button (mapped to androids home)17:22
Xecuter2deep sleep works with gps enabled now17:23
Xecuter2probably old too and i never knew17:23
Tasty_boy_XDAdeep sleep is horrible17:23
Tasty_boy_XDAdeep sleep is the worst17:24
Xecuter2guess im just lucky..17:24
Xecuter2the worst ive had with that is sometimes the screen stays "black" though i can see that it is physically on, so i hit the sleep butting and the home button a few times and it will wake up eventually17:25
Xecuter2i need sleep, cant type lmao17:25
jjj95695ok how do I close xdandroid?17:25
Xecuter2reset hole17:25
Xecuter2or hold the call end button and pick shut down17:25
Xecuter2doesnt really work right though, yet17:26
bheor hold down the hang up button and choose poweroff, it will reboot17:26
bhefor me poweroff does a reboot ...17:26
jjj95695ok now i will upgrade to 2.2 and hope I get cell service17:26
jjj95695diamond 2 is verizon isn't it17:27
jjj95695line in startup.txt force_cdma=117:28
jjj95695should I remove that17:28
Xecuter2yea bhe it reboots but is it even any better than hard reset?17:29
Xecuter2verizon is cdma17:30
Xecuter2every us carrier is cdma minus att garbage or cingular17:30
NeoMatrixJRcingular = AT&T. Also t-Mobile is GSM17:30
jjj95695att and t-mobile17:31
jjj95695and im on att17:31
thedicemastereww :( music-mod can't be manually installed.17:31
bheXecuter2 : no i don't think so but for the reset button i have to get the cover off :-)17:33
Xecuter2ohh, that makes sense then, its on the bottom for me17:34
jjj95695pure has the reset button in the stylus caddy17:34
Xecuter2oops, i meant to say t-mobile :/^17:34
Xecuter2i think its absolutely hilarious that tmobile and att use different 3g bands so you cant use an iphone on tmobile and have 3g data17:35
Xecuter2though edge and voice work fine and are the same bands17:36
jjj95695hmm wouldn't that just require some programming tho17:36
thedicemasteryay 4 root17:36
jjj95695not like I like the iphone17:36
thedicemasterreplacing music.apk with the music-mod apk in the system/app folder worked.17:36
NeoMatrixJRwhat is status of hw3d on rhod?17:40
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sergio__Hello everyone17:58
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Xecuter2im installing multiple apps as i see them, playing pandora, and texting17:59
hamagcholy crap what happened in here today17:59
Xecuter2older builds couldnt handle that17:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, You there? :p17:59
sergio__can i put 2.2 on my blackstone yet?17:59
thedicemasterbattery seems a bit better now, haven't had any warnings yet.18:00
hamagclol the log for today is like a mile long18:00
Xecuter2is there an android messenger app that actually works? i cant facebook to login on ebuddy..18:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOInorite :P18:00
sergio__sorry guys can i put 2.2 on my blacktone yet?18:01
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou should be able to yes.18:01
sergio__is it in a .cab format yet?18:02
hamagcoh i see. i come back in and everyone shuts up...18:02
sergio__9thanks for answering btw)18:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONo it's not in .cab yet.18:02
hamagc sergio no cab format to my knowledge18:02
sergio__oh right ok, i better wait then lol18:02
hamagci think only raph has that so far, maybe diamond18:02
sergio__ok kl18:02
hamagcpeople still use icq?18:03
hamagci had one of those once upon a time18:03
sergio__do you guys rekon a really good version of android will be on blackstone my september?18:04
hamagcsergio: no18:04
hamagcbut maybe18:04
hamagcdefine a really good version18:04
JesusFreak316Define really good and why september?18:04
hamagcif you want a really good version, get a device that comes with one lol18:04
sergio__cos i have an upgrade then :)18:04
hamagclol save your pennies18:04
sergio__HAHA @ hamagc very true18:04
JesusFreak316hamagc: Have you heard anything about flash 10.1? I haven't seen much posted on the thread about it.18:05
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sergio__does anyone here have a blackstone?18:07
JesusFreak316A couple; I don't, and I don't think many if any of the devs do.18:08
sergio__yer i cant imagine they would18:08
JesusFreak316What's your specific issue?18:08
sergio__im so wick of windows 6.5 its unbelievable18:09
JesusFreak316So, you haven't tried XDANDROID yet? Waiting for a .cab, right?18:09
sergio__well i have 2.118:09
JesusFreak316Oh, ok.18:09
sergio__but froyo is apparently way faster so....18:09
sergio__(as im syre u all know lol!)18:09
MrObviousYeah 2.2 does run nice too.18:10
sergio__yer so cant wait for it to be out on my phone!18:11
thedicemasterlooks like unknownforces' battery fix works great.18:11
sergio__i get download unsuccessful alot when i try and download apps18:12
JesusFreak316Why don't you just try it? Do you not want to risk misconfiguring it or something?18:12
MrObviousAny way that can be cooked into the new build of XDANDROID?18:12
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MrObviousThe battery fix?18:12
thedicemasterjust get the newest zimage18:12
JesusFreak316I get that too, mainly when I download a bunch of apps.18:12
sergio__for me i think its when i havent gt very good signal maybe on G or omething18:13
thedicemaster2nd latest added the fixes, but the 3rd latest introduced a wake-up bug which is fixed in the latest.18:14
JesusFreak316I don't have a data plan; always use wifi.18:14
sergio__oh right18:14
sergio__well WIFI dont work for me18:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObye ppl18:15
JesusFreak316That sucks.18:15
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sergio__yer it sucks18:15
sergio__can i put 2,2 on here even if it isnt in cab format yet? [sorry i know im probs a little behind]18:16
thedicemasterno data plan here either, but i got no reason not to use data anyway.18:16
sergio__u guys in the UK?18:17
JesusFreak316And yes you can.18:17
JesusFreak316Just make sure you remember to pick the right startup.txt from the Startupconfigs folder.18:18
sergio__is it difficult/worth it or is it really buggy atm?18:18
thedicemastermy carrier uses a pre-paid like system, even for contracts. and i had more than €150 left last time i checked.18:18
JesusFreak316It works pretty well. I actually use both. I have the 2.2 build in a folder called 2.2 and my 2.1 build at root.18:18
thedicemaster... oh wow. battery in android was actually right for once.18:19
JesusFreak316To do that you have to add rel_path=2.2 (or whatever you call it) to startup.18:19
thedicemasterrebooted at 70% in android, WM says the same.18:19
sergio__hmmmm sounds like you know waaay more than me!18:20
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JesusFreak316I've been following it for a while.18:20
jjj95695well I went to 2.2 beta 2 and it didn't work but 2.2 beta 1 loads18:20
sergio__yer wish i knew all this stuff18:20
sergio__which version using jesusfreak? u on blackstone?18:21
jjj95695hmm seems to be a tad slow18:22
thedicemasterah crap, battery fix breaks charging.18:25
JesusFreak316I'm using mainly 2.1 at root of my storage card and 2.2 in a folder called android2.2. Sorry, I have a Fuze.18:26
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thedicemasterthe phone will charge for a few seconds, and then report as fully charged.18:26
hamagcflash 10.1 i think is being worked on but not a main focus18:26
JesusFreak316Ok, thanks.18:27
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hamagcwe're more worried about stability and speed at the moment. getting all functions working18:27
thedicemasterand a few seconds after unplugging it jumps back to where it was before plugging in to charge.18:27
sergio__does everything work for you on your Fuze? GPS, wifi etc18:27
hamagcbattery reporting is off. the more thats used the less it sees18:27
hamagcexample, use wifi, you'll see you battery drop way down. turn off wifi and let it sleep for a minute and the battery magically has a charge back18:28
JesusFreak316Yeah, except for camera of course. Haven't got GPS working, but it never works that well because I can't use agps because no data. It works for other people.18:28
thedicemasterthe reporting is somewhat fixed in a zimage update from today/yesterday18:28
thedicemasterbut it broke the battery reporting for when charging.18:28
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hamagcreminds me i need to update those again apparently.18:30
thedicemasterwith the latest zimage an actual charge of 70% is reported as 65-70% in android, but a charge of 70% while charging is reported as 100%18:30
thedicemasterand to prevent battery damage it stops charging at 100%18:31
thedicemasterso you can't charge for more than 4-5 seconds.18:31
hamagcwell thats no good18:31
hamagcapparently someone got true mms working on the vouge for sprint18:32
hamagcusing my original apn settings18:32
stinebdyou could sue them for copyright infringement18:32
stinebdstole your work18:33
thedicemasterwe really need chip-checking for battery, seems to be the only way to get reliable battery status without breaking charging.18:33
NeoMatrixJR_MobiThedicemaster: what phone?18:35
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hamagclol sue them for stealing my apn setting from sprint... i'm just mad if they got it to work using my settings and i can't get it to work lol.18:42
hamagci want my mms...18:42
thedicemasterbut someone else also had charging problems after the fix was added.18:43
hamagclooks like it works on incuvus26jc's supereclair 2.1 build, but it broke again on his rls3 build18:44
NeoMatrixJR_MobiYes. If u look at the link I posted about the battery code it might explain it....18:44
NeoMatrixJR_MobiWhat was batt functionality like before the change?18:45
thedicemasterbattery jumping around, often reporting too low, but charging worked fine.18:46
thedicemasternow battery is perfectly accurate, untill you plug it into the charger.18:46's someone else's code... but I can look at it (if I get time) and try to work out the issue.18:47
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thedicemastermight have been an issue that always existed, even when the battery reporting was jumpy.18:47
NeoMatrixJR_MobiI think it has to do with whatever he did to prevent overcharging the batt.18:48
thedicemasterjust never came up as an issue because the battery reported low even when almost full(so 1 issue canceled out the other)18:49
hamagcthedicemaster: whats your jar fix for again?18:54
hamagcsomething with maps?18:54
thedicemasternot mine.18:54
hamagcwell whosever18:54
thedicemasterjust explained how to apply it without having to get linux.18:54
hamagcwhats it do?18:54
thedicemasterand it's supposedly a file some apps use to access googlemaps gps functions.18:55
thedicemasterand the lack of that file causes them to crash.18:55
hamagcany apps inpeticular (sp?18:55
thedicemasteryou'll have to search a page or 2 back for that.18:56
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thedicemastersensimilla found it.18:57
* MrVanx waves18:58
jjj95695hmm can't get adobe flash yet can you18:58
hamagcnot at this time18:59
jjj95695yeah its not found in the market18:59
hamagci found it. ya it's just for accessory apps18:59
hamagcmaybe babijoee will include in the next system19:00
Unholydint cyanogen say 10.1 was imposible, do to the msm7k lacking a cpu instruction or something, only  snapdragons and above can handle flash 10.119:00
jjj95695maybe besides the snapdragon is much faster19:02
hamagcnot that i know of but i don't really know. i know the devs were looking at flash for a second but i don't remember what happened.19:03
Unholytheres a proper explanatin in cyanogens thread19:04
Unholymines wha ti remeber off the back XD19:04
NeoMatrixJR_MobiBabijoee is working on a system now...or did he sneak it out while I was driving home?19:09
hamagcresearching flash gimmie a sec19:09
NeoMatrixJR_MobiQuestion for TP2 folks will be if flash is possible will it also require HW3D?19:10
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20100715-19fcdd8) at: -- Changes at:
hamagcthank you xdandroid, your my buddy19:13
stinebdpurely cosemetic change19:14
hamagcunholy: post 18 has a video of flash in froyo on the g119:14
hamagcnot sure if it means anything for us but it's possible19:14
hamagcwe are arm6 right?19:15
Unholy10.1 or flash lite?19:15
hamagcdoesn't say19:15
hamagclooks like 10.119:15
hamagcFlash 10.1 is much faster than flash 9 and has been specially compiled for slow processors - I wouldnt advise trying Flash 9 on your mobile!19:15
hamagc0 Back to top of the page up there ^19:15
hamagcstinebd: i like cosmetics on my phone (digital of course)19:16
stinebd<3 cyanogenmod19:16
hamagclol mhmm19:17
stinebdthat forum is what #htc-linux looks like right now19:17
stinebdlots of "zomg black magix!"19:17
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hamagcso stinebd your pre aolchat?19:18
hamagcdamn i thought i was old19:18
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* stinebd 2619:19
paalsteekstinebd: birthday?19:19
stinebdit was last month19:19
hamagchappy bday19:19
hamagc26? i had aol chat in my preteen days and that was a few years before your apparently lol19:20
hamagci miss aol. 2.7 was the greatest thing ever lol19:20
NeoMatrixJR_MobiHamagc: forget that! I had AOL on my Handspring Platinum (palm) w/ modem springboard19:21
NeoMatrixJR_MobiAh the fun of chatting late at night teathered to the phone jack on the wall19:22
hamagclol good old 14.419:22
hamagcwe used to script liitle programs in a code called one click19:23
hamagcfor apple, it was great. i could kick you off aol in 2.2 seconds with some of my codes19:23
hamagchaha you hang up now19:24
NeoMatrixJR_MobiI still have that handspring laying around somewhere...19:25
hamagci had my old mac for years19:25
hamagci was hoping it would be an antique someday.19:25
NeoMatrixJR_MobiPort B&W low-rez android anyone?19:25
hamagcok guys i'm off19:25
hamagcmy day here is done19:25
NeoMatrixJR_MobiMe too sadly. Time 2 host a board meeting19:26
hamagcmore work tomorrow to get this stupid camera to do something other than nothing19:26
hamagcok goodnight guys19:26
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Unholymeh im trying to make a fail attempt at making froyo+sense work on my raph, kernel complains about some directorys in system, not being able to acces them, i have no idea whats causing that19:29
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glazikanybody homa?20:25
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sarpedon1Hey, just loaded Android on my Fuze yesterday and I'm really liking it, much more responsive and easy to use than Windows Mobile.21:45
sarpedon1I was going through updating files to new versions that came out today and I had a quick question, what do I do with the modules tar.gz?  Do I leave it as is, rename it to just modules.tar.gz in the root or do I need to update something to point to it?21:46
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Unholysarpedon1: leave as is just rename the zimage if it has a diferent name23:00
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sarpedon1Thanks Unholy.  I just ended up doing that after I got a nondescript error off WiFi.23:38
sarpedon1Is it possible to get the phone to act as a disk drive for the SD card while Android is booted up or does running the OS off of the SD card prevent that?23:40
Unholyyou can23:40
Unholybut its kind of bugged23:40
Unholyonce you mount the sd card23:40
Unholyandroid will mount it regardless23:40
Unholyplus you can never unmount it XD23:40
Unholyits rather a pain in the ass23:40
sarpedon1Ah, there was an option to unmount but trying that hasn't seemed to do much for me haha23:40
Unholyalso you woudl ahve to put the phone in activsync mode and then boot android23:41
Unholyelse it wont work23:41
Unholyandroid cant inti the usb yet23:41
sarpedon1Ah, OK.  Thanks.23:41
sarpedon1A couple more questions :)  Any guesses on why it hangs on power off?   I saw unmounting the SD card as a possible fix, but that obviously isn't much help haha.23:42
Unholywhat device do you have?23:42
Unholypower off is nto working for us raph users23:43
Unholyjust restart the phone23:43
Unholyit only works on the diamond i belive23:43
sarpedon1Thanks, not a big deal just wondering.23:43
sarpedon1Thanks for the help, going to see how long I can get through the day tomorrow now that I turned off auto-brightness in Windows.23:46
Unholynp heh23:46

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