Thursday, 2010-06-17

*** JesusFreak316 has joined #xdandroid18:41
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sovereigntystinebd: ok, noob question here, but I've already been thinking too much today between work and other stuff...does one really need to delete data.img if only changing the zimage and modules?19:28
stinebdsovereignty: no19:28
sovereigntythat was fast...wow19:28
stinebdsovereignty: deleting data.img is only (possibly) necessary for major updates to the system image19:28
stinebdlike when we went from 2.0.1 to 2.119:28
sovereigntythat's what i was thinking...but i've been deleting it anyways for safety measures19:28
sovereigntythat's good...will cut down on debugging19:29
sovereigntyi hate having to enter my damn google account every time i make a change :P19:29
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sovereigntystinebd: BTW...I love your script!  I modified it to suit me and it works sweetly21:08
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sovereigntystinebd: i hope you didn't think last night that I know nothing about bash type to fast for me and our wires got crossed...lmao...I have used linux on and off for 15 years.  I have actually used Sun Unix for a total of 2 years for an R&D project (can't really say for what) neways...thx for your help with the xdandroid ins-and-outs!21:25
sovereigntywas just thinking out loud21:25
sovereigntyit's too quiet in here21:26
JesusFreak316If it makes you feel any better, I've been lurking for a while. :)21:26
sovereigntyoh...i have the voltage reading for battery withing 0.005 mA right now while in Android21:27
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sovereigntywithing = within21:27
JesusFreak316Of course.21:27
JesusFreak316And great!21:27
sovereigntyhi JesusFreak31621:27
sovereigntyoh crap...I said mA...I meant mV21:27
JesusFreak316You can abbreviate again. :P21:28
sovereigntydamn i'm tired21:28
JesusFreak316So, have you contacted anyone about getting your fix committed?21:28
sovereigntybut at any rate...I've gotten the reading tweaked withing 0.005 mV (and I am verifying this with my Hi Precision Volt-meter that was just calibrated by Fluke 2 months ago)21:29
sovereigntyoh...commit?  no, i'm not done yet21:30
JesusFreak316What do you still want to do?21:30
sovereigntyi've been tweaking the readings for V, I, and Temp so I can apply my curve data to auto-adjust the capacity skew21:31
JesusFreak316Whoa, there's someone named xdandroid in the #xdandroid channel. My mind=blown.21:32
sovereigntyxdandroid: you here?  wtf21:32
sovereigntyjust noticed that21:32
JesusFreak316Whoa whoa whoa, you seem to be forgetting that I don't dev; I just help with installations and stuff. lol21:32 should be a coder...Mind=blown...that's a start21:33
JesusFreak316But I trust that that stuff is important.21:33
JesusFreak316I'll get there eventually.21:33
JesusFreak316I should have used ==. That would have made me extra legit as a coder. :P21:34
sovereigntyI'm not nearly as competent as phh and stinebd and other, but I have fought many battles in code-land21:34
sovereignty"=="?  it depends21:35
JesusFreak316Hey, at least I know my way around a command line. I mainly learned that since last year.21:35
sovereigntyyou would have set the variable "mind" to the value of "blown"21:35
JesusFreak316I really haven't seen too many people use the double equals; I just saw google use it once and people making jokes about it.21:35
sovereigntyif they didn't conflict21:35
sovereigntythat's more of a comparison (if i'm correct...still rusty)21:36
sovereigntyused in conditionals21:37
JesusFreak316Such as something like (Don't know what I'm doing) If channel #xdandroid has user xdandroid=1 then mind = blown?21:37
JesusFreak316Or something along those lines. hehe21:37
sovereigntyMore like... If channel #xdandroid has user xdandroid>1 then mind = blown21:38
JesusFreak316I was close21:38
sovereigntywell still not correct, but you get my point21:38
JesusFreak316I think if it was >1 then the server would have two of the same user and the server would blow, amirite?21:38
sovereigntywell we already have 1121:39
JesusFreak316I figured it would mean the number of users here with username xdandroid is >121:39
sovereigntybut don't know why half of them are in here...?????21:39
sovereigntyi think stinebd was gonna set up logs...errr maybe phh...can't remember21:40
stinebdthat's our bot that will at some point announce new releases and updates21:40
JesusFreak316Lurking and supervising. I'm pretty sure phh is in every server remotely related to htc-linux, lol.21:40
sovereigntywhy lurk when having logs21:40
sovereigntywho's our bot?21:40
JesusFreak316'Cause I'm too lazy to check logs.21:41
JesusFreak316That would explain alot.21:41
sovereigntywow21:41're slow tonight....i was asking about logs stinebd21:41
stinebdit's a supybot -- if you know how to use one of those, feel free to have your way with it in the closet21:41
JesusFreak316stinebd: First of all; you're kind of creepy. Second, I posted a tutorial for setting up hw3d on the main xdandroid thread. Could you look over it and see if I have any glaring errors?21:43
sovereigntystinebd: but...will there be a standard url for logs?21:43
stinebdsovereignty: eventually21:43
stinebdJesusFreak316: we haven't seen the tip of my iceberg of creepiness yet21:43
sovereigntyi know we all have a lot on our plates21:43
JesusFreak316I'm starting to figure that out.21:43
stinebdJesusFreak316: i'm busy at the moment so i can't go trudging through the forums. feel free to email me a link as a reminder21:44
JesusFreak316And when you say "we" you include yourself. Now THAT's scary.21:44
sovereigntyJesusFreak316: hw3d for what device?21:44
sovereigntylol....we = a coalition that will kick your ass21:46
JesusFreak316Actually, sovereigny, you could probably look it over. It's just basically using the command line to cp the files.21:46
sovereigntyoh...haven't gotten there yet21:46
sovereigntygoing there now...(if you'd give me the url)21:47
sovereigntyi'm tired tonight21:47
JesusFreak316Ah. ok at first I thought you meant you hadn't gotten to learning command line yet. I was like WTF?21:47
sovereigntyand u misspelled my name~~21:47
JesusFreak316I know; too lazy to fix it.21:47
sovereignty ????21:47
sovereigntyi'm confused21:47
sovereigntycommand line not learning?21:48
JesusFreak316You said haven't gotten there yet.21:48
JesusFreak316Never mind.21:48
sovereigntywell...relatively to stinebd and phh...i'm a noob21:48
sovereigntybut i have 10 years off and on use21:48
JesusFreak316Not compared to me though. That's what matters.21:48
JesusFreak316I have <1 year.21:48
sovereigntylinux/unix command line?21:49
sovereigntyunix is different also21:49
sovereigntybut pretty damn close to linux21:49
JesusFreak316I like it more than Windows I think.21:49
JesusFreak316All I work with is the basics: cd dir cp rm etc.21:49 is for lazy folks21:49
JesusFreak316Nah, it's more moderately lazy; Mac is for lazy folks. ;)21:50
sovereigntyi have't used mac in foooreeevvvvverrrr21:50
JesusFreak316I still go to school, and it is VERY trendy right now. Lots of people have them.21:51
sovereigntylike in 6th grade for beginner programming BASIC...(i was like 10 at the time I think and already critizing the teacher)21:51
JesusFreak316I'm not trendy.21:51
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[LOGGER] | Starting logging this channel #xdandroid - See logs at - Lines beginning with "[off]" will not be logged - You can stop logging by typing [LOGGER]: off21:52
JesusFreak316Crap; gotta stop spamming now.21:52
sovereigntyoh, wait...get this...the TRS-80 i think it was called!!!21:52
sovereigntyit wasn't Mac21:52
sovereigntywe only had one mac in the class...the teachers...and I was the only one that could touch it cause i wuz hacking already21:53
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JesusFreak316Sounds like a calculator to my youngling ears.21:53
sovereigntylemme check...i might have that model wrong21:53
JesusFreak316It's not a calculator; it just SOUNDS like one.21:53
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[LOGGER] | Starting logging this channel #xdandroid - See logs at - Lines beginning with "[off]" will not be logged - You can stop logging by typing [LOGGER]: off21:54
sovereigntynope....TRS-80...Tandy corp21:54
stinebdok that's no good21:54
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sovereigntyyou turn it on and get a will recognize any BASIC syntax21:55
JesusFreak316Fun stuff.21:55
JesusFreak316Did you check my post?21:56
sovereigntyoh, crap...ADD kicking in21:56
JesusFreak316Again? Argggg lol21:56
sovereigntyJesusFreak316: what device is that for?21:58
JesusFreak316Specifically Fuze.21:58
JesusFreak316I'll add that since you and stinebd both asked.21:58
sovereigntywere you the one talking to stinebd about that in the htc-linux channel?21:58
sovereigntylike a week ago21:59
sovereigntymaybe 4-5 days21:59
JesusFreak316Maybe; don't remember. I always use this name though.21:59
sovereigntywell, it won't help me, but do you have benchmarks to prove?21:59
sovereigntythat'd be helpful21:59
JesusFreak316Well, labyrinth 3d was laggy as crap before but is much smoother now. Also, Tux Rider performs ~500% better.22:00
sovereigntyI'm not familiar with fuze stuff22:00
JesusFreak316Pretty much, all I'm asking is are there any problems with my syntax?22:01
sovereigntylemme see22:01
sovereigntywhat linux system are you using?22:02
JesusFreak316I'm doing it from within Android.22:02
JesusFreak316Because it doesn't require mounting the system.ext2 file or even having any form of linux installed. Everyone in this thread can do it.22:04
JesusFreak316I guess they could use adb, but that's just something to install.22:04
sovereigntyoh...I'd have to check the "cd sdcard" part 'cause i haven't really looked to see what the path of the card is in android...but everything else looks good22:06
JesusFreak316Ok. It is there. I know that at least.22:06
sovereigntyas long as all your paths are correct22:06
JesusFreak316They should be.22:06
JesusFreak316We'll find out when people try it. :)22:07
JesusFreak316And what do you change to cp multiple files in one line again?22:07
sovereigntybut you really should include a benchmark...but sorry to say - I haven't had the time to find a good one for Android22:08
JesusFreak316Uh... What's it called...22:08
JesusFreak316What phone do you have, btw?22:08
sovereigntyi've heard chatter on htc-linux about one, but you'd have to check the logs22:09
sovereigntyI have Rhodium22:09
JesusFreak316I've used it before.22:09
JesusFreak316I believe we have the same cpu and graphics, correct? msm 7201a?22:09
sovereigntyrhodium has 7201a22:09
JesusFreak316Yeah, thought so.22:10
sovereigntyyou have on gsm, right?22:10
JesusFreak316Ah, Neocore.22:11
JesusFreak316That's the graphics benchmark.22:11
sovereigntythere are still (unfortunately) differences on hardware "talk" but a lot the same22:11
sovereigntyJesusFreak316: well, post up some pre and post benchmark results to verify your validity22:12
JesusFreak316Downloading it now.22:12
sovereigntyi'm sure you're good, but just to avoid the incopetent flamers22:13
JesusFreak316Don't want to have to do the pre, but it's in the name of science. Bleh22:13
sovereigntypre is necessary22:13
sovereigntyor else you'd have flamers saying "it only 'looks' faster"22:13
sovereigntynumbers are numbers22:14
JesusFreak316They could verify how slow it is before themselves...22:14
JesusFreak316I'm gonna do it anyways.22:14's a good idea for CYA22:14
JesusFreak316After is 18.7 fps22:15
JesusFreak316Give me a second, I'll move the files.22:15
sovereigntyso, i guess you have to reboot?  are you on you PC now?22:15
JesusFreak316Don't think it would get that score is software, btw.22:15
JesusFreak316Yeah, I'm on pc.22:15
sovereigntyi honestly haven't seen GPU benchmarks on any mobile device22:16
sovereigntyhaven't had the time to look at that22:16
JesusFreak316Check it out. Try it on your Rhodium. Benchmarks are fun.22:17
sovereigntyI probably will when hw3d is coming throught the pipes...Neocore is it?22:17
sovereigntythrought = through22:18
JesusFreak316Go ahead and try it now. See how bad your fps will be. hehe22:18
sovereigntyi would try, but i'm in the middle of rebooting now to try some more tweaks to the kernel22:18
JesusFreak316Fine, meanie.22:18
sovereigntybut, if it's "Neocore", I'll look back at the logs (do we have logs yet stinebd?) and check it out when i get to a good point22:19
sovereigntythanks for pointing it out22:19
JesusFreak316Yeah, it's pretty much the standard opengles 1 benchmark.22:20
sovereigntyk...if you are not the one that was trying hw3d on the #htc-linux channel, then that guy needed something like that22:21
sovereigntyidk if it was working or not22:21
sovereigntyi thought he was trying on the rhodium22:21
sovereigntymaybe i read wrong22:21
sovereigntyi'd have to check the logs22:24
sovereigntyit was several days ago22:24
JesusFreak316Crap, deleted the wrong file; now no opengl apps will open. Doh!22:28
JesusFreak316There's not exactly a recycling bin either when you're using rm.22:29
sovereigntyrm in terminal?  no22:30
JesusFreak316I know; I was just whining.22:30
sovereigntyat least i don't think so on android terminal "emulator"22:30
JesusFreak316It's just a normal command line.22:31
JesusFreak316Nothing especially user friendly.22:31
sovereigntyuse say "normal"...are you familiar with linux/unix?22:32
sovereigntyi'm assuming so22:32
JesusFreak316Somewhat. I just mean it's no different than what I've experienced in Debian/Ubuntu.22:32
sovereigntynow i know which variant you are used to22:33
JesusFreak316Yeah, the user friendly noob version.22:33
sovereigntyi use ubuntu, also22:35
sovereigntyit has full potential22:35
JesusFreak316I thought you said you used sun stuff?22:36
JesusFreak316I know it does, but some linux purists look down on it because of some stupid reasons.22:36
sovereigntyumm...when did i say that?...I mentioned earlier about endian stuff22:36
sovereigntyand i thought that was in the htc-linux channel22:37
sovereigntyohhhhh...i mentioned earlier that i've use unix, also22:37
JesusFreak3169:25:06 pm I have actually used Sun Unix for a total of 2 years for an R&D project (can't really say for what) neways...thx for your help with the xdandroid ins-and-outs!22:38
sovereigntythen it became more "concatenated"22:39
JesusFreak316Told you I was lurking.22:39
sovereigntyhey stinebd22:39
stinebdnot bad, it handles supybot logs just fine22:39
sovereigntystinebd: if you guys need help controlling stuff let me know22:40
sovereigntywe still don't have "chanserve'22:40
stinebdwe don't need it22:41
sovereigntythat means there needs to be particular people logged into here22:41
stinebdno it doesn't22:41
stinebdit acts exactly the same whether it sits in the channel or not22:42
sovereigntyhow are you accomplishing that without haven't to worry about takeover?22:42
sovereigntyoh crap22:42
stinebdobserve as i kick my own bot without ops22:42
sovereigntyOh!  the xdandroid bot?22:42
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o stinebd22:42
*** xdandroid was kicked by stinebd (xdandroid)22:42
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*** stinebd sets mode: -o stinebd22:42 now became an operator22:42
stinebdyes and chanserv wasn't in here22:43
sovereigntyerrr...for an instance22:43
sovereigntyi'm sure you are more genius with this subject...i trust you22:43
stinebdthere's no reason to have chanserv in here, it can do its job from afar22:43
sovereignty...just trying to put 2 & 2 together22:43
stinebdregistered channels don't need to worry about takeovers or anything22:44
stinebdunless i decide to take it over22:44
sovereigntyxdandroid is what compelled me to come out of dormancy and get back into irc and linux22:44
stinebdthen we've got some bigger problems22:44
sovereigntystinebd: ewwwww22:44
sovereigntystinebd: you would be an ass if you did that and i'd come over there to kick it22:45
stinebdanyway all the xdandroid devs have operator access in here22:45
stinebd(i've already taken over this channel)22:45
sovereigntyummm...who do you consider the devs?22:45
sovereigntyyou...phh...????22:45 -S -t "XDAndroid IRC Logs" /home/xdandroid/ircbot/logs/ChannelLogger/freenode/#xdandroid22:45
stinebdthat one22:46
stinebdeveryone in the first table22:46
sovereigntyi know it's small stuff, but I have only a days-worth(if my wife allows) of work before i have full functioning batter meter22:47
stinebdi'm guessing only for rhod and maybe topa22:48
JesusFreak316Finally got that stupid file back. Had to start my Ubuntu VM, download the newest system.ext2, mount the file, copy the file out, then upload it to my phone via ftp.23:04
JesusFreak316Running Neocore without the hw3d drivers. Holy crap software rendering sucks.23:07
JesusFreak316Didn't even finish; hung at the end. Update my post.23:21
stinebdJesusFreak316: yes, the hw3d instructions are proper23:39
JesusFreak316Great, thanks!23:52
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